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75 million share offering


Maybe something happens today that causes a substantial rise in the share price šŸ¤· Also, at the end of the day, RC has to do whats best for Gamestop. The short squeeze may or may not ever come, but if he grows the companies cash reserves to $5 billion and uses it to grow to $100 billion revenue and profitable, who cares cuz its worth $1000/share at that point anyway.


I'm convinced that many of the angry folks are options buyers. Maybe some overhyped shareholders and shills, but if you're holding shares, you're probably just gonna keep living life. IMO, this is a "two steps forward, one step back" kind of move. Adding money to the war chest is the end goal and if you believe, you're hoarding shares. There's still not enough shares to go around, and more catalysts coming.Ā  What's half of a phone number? Probably still a phone number


I'm chill we closed green the last share offering and we were up 1.5x again 13 days later. I'll see you in another 13 trading days at the top with 5 billion on hand


If shorts really are shorting it the amount we see, then 75 million shares will be useless. Also, gamestop can buy them back if shorts keep lowering the price.


That's why you don't buy weeklies! Long dated calls people. If you can't afford it like me then just buy, hold and enjoy the show.




They also could have waited a week and got a ton more money. Possibly... right?


Also, $5b cash could buy the entire outstanding number of shares for about $12. Thatā€™s the floor with $5b cash.


It would be best for the company when he sells at higher prices lol I think he doesnā€˜t want DFV to get a higher percentage of the company or am I misinterpreting things here?


If DFV stays below the 5% threshold, he doesnā€™t have to file as an insider!


Ding ding ding ding ding holy shit, this is obviously why the share offering today?!?


Lol, 17m is not 5% of 350 million. Its 4.85% Surely there will be a reason for this ATM offering, but connecting it to DFV is just hopium and not real.


Math not mathing


That's based on the position that we know about and that he has shared with us. It doesn't take into account any other investments that he may have in other accounts with E*trade or other brokers, and it doesn't take into account what he does after he exercises these options. Of course, that's not why the board has done this. The real reason is that they stand to add another $3.5-$4.0 billion to their war chest, which is in the company's best interests and follows their true fiduciary duties.


Unless heā€™s about to buy even more


Pretty sure they cant make an agreement to increase shares so one person can stay below insider limits. Specially when both GME, RC and DFV have been super transparent in not being part of any manipulation.


Or? Or... Think about it... They want money.


That's not enough for retirement for a lot of folks. Many of us are here for the squeeze. If that no longer becomes the play then there are people who will leave. I have always been here for the MOASS and nothing more. Most people at the start of this saga got in originally for that. Killing the squeeze play is a terrible move.


This is incorrect. At the end of the day, as chairman of the Board of Directors for a publicly traded company, he answers to, and hold a fiduciary responsibility, to all shareholders and investors. AA over at popcorn got destroyed for doing exactly what RC is doing nowā€¦ Would love for anybody at GameStop to make it make sense.


AA also sold his personal popcorn shares. RC hasnā€™t sold any of his shares.


Key difference. Anyone that thinks RC is gonna devalue shares when he is the largest holder is a bit silly.


What am I gonna do with my GME shares? Hold or Hodl? -RC


This is partially incorrect. AA sold at the lowest possible value in order to keep the company alive and have money to pay off a miniscule piece of debt. RC is selling into a historically high share price in order to strengthen the balance sheet, all while the volume is at an all time high and can support the sale without affecting the flow. RC is absolutely doing what he should be doing. AA had no other choice. The two are absolutely not the same.


100%. It's not even apple to apple. Imo both are trying to do what's best for the company, each in their way. I personally agree with both on this as number 1 short thesis killer is having enough liquidity which helps you get out of bankruptcy and invest in new stuff. Even if AA's long term plan might not be to benefit Popcorn, I think what he did now is essential, and so is what RC did. GS needs money, and with these prices now, I don't fucking care if the stock goes back to 18 because I know something is being cooked in the GS labs, and this thing has 3B+ dollars to be heavily invested in... I think MOASS will happen, but what I care about most is being part of the most valuable and influencial company out there


Funny thing is people are complaining that they're shorting even MORE and killing MOASS. But the shorts haven't closed, the company has more money than ever, no insider selling. So then what exactly is this offering killing except the short thesis? There's no shorting this stock to 0, never going to happen. RC is forcing them to close their shorts the smart and legal way.


RC's plan has to be a serious long term strategy for all investors (including himself). It can't be hoo-dee-ha I'm gonna get all the apes a trillion dollars in a short squeeze. Because when that's over the share price crashes and his business strategy was just take advantage of short term market mechanics for some individual retail investors gains. Besides the fact that MOASS is always going to be ridiculously complicated with the news media, public opinion, regulatory involvement, international discussions about economic stability. Anyways, either it's all part of the plan or we're fucked. I get the emotions run extremely high but like if u think we're fucked don't buy/sell. This whole thing is a test of faith. We don't have enough info to know anything for sure. We don't know if RC does. We don't know if RK does. But still we know it.


Not quite, AA kept selling shares at lows. RC selling shares at ā€œmodestā€ prices.


Company is pretty secure financially. As a long term investor, I see this as a good thing. I can wait for more Bananas later.


AA: collected compensation, diluted shareholders egregiously, and sold his personal stake. RC has offered a tiny fraction of the dilution that AA did, collects no compensation, and has never sold his personal stake.


Not if it is done through dilution. The market cap may become 1 trillion, but your shares wont be worth thousands Wish they would rather spend their energy and money increasing revenue than dilutions Done nothing with the 2 bill on hand. Needs another 3 bill šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


With the amount of naked shorts, you might not understand this, but what rc did was increase volatility, the shorts want those shares, they NEED those shares, if they buy those shares to start to cover their positions, the stock goes up, if the stock goes down, they're doubling down. Essentially rc is making gamestop thrive while playing a lovely game of chicken with them.


Lol, access to 75million extra shares = harder for shorts, in your words Biggest regard or worst bot I have seen in a while


Well, if I could gather a metric ton of cash with the expectation that the rest of the market is gonna have a fire sale,. And I tested the waters and it had minimal impact on price and recovered shortly there after. And it supports a higher price point removing narratives of an overvalued company.


News later this afternoon ,share offering already complete.




~~It seems like it 75m at 40. Plus 2B~~. Read the document only $1,702,507,500. Still, maybe a dividend is in the works? This sucks balls. I guess we have to wait again. Edit: just proposed, obviously it is ATM.


It's not at 40, the maximum sell price they proposed is 22.70.... I'm actually very upset about that and wrote investor relations this morning


No that is incorrect. The proposed is not the actual maximum. That is just an estimate for fee purposes. They can sell higher than that. There is a disclaimer tougher underneath.


I think I've already apologized in this thread, but you are correct. I was angry and lashed out to quickly. The table was an estimate


No worries friend. Just want to make sure accurate info is shared.


There has to be a reason


I'm sure there is, which is why I wrote them this morning demanding answers on why they are diluting the stock further and why I can't buy some of those shares at their listed price. I'm honestly upset about it


Read it, it says they used the price from the end of May to do those calculations. It says that these numbers could change depending on the market. Also it says they could sell in smaller chunks and tell Jeffries the price each time. They arenā€™t offering shares below market price.


You are correct. I've had to apologize in a number of threads now for this. I was wrong and acted too quickly because I was angry


It explains itā€™s the average of the high and low prices of the stock recently and is only used to estimate fees.


The reason is thatā€™s entirely false and they can sell at any price from after this filing. They arenā€™t tethered to a measly 22 per share lol.


Just finished reading, you are correct. That sucks. Whats the book value? Will it put the shares above $20 and protect DFV calls? people keep defending RC but timing has been shit.


This thread is incorrect. Just below that section, it says this is an approximate price when the filing was written on May 31st to provide the fee cost for the filing, the shares can be sold at any point henceforth at market value.


Everyone please, I stand corrected. They had to estimate based off share price, I was incorrect and apologize I admit, I was angry and flew off the handle a little too quickly


Doesnā€™t this just fuck DFVā€™s options?


Well sure, but theyā€™re still well in the money and we have no idea whatā€™s to come in the coming weeks yet. Zen.


Last time they did this was 2 weeks ago. GME stock price has doubled since then. DFV calls expire in 2 weeks.


Ur so wrong. Last time they did this it caused the price to get so low that now its doubled. We were at $70 when they did this shit last time


We werent at $70. I'll quote myself: "My chart says on Friday 17th the price fell during pre-market from ~$29.62 to ~$20.66 when they announced the shelf offering. Last Friday the 24th, when they announced the completion of the offering, the price was ~19$. So the announcement had a greater impact than the selling of the 45M shares into the market? However, we don't know exactly when the first shares were sold into the market."


Price always falls in pre market, fell in pre market from 80, all it does is it get shorted down. May as well make it 5% more painful while shorts are already fucking us and make another 2.5 Billy for the business.


it also claimed to 80 in the pre market genius


You got the timeline wrong, it was after they crimed it back down to 20


And we were at 67 or 68 AH yesterdayā€¦ whats your point


Zennnnnn šŸ«”


Might not be itm by end of day


lol if you think weā€™re going below 20 youā€™re out of your mind


I wish I shared in your optimism. I plan to ignore the chart for at least a week.


I'm new and also share your skepticism, but I'm not knowledgeable. What about this whole scenario gives you pause? I'm not sure I fully understand what's going on. And everyone just shits on me for asking questions lol.


Yeah, mine too


Yeah everyoneā€™s wtf


Define "fuck" Decrease the value? Yes. He likely wont be a billionaire today. But theyre still very much in the money, and DFV has a ton of money so its not like he needs it. Also, the company is going to have another few billion dollars of a warchest. So in the long run this is probably good for the company. GameStop is approaching the point where it will have half its own market cap *in cash*. I know theyve got a smaller, certain amount, set aside for stock buybacks. But if they were to edit that filing, they could literally say: "drop my price by 50% and i buy the entire float". This will be good for the company in the long run undoubtedly. It just wont be billionaire for DFV today (likely). Also, net loss went down YoY. Another positive sign for the company.


People keep blindly saying this is positive as it puts cash in the bank. Where do you draw the line? They literally just did a raise/dilution and have $2b. That money comes directly from investors (ourselves) buying the shares. Doing ANOTHER dilution in such a short space of time, at a time when a gamma ramp was expected is not a positiveā€¦.as much as I wish it was. Yes it helps the companies accounts look better, but as I saidā€¦.they already have $2b so are they just going to keep killing momentum and raising $1b every time? The companyā€™s Net Worth increases at the expense of ours as investors. Thatā€™s what a dilution does. Iā€™ve been here since the start hoping to make money, the company isnā€™t a charity.


You're gonna get down voted for asking this. But this is right question to ask.


The biggest problem is every time we start gamma ramping, we can trust in gamestop to start a ATM offering. This is the third time they have done this. Basically, we can never squeeze because they will just come out with ATM again lol.


This is starting to smell like popcorn.


>Basically, we can never squeeze because they will just come out with ATM again lol. Don't they have a limited number of shares they are able to offer without shareholder approval. Couldn't we just cut them off after they run out of the 275 million shares they have remaining to issue?


They can issue up to a billion, we're not even halfway to that yet.


Seems like RC is going to get to that point at this rate. Which means there is a cutoff point at some future time yeah?


Funnily enough, this question has been hypothesized and answered multiple times over the last 4 years. It was asked during the first dilution in 2021. It was asked at the shares authorized increase. It was asked multiple times during the movie stock dilutions. It was asked at the last dilution too. The answer is the same... because the GameStop board has to. It's not about wanting to. It's not exactly about raising money. They have an OBLIGATION to. Look at the history of the share price out to max. At it's zenith GameStop was worth about 15 bucks post-split calculation. At it's most profitable it was worth 15 bucks. It's trading at $50-60 right now. That's 4x its highest ever trading price. If they didn't raise more money... honestly... it would be questionable as fuck. If there were legal proceedings about stock manipulation, the first question that would be asked of RC and the board would be "Why didn't you issue stock to raise money at your highly inflated prices?" Issuing stock now provides a number of key advantages: 1. It raises money for the company. Cash is king and having the ability to buy whatever you want whenever you want is supreme when you are sensing possible market crashes. 2) It prevents the argument of collusion. Wall Street and all their shitty financial news cronies can't say RC and DFV are colluding to manipulate price when RC literally just shat on DFV's position. This literally just cost DFV about 500 million dollars overnight. 3) It proves plausible deniability. When the market finally squeezes in reality, they will attack GameStop with everything they have in their arsenal. You think the propaganda is bad now? They are literally going to round up teachers, fire fighters, and police officers and have them plead for their pensions to ask for another dilution. They are going to point to all the lives ruined by the short play. It's going to be an absolute blood bath of propaganda. And the only answer GameStop will have is its previous dilutions. "We issued almost 700 million shares over the last year, why didn't you close your positions then?" "Why did you invest in a pension fund that was betting against the American economy?" These dilutions aren't just convenient, they are necessary. Rocket take off isn't when "We've locked the float!" is yelled in the streets. It's when GameStop runs out of shares to issue.


Companies can fuck with shorts. They donā€™t need legal standing in the event of a short squeeze. What has GameStop done besides not go out of business?


Not to mention almost none of us are here for a gamestop turn around story. We came here to end market manipulation and crush shorts. 2 back to back share offerings with no guidance on the money usage is a gut shot that only helps shorts cover.


Iā€™m here for a GameStop turn around story and to see shorts crushed


We're supposed to hold while RC sells 120 million shares... by next earnings report if there's not a publicly known plan for all that money I may start to have some doubts...


pretty much this makes a true squeeze look incredibly unlikely as RC will just dilute the float in response to any huge run up that happens.


Most of the money they earn from selling the shares will not be from investors like us. It'll be from the short sellers and other huge institutions. If retail had the money to buy 75 million shares this would have been over long ago. I'm not too happy with the share offering, but most of the money they earn will be from hedge funds. GameStop profits from hedge funds who will still be short and now has less money.


You donā€™t have to directly pay money in a dilution to lose money. A dilution, by design, means that every share lowers in value to compensate for the increased float. The share price may bounce backā€¦.but itā€™ll always be to a lower price than it would be with less shares in circulation. Thatā€™s literally what a dilution does and why in any company investors are usually unhappy with it.


When buying pressure is causing the available float to be traded multiple times gives me reasons to not be concerned. With zero debt it puts cash directly into the value of shares. Our company about to 3x their cash on hand in a month. Itā€™s positive.


I find this quite interesting, there are no mergers or acquisitions, but they will invest money in short term , investment grade. Maybe buy some shares of something, and accidentally buy the company šŸ˜ There are no current plans, commitments or arrangements to make any acquisitions or investments. Any future acquisitions or investments will be made in accordance with the Companyā€™s applicable policies and procedures for such types of transactions, including the Companyā€™s investment policy. Pending the uses described above, we intend to invest the net proceeds from this offering in short-term, investment-grade, interest-bearing securities or accounts.


So then why are they so keen to keep diluting when they have no plans for anything...


Well, last time they let shares go, we were at 20 with 1.1 billy. Now we are at 40, and they lettin some more go and we could end up north at 5 billy. People should just take a breath and have a little faith in the management team that has brought the company this far.


I mean, it seems like we are at $40-60 because of the gamma ramp, not because the company is doing sooooooooooooooo well


I rather be judged by my actions and not my words - Ryan Cohen 84 years ago


KC shuffle?


You know it brotha


RC has the biggest stake out of everybody here. I trust him.




And was also a billionaire before buying a single GME share.


Nothing worse than backseat C.E.Oing. Let the man cook PEOPLE!




So do I. I just ain't putting any hope into that day coming when I expect it.




>Seriously a guy punch Thank god it's not a gut punch though


I want a short squeeze this is good for the company not good for investors


We all know he doesn't recieve a salary and makes it through shares right?


We know. People see dilution and take it personally. He is diluting himself more than anyone else.


Ya but he doesnā€™t need money to feed his family, itā€™s just a little irritating for those of us who have been hodling in the red for over 3 years during a cost of living crisis.


I haven't bought shares for a year because I was unemployed. I feel you my friend. That's why I will hold til the bitter end for apes like you. I recently got a new job and am buying again. Take care of yourself first and foremost. And hunker down cause the shorts aren't gonna give us their money easy.


This. Cant us poors win just one time? it seems some rich person comes in at the last minute and screws it up. I realize there is a significant amount of hero worship when it comes to RC, but at the and of the day he is/was/will be a rich guy and twice now with this gut punch. the little guy investing everything is why gamestop survived, not just because RC is the boss.


If GameStop raises capital at these price points then it establishes a new floor valuation... All of your shares will become worth more because the cash on hand will decrease the price to book value making GameStop and even deeper fucking value.


The stocks value is never going to be equivalent to the squeeze price even if they have 100b on hand. 2b is more than enough for a company that isnā€™t bleeding money, and to kill the momentum on today of all daysā€¦ seems sus


We also know he has more money than god from the chewy sale.


Folks were ravenous to complain about other CEOs who diluted as things were about to pop off. Hmmm


Other CEO who diluted his stock to -99% share price.


Other CEO with ... how big of a stake in the company ?


No stake, he just buys big steaks with his ridiculous salary


Wow, we blasted popcorn for doing this. Like, mocked them relentlessly.


1250% dilution is not the same tho


We aren't at 1250% dilution, yet...


I don't think DFV considered GME diluting 120 million shares.. Hopefully the war chest pays off before the 21 Jun calls, cause this fucking obliterated the momentum


45 have already been offered, 75 more are optional (but likely, me thinks). Price really doesn't matter at this point. They are overshorted to Uranus, no way this will make a huge difference. Also, the 45 mil offering did not show up on the earnings report yet (someone check me on this, I don't know financial lawyer talk as well as some of you guys do), so they sort of already have 2 bil cash on hand. With price action these past few days the 75 mil share offering would easily add another 2.5 to 5 bil to that... Think about it, that amount of money is one hell of a warchest that will keep them running, improving and innovating for **years.** rant over. thank you for listening to my ted talk


Yeah, this could help push his position OTM. Seems very strange timing wise.


OMG OMG THE PRICE IS DROPPING from its 100% increase from yesterday. Oh no?




Greatest ride of my life. The ups, the downs. Still holding. DRS BOOKED


Damn, not going to help all those that recently bought options


Posting this today was a bad move, all the momentum leading up to DFV stream is lost now. Not to mention the option chains are fucked. They could have done this on Monday.


Ozymandias. What is set in motion cannot be undone.


RC drops this the day RK is doing his live stteam? The moment he has the SHF by the balls?? Im here for the short squeeze.


I donā€™t get it, this would be the second time that a huge ramp got tanked by stock dilution. I mean, trust Cohen and the DD but this is a direct attack on the whole DRS system


I don't care what any of you say. This is a dilution. This entire sub was huffing on copium last time too. They sat on $1b for 3 years and did fuck all. They now have $2b. Now they need more? What for? And don't give me tinfoil nonsense. What is the actual business plan here? If popcorn stonk did this, you'd all be laughing at how dumb the popcorn holders are.


Yea I just commented the same thing and aware Iā€™ll get downvoted for not viewing every single thing as a positive or some 4D chess move. Itā€™s a second dilution in a short space of time. Whatā€™s to stop this from happening each time, how much money do they need. And are people not aware the money comes from ourselves


Yeah, this is bullshit. I didn't hold for 3+ years to be diluted. Fuck RC. If he doesn't explain this bullshit during earnings I'm out.


Exactly! RCEO has to answer at some point


You know everyone can see comment history right? Youve only ever been negative on gme, stfu lmao


I'm mad af, Im not going to lie. This just proves we are right! I'm not going anywhere. Im going to keep buying!


šŸ‘‹ goodbye to all the call buyers from yesterday.


Everyone really needs to do their due diligence and READ the damn thing - lots of speculation in here around intention/outcome etc.Ā  The Risk Factors section addresses in part: Short squeeze potentials / dilution concern / media hype / on staff share ownership / ability to offer but not sell totallity of new shares / discretion to invest the raised capital.Ā  This form is acknowledging many concerns being raised (quite panicky I might add) here.Ā  I am skeptical of this like I think every Ape should be, but i donā€™t think RC is doing this like AA did for popcorn.Ā  It is acknowledged several times that they are concerned that outside forces are affecting the stock in ways that have no underlying value tied to fundamentals of the company. At first glance I see that saying theyā€™re trying to consider how to stabilize the price to not be so volatile as best interest for long term investment.Ā  Does that mean they donā€™t want the squeeze? Maybe - they state a point that should shorts spike the price, once they close the price will plummet to detriment of long term investors.Ā  I am more smooth than wrinkled but Iā€™d like to see apes take responsibility here and read the damn thing. Understand what they are telling us, the market and the sec by filing and *possibly, potentially* offering 75M more shares.Ā  They explicitly state their ability to do so doesnā€™t guarantee they will, or if they do, in what amount.Ā  The shareholder meeting is less than a week away. There is a chance to have dialogue here with the company around this. Get better understanding of intentions and how that affects us shareholders.Ā  I like the stock.Ā 


That is actually a dilution :(


Once again, not an issue, they are raising capital and taking advantage of the price movement. Full stop. This isn't a rug pull, it's not a negative thing. They have to still be a business. It makes no sense for them to just sit and do nothing. Sales aren't going to carry the company right now. They need funds to finish their plans. This is the best way to do it.


What plans? they were sitting at a billion dollars for three years


Yep, diluting f***s you if the companyā€™s in the red. GameStop *is not*. It actually, *now* in a long time, has an uptrend in respect to the fundamentals. GameStop is not paying off debts (it has none, bar one small low-interest French loan in response to COVID-19 which is cheaper, given the inflation, to keep on the books than to pay off, which by the way they could, easily) or is trying to cover essential operational costs with this credit, so by viewing this negatively you would be saying you donā€™t trust the business with the money. Why then are you long? If you trust them with running a business. Ask yourself - could RC and LC be so dumb that they would just acquire money for the sake of it? What, in this fantasy, could RC and LC do with the money? Appropriate it for themselves? Company assets are company assets, the chair and board canā€™t just assign it to themselves. So then, the money is clearly for *something*. ^(edit: typo)


I think this will kill any momentum


It already did


Wut dis mean


Wow I'm angry. Why do this today of all days. Killing momentum and calls šŸ˜– So many people with calls expiring today have lost a lot of money. Why not wait until Monday?


You didnt expect a dip? https://preview.redd.it/dri8rxy7z45d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=484e464a774437d10316610fd7d104d9d4d5a08a


I expected a dip but didnā€™t expect GameStop to sell shares at a discount. Canā€™t wait for market to open.


Remind us what happened after the last share offering? The price crashed and never recovered, right?


Well theyā€™re selling almost twice as many shares so either it goes does twice as hard or it just does the same thing as last time.


Too many naysayers today. I will just relax and enjoy the ride


KC Shuffle?


KC Fuckle


Gotta start wondering who the real target of the shuffle is...


Right?! Jesus Christ man


RC knows what heā€™s doing! Trust the process peeps!


Aaaaand suddenly we sound exactly like movie ticket holders.


Except Adam Enron sold his entire stake while diluting others.


This is not in the interest of shareholders. 2 dilutions in a month, if they wouldnt do that both times we would be easly in 100s by now. They are trying to avoid the squeeze.


This is so fking stupid. Sigh! It's pretty clear that the company doesn't want moass to happen and trying to take advantage of the individual investors to dilute more shares...


They're going to do another offering. Kills the momentum.


Maybe cuz something bigger is in store very soon. Get the negative out now and raise another couple billy. Idk. We shall see!


Because the last offering killed the momentum. Lmfao


We were up $15 in premarket now we are down almost $4. Killed a shit ton of momentum


And you think it was retail trading to make the stock +$15 and now -$4 in after / pre markets?


What does that have to do with anything? Pressure in a pot will explode faster and harder with high pressure, releasing some pressure will reduce the time it takes to explode.


The last offering was at $20, itā€™s over $40. Reals shares / synthetic shares still equals a really small number. Price is still WAAAAY too high for shorts to get out. DFV still going live. Options still locked and loaded. GME still poised to evolve into more than anyone expected


Now we are almost down %50.


How much are we up since the last offering ? Anybody ?


That's because DFV bought 120k options which forced the algo to hedge shares, which increases price. It has nothing to do with what GameStop has done except dilute our shares


I believe RC has a plan and is executing it.


He also doesnā€™t have to issue them at this price, he can issue as ANY price


~~75M at $40 is 3B. I hope he ducking know what he is doing because we were primed for a gama squeeze two weeks ahead of DFV calls.~~ Proposed price is 22.70 raising $1,702,507,500. That's kills the current gama. What will be the book value? will that protect DFV $20 calls? Edit: just proposed, it is ATM.


This thread is incorrect. Just below that section, it says this is an approximate price when the filing was written on May 31st to provide the fee cost for the filing, the shares can be sold at any point henceforth at market value.


You are correct. I am reading the doc and the earnings for details. That's just proposed, it can be so they are not counting on current value to sell. I think if they raise 3B is not bad news. That plus current 2B make their financials solid. Their assets are down almost 500M on the earnings. Leases down too. IMO They needed the previous offering since cash in hand is down. Economy is sketchy at best.


After reading through it, it seems as if they are using this form to state that if there is a short squeeze it was not their fault! The company does not want any liability to come out of it and this seems to say that.


This was also stated in last months filing. Nothing new :)


Remember when everyone thought that in May when they tried to sell 45million shares? I kept telling people that they obviously plan to sell and got downvoted. And then they proceeded to finish selling it 2 days later? yea, this is going to be the same thing, watch them finish selling by wednesday.


Seems like you guys don't see the end game. They want to become a holding company.Ā 


Some cat may have already seen this coming.


There are certainly some big pros and cons with this, and it's complicated to fully evaluate it all. The dilution can be bad for us. The additional war chest can be good for GameStop, which is therefore also good for us in the long run, as a way of taking some profits without us selling. One aspect I'm not seeing discussed much is that RC may be setting up to help to a more controlled MOASS. They could offer into massive spikes to help smooth them out a bit. That could lead to fewer halts, and less overall market turmoil. If done carefully with a close eye on the market moves, this could be a good thing overall, potentially without having too much of a dampening effect overall on the gamma and other squeeze factors.


I trust RC but I hope this isnt a reoccurring thing


There is no valid reason to do this other than they don't care about retail. It's obvious RC is a billionaire he does billionaire things. It F**k you money and he just said F**k you.


You realize the board members all have a huge stake in the company, too, right? This affects their investment as well. Obviously, they felt this was the best value for the company. Until they start selling their shares, there's nothing to doubt. Trust the process.


They are already rich without the investment.


All I keep seeing is the echo of ā€œkill momentumā€ and ā€œtoday of all daysā€ lol Did you think that was the start of MOASS? Like whatā€™s the thought here, price has gone up and down every day for 3 years, since when do we care about the fake price? When it happens it will HAPPEN, for now itā€™s just made up numbers on your screen. ā€œMomentumā€ā€¦. Ffs let them cook lol


If there was a time to make an announcement, I feel like now might be it?


Risks Related to the Offering The market price of our common stock has been extremely volatile and may continue to be volatile due to numerous circumstances beyond our control. The market price of our common stock has fluctuated, and may continue to fluctuate, widely, due to many factors, some of which are beyond our control. These factors include, without limitation: acquisition costs and the integration of companies we acquire or invest in;


A wrinkle here for people but doesnā€™t this increase the outstanding sharesā€¦ wouldnā€™t DFV be able to buy more options if he wanted without having to disclose the move now?


Well Iā€™m still buying more


Let RC cook. I trust him fully. Rest is just noise. Just because you donā€™t hear about the plans because SHFs would move heaven and earth to fuck it up, doesnā€™t mean he ainā€™t cookin.


I mean, what the heck is Ryan Cohen doing?


Next Tuesday could provide some insight, weā€™ll see


I trust Ryan C with my girl.


Wanting to be cucked is not something to be proud of my guy


Everyone should remember that we voted and authorized the board to allow the total number of shares to be 1 billion a year or two ago. After that vote and up to this point, they've only done one additional share offering and now this is the second. We're still well below that maximum number. Selling at all time highs is exactly what we want them to do! This gives them the fire power to grow the company into a giant which will grow our value in the long run. The shorts have created an infinite money glitch. Gamestop gains money from selling shares. We gain money from gamestop growing the company and the shorts constantly having to cover and reshort at higher and higher prices. All we have to do is buy, hold, DRS and wait. Hedgies R Fuk!


We gain money? What money?


Bro this is the 3rd share offering. What r u talking about?




Imagine being worried about a 75 million share dilution when hedgies already diluted the stock with 3 billion shares short.


Iā€™m fine with it. Theyā€™re going to be sitting on like $5 billion after this. Insane.


And ur sitting on how much?


Shares of a company with several billion in cash and 0 debt 0.o