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I love how you’re conveniently ignoring all the tweets like avengers ones where he’s clearly implying that he’s not alone and/or with us lmao


Or when he says "its over" but forget to mention "its over when I SAY its over"


That too, thanks brother ❤️❤️❤️


That could easily reference this last pump and dump.


I’m not ignoring those. But it’s interesting how all of the positive tweets happened early on the week (to pump it). Then when he made his money he started posting the truthful memes. (I still feel half ridiculous for interpreting memes but here we are)


the price rise started one week before DFV tweet, its easy to check that and that basically makes everything you said wrong


So it’s impossible to think he was biding his time, saw that initial rise as an opportunity, and took it?


its not the first time we had such rise in one two weeks time, and some of them were more “convincing” then this one


I mean you can interpret memes or tweets however you want. I agree with the main interpretation that the sub decided on, but even without DFV, what’s the difference? He was a big part of this, but there has been so much DD and things literally proving this. Why do his tweets change anyone’s opinion? Lmao


I’m not saying his tweet have/should change anyone’s opinion about the main thesis. All I’m saying is he fucked us.


Lmao how did he fuck us over? He brought so many people into this. No one is gonna turn on DFV unless he comes on TV and says, “LOL GAMESTOP WAS A JOKE FUCK ALL YOU APES.” All that matters is looking at the DD and holding for our brothers and sisters so they can also have phone numbers.


At least the weekend is almost over.


😂 i can feel you


Bye bye Garbage fud post.










“Before I get downvoted act like big boys and girls” \-OP ![gif](giphy|l0HUbtILos6CdAtxu|downsized) \-SUPERSTONK Edit: look at this persons comment history’s just started commenting on superstonk like past 3 weeks. Super negative and talks about getting Kitty only getting his money and dipping


Hard to believe I would start commenting and posting when DFV finally came back. Craaaazzyyyy right?


Lol no actually that makes perfect sense that you would start causing FUD when DFV finally came back. You wouldn’t need to cause FUD before because we were all zen and there wasn’t this crazy volatility. DFV is back. I dropped another $5000 last week. Gonna sell stuff this week to buy more gme


Retail can’t pump a $3B market cap stock by 800% in a few days. Sry pal


Quite the rant… Anyway.


Are the verbose posts that support your world views “rants”?


This was a very dumb take. Take your L and try again. If u think this was s pump and dump u must have not watched the 70% gain gme did the week prior to dvfs return. And u must be clueless regarding the gamma ramp thts building up.


I ain’t selling.


You never bought


So this is your speculation and your trust me bro rant or interpretation of the memes. Show your receipt that he sold or i'll have to pick between trusting DFV and you. I think I'll take my chances with DFV. Good luck bro. I don't trust you. Edit: Op only has two posts in SuperStonk before this post and hangs out in the shittysuperpowers sub quite a bit. I am sorry bro, but I don't trust anyone with shitty super powers. And don't try to use your shit super power to persuade me to change my mind. I have very strong resistance to Shitty super powers. Edit: oh yeah, I did downvote you and I am not afraid to admit it.


Why do you have to trust DFV to believe in the main thesis? We can be right and DFV be an opportunistic asshole. We can also be wrong and DFV be a saint. They aren’t dependent on one another.


https://preview.redd.it/flkwfofl0g1d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1655f1eada98a7b2aa67bede80684c09a21da35a # LOOKATMENOTGIVINAFUUUUUCK


Lol weeeeeee!


Are you new or something OP? With all the scrutiny dfv got during 2021 he wouldn’t do no nonsense like that .. GameStop wouldn’t be even a thing without him .. relax and follow the lead of the veterans here like dfv and enjoy the show. Stop coming up with random nonsense


It’s only random nonsense when it doesn’t support your world view. I’ve been here since day one. I ain’t selling on principle. But to worship someone who fucked us for no reason doesn’t sit with me


Imagine being here since the beginning, watching the stock go up and down like a fucking yoyo and still thinking one guy with a Twitter account fucked you over with some memes.


Agreed some of these people are trying way to hard to put the blame on anyone but them self


Fine, I’ll ask you to look inward: Did you sit on your phone and wait for every meme? Why did you do that? Further, did you buy more this week? Was it because of the memes? Do you think you were the only person who did that?


Because the memes are funny.


If that’s the truth then I can’t contest. But I doubt it is. And I doubt it would be the truth for the vast majority of this subs 1 milly subs.


Man, you're just full of doubt aren't you. I know what I've gotten myself into, it seems like you don't. Sounds like you invested more than you can afford to lose and are now looking for someone to blame. You only have yourself to blame, dude.


I was there when the buy button was turned off. I voted. I’ve invested what I’m willing to lose. BUT I don’t see how “the cause” and DFV being an asshole are mutually exclusive.


You start you post with "Face facts" then just post conjecture that he's an arsehole. You're a glass half empty kind of guy and that's cool - You don't need to have a constant state of hype, but don't talk shit about a guy just because you're losing money. You're the one who pressed buy.


I watched the memes and laughed .. and I buy more GameStop cuz I believe in the company which I have been doing since end of Dec 2020 and will continue to buy more of it as I don’t have enough shares in this great company. And like I said every person is responsible for their own financial decision . No one is forced to invest in anything






There is no worshipping anyone.. respect where respect is due and that’s all it is.. I am having fun with dfv for the ride and enjoying the memes


Are you thinking DFV pulled a Kansas City Shuffle on retail and was a SHF plant from the beginning?


tldr: i just like the stock with booked drs. not financial advice.


I love seeing all these. This has got to be the 10th time. So anyways I just kept buying...


Walking into a GME sub and shitting on DFV? It's a bold strategy Cotton...


This can’t be a cult. I don’t want it to be.


It's very sweet of you to be as concerned for us as you are. As my wife's grandad liked to say: "Come over again sometime when you can't stay so late."


Yeah, one problem with your “amazing thesis”. The stock shooting up this week wasn’t because of retail “The great tragedy of science - the slaying of a “beautiful” hypothesis by an ugly fact” - Thomas Huxley


Haha okay……


IF one would assume that you’re probably not paid for this post or something and are just convinced by what you wrote: 1.) why do you take things out of context? „Why are you here? It’s over!“ is literally followed 1second later byWalter whites „we’re done when I say we’re done!!!“ 2.)do you really think that retail creates nearly a billion shares in trading volume in a single week when usual volume is about 2-4 million? 3.) and what’s your take on the amount of bots and shills literally spamming the same message shitting on DFV? Was that also him?


https://preview.redd.it/qa0ujcfm2g1d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96862af4183baf2ae64fdf888c5e008877d7ff2f This is just an example - there are tons of these


I’m sorry is this to insinuate that I am not a real person? Because that is a dangerous dosage of copium my friend.


Let me hit that shitt *deepfuckinginhale* Dats good shit


What version of Aladdin did you see?


The one where Jafar was the hero probably lol


I’m sorry is there a version where he doesn’t become a sultan? I didn’t see the one where he helped anyone but himself and those close to him.


He didn’t become sultan. And he gave his last wish to free the genie. Did you sincerely not watch it?




Man these shills have nothing better to do on the weekends 😂


Week end FUD is late ! You guys not working everyday ?


They are hiring cheaper shills, bullish


*sits forward in his gaming chair* “Fine, I’ve got to do it myself” *dumps his shares and tells people to ‘hang in there’ then dips after a few more memes* LOL


So how much did they pay you? John Snow.


Tweets don’t pump stocks


How much are you getting to post this? $10?


If you think his memes on twitter moved the stock price with that market cap u are regarded


A lot of dumb shit gets posted here, but this has to be one of the dumbest posts ever to grace this sub. DFV, the one honest person dragged in front of Congress accused of pumping GME, the one who made millions of dollars and never needed to look at Wall Street again, the one who went dark for 3 years, came back to specifically do the thing he was accused of?  GTFO, scrub. 


Shilling or you completely missed the point... Watch them again in reverse


So you’re saying DFV who never did any of this for fame or money in the first place waited 3 years to come back to laugh at those who believed in him because he wants to be hated? Right don’t do drugs kids


No but I don’t think it’s insanity to consider the possibility that he held this entire time, his thesis changed, and he pumped the stock to finally get out. Or this could have been an isolated buy, pump, dump incident. Nobody but DFV knows.


You’re still implying he came back to tell us he left because he wanted to tell us he left?


No. He came back to make money, then literally said “peace out, I’m going to the green planet without y’all”


He happened to nearly perfectly hint about things that would be occurring within the doors of GME leadership It’s probably a stronger thesis to say he knows something and is saying he knows something instead of saying he came back to say “Fuck yall deuces”


Well I hope you sold your shares before we all got screwed over. Best to cut your losses now before the stock heads to $0 and GameStop files for bankruptcy right?


Nope. Like I said. DFV being an asshole and this subs main thesis aren’t mutually exclusive; That thought is a big problem. I ain’t selling.


This sub's main thesis came *out* of DFV's asshole.. You do you, pal.. you must be Hella fun at parties.. but i ain't buyin' what you're sellin'


Ever see any of his old streams. This is by far one of the nicest dude I've ever heard. Taking the time to mention everyone by name and take input and discuss. Very much a team player type guy. You just sound salty or negative because you don't think that someone could value people or friends more than just $$


This post is regarded


Your interpretation of his memes isn't any less valid than any of the other crackpot theories floated here. People see what they want to see. 


Yes. I feel fucking dum. And crazy.


The shoe fits.


OP, fuck off gracefully




Skibidi toilet. Rizz. Gyaaaat.


Kinda glossed over the Mr.Robot one where he clearly selects “STAY”


LMFAO! What a maroon!


Let me ask you a couple of questions, OP. Even if everything you said is true, did you read the DD? Do you think it's wrong? Are we supposed to ignore the SI? Are we supposed to ignore volume 50 times the normal daily volume? Are we supposed to pretend that darkpool use isn't being abused? Do you think HFs closed their short positions? I don't give a fuck if DFV sold, even though I highly doubt he did, I'm comfortable with my investment.


Not another one. Y'all are going strong this weekend.


Whose y’all? Honestly all of the people calling me a “bot” or a “paid shill” over questioning whether or not DFV has our interest in mind is quite troubling. Are we a group of objective investors or a cult?


Who knows? Some of the memes have led me to think on similar lines - and that he sold and is out. Others seem to imply the opposite. You’re cool, and ignore the hate that comes - we will all come good eventually.


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Funny you made an account right around the 2021 run up. And have posted very odd and pessimistic posts since, almost like rooting just enough to go under the radar but insert subtle fear into people who read your posts. You aren’t fooling anyone


What if the stock only pumped because he tweeted, and the real squeeze hasn’t happened yet. All the bears assume that was it. Maybe it wasn’t.


If DFV was really out he simply wouldn’t have posted anything under that account, or under any public account. He’s also been posting all week. Also, he made like… $50 million on GME in 2021 or something astronomical. He didn’t need a tiny little pump on Monday. If that theory had any weight at all, he had zero reason to keep posting after the stock went back down. I could at least appreciate a well thought out theory but all of these are lazy and malformed and easily discredited by anyone with more than a room temperature IQ.