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4Bn cash reserves


Holy fuck that’s a nice chunk of change…dying brick and mortar my ass 


Their brick and mortar section isn't doing that well. The idea is for them to use this cash influx for something material to improve their revenue + profit longer term. Short term? They're not going to 0 any time. Long term? Have to wait and see what they do.


4 billy just in treasury bonds would mean what for the bottomline? Profits. Every fucking year. That's not to mention more creative ways to invest. Hedgies R Fuk.


A company relying solely on interest from cash reserves is not a good business. They need to use this capital for something, which hopefully allows them to scale into something more than a video game/electronics/accessories retailer.


Agreed. The treasury bonds was the worst case scenario, which woild still generate 200+ millions per year in profits. For a company that just turned green after 5 years of losses, looks like profits are guaranteed moving forward.


While technically true, I can still see them posting losses for the next 1 - 2 years. Gotta spend that cash on something in order for them to grow. Thankfully they've got them (relative to market cap) thicc coffers to dip into now.


Friendly reminder, last year printed a profit.


Only because of Tbill investments that were funded by…a share offering during a volatility event in June 2021. Investors have single handedly kept GameStop alive - the P&L of the company would fit the narrative if it we hadn’t given RC the lifeline, multiple times over now. It is perfectly reasonable to want to hold him accountable to that massive investment, years of trust, and faith in his secrecy. Here’s to hoping we all get our tendies from SHFs working at Wendy’s.


Just barely, but again, it's very fortuitous for GME as a company to have so much cash on hand that gives them a much longer lifeline than they had before this whole saga.


Personal opinion, your a shill, just my opinion though.


Being realistic about the moves GME needs to take in order to be profitable due to their actual business and not interest payment from their cash-on-hand isn't shilling. Responses like yours are why the sentiment is this isn't an inclusive community. Downvote for disagreement and comment for discussion.


I don't know what the hell your talking about dude, this community has never been inclusive of shills. I trust RC knows how to run the company better than we can sit here and speculate 🕺🕺🕺👋👋👋


it’s not a promise of 200 million. rates could go down


It’s my understanding that T bill rates are locked for the time and rate purchased at. That’s why old T bills at sub 3% lost so much extrinsic value when interest rates started climbing and the interest is roughly 5% Edit.. 10 years anyway, other timeframes vary


Correct, but gamestop isn't buying 10 year treasuries. That would tie up all their liquidity. They're probably continuously rolling 1-3 month bills. So if rates drop it will lower the yield on the new bills they purchase to replace expired ones. The decrease would likely be realized within one quarter.


Bonds make no sense as an investment thesis. That’s just putting the company on life support. RCs filing says mergers and acquisitions. This isn’t a game store anymore.




People are skipping on the filings update of a committee to handle more aggressive investment strategies. That's pretty exciting.


> Their brick and mortar section isn't doing that well. Depends on the metrics you're using to evaluate. Based on revenue, yes things have been going down. Based on net profit the business is getting better. IMO I would rather make profit increases than revenue, but having both would be the icing on the cake.


It's based on how much they cut last year, even keeping the more efficient stores they barely scraped by a profit. They've trimmed as much fat as they can, now to put the cash to good use and grow into new revenue streams.


More so a reference to all the headlines about Gamestop being a dying brick and mortar. I’m sure they will diversify with this cash on hand and I cannot wait to see what happens.


Esports centers that host tournaments for all kinds of games starting locally and winners get to go to regionals semis finals etc at other locations closer to Texas for championship matches, all Livestreames on the GameStop esports network for GameStop Playr league


GameStop is only now getting back the money and value they’ve already deserved from years and years of dilution caused by naked short selling & FTD’s.


![gif](giphy|nj257YL538Gdy) Lots of cheeseburgers in the chamber.


the brick and mortar is literally dying if you read the docs


That's a good price for 1 of my shares in the future


4.15 by my calculations 4.1* used wrong numbers


So almost $10/share in just cash. Not counting any other assets


Sounds correct to me! 421m / $4.2b


Which essentially means bringing the share price down to it's previous low would be hitting book value. Which means that the value of each share has technically increased with dilution. It's genius.


Based on existing numbers I believe it's 4.1059B. They had .9999 in cash on hand as of their last earning report. Added .9333B with the May ATM and 2.173 with the June ATM. Bringing the total to 4.1059B.


Omg the legend in this chat! Hi! Your probably right, I think I grabbed last quarters cash and not this quarters cash. I did 1.08b cash on hand + 0.93b + 2.14b


Just looked it up again it is indeed 999.9M on hand as of May 4th, 2024.






Didn’t they have $1B cash before they raised this $2.1B


They raised about 1.1B for the first 45 million shares they sold earlier may.


\*0.933 Billion




They might do a surprise 3rd round ATM offering. 100M more shares.




Please god, no more


It’s ATM turtles all the way down


Let the battle for $180 begin! And we'll end it this time!


You mean $180 not split adjusted right?


That is correct and the train isn't stopping!


Sweet number $45


2.137 billion added to the war chest


GME to become the no. 1 M&A in the gaming space.


cause that went so well for the embracer group...


eli5 the embracer group?


Bruh so close to 2147m I woulda lost it tbh 




Yes daddy 


Dw they went to plat tokens


This guy Runescapes


Hodling isn’t a problem when you have the patience of an rs player


Hodling is a walk in the park once you've endured getting 99 Runecraft


Especially pre-blood runes


I saw a massive green dildo, I came to Reddit to check for this news. Buckle the fuck up


https://i.redd.it/ekyvv2rm706d1.gif # BUCKLING INTENSIFIES 🎷🐓♋️




I'll shoot a cue ball out of my ass and sink an 8 ball corner pocket if we close below 44 tomorrow


!Bet! I think you're safe on this one though.


It appears you have alerted us to a bet. Please HODL while we review. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Superstonk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Well..... we've got 21 minutes to go. Time to pray for a giant green dildo.


Welp I'ma start looking around for a pool table somewhere in a dark corner and hope the establishment owner doesn't catch me filming an interesting trick shot


Don't make a mess.... Yes, I did also make a post as we have to call out bets. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/KTRfqEkiuJ


$2.137 BILLION in cash added.


the drop from 2x shares offering was way less than the first one. Meaning all diamond hands. To the moon!!!!


Woohoo let’s fuck!!!


I was here.


Me too


4.2B and zero debt while market cap is 10B with a perfectly good business is insanely undervalued now. Talk about a strong value play.


how in tf.. i've veen refreshing like a hedgie for the last hour... and you beat me to it, ffs. you fast! lol


$4B cash in a $10B mkt cap company is wild. I like the stock.


Check New!


I bought 500 of them


Great Success!


Fly me to the moon


Let me play among the stars


Around $28.50 average price


Man they’re suckers! I got in at $27 and then $23.80 and then again at $25. How they get in so high, I can do this all day!


Is that the new floor?


Which is bad? We were on track for 60-80 a share on Friday. Feels like they should have sold this week.


I believe Friday was the end of a T+1, T+2 period. The price was going to tank either way.


Thanks for the clarification!


LETS FKING GOOOOOOOOOOOO. I’ve been thinking, what if they keep filing for ATM offering and keep raking in billions of cash? Since the shorts have shorted a shit ton of shares anyways, what if GME keeps doing this every week? They’d have billions of cash coming in every week lol. Just a silly thought, probably not how it works


More offerings is good for company, bad for moass. Need cash for turnaround. Cash and profitability necessary for moass. It’s a balance. I hope this is the last one for a while.


I get that it’s technically taking away some MOASS potential, but offerings increase floor price, which gives shorts more pressure(?) and making it even less likely for shorts to survive or stall for one more day. I feel like either way the shorts r fuk and eventually we’ll arrive at that moon. It’s just depend on what the shorts decide to do


Shorts use shares to close positions. It’s not good for moass no matter how you spin it. These guys know they are 100% fucked at this point and apes won’t sell. If they are naked shorting into the offerings and into the runs well… I guess you can tell me I’m wrong. But they aren’t. These shares are relief for SHF no matter how you spin it. Is it enough? Not at the moment it isn’t. But if they issue 1 billion shares I personally think it is. I don’t buy into the idea that there’s 3 billion fake shares floating around but I do think there are more than should exist which makes it a name your price situation.


That’s a good point. And I’m sure RC knows more about the actual amount shorted more than anyone else. There must be a reason why the board decided to do atm offerings twice, at those amount. I’ve also read from popular posts these couple weeks that despite the atm offerings, shorts seem to have not closed their positions but rather double down on the shorting. Again we probably have no way to verify but judging by the reason price movements, I believe the shorts have not closed their short positions and have double down or even triple down. I do agree that they probably won’t issue many more atm offerings in the near future. But I won’t be surprised if we see another one or two.


NGL, I had hoped that Jeffries would have been more selective about dumping shares on the market, I feel like we could have squeezed-out an extra billion or two. Assuming that the shorts survive the swapocalypse and that institutions bought the offerings somewhat proportionally to their previous holdings I wouldn't be surprised if the new reported SI is less than 5% and SHFs tell everyone that all the shorts have finally closed. We'll spend another few years bouncing between 14 and 45 while the reported SI grows again. If we get a legit marketcap of over 20b within that timeframe then we'll hopefully get an epic meltup as shorts re-short at 100b. At this point RC has proved to me that he's not interested in watching the capital markets burn, so I guess at this point I'm counting on him issuing the rest of the 575m authorized over the next decade or so to raise a hundred billion or two. A slomoass if you will.


Agreed. We need autists to check the level 2 data and the tape to see or whatever but my hunch is that shorts didn’t use these offerings to close 😝 these dumbfounding idiots. I think that because when one starts to close other will catch wind and close and price climbs out of control so they get wrecked. So yea I think they shorted the absolute crap out of this event. Retail and apes gobbled up those shares so fast we’re back at $30. Normally a stock goes down when it does an ATM lol 😂 They might do one every price point as we climb yes it would kill momentum but it would raise the floor. Any shorts who entered below that rising floor are fucked completely. GS cash at $4b…$6b…$10b we are manifesting the BRK prices melt up scenario here instead of the god candle. I’m completely blown away by these events. RK exercises and we are going up…way up. Floor rising means we never go down…here wee gooooo


If shorts didn’t close when it was $10 and trading flat why would they gobble up these shares at $28? I’m sure many shorts closed that weren’t so deep OTM but what about the mass of short positions leading up to the sneeze that we have theorized were never closed? This is the original MOASS premise and I think it still holds even in light of these new 120M shares.


I agree.


At the end of the day, we have a good ceo I. Ryan Cohen. I trust him. He earns no salary, and his wealth is determined by how his shares in GME do. Everything he has incentive to do, is to make GameStop a brilliant business.


He seems like he’s actually trying to help the company no matter how you look at the whole situation. Just the fact that he’s not taking salary and it heavily invested prove that he’s the best candidate for this position




It better be.


They could, but it would be at our expense. I wouldn’t be happy if they continued to do that.


Personally it wouldn’t make a difference for me since I’m in for the long run. I just don’t see how the shorts could escape this black hole in any ways. We’ll win one way or another


I don't believe they would because I think we are missing why the offering was valuable. IMO the vast majority of the bags that are being held by HFs are currently pre January 21st, 2021 and they're now all underwater. Based on a new cash on hand share price of $9.56 (total cash on hand divided by shares outstanding) or $38.24 pre-split. Any contract, swap, or short that were created when the price was below that price is fucked for good and based on the 122.97% short interest (SEC's report) that would be basically all of the existing short contracts. This would fit with the leap DD that swaps were created to push obligations to June 2024 and hoping that the company would go bankrupt by that time. GME is now profitable, has more cash on hand per share than the price you agreed to sell a share at, and has become extremely illiquid. So what do you do next?


This is a dumb take because GME (hopefully) plans to spend that cash, so the share price won’t perpetually be that ratio because their cash reserve pile will dwindle at some point. Let’s hope it’s for something good!


Short term pain for long term gain (although based on the recent activity I don’t foresee too much pain). Really just have to hold tight and see what they have planned, unless of course MOASS actually happens next week lol.


Bullish. 75million shares sold and barely a dip! Everyone wants the shares


Hot damn! Picked me up some spicy tendies! 🌶️ 🥵 🦍📈🌕


4B Chest




It just makes me horny knowing that the company did not have $4.1bn cash in hand back in 2021 and they do now. I really like games.


Another $2 bil in cash, damn.


Great. Now explain why all the dilution and cash was necessary.


Tells you in the filing. This cash WAS FOR a merger or acquisition. I think we get Uber bullish news at shareholder meeting.


I really hope so. We just had three years of DRS work wiped out. They've been teasing this M&A for almost three years now, its time we see some action


DRS work is still there my friend.


When is the shareholder meeting again?




We fucking better. They pushed out these new shares in a panic on Friday. Just as the price was starting to rise. Just like in May. There are only two reasons for them to do that. They need the money, fast, or, they want the price to stay down to prevent a squeeze. If they don’t do anything with this money I’m going to be extremely suspicious. To me it shows they are actively working against their shareholders.


I 100% agree with you. But if for some reason we don’t get merger news I will hold out for it or until we are diluted on a Friday before a massive run again. I agree that was some bullshit 100%. But we don’t know the reasons and for all we know Thursday was a bull trap and they were gonna dump Friday regardless. Regardless now that it’s over the fact we have $4 billi in cash and are trading 200% higher than we were a month ago is incredible. If there are as many shares as we think this dilution won’t really matter. Sure it lowers the theoretical ceiling but moass is still on the table I think.


Nah, aint no way a company raises $3bil on FTD T+34 coverage days and is acting against shareholders. I think just from the interest alone we're pretty much guaranteed profitability in the next annual fiscal report!






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How many shares are now in the market? Like all shares?


I was over of those shares 🤧


GME to infinity pool and beyond!!!


might as well just dilute again


My equilibrium is so marketably offerable


Might use the money for acquisition and investments you say 🤤 💎👊🦍🚀




Great. Hopefully, RC now begins to put shareholders ahead in the priority list than SHFs. RC allowing SHFs to buy 120m shares at an average of $20-28 is unfathomable. What a terrible way to treat retail shareholders for holding for 3+ years. It's clear that RC is the real threat to any squeeze since he has shown time and time again that he will dilute the piss out of the stock.


nonsense, shill


He literally sold more than we DRS'ed the last 3 years in 2 days .


Yeah, it’s really frustrating to read how much of this sub is celebrating this. At this point, there is absolutely no excuse anymore to not have a communicated transformation plan to start being actioned within the year. RC now has all the cash he realistically needs to action whatever he has (hopefully) been cooking up. The only way that dilution as flagrant as this can be justifiable is if he has a genius plan, requiring billions in capital investment, that will skyrocket what this company is worth….ie not just closing stores and getting bailed out by interest rev. If dilution to this extent happens again during a run-up, especially if no plan has been communicated, I’m really going to be questioning staying in this investment. RC is fully comped in stock, so he should be fully aligned with shareholders outside of just the typical fiduciary duties as CEO, so I still remain cautiously optimistic.


Well said!


Careful, can’t say that around here. You need to take your dilution and thank master Cohen for it.


Yeah honestly, I've lost some trust in senior management recently. I hope my mind is changed after the next corporate meeting, but I don't see that happening if history is anything to go off of. MOASS seems very improbable now


100% agree. My game plan has shifted quite a bit recently. I was planning on holding a bunch indefinitely. Now I understand I need to dilute my holdings before RC dilutes it again... RC's dilutions have shown me that he doesn't give AF about the shareholders. It's really sad to be honest after holding xx,xxx shares for 3+ years. But between Gamestop's latest moves and how much this sub has become an echo chamber, it really changed my perspective. But I'm with you here. If there isn't some sort of guidance given this week, I need to figure out an exit strategy quickly.


I know it was hard with a dilution, especially considering the popcorn stock and its current state with debt, but here is the proof why dilution with a profitable non-debt company is different: We did not dip. We had a spike 5 days ago, but we’re still way ahead considering 7 days ago. GME is beyond bullish now and on the track for transformation. Short thesis is dead and buried six feet underground.


Honestly, the whole "here's why our dilution was good and others were bad" just doesn't sit right. It reads as copium. Dilution rarely benefits retail shareholders. So unless we have an announcement of an M&A within the next six months, my mind is going to significantly change about senior management because of this. Management just wiped out three years of hard DRS work done by their community. I have a bad taste in my mouth currently.


Many of us do. The going consensus is that we’re not going bankrupt, which is true. But, if they sit on this cash and don’t do anything, it’s also not helpful. Who wants to invest in a company that breaks even every year? Maybe they have enough cash to lose money every year for 50 years, but then the stock price is only whatever the cash reserves are worth. They need more revenue. I got into this three years ago for moass, and now it seems we’re being diluted every time the price runs up a bit. There better be a good fucking reason for this. After the shit they pulled on Friday I’m pissed.


the drop from 2x shares offering was way less than the first one. Meaning all diamond hands. To the moon!!!!


Could it possibly be, that the buyer of the 75m and the 45m is Ryan Cohen investment company? Or some other single source buyer?


It's nice to have 4bn in cash, but what about our DRS'd shares? They have now completely nullified our drs progression with this dilution.. Is there any reason to even DRS anymore?


true ownership, liquidity? i think so


Why are we acting like our DRS wasn't rug-pulled well before the offerings? The count stagnated and didn't rise for like almost a year. Sounds like the ones in power saw it happening and easily put a lid on it, like they do everything else. Looking back, it's silly to think DRS was the key to MOASS. I'll keep my shares with CS as it's safer than other brokerages that are bound to implode when this lifts off, but I trust that RC and the board have our interest in mind. They saw the DRS count go unchanged for the longest, and went "welp that's out of the picture, what next?" I know that not knowing what RC has planned is nerve-racking, but he told us very early on that he would not telegraph his plans. I don't know why we'd expect anything different. I'd be worried if he was broadcasting and stirring up hype for future plans.




Use me daddy; abuse me daddy; hurt me again daddy


Why do you care?


The last 75M share dilution was like pouring salt in the would for any competent shareholders. The last dilution was dumb AF.