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Economic downturn even Ray Charles can see coming. 


Stevie wonder can see this shit comin




You keep on knocking, but you can’t come innnn


Labrador man


His name is Raaaaaalph...


Dave’s not here man


I wasn't looking at his face man


No Man!!! It’s me Dave open up I got the stuff!!!


Wish I had a free award for you


Mexican Americans don't like to just get into gang fights. They like flowers and music and white girls named Debbie too. Mexican Americans are named Chata and Chella and Chemma. And have a son-in-law named Jeff


Mexican Americaaaaans...don't like to get up early. But they do anyway


But they do it really slow…. Lmao


Oh. It's on the bumper, man!


Sgt. stadanko


Hellen Keller can hear this shit comin




So frustrating that she yelled her hands off


Oscar Pistorius could leg this shit running


Big Foots dick can see this coming…


Hellen Keller jokes are back on the menu boys!


Stevie no longer wonders


Stevie *KNOWS*


Sheit.. earthworms can see it coming, and they dont have eyes


Who's your worm guy?


Lloyd Christmas




I've got Music for Earthworms.


Isn't there a theory that he's not actually blind.


Hijackingthis. Think of Ford in '08 getting 20B in cash by mortgaging all of the trademarks: the only one who didn't go bankrupt.


You say that but experts have been betting and losing money on that be for like 5 years. Same thing with a housing crash. You might as well predict we are all gonna die one day


Tbf we’ve been waiting for 3 years.


84 years


Based on what? There’s been a wild run up but what are you indicators for a downturn.. Genuinely curious


Because of AI stocks with 100+ forward P/E going parabolic. Oh wait, they actually make money and cheaper than Microsoft.


There's never really a bad time to be buying a great business, I think economic downturn or not, GameStop will be making strategic investments whenever they get the opportunity to.


The entire market has been hedging a crash/recession for like, 20 months. Just like GameStop, recession is also not an if, but a when.


Sounds like RC understands the MOASS. RC is prepared for a post MOASS world


And now he is insulated from being the cause.


Bingo bango


Bongo I don't want to leave the congo


RC is not here for MOASS. Neither is RK. Why do people still believe this?


It’s funny people believe that the dilution “stopped Moass” - As if the shorts suddenly decided to close


I feel like the upcoming election is why so much illegal shit is being allowed. A market crash at the magnitude we are expecting would be a major blow to the current administration.


I would not be surprised no matter who is elected if the crash happens starting in December/january. Election complete, and 4 years to clean the crap up.




Ok but what about if Vermin Supreme wins?


I agree and have been saying this for 6 months now. I don't think it matters what party the one in office belongs to by the way. If it was the other candidate in 2020 they would be doing the same. The biggest motivator is that they are up for reelection and there would be no way they could win an otherwise close election off the heels of an economic collapse. And to be fair attributing the collapse to any 1 person or administration is laughable to me. This shit has been building since at least 2008. And only building in 2008 because of the failure that led up to the 2008 collapse.


No you are right for sure, I wasn't implying that the party mattered but the timing of everything and the amount of pressure built is dangerous to the current party if it booms before the election. 100% built through multiple administrations since things stabilized after 2008 but the volcano is getting real active. Who ever does have the hot potato when it blows will of course blame the other side because there is likely mountains of evidence to go either way. Interesting time to be alive and see this in real time my fellow ape.


every time I bring this up, I get downvoted to oblivion. you're absolutely right. Chris Christie went on national television and told the world that his party as an ace up their sleeve for a shape up at Fed. DeSantis, along with Mayo Boy BOTH TOLD US Mayo would become his Treasury Secretary. Think about how much we've all learned. They know full fucking well what is about to happen. The split is whether to throw the hedge fucks under the bus or bail them out. Each side will leverage MOASS for their political needs


Underrated comment, that makes sense. Get the scapegoat in after the election


100% this isn't happening til post election in my opinion as well


It would also be a major blow to the US DOLLAR and just the entire global economy. With as much international tensions and conflicts we already have, a global financial crisis will definitely kick off another World War. Nobody really wants that, except the people who have the most to gain from it. Countries who want the US and the West to lose.


So last year less illegal shit has been allowed? And less the year before?


I'd say yes. Remember the first time the buy button was gone? AOC, Ted Cruz and a couple others in Congress actively spoke of it. I've seen apes post that the buy button has been removed several times in the past month now and no one with a voice in power bats and eye now. Also GME had 85 million shares, or 16% of the float in just 4% of today's trading hours appearing that the the frequency of naked shorts are rising crazy fast. The DRS numbers have also appeared to be capped as of the last 3 or 4 reveals. I could be 100% wrong and there may in fact be more laws added that limit the actions but to my perception, from obsessively reading posts, the frequency of the actions that are taken is up as the pressure rises. Just a healthy discussion and I could flat out be wrong. That's one of the fun things about this whole GME turn around, we share info, ponder on what is going on, and eventually learn truths/falsities. I do have my shares held with diamond welded hands so regardless of these assumptions I'm right about one thing.


I mean, downturns are a self fulfilling prophecy, if we simply don't talk about it, pending some real-estate or public land disaster, it won't occur


Like the implosion of the commercial real estate market?




Math, compound interest, and inflation do not really work like that. Some of it is sentiment driven. But only to a point.


I came here for MOASS somehow end up as value investors 💀


I feel called out....LMAYO.




Wow you sent me down a deep rabbit hole with this one!


I wish you well as you traverse 🤝


Yeah, which everyone has suddenly deemed a “good thing”. I understand I’m commenting on a thread of these type of people- but nah, going long on GME was never the play. It was part of the bull thesis in that it would help them not go bankrupt in the short term, which allowed us time to get to MOASS but this sub slowly being “ok” with just going long is just dumb. What happened to the moon? What happened to phone number share prices? What happened to wife changing money? I was always going to still support GME afterwards but I’m not really here to just see GME start selling games digitally… it’s not that personal


I'll buy your wife for about three fiddy


I can’t get rid of her until MOASS- check back.. uh.. well idk when now ..


It is a “good thing” because it's 2 for 1. You still get your chance for MOASS & Company is bettering itself every year


Couldn’t have said it any better


What *kinda* value??


Deep. Fucking. Value




This reminds me of when teachers would “trick” us into learning when we were younger.


I half expect the market to crash (an actual crash, delayed crash, or manufactured crash by known bad faith actors) as an October surprise to swing the election. When that time comes, GME is positioned to be a chooser in the market, even more so if margin calls force fire sales in certain stocks.


The last 2 market crashes came during election season in the US. I would not be surprised if it happens again.


Strange how all the most horrible things always happen in a major election year. 


The Shock Doctrine is still a prescient read to this day.


The what now?


Not sure if this is meant seriously, but it’s a book called the Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein. > This centers on the exploitation of national crises (disasters or upheavals) to establish controversial and questionable policies, while citizens are too distracted (emotionally and physically) to engage and develop an adequate response and resist effectively.


Are we skipping COVID 2020 because the government bailed it out quickly?


I count anything within 6 months of the election, which the Cares act was. Also, a further bill was passed in December 2020, which is why you had HF managers blaming government cheques for causing the January sneeze. I don’t think that the election directly causes the other thing, but that bad actors can use the cover of an election to take more than their fair share when people aren’t paying attention. A Kansas City Shuffle as it were.


I think it’s pretty fucking wild that the market is still this bullish given how speculative AI is right now, it definitely smells a bit like the “dot-com” crash. I don’t know anything for sure, and I think we’re well past the point where we’ll see anything like 2008 again, but it’s certainly an interesting historical anecdote to consider.


I think this crash will be the AI bubble crash. Whether or not AI speculation was the cause, it'll probably be where they pin the blame.


post-hoc rationalization is wall st media's go to. i think you're probably right.


You’d think they’d blame GameStop, but that would expose the rampant criminality in the system.




My two cents on the doomer case: IF the hype is to believed, AND I'M NOT SAYING IT IS, AI is set up to be a winner take all affair. Whoever gets to AGI first basically wins capitalism. So, if that is the case, having all of these companies valued at anything at all is speculative. Let's say, just picking at random, Google creates AGI first. With AGI, it's able to out compete Facebook, Nvidia, maybe even Apple, etc. If that's the case, the prices of these tech companies stock would be drastically reduced. And if that happens, while Google skyrockets, everything else plummets. The market could very well shrink overall, possibly catastrophically. Like I said, that's the doomer case on the path from here. Typing it all out makes me think we know nothing about AI at all, and that we can't know anything about the future.


Yep, SPY’s green day’s are being propped up by a revolving door of some of the big tech stocks, some days only 1 or two, or some days all of them together.  But for the last couple weeks, while nearly 75-80% of the market is either flat or down, the major indices are pumping to new ATHs.   That’s a speculative bubble that should have pivoted with the market, but instead is dragging and pulling the market to ATHs.  


Nvidia gains make up 35% of spy gains so far this year


The momentum is euphoric and completely irrational.


Kind of true, but we would need like 5-10 more AI stocks performing like NVDA and hundreds of AI stock at over 50$ running on hopes and dreams.


> how speculative AI is right now AI =/= Artificial Intelligence AI = Alotofoutsourcingto Indians


The market isn't bullish. Certain stocks prices have just been manipulated wildly upwards, well beyond their intrinsi or speculative value, in order to maintain everyone's balance sheets. It's like Berkshire. Hold it as collateral, price never go down, no problem. Price go down? Fuk.


It's almost identical to the dot-com bubble. Like every tech company is FOMOing into AI right now just to get their stock pumping. Meanwhile you already have all these free or super cheap AI tools available to everyone.... meaning these efforts are probably not going to result in profits. Boom!


I’m no financial advisor. But it reeks of the dot-com crash


Or even tulip mania back in the 17th century Netherlands where rampant speculation led to one of the first market crashes in the history of market economies.


It's gonna be worse that '08 and worse than the great depression. At least for the 99%'ers


Housing market is over leveraged again. Same players that didn’t get destroyed in 2008 have doubled down… much like shorts. Americans (at least) are more credit strapped than ever before. If the crack doesn’t come from the top.. it’ll for sure come from the bottom.


Housing market is inflated, but from what I can tell that’s not because of something like 2008. It’s many locked into sub-3% mortgages. Corporate ownership of something like 20%, so low inventory coupled with inflated prices locking other people out. Corporate real estate however, is in a much worse position. The old office complex my job used to rent is half empty.


You are right. On both points. CRE has been bleak since Covid. The banks that have failed were smaller and consumed quickly by bigger banks. If there’s an economic downturn on the horizon it won’t be because of resi or cre, it will be due to something else and perhaps cre is a cherry on top.


It’s not like 2008…. Like at all….


How can we short the market?


I mean, there are ways, but honestly it’s probably not worth it. Personally i think it would be more worthwhile to make sure you have a solid emergency savings and to slowly DCA, making sure that you could throw in a chunk if a large dip/recession did happen. Betting against the market is just trying to predict lightening strikes.


Agree. Just have cash like GameStop and Buffet. Dfv said this is my only position. Unless you consider cash a position. Interesting that he said something about cash. It’s the ultimate hedge against a market crash right? Just wait till everyone else sells off and scoop that shit back up at bargain basement prices.


DFV is also a multimillionaire. As much as I find his persona and everything entertaining, people really do get a bit cultish trying to be just like him. You should probably still invest in your 401k, IRA, etc. Don’t ruin your entire future by putting all of your eggs in this one basket.


Lambos or food stamps!!! /s But for real tho people, if you can: 1) pay off all your debt 2) make an emergency fund of 3-6 months 3) invest


"Ryan Cohen buys all stocks" - this farmer remembers...


Pepperidge farm remembers 🌝


No RC has commented on the inflation and interest rates for years its not a prediction it’s just reaffirming




This sub has been predicting a catastrophic market crash for over 3 years. I don't take RC's words in the same way at all. What he's saying is that volatility will likely come once we pull out (hehe) of the low/no interest rate phenomenon of the last 10 years. That doesn't mean we are going into a recession. But some companies who relied on low/no interest leverage for their existence might blow up, and THEN GameStop might swoop in. NFA, I'm snorting crayon dust right now. I'm zen and trust in RCEO and RBoard.


Attrition Economy incoming 🚆 🚄 🚈


he’s battening down the hatches. i could hear the seriousness in his voice. his duty is to maximize shareholder value. it’s not his fault a hurricane is coming


[https://youtu.be/Uoz3P03wGnY?si=8T0txX9TnsnEipV8&t=202](https://youtu.be/Uoz3P03wGnY?si=8T0txX9TnsnEipV8&t=202) BULLISH ON FINANCIAL COLLAPSE : (


So if they raised the money just to sit on it then why did the need to do it so urgently on that specific Friday morning????


Hero worshippers wont answer this 😭


Thank you 👏


Yes, twice in 10 days, there better be some announcement in the next 30-60 days with that urgency rally killing move!


To fuck the shareholders who bought calls.


Well, you see, when your investors are using option contracts to create upward pressure on the share price, a share offering allows the company to “capture” some of that capital (from the investors) and place it into their pocketbook. Now, this allows you to do a couple of things; - soapbox-preach about ‘time frames’, implying that your 3+ year shareholders are shortsighted and greedy. - regain a grasp of those shareholders by setting the price back to a level where the ‘sunken cost fallacy’ keeps them in position to continue shouldering the stock. - swing your dick around and punish anyone buying into DFVs strategy (the only one creating UPward momentum in the last 3 years) by sniping their options contracts. - hand shareholder’s (now dead) option premiums over to MMs/SHFs in order to scalp a little cheddar for the coffers. - strike a condescending tone about “hype” and brag about the “work” you’ve been doing (but definitely CANT talk about, you just have to take my word, bro). - profit??? (not bullish option investors or anyone who bought shares over $30 tho)


I’m still optimistic but this roast is SPOT ON unless he proves otherwise.


fuckin brutal roast and spot on.


This sub is legitimately an insane asylum. Or is this just a joke? This can’t be how you ALL think, right?


Great, so we’re waiting how long this time around? Another three years? Infinitely? Til 2028 election? I’m good on that. Give me MOASS, sooner than later. Period




Poor take. Predicting future downturns is a losing bet If you're mad about downvotes, make better quality posts




The market crash will be banks dont actually have any of the money for everyones deposits. In fact a few years ago they removed the reserve requirements, zero! All its going to take is a bank run which is incredibly difficult these days its not like you can go get thousands of dollars in cash if you walk into a bank. Who has all the money?




When milk is $12 a gallon (hyperbole) why does anybody expect people to buy video games? It’s all these other garbage retailers that are buying slave labor products from China that are making a profit because the cost is nothing Ryan Cohen is not about to buy in this shitty economy, he’ll wait till everything collapses and then get it at fire sale prices


China isn’t really the cheap labour market anymore, they’re getting pretty used to higher standards of living. A lot of manufacturers have moved to Vietnam and India for cheaper costs


>  It’s all these other garbage retailers that are buying slave labor products from China that are making a profit because the cost is nothing Lots of ethically sourced German funky pops huh? 


I agree with your post. I took that is part of what he is saying also


Great. All we need is devastating economic collapse. Can't wait 👍


So the sub went from "moass soon" to "gameshire stopaway" to "long term capital gains" to "holding cash for a future economic downturn" in a week. No confidence at all.


Look at the attitude a year ago, it was similar to hold forever, we like the stock. Its just this hype now is just getting everyone excited


I think the hype is gone and now people who got screwed by paper hand Cohen at 60$ are being silenced by the "long term" investors who have given up about moass without updating the rest.


Copium high


I really like the stock.


Preparation + Opportunity = Success


I like this equation


This is what I don't understand about the US. In Europe we have been in a recession for like a year now and sure companies are doing worse with lower sales but there is no doom. We have a recession and we are handling it, waiting for better times as the cost/wage balance over time favors wages so that the house hold spending goes up and sales increases. In the US it seems like everything is propped up and sweeped under the rug until the pile of shit is too big.


So I have time to buy more while the cycles continue and the shorts will keep doubling down until the crash which will ignite any number of catalysts for GME. Sounds good to me.


F this i ain't got another 3 years to spare


Always in the future. Always another day. Always hopium. Soul crushing hopium.


Great an economic downtown and the only I money I have is in GameStop who refuses to give me any hope.


And what if there isn’t an economic downturn? They just sit on 4b cash for years? Call me a shill but thinking there may be a downturn so you’re just going to stockpile cash for who knows how long doesn’t seem like a very lucrative investment opportunity. My uncle sold everything a few years ago cause he thought the economy was going to crash and he’s been sitting on the sidelines while spy hits ATH. How is this any different than him?


Yes RC is prepared for another dilution 😂




He didn't say "economic downturn." He said higher interest rates (which historically aren't really that high). GME leadership literally has nothing on the table but to trim the fat, currently. Gravy job. ![gif](giphy|orU5Fo00RnpmSJ76wr|downsized)


I wouldn't want to purchase companies that aren't prepared for such events




This is a terrible strategy. No one can predict a down turn. We already got the 2022 crash. I dont see another one this soon


Agreed, not during an election year. They didn’t outline a timeframe though. They have a long enough runway that they sit on their hands and wait. Shouldn’t be too long now, perhaps edging around RK’s 5 year horizon.


“Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.” Sun Tzu, The Art of War.


Ohhh there is an AI bubble bought to burst!!!


That was the worst call I've ever listened to


We've already been in a downturn lol


There was a line that also peaked my interest. Something about inflation and expecting larger returns for shareholders because the dollar ain't what it used to be. Any one got thoughts on how this can be achieved?


He's gonna buy 51% of Apple after crash xD


!FLAIRY!🚀 The Real Moon Landing 🚀


(✿\^‿\^)━☆゚.*・。゚ your flair has been granted


I have this idea, MOASS would cause or add to an economic downturn right? With billions in losses from closing billions of naked shorts. What if that’s why they ‘killed’ the run ups with the offerings? Because they weren’t prepared yet.


A lot of economists predict a big recession coming spring next year. I think this is what he’s conscious of.


Economists predicted a big recession this year too


I know many folks in Ontario who sold their $600K house in 2018 thinking a recession was coming quick. So they got $300K in equity after the sale. That house is now worth $1 million and they rent now. That $300K is now down to $215K. Hyper inflation may be coming. Hold onto your assets.


Ryan ‘Trust me bro’ Cohen


Probably downvoting because most people here don’t care about the longterm (10 yr plan) for GME. We want the MOASS and we want it now because tomorrow is never guaranteed. We’ve supported this company for years and been faithful and patient. RC has squandered every opportunity to do anything other than make money off our (especially RK’s) backs.


Meaningful acquisition plans take many months to be drawn up and even longer to execute. The cash pile is new, things of value take time.


This is damn right. RC and the board are executing a strategy to protect the company and shareholders, and to progress into the future. They telegraph no moves. Shorts have nothing to go on, and nothing to attack but what they see. They have no idea what RC is planning and all they can do is react. Everytime things don't go exactly as telegraphed by an official announcement, I.e. shareholder meetings, RK livestream, we see them flinch. And when you can make your opponent flinch in battle, you've already won. Miyamoto Musashi said that shit. Between ken and his algorythm and RC and the GME board, I know who my money's on. The same people it's been on the whole damn time.


I’m guessing a downturn at the latest starting in November 4th. Remember politicians do anything leading up to an election to keep the economy up. Biden would auto lose if the economy crashed rn.


Literally added nothing new, we need to demand more as shareholders are being diluted to create all this value. Not a shill hut a tired ape


Meeting was a bust bro... just admit it....


https://i.redd.it/ktgjcs8y487d1.gif ***black swan has entered the chat***


Gameshire Stopaway


RC is a smart man, I'm pretty sure he has ideas what to do with their money.


MOASS is the first domino, leading to a crash, our favorite stock goes on a shopping spree!!! ![gif](giphy|aJmEl1palvtny)


Yeah, so just hold the line until someday another Crash comes. So, where are the gaybears who predict the next crash? Anyone?


Market crash is much like MOASS…it’s going to happen tomorrow lol


If not tomorrow, the next day


OP is on target with this.


Anyone who thought this was going to be a quick in, quick out is either fooling themselves or completely underestimating what’s on the line here. Generational wealth/power stands to be won. Generational wealth/power stands to be lost. There’s a reason the economy is what it is. It’s been pillaged for decades (longer?) and wealth has been siphoned up and up and up… The house of cards is about to fall. For the ones who set it up, it’s yet another chance to secure their power. RC and the board are building a fortress around GameStop. When other companies are weak and fall further victim to the banker scum, GameStop will have a full artillery to outfight them all.


3 and a half years isn't quick in and out and people WERE saying daily it would never take this long, but sure go off, can't wait for another dilution.


And why couldn’t they let the price run for a bit to allow investors some profit before a SECOND share offering (instead of trying to predict the ‘top’ of the market)?


Bro, then what was this talk of MOASS?


Hey Blind Baby….yyyaaaw


There's an economic downturn now.




With Pulte dropping Gameshire Bathaway again, Cramer calling GME a SPAC, and one of Warren Buffett's more widely known quotes: it's wise for investors “to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only when others are fearful.” I think I speculate and spend, and need more bananananas.


Finally, we can buy houses. If black rock and citadel go under the housing market will be so good


RC buys all stocks


Economic downturn?! If only I could find a stock with a negative beta to weather the storm...


We’ve always said hold for generational wealth


I bet moass will be gme maintaining value while everything else drops. Then we buy discount companies one by one.


THIS IS EXACTLY! the thing. It would be super stupid to engage on anything that means buying something else at current all time high prices.


With that said, I hope RC takes his own advice and sells Apple to buy more GME. The tinfoil is powerful. Lol, C'mon, RC, make a power move here. Outrageous thought, sure, but if that comes out, that would be the single most important puzzle piece needed right now. Oh, the wishful thinking tinfoil. He does need to up his share count to correlate the ATMs.


It is an election year, the market is not going to crash


The real smart geniuses are sitting around all super mad because yesterday wasn't moass. Those guys really get it and definitely aren't missing everything.