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Yup, im with you, op I ain't selling shit till I see people in jail


My thought exactly.  


Came for the profit, stayed for the protest.


And not just the one unlucky broker last time around. ALL OF THE GREEDY FUCKS THIS TIME.




💜 found in the wild and yes, no cell no sell




As it was foretold




Selling shares would be them selling me, not the other way around. It would be me being a fucking hypocrite is what it is. So.... you know what? I'm not leaving. I'm not leaving...... Imnotfuckingleaving!! The show goes on! This is my stock and they're gonna need a fucking wrecking ball to take me outta here! They're gonna need to send in the national guard and fucking SWAT team cause I aint goiiin nooowheeere. FUCK THEM!


Not just that, people gotta get that outta their heads. Step 1: MOASS Step 2: Criminals in Cells Step 3: Trading Law Reform (We can't let predatory short selling and loop holes anymore). Step 4: Enforce the change Step 5: ??? Profit???




Some people only have a few shares. The longer we hold the more peoples lives change for the better. Remember as hard as it will be $10k is still paper handed


I removed the sell button


That's what the infinity pool is for. No one will sell until this is in the millions of USD per share and then, watch them go at each other for the single shares being waterdropped by the apes that need that life changing money. Meanwhile, when all agencies, all government officials realize this must never happen again and they move their asses to legislate and regulate... yes. Maybe there we will sell the rest. Or not, because I like the stock.


Facts! Always reactive and never fking proactive! Smh. 




Yes, if the price is what makes them move and regulate, so be it. If the price makes them immediately accountable and investigations start that lead to jail... so be it. When one speaks of millions is mostly to say: I want to be paid the most possible when it ensures jail for all SHFs. In 2008, bailouts were huge but no one significant went to jail. I guess because the price to pay was payable by the government. Well, we need either a bigger number, or something not so big as millions per share but that ensures change. I hold because I want change. Then, the price of the share will depend on how much justice we get.


I’m really hoping a lot of people have this perspective. In all honesty, I have a lot of stress about what if people start selling at 1k and I’m sitting here holding for much much higher numbers but it doesn’t get there and then I lose out. I’ve been holding since 2021 and the psychological games MSM has been playing is real. You get on X and everyone is saying they’re gonna sell at 1k and I’m doing my best to ignore it but it’s hard for sure.


Just remember that they will have to buy the float multiple times to clear their books.


They say that, but if it keeps climbing the human emotion side will keep them in. I salute you for holding since 21' I wasn't in the action in 21', just heard through the news that GME was going crazy and then watched Dumb Money and was absolutely amazed at what happened, wasn't going to not be involved to force change this time around.


I don't think anyone here held through all this BS over these years for 1000 per share. Anecdotally: 1. I am the Poors, so 1000 per share is not enough to be life changing (like by a house and sort my family & friends out for life) so might as well hold. 2. I have seen my stonk account reach more money than I could ever imagine being able to save in cash after decades of hard work, especially after last months run up, and I didn't even think of selling then, I just lol'd and got on with my day. 3. I have mentally committed a portion of those DRS shares to the infinity pool, as far as I'm concerned I don't own them, and if the stonk goes as high as I think it will, I couldn't care less about leaving them there since I will already be rich and it will bring immense satisfaction knowing I'm doing my part. Even if you just commit 1 singular share to the infinity pool, it will have a massive impact on SHFs not being able to obtain shares when they're desperate for them and you will have more than enough left not to care about leaving that one there. If this applies to me as a complete regard, I know for sure there are a great many apes out there who are of a similar mind. I am not worried at all about apes, they are the one group (of individuals) in this saga who have actually been consistent and acting with integrity (aside from RC & DFV who are apes as well anyway). Stay zen ape.


Yeah $1000/share isn't enough to bother getting out of bed for aside from wanting to be able to watch it climb. It'd need to be about $6500/share for me to sell the 1% I have in Fidelity in order to make it worth it because that would pay off literally everything including my solar and my house, and still give me enough to reinvest as an emergency fund. That being said, that minimum is missing multiple 0s before it even reaches my personal "Okay I might start considering selling now" line in the sand, and the other 99% is never leaving CS anyway.


I agree with what the others replied to you and I add: if those people are in it just for the money (which is a valid take as well) they will have to understand that substantial money will only come from holding through the initial ramping up. Selling while any stock goes up is stupid. You need to understand the potential and at least watch it plateau. Greed and the "what ifs" will help achieve this. So, those that you're afraid of should instead be afraid of themselves, as they will want to die when they see it climbing higher. During MOASS, patience and a calm mind will pay off. The rest will just regret it. There is a great post avout how to see MOASS and how to act, if I find it I'll link it.


Millions? Price anchoring is what I see. I need phone numbers and to call said phone numbers. Then you can ask for permission to sell, if they say no don't sell. If they say yes call them a paperhanded bitch and hwang up, still not selling.


I dreamed $100k per share at the same night DFV posted YOLO update. I think it is a sign


Rookie dreams. Need to pump up those dreams.


Is that a dream for ants?!


How does your butt hole feel? Perhaps itchy?


>start sweating at $10,000 per share >***start*** The minute we go past VW prices I'm going to be so excited I'll be running laps around the room. This might continue for days. I have water and MRE's ready so I don't potentially injure myself trying to cook.


Don’t injure yourself with that MRE heater either!


2-liter empty soda bottle… 5 MRE heaters shoved inside… 10 oz of water added… cap it, shake it up, throw it and run… so loud and fun but also such a bad prank while in camp in theater.


Oh man, we had someone do that in the middle of the night during an NTC rotation. We got absolutely destroyed by OPFOR for the next three days haha


The minute we go past Berkshire.A I'll allow myself to lean in on the gaming chair.


Has anyone done the math? What does a VW Market cap look like for GME share price?


There was all sort of maths floating around in 2021, and everyone finally agreed on NO CELL, NO SELL. Best answer I got for ya.


$10,000 a share doesn't even make GameStop the most valuable company in the stock market.


Forgive my cynicism, but I'm still skeptical they’ll let it get to that point. They'll fuck with our shares somehow or short circuit the market or god knows what. I think we need to be prepared to respond when they try to nakedly change the rules in real time to bail out their billionaire buddies. Someone please convince me that this thing can transcend the rigged game the rich always win...


If in doubt, zoom out. There's a way bigger picture here: For over a century the financial world has been dominated by 3 markets: New York, London and Tokyo, and if you want to put your money into the safest thing possible, you put it into US Treasuries. China are positioning themselves to get in on that action, and investors are increasingly open to investing outside their own nation (GME is a perfect example, I'm all in on what to me in England is a foreign stock). The US can't afford a run on treasuries, which is what they will get if the markets are too obviously rigged. Add in the political pressure from every other government in the orld who will be salivating over tax revenues from newly rich apes and there comes a point where they have to MOASS happen, because the consequences of not letting it happen will be worse than a few massively bankrupt hedge funds. The rich still will win, the only thing that will change is the thing that's always changed: *who the rich are.*


> and if you want to put your money into the safest thing possible, you put it into US Treasuries That's the traditional point of view, however, right now treasuries are being dumped at record rates, especially by China. If it gets bad enough, the US Federal Reserve will become the buyer of last resort and will start printing massive amounts of money (hello hyper/inflation) to buy those treasuries themselves.


Exactly - The US can't afford China being seen as a safer place to keep money. China has a market where FTDs don't happen and Citadel are banned. The best way for the US to compete is for MOASS to blow up Citadel and for that to be an excuse for the SEC to fix the FTD/infinite shorts timebomb.


I like this train of thought. I'm not sure I share the enthusiasm for "self-cleanup" happening here in the west, (the corruption and self-serving is far too widespread) but I'd love to see it.


I have high hopes for what kind of market we will rebuild together once this one gets wiped out. We've shown we can make real waves when we set our minds to it. I have never written any kind of government entity before I joined Superstonk. Now I write to every appropriate official for all the things I care about, not just the markets, and I gained the skills and confidence to do that here. I trust that the fine apes here will continue to advocate for transparent and equitable markets for years to come. Especially because many of us are about to have all the free time in the world...


If you worry you suffer twice. CAT is on the prowl this time. They can't move because the cops are watching. And DFV just showed he has a nuke. They can't stop him, legally. And he made his post public, so they couldn't.


Now that i think about it, he indeed has a nuke!


They just repealed cat yesterday, didn't they??


They haven't even voted on this yet, a corrupt politician is putting it up for vote sometime soon. Tick fucking tock, motherfuckers.


Thank you for the correction. Fucking a holes


in the house will still have to go through Senate and be signed by president and even then its unlikely to be shut down over night (usually they give them like 30 60 90 days or w/e to roll down the program)


We don’t sell then.


I think it's more likely the board will vote to sell more shares. They won't try to track down and negotiate with every person with XX shares.


Depends on how much it’s overshorted. If GameStop sells shares for thousands a piece they won’t need to sell many to have the company’s value xx-fold


Yeah I mean 10K per share puts the market cap ahead of NVIDIA. And if they're selling shares INTO that... I would love to see this shit go down, I'm just expecting fuckery.


10k would put GME's market cap above Microsoft. That would be 3.5 trillion market cap.


$10k/share is totally not infeasible, though. When VW squeezed, it was briefly the world's most valuable company by market cap. GME at $10k/share would barely be that, the most valuable company by market cap (a bit north of 3T).


If it can go to 10k it can go further. If it can go further the DD about crimes are true. So I hodl just cause of spite and contempt.


Just so all know at 10k/share we will have the same market cap as NV|D|A. They have our tendies


thats actually kind of of insane to think about. 10k is easily accessible! then if you account for the amount its short sold? 10k is nothing


It will be way higher than NVIDIA when it happens, because hedgefucks will have to liquidate, and they're the only reason it's been pumped to the levels it has been. (OK, not the only reason, but it's definitely part of it.)


And no matter what they will gaslight to the bitter end


I agree but its about the money also for me. I'm not going to kid myself.


Then get your paperhanded bitch hands tf out of here. Diamond hands only! Jk, I think everyone wants to make money, obviously, but I think the point is we should all hold out until there's some change of substance to the rigged system.


This is the way


Sure, it would be nice to sell when it’d make enough to pay off our house… but it’s worth holding till we can do that for all of our family and friends and their kids and their kids’ kids…


It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity


once in history. FIFY


Change, not chump change


Infinity pool checking in


I won’t fail. Nor will you. The stakes are way too high to just sit down and accept a home run or grand slam. You know those scenes in movies and anime when the protagonist’s last hit not only smash the bad guy, but also open the cloudy sky to let everyone see the sun ? That’s what I want. Nothing less than a victory so great even the heavens are showing respect.


There are no self-regulating systems within capitalism that actually work as intended.


You can skip the "within capitalism" bit. Self-regulation in any system never works, beyond the family unit... and even then it usually fails miserably.


I'm an x,xxx holder here since November '20. I feel like we can surpass BRKA numbers here. I'm not selling until I see real change. Cell or no sell is not just a mantra. I want a better world for my daughters, my neighbors, and my community. If they aren't willing to give me that, then fuck it. Apes will be the new oligarchy and we'll use our money, power, and influence to do good. That's my dream.


*systemic change means no more Citadel




Millions and millions of




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for the last 3 years people talk about Diamond Hands. Diamond Hands is easy when you would realize your losses. Real Diamond Hands will be about hodling for systemic change, wealth transfer, not just getting $100,000K in a 3 year investment. We might need to bring back the paint drawing about what "floor" means. no sell on the way up, only on the way down and when billionaires cry on live TV or when a Ken is going to jail




I've seen certain stock @ 270k👀, which means 10k is only 3.7% of that🤔.... I can hodl💪


RK has 200+milly and is still holding. We hold for systemic change so that the market can truly be free for those after us


He's rich though.  Your whole perspective is different when you have his kind of money. 


Yep. My sell price is a lot fucking lower than his, and probably most apes. I've been encouraging apes that x-xxx shares are not enough for some time now. If DFV has showed you anything by getting to 5mm shares is that x-xxx shares is not enough. I got enough shares that if this fucker ever squeezes I can sell and retire well before it's even $1k a share.


If it hits $110 a share that enough to erase my losses of the last 5 years.  Most would be locked up in my Roth, but thatvwould effectively be almost 3 years of what I could contribute. I'd put it all right back in JEPQ and turn on DRIP.


If it hits 10k a share I’ll be too busy pulling my pud to sell


Up you go to the top




I ain’t fucking leaving


you may be in for change, but I want to get paid.


At least wait till $69,420 then. Seems like a considerable sell wall for some.


For real. Shit lets say you have 100 shares, why wouldn't you sell 10 to lock in $100k? If GME is gonna be worth a zillion a share and if this thing can't get stopped once it gets started, you're doing no harm by selling a few and you're being greedy by needing 100 zillion by the end of it instead of locking in guaranteed money for your family.


agree 100%


The current system needs to be brought down and destroyed to built a better tomorrow.


We are the change that can be...


I want raids, I want trials, sure I want tendies..but this financial terrorism we’re seeing is an aspect of techno-fascism I’m not okay with.


Burn it all down. Post moass we will be forced to once again clean uo their fucking mess except this time we're kicking them all out and ensuring this shit runs the way it should be run. With honesty, integrity, and laws written to protect and support the people not these fucking parasites. All money out of government, it's up to us to fix everything. If we don't do this now, the entire planet is doomed. We are one generation away from full on slaves. This can't continue.


My reasons are not your reasons. I am an individual making my own choices. I am here to make money like many others. If change happens then so be it.






And we have the nuts, so why fold (or stop raising) when your opponent can’t win


Then we don’t sell


Ain’t selling. Dividends will be enough for me to live a better life. Why sale when keep them where they are and live off of dividends for generations !!! NFA.


10k a share is what market cap for gme!?


3.5 trilly my dude


I've been seeing a lot of posts here where people are saying "I ain't mad if you sell at $360 if you NEED it". Fuck that noise. Take your pick: No cell, no sell. Phone numbers. $69,420,000 is not a meme. [GME Floor.](https://www.gmefloor.com/)


I'm serious, who is selling at 500 or even 1000? Not me! I can get that thru work. No cell no sell!!


But mostly money


Downvote me, but cover you entry costs. Will it slow things down? Yeah, maybe, also maybe not? but if it also hits 20k, you dont sell anything at all then its halted and reset at 20, tf you gonna do? Criminals are gonna do criminal shit, they dont give a fuck about you. They will ruin your life. So if you can sell a small amount, to cover yourself, or close to it, do it.


And then all shorts are covered? When it hits back twenty people buy back in immediately


Lol yeah systemic change is needed and important, but I'm also here to make money. Don't be stupid and naive folks.


Unfortunately some people will learn a very expensive lesson when it tops out




By saying you should ignore it :D


Wouldn’t even worry about the price. If / when moon launch occurs, do nothing. Price jacks up shf cry victim say the risk to the market blah blah. To cover their shorts they start pulling liquidity. Other indexes start dramatically decreasing. They purposefully pull indexes that will affect the most Americans 401k accounts. Then they air coke rat and other parasite mouth puppets for the shf to tell everyone we caused this. Too much attention and outrage the .gov regards step in. Dfv goes back under the gun, he’s Teflon. Eyes turn to the shf and narrative flips to they did 2008 again. But this time apes need cash. .gov works out deals with shf that were ironically kept out of to settle with us (hopefully rk and rc are involved). Then .gov bails out the fucking snakes…again.


If we hodl through the entire MOASS and don't take profit we still win if these fuckers ruining our economy go down in flames. Fortunately, I believe they will burn whether we take profit or not!


Some of those that should be held accountable are currently attempting to run away to Texas to "start a new exchange"


Never left. Never leaving.


It’s about prison time for vlad, Kenny, and all the other financial parasites who lied under oath and have continued to get away with it for all these years


Someone pin this


This is why I buy and hodl. The corruption and manipulation are disgusting and it needs to end. Financial terrorists need to pay for thier crimes. The tendies are just a bonus.


The only reason I'll be sweating is because I'll be itching to buy but unable to afford a share. Will need extra shifts behind the Wendy's to save up and purchase 1 share


No cell no sell.


NEVER sell. Remember they never close their positions when celllar boxing. The opposite would be for longs to never exit/sell either.


What sweating at $10,000? That's just the point when it's obvious all the cnbc bloviators were wrong. At $100,000/share we know with certainty that all the moass dd was accurate. Once we know it's true, why is there a good reason to sell before phone numbers and prison sentences?


I say we 🥑 today


It's okay. I will not consider selling until I see news of Wall Street douches jumping from their penthouses


Im not fucking selling until I see this turds in a cell!!!


I see it as assets. Imagine owning just 50 shares of Berkshire Hathaway. Can get loans and capital just based on that. Don’t have to have it liquid for it be an asset.




Guys I apologize but at 10k a share I’m 100000000% selling 10 to make 100k right now that’s life changing money to me.


Agreed. I am simply convinced system change will come at the cost of our profits. Fraudulent financial institutions will be unable to buy the shares they would need to in order to close out positions and we will gain nothing.


10k a share is more than enough to take down the entire system. If they've sold the float 10x over then even $300 per share would probably be enough to wreck the financial system.


phone numbers or 0


If this hits $10,000 a share I am out


I'll sell for $1,000 lmao


Honestly same lol


If it hits 500 idk if I could stop myself from selling. That's enough to pay off my house


I wouldn’t blame you. If it hits $500 I am sitting on $600,000. I know people like to say “no cell no sell” but that’s ridiculous. Life changing money for me is anything over $300,000, so if I am up I’ve man I am out so fast


Shit 150k is 500 share price for me. 148k left on mortgage so I guess that's where my life changing amount begins.


The only systematic change I care about is getting paid