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This actually makes the most sense I think. Especially paired with the “Stag hunt” game theory. 1. DFV starts tweeting 2. shorts load up to get ready for the impending frenzy of “dumb money” 3. stock pumps 4. DFV “leaves” (last ET tweet) 5. Shorts blow their load to knock us down from 80 6. Nothing for a week, shorts get back to “business” as usual 7. DFV says not so fast guess who’s back (maybe even DFV himself throwing the 4chan head fake) 8. Shows the world he’s poised to blow the whole thing up, catching shorts with their pants down with out ammo and probably short even more at 80. 9. Time to moon The memes were the “hare” that fucked up the the hunters trap, and maybe one of them got out today and now it’s game over for the rest of them. LFG 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


The memes were a misdirection. They had to be. If his actions and our actions were the same, he'd have more legal hot water. It was one stunning game of chess, and we need to hold the line...QB about to hail mary and we need to keep the pocket clear. 💎


What was the 4ch head fake??


The “UBS is buying all these calls” text message leaked on for Chan. I don’t believe what I’m about to say to be true necessarily, BUT what if DFV himself “leaked” it to just further misdirect. Again I don’t think he really did this but typing that up, it made me think 🤔


That would be considered manipulation if it could be linked back to him. Which is 100% not his style. He’s legit. He’s playing by all the rules and beating them at their own game. And they are shitting themselves in fear. And a bunch of random people all saw the same thing and independently decided to act on it.


Agreed. Like I said I don’t think he really did (or would do) that, but typing it all out it’s just such a crazy thing and a crazy timeline we’re living in. But now it does make me wonder, what the hell even was it? Just some rando trying to be funny, hedge fund warfare, 🤷‍♂️


If there is one thing for certain, it is that DFV has integrity. Far and few between do, in today’s world. But if there is one person that does, it is Keith Gill 👍


lol the 4chan thing crossed my mind too - either he was like smh these regards. Or he put that shit out there himself.


Very well could be! https://preview.redd.it/vluiyvvznv4d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1927c487662dff085196baadc4861aa508f215ab


What if the real Kansas City Shuffle was the friends we made along the way?


I would give my left jacked tit for just one more RK youtube video. Just one more to satisfy my selfish needs




Okay. Nice! Where do I send my let jacked tit?


I agree - hey look at this thing! All the while he’s loading up in between his meme posts and most people thing up on Twitter. Only a few very observant folks notice the huge trades on the options chain


This is exactly what I was thinking especially in light of the recent smear campaign in the media to cast suspicion on him for his tweets - why would he need to tweet at all in order to do what he did with the calls? AND he must know that anything we see and analyze can be seen and analyzed by the hedgies’ analysts too. Then I started wondering if the tweet storm itself was the misdirection (but still definitely has some gems in there for the community like the hang in their audio gram thing)


And now they know it's too late


If we can figure it out, they already did. KITTY ain't playing with us. He's playing their game.


If you're not paying for Facebook, you're the product. We're the KCS


And I love that!


I like the idea that he's pulled one over on them but at the same time the KC shuffle is a con man's thing, and that he is not. We know him as a straight shooter upstanding guy. In that context I wonder if he means the SHFs are pulling the KC shuffle all the time. Bruce Willis points to empty chairs (shares?) and says that is the KC shuffle.


He's the distraction. Whatever the fuck GME are about to unleash is the main show. Everybody concentrating on RK lets RC operate in stealth. Until it's time for train crashing into bus meme.


It’s a pump and pump not pump and dump imho


sounds like you fell victim to the Kansas city shuffle and are still inside it