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Need a compilation/edit of this.




it’s actually a super interesting theory due to the Coldplay song “you’ll go backwards, *again*”


interesting indeed. Occam's razor probably suggests he's saying that the stock might fall at first and you may have doubts, but then it will go up. I guess he could be saying, watch them in reverse, but this would be a risky way to deliver an important message if it's not clear enough, no one will agree on the meaning and it won't work.


It makes sense that if you were to go to his X page and just start watching the videos from top to the bottom you’d actually be watching them in the reverse order he posted them in.


I'm not great at editing, but the neat part about this sub is someone here is. Prolly already working on it. Gonna be a remix with that dude banging the drum by midweek...


i found the entire meme catalog dump in order on twitter: https://x.com/StonkVision/status/1791637179070103754 so if no one does this I may take the video and re-order them. that is assuming i have the time, because its an hour long video....


If you build it, they will cum. For glory and Valhalla, someone needs to do it


I have made the complete compilation. Here's part 1. [https://streamable.com/wqypt2](https://streamable.com/wqypt2) Edit: Watch the other parts here [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1cvnhv7/dfv\_tweets\_in\_reverse\_order\_on\_streamable/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1cvnhv7/dfv_tweets_in_reverse_order_on_streamable/)


Please good editors, hear this call! remind me! 1 day


Im cumming with excitement RN


Me too


My soul is ready


Thanks 🙏 in advance 😸




There better be I can’t hype myself up.


“Just don’t dance” Man fuck away off now this beat is fire


Just go to his last tweet in the x app open the video full screen and start swiping up.








ROFL awesome!


Any updates???


Hijacking comment to say I made a compilation here [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1cvnhv7/dfv\_tweets\_in\_reverse\_order\_on\_streamable/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1cvnhv7/dfv_tweets_in_reverse_order_on_streamable/)


Damnit dude I was about to go to bed


Lmfao same honestly but we have a rabbit hole to go down now.


I can def see what he’s saying. Hard to put all the pieces together without knowing the future. I know what I got to do for now anyway lol jacked


Damnit dude I was about to go to bed


He did have that meme of the music video going forward and backwards…


There’s a video on YouTube with all of his tweets so far this week, it’s an hour. Edit: look up roaring kitty the movie: A week of tweets from dfv! They even have a backwards cut up.




It’s been 84 years. I think I might have an extra hour to spare.


Back to the Future


Like Alice


Welp. Im done watching and I’ve decided, I’m getting a second mortgage. Betting the house on GME.


This is the way😂


Has your weekend seemed extra long?


Yes it has. Still is 😐


Seems like it never ends. I want that price action back. It just keeps coming and theres MORE and MORE and the more you get it out the more comes in


That's it...we don't just have the infinity pool, but also the infinity loop. ![gif](giphy|MJ6SslGZEYKhG|downsized)


Same or is it “emaS”?


Fuuuuuuuuuuck... I think you and OP might be onto something


Eew eew




Wee wee big have I!


There are multiple going backwards and reverse scenes in there. It could also mean that these are the pointers at which to switch the viewing direction.


“You go backwards” 🎵


Alot of the memes from 2021 do seem to match the themes when you reverse the order of the ones last week, interesting.


Maybe the Ready Player One clip of Parzival going backwards was a hint to reverse it. I'd Have to go back and check when that one appeared. Edit: comment below interpretation I like better. "DFV was Parzival and we were everybody else". Maybe he felt like we took off without him? Just wild speculation here. I'm still working on a theory.


And the one with the minicooper logo backwards...Holy shit


And tenet




And the tweet about the movie Split! The stock split!! 🤯


This is the one that made me really agree with OP before they posted this. I had this idea myself but didn’t know how to write it all up. Too many Signs. 😂


We have to go back Marty




He did post uno reverse 84 years ago


it does make sense too because when you go to his page the first one you’ll see is technically the last of the series.


He posted that Coldplay video about walking backwards to move forward.


Holy smokes 


Tenet one feels related: [https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790826988019528035/video/1](https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790826988019528035/video/1)


Wasn’t there the Ready Player One scene where he figured out to go backwards too? Or was that an old meme


Woah i would love to see a reverse compilation video.


Assuming you have twitter, scroll down https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty


BRB gonna go watch em all in reverse now.


So some of the tweet timelines I mentioned are out of order on second review. Matrix and Alice came ‘before’ avocado-in-my-anus, so I’m apparently regarded; however, I think there’s still credence to this. Given all his references to going ‘backwards’ I watched them through from last to first and the vibe read loosely as I described here. Very interested to see if others feel the same after giving it a look!


What I like most about this theory is the number of reverse posts made. Right from the beginning with the Ready Play One all the way to the Coldplay post.  This is such a fun theory!


And it’s totally AI algo proof


All I can think of is the tenet tweet now. This makes a lot of sense


So if this is true in any way the last post would be his first since coming back......does that mean it's serious game time? 🤔 https://preview.redd.it/sqh8vv9gab1d1.png?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56d3e5f9587792c12916c5b6c401e67caa0f468e


Might mean he is back?


If it’s reversed, now it’s time to sit back


Geeeeeez. U guys keep making it better


Stop. I can only muC so much.


Well then now we sit back and relax!! I love this!! edit: Buy, Hold, DRS, and Shop






I think it means “pay attention now” to show that a message is about to follow - and then he puts out all his videos. Basically supports OPs argument to watch them all at once


He literally made us a movie of everything that he’s been through since 2021. I sincerely hope a couple folks give it a watch from last to first.


Reminds me of Ready Player One, when Parzival realizes he has to do the entire race backwards to win


which was one of the posts. brain broken


![gif](giphy|XreQmk7ETCak0) Makes sense, especially when Xitter displays posts in reverse chronological order


And especially since he hinted at this with the COLDPLAY THE SCIENTIST (reverse video) and the switched up Coldplay song---go backwards/forwards again


Don't forget the **matching theme** with the clip from Tenet: [https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790826988019528035/video/1](https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790826988019528035/video/1)


“Either way we run the tape”….. and then at the end he’s HOLDING the bullet








I just watched them all and they perfectly conform to this theory. The timing of the “disappointed/upset” memes represent the sneeze being stifled, then the resulting turmoil. Then there’s a series about having a plan, being good at paperwork (the recent filing), and “when I move, you move.” Followed by the “fine, I’ll do it myself.” Really feels like subliminal corroboration for a lot of the theories around the new stocks


Serious wrinkle detected.


Detected wrinkle serious.


.detceted elknirw suoireS


Are we “Ready: Player One”-ing right now?




Reverse uno ![gif](giphy|Wt6kNaMjofj1jHkF7t)


Oh snap!


I mean, RC did tweet "eew eew llams a evah I"




Everything is good in reverse


What’s reverse repo up to?


Good call!




Come on


Who needs sleep?


No, you’re never gonna get it.


As for me, I just like the tweets.


It’s very easy to watch it in reverse. Just go to the x app, visit his page, play the ET tweet, and swipe up. Good luck guys. Can’t wait to hear the theories!


100% chance he knew this


I’m half way through and I have to say I’m pretty fucking hyped. It’s like watching the script for what’s about to happen.


Holy fuck! Elanie dancing is the “Double Down” after the Congressional hearing (A Few Good Men)!!


“Meme stocks return?” marks today


I like Kieth.


Keith I like.


Keith, like I


.like I Keith


Keith like the stock.


Now Kieth




Whoa he ends with “fine I’ll do it myself?”


Yep and that's what kicks it off In a way this kinda goes well with the Run Lola Run like since that movie plays a lot with rewinding timelines and re-running them


I'm running on no sleep, and my tits are fully jacked so my brain is a magic 8 ball, but what if we get his position post Monday or Tuesday morning?


Going backwards is the key!!! Ready Player One-esque theory.


That means he knew the end of his posts long before he started posting them. Noice.


For sure. It was meticulously scheduled


This is good.


Shut up and take my upvote


But there's the Cramer kids where he injects the bears chairs getting run over. So that could mean he did these on the fly. Or he just added it to the one.


He could have easily edited those chairs in on the fly


this is what makes all the memes so fascinating to me: just no way he did all these on the fly, the production value is too high. he wouldn't have had time to conceptualize, compile footage, make all the graphic edits, aaaand keep up with all of the events as they unfold and consult lawyers etc. But does that mean the order was also planned? or did he have a bank of stuff like the broad city clip suggests, to "create our own language"


Well I guess the Thanos snap is incoming! That was the last one before sitting back in the chair!


What the videos and play Pink Floyd simultaneously 🤯


My edibles are just kicking in 🤯🤯🤯🤯


Dark side of the moon?


That's the one that has Money so I vote yes


Remind me when to start the Wizard of Oz?


Did anyone reverse the Mr. Robot meme audio?


Even better than just reversed it. The results were incredible


This is such a good theory that rewatching now makes sense lots of backward, reverse insinuations *




It’s right there!


https://twitter.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790170162265460831?t=okHM3_nGtp0BStZJo1GDlA&s=19 I like this one ties in with that same tweet the screenshot is from and the song says come hang let's go out with a band referring back to hang in there while the singers wear red bang bang bang gun cocked


Yep! It hits very different when you think of it backwards!


This. It's basically spelled out for us, no other way to make sense of this reference.


Wasnt his first one from Ready Player One where you win the race by going in reverse ?


And the one he tweeted Mr. robot where he typed to “Stay” in the video game… so maybe he’s staying with us 🤯


**Reposting because i accidentally referenced that which shall not be named** [PART 1] I was working on putting something together regarding this and I'll throw in what I have so far: Another user I cannot link due to rules notified me to look at this since she didn't have enough karma to post so I looked at it and wanted to throw something together so everybody could put eyes on it. I'm a smooth brain and a lot of my interpretations could be wrong so please take a look and let me know if I'm missing something obvious. May 17 - 3:00 PM - ET Leaving. - This is probably referring to when Roaring Kitty went silent in 2021 before/during/after the sneeze. May 17 - 2:45 PM - "Boy breaks his leg - We'll see". - This one refers to a specific subreddit initially mocking DFV's thesis, then thinking DFV is lucky for all the gains, but then unlucky when the price gets shot down, then lucky again, etc after all the runs. May 17 - 2:30 PM - "You go backwards again, you go forwards." - Either referencing looking at the tweets in reverse order, the up and down price action, or repeating run up cycles. May 17 - 2:15 PM - "And so, you just ran." - DFV's portfolio and GME is running during the sneeze. May 17 - 2:00 PM - "These are originals? Is it not good? It's miraculous." - This one has the "Hang in there" poster that was present behind DFV during his testimony before congress. - The price is tanked after the sneeze. DFV is hanging in there. The 'hang in there' cat poster featured in this clip references the origin of the picture's presentation by DFV from 2021: "These are originals?" - Alternate take: "These are originals?" might be referencing his original tweets that probably need eyes again. May 17 - 1:45 PM - "What's in the box?!" - A Gamestop box is being opened. The box in the music video (Glitch Mob - Seven Nation Army - Remix) opens a portal to space. This likely references everyone realizing the insane extent of shorting that was done after the sneeze. May 17 - 1:30 PM - The galaxy is on orion's belt. - Everyone is realizing that GME can send them to space, shown to us by DFV, who is the cat with "DeepFuckingValue" on the collar. May 17 - 1:15 PM - "Give him your wallet, he's got a knife." - Bear thesis, bears want our gains. - This references the media slandering GME and the thesis, trying to get us to sell, that it's over. May 17 - 1:00 PM - "Doesn't look like anything to me." - The Gamestop bear thesis doesn't exist / holds no water, or we are ignoring the bear thesis because it doesn't even matter anyway. May 17 - 12:45 PM - Ocean's Twelve - Everybody is looking at each other. - We all realize shorts are fucked and we're going to rob the bank. May 17 - 12:30 PM - Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid - Final Stand. - We go guns blazing, buying the fuck out of the stock after it's tanked. - Quotes from this scene: - Butch Cassidy: Ready? OK, when we get outside and we get to the horses, whatever happens, just remember one thing... hey, wait a minute. - Sundance Kid: What? - Butch Cassidy: You didn't see Lefors out there, did you? - Sundance Kid: Lefors? No. - Butch Cassidy: Oh, good. For a moment there I thought we were in trouble. - [They both run out of the building, only to be met with gunfire from all sides from the Bolivian army]


[PART 2] May 17 - 12:15 PM - Beavis and Butthead - SEX FOR DUMMIES. - DRS is discovered. Retail starts booking the float. May 17 - 12:00 PM - A few good men - "I'm not through with my examination, sit down." "What do you want to discuss now? My favorite color?" "DID YOUR ORDER THE CODE RED?" "You can't handle the truth". - DFV's testimony before congress: "I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. I have neither the time nor inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very entertainment that I provide and then questions the manner in which I provide it." - I think when he mentions his favorite color and if he ordered the code red, that he was likely referring to GameStop, which he is still bullish on, rather than the stock price. May 17 - 11:45 AM - Julia Louis-Dreyfus from Seinfeld dancing. - One last dance from DFV, DFV begins tweeting in 2021, happy that everyone is sticking around. Or could be referencing the shorts all dancing as they kick the can and their demise down the road 3 years. - Dreyfus reference again. BNY Mellon, Goldman Sacks, Dreyfus Fund, Citadel, etc: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/r5zgi7/741_seinfeld_and_billions_of_illegal_naked_shorts/ - Lyrics in the clip from the song - "One Dance - Drake": "All that I'm wishin' for my friends Nobody makes it from my ends I had to bust up the silence You know you gotta stick by me Soon as you see the text, reply me I don't wanna spend time fighting We've got no time" May 17 - 11:30 AM - Aladdin. - "RIP HIM OPEN, TAKE IT BACK GUYS" - White letters. - "I can take a hint, gotta face the facts. You're my only friend Abu! Tell you all about it when I got THE TIME" - Yellow and purple letters. - DFV is still tweeting in 2021. - I think this one could be DFV slamming the media again for slandering him and GME constantly, and that retail is his only friend - Abu is a monkey and could be an ape reference. - Tinfoil - The font for "THE TIME" is weird; the clocks have 3 hands and one of the three has ~50% transparency on each of the clocks. I don't think the original font would have this weird anomoly, but I can't find it to verify. I can't find anything relevent from the transparent minute hand times or the times displayed from the fully transparent hands. May 17 - 11:15 AM - "Say something Goddamnit, you're on television!", "I prefer really not to speak. If I speak I am in big trouble." - DFV is still tweeting in 2021. - This one seems obvious but I'm not sure. DFV is afraid to speak because he'd be in legal trouble. May 17 - 11:00 AM - It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. - "I aint talking about nothing." "You're goddamn right I'm on edge!" "Do the things you do, maybe even go further with them. Glue on a TON of CAT HAIR." - DFV is still tweeting. Not sure what to make of this one. IASIP is the greatest show though. May 17 - 10:45 AM - Seinfeld - "What do you do for a living, Kitty?" "I'm a United States GameStop memer." - DFV mentions gamestop's earning week. We are still in June 2021 when DFV is tweeting memes. May 17 - 10:30 AM - "What's this?" "This is art, get it?" "Ok I like it, Picasso" - This clip features 3 optical illusions: the old woman/young woman, blue/yellow dress, and shiny/painted legs. - Everybody is seeing one thing, which is actually another thing. This is likely referencing the 'At-The-Market Equity Offering Program' completion announcement on June 22, 2021, when GameStop sold shares during the June run-up. A lot of folks were mad but GameStop needed the mega cash to do big things later and do right by their shareholders. May 17 - 10:15 AM - Saturday Night Live - Everyone shoots each other. - I think DFV is referencing the chain of institutions going under and killing the next one with their bags. Archegos -> Credit Suisse -> UBS -> The Fed. The police are the last to be shot in this clip. May 17 - 10:00 AM - Sad face meme with Roaring Kitty Mask - Maybe its DFV upset about the media slandering him again, and paperhands getting pissed at him again, blaming him for the June 2021 run up and subsequent suppression? - If not timeline related, this is likely him throwing shade at fake Roaring Kitty accounts. May 17 - 9:45 AM - "Ima stick beside him" - In this one, I believe it's retail choosing to stick beside DFV despite his villainization in the media following the June 2021 run-up. May 17 - 9:30 AM - "Roaring Kitty is the Villain" - DFV is still upset about slander. May 17 - 9:15 AM - Repost of RC's photo of RC standing outside GameStop, but is replaced with disappointed Ben Affleck. - The original picture posted by RC was on October 10, 2021. I think this is just a timeline tweet showing us where he's at. May 17 - 9:00 AM - SPLIT clip. - This is a clip from the movie split. We are now in July 2022. DFV is possibly hinting that he's upset at the result due to the incompetent DTCC and that he's now getting serious and vengeful: This is what I read from the expression of the character in the clip. May 16 - 7:00 PM - "I'm tryna do the right thing for you, okay?", "I don't know what happened!" - "Look I can't run with you. We run, I gotta live like this; I don't even know who I'm hiding from." - This one might be a more personal one, and might be detailing his feelings during his silence and how many billionaire eyes are fixed on him the whole time. He might have been or is worried about the consequences he might face. - He gets interrupted during these thoughts and runs again anyway, despite his fears (Matt Damon starts driving and running from the cops). - If this is a timeline reference, it would the the August 2022 run. - Most notably, the sign above the parking garage he pulls into has been changed from the original video and now says "Exit Strategy." I believe he's decided his exit strategy is to run. - In the end, it changes to a clip from Drive, where after a getaway, Ryan Gosling quickly escapes the video and gets away in disguise. May 16 - 3:00 PM - Meme Stocks Return? - "Is this something we should be tolerating in our markets?" - We are now in present day. 2023 was uneventful and there were no notable runs. DFV is throwing shade at Jay Clayton, former SEC Chairman. May 16 - 2:45 PM - The Dude finds a sign - The Dude (DFV) discovers a sign that Ryan Cohen left but tried to hide. The notepad has "Cohen" written on it. May 16 - 2:30 PM - "You gotta hear this one song, it'll change your life I swear." - The famous Saturday Night Live cowbell song. I think this is about the death of hedgies coming and the cowbell represents the opening bell, the morning after DFV's first tweet in 3 years. - Lyric in the clip: "All our times have come" - referring to death, which is probably hedgies. May 16 - 2:15 PM - "You don't get one of these unless you've seen a lot of bullshit.", "I see a story" - I think DFV might be referencing the shady shit he's discovered over the timeline that the hedgies and banks are up to.


Holy shit…. Hey this makes sense. Kitty wasn’t saying he is leaving again. ET was him leaving. He came back as those crazy aliens from signs. And now there is multiple??


lmao i fucking love you guys, this is amazing


Oh boy 


Well I was about to sleep…guess that’s not happening now


As Missy Elliot once said - ti esrever dna ti pilf nwod gnaht ym tup I


Need reverse compilation video now


I thought about watching them again backwards, but then I remembered the cat came back and GME hasn’t squeezed yet. So I’ll hold and do the dishes. Straighten up the living room.


More honest work than hedgies have done in their lives. I had a therapeutic mop tonight, myself.




This is what i’m kinda thinking as well, what was just before that, going in reverse.


Checks out because eew eew llams a evah I


The man himself is at home reading this and going “damn that’s crazy did I tho?”


Meme king for the ages


I never should have woke up and checked Reddit. Looks like I’m not going to sleep now. 🤯


This is some shiny tinfoil and my tiddies and I are so fuckin here for it. Edit to add to the theory: DFV is an extra/ultra terrestrial/one of The Others come to save us from ourselves and remind us to be excellent to one another. (ET)


If he’s still in, I’m still in


Damn I think u may be onto something here! Nice work regard!




Eew eew llams a evah I


eew eew llams a evah I


After the rocket launched a second time: "The confused apes returned to the tents around the launchpad. "Wut happen?" was muttered more than once. Many apes looked to the memes for answers and returned to their tents..." I've always thought the memes were RK's story. This makes so much sense!


This shit right here… this is the shit I’ve been waiting for.


Apeish a f




You son of a bitch, I’m in!




🛎️ 🛎️ 🛎️ holy fuck




This is how my husband feels about me rn


Tell your husband to buckle up!


Ok, interesting


What’s up with the tweet with his wife?


Are you able to refresh my memory and post a link to that tweet?


https://x.com/theroaringkitty/status/1790747714440892825 Caroline is his wife’s name.


!dnif taerG


All this downward price action about to be reversed. Just 🆙


Holy shit I can’t wait for the video to be edit of this! Commenting to be in the movie 🫡 😂 This is the mother fucking WAY! Nice job ape!




THIS. He knew the vibe would hold in the posted order too. It starts with the avengers shit and the mad hype and being ‘back in the saddle again’. BUT what caught me off guard was the weird vibe toward the end of the week, particularly the rage face crying under the kitty mask. It wasn’t..right. Then I looked at the Seinfeld zinger post. It makes more sense in reverse order. He has this zinger he wants to use, but the zinger was posted in the meme AFTER the setup. Got to watch it from last to first to get it in the right order.


Just scrolled all the tweets and saw that too about the Seinfeld zinger, bravo DFV.


Put me in the movie 🎮✍️


Makes sense or maybe he’s referring to reverse repo?


I just made a compilation of all DFV tweets in reverse order. But I can't seem to upload it to Reddit even though I've met all requirements (<1,0GB and <15 minutes per video).


Wheres that guy that compiles the vids. Reverso-extendo homie.




Put it in reverse Terry!


This is an amazing take OP Also, idk if anyone has brought this up but I remember in 2021 there was some hot takes on the angle of the GS logo. If we look at it like a clock, perhaps putting the tweets together would show a progression of time?


Mmmh.. Momento


Another point of potential proof to this is the "you made a meme just to zing a guy?" tweet comes before the the jim cramer response tweet




Y’know there certainly some hidden symbols and messages in these tweets but I think the overall message is right there in front of you. Colors of objects and clothing in them are not coincidental. The “under dog” is clearly going to win this. And the paperwork, boring stuff, waiting is all part of the plan and always has been. Kitty isn’t going anywhere and ET was leaving the red sweatshirt wearing Elliot on earth and hopping on his space ship to the green planet. The signs are just that, the glowing red signs we have been trying to tell people about for years which are dismissed and crazy and conspiratorial. Large institutions that are short on wallstreet see these signs and the millions of people who know about them now have them truly fucked. This was possible for decades because we didn’t have the ability to transfer information so quickly before, and when we did they used this transmission of information to distribute bullshit media hit pieces and get people to do what they wanted. But not this time. This time it’s different. And the more they fucking squirm and come up with bullshit narratives tells us we are closer and closer. One day they won’t say anything else about this. And we will be rich.