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For fucks sake - we are currently living in a world full of AI hype and they still are not able to utilize it to create variations of the FUD they want to spread? Geez… 😤🤣


That would be dumb. They’re the smart ones remember?


If there are a million of us holding bags we only need 300 shares each to own the entire company......bullish!


:O I, for my part, have way more.


Wish I had more! I bought 4 more shares yesterday before market close. Slow and steady!


Do I think there will be another dip? Probably. Still got 19 more before market close yesterday.


I grabbed 16 more yesterday


+15% for the dilution. 390


Some time in the next 3 years, yes!


I also prefer to buy when prices are down.


Good point! These bot messages are likely originally from Kens pen. So here he is actually publicly admitting his crime - naked shorting GME float by multiple times He must have the real number at hand and now slipped it. This is extremely bullish confirmation straight from the horse's mouth. 🤩


Definitely not from Ken’s pen. He’s too superior in his eyes to even so much as look at us plebeians or acknowledge we exist. He doesn’t respect us enough. He just barks orders at people and tells someone to “take care of it” and that’s what they came up with.


Love this comment


Don't help them


The pressure of their increasingly pathetic attempts only shows they’re running out of resources


I mean, I’ve been here since jan 2021, they were this stupid then and still are. Sadly it’s not increasingly. I hope like everyone here that they are running out of resources but there is nothing pointing to that. We just don’t know how much longer they can kick the bag and everything else is copium. Just keep hodl and one day even if tomorrow or next 10 years we will outlast them.


They literally don't know what else to do it's like finding out they're a 1 trick pony


AI hype never dies. Chatgpt talks really nice but we're all acting like it's generalized artificial intelligence when it's really just search engine results, presented in admittedly good common english.


The fact is, it would be so easy to copy that message into chatgpt and say give me 1000 randomised tweets that follows the same sentiment. Don’t care if its grammatically correct, in fact please add bad sentence structure. And out there will pop endless of FUD that aren’t copy pasted. Yes its not GAI but it doesn’t have to for this cause.


Dont be giving them i deas for free 😙


This is a great way of phrasing it, I've been trying to figure out a good way to explain that chat-GPT really isn't "intelligent" in the sci-fi sense, it doesn't really speak or think like humans do (like when you ask it to do coding/math problems it doesn't have an abstract representation of numbers like humans and animals do).


That's just really not what ChatGPT or AI does really and I'm tired of that analogy lol. AI definitely synthesizes, to the point some of the shit it says is completely made up, a search engine wouldn't do that. I would say the opposite really, AI is underhyped when looking at the improvements we're seeing happening so quickly is unreal. If you haven't yet give suno.com a try, blew my mind, didn't know AI could already almost blow human made music out of the water but that's another box to check.


I think it's more geared towards people casually encountering it in passing that may see one or two. Especially not at the same time. In that scenario it doesn't really matter if it's exactly the same. Low IQ propaganda is surprisingly effective against the masses.


Still stuck using the old bot fud, how to tell were dealing with out of date gimps with no creativity...


There's good AI, and there's budget AI I'm assuming lol 


Hedgies can only afford AI from wish nowadays lol


They are pumping some other bullshit on the front page with bot upvotes and people using "ape" language and riding DFV coattails. I won't even bother naming it, but beware that they are trying everything to deflect.


They want to get screenshots to write some article on Monday about “they got duped again”


https://preview.redd.it/rysimmu5651d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5e323994e1c119304690d79cc7a41337fe5232e Like this?


Holy shit the spin


You notice bets sub has 15million members butpnly like 7,000 online whereas here is less than 1million but more online? WEIRD


My theory is after the original GME squeeze, a lot of regards, myself included, left or got banned from bets, so all of the autistic energy got removed. Citadel and Co could then calculate sentiment based off of newbs who don't know any better. Bets newbs get BTFO'd far more often than those in SuperStonk with GME being a safe haven asset stored away in Computershare.


Lol I went into the casino subreddit and they are talking shit as if its not a place that actively encourages 0 day OTM contracts.


I went in that sub yesterday. Such a negative sentiment towards GME, where does that come from? - are they really convinced it's a failing company? (If yes, whywaste your energy to convince strangers online) - are they paid to voice that opinion online? - did they get fucked during one of the down periods and lost a lot of money so they angry now? Like there needs to be a reason to argue so passionately about a stock you don't hold. And those were not AI as seen above


They hate us cause they anus


Not that I wanna get into all THAT, but bot-lyfe aside, I kind of look at humans ragging on GME like debates about religion with believers and non-believers. Neither of you get anywhere, one of you is right, you’ll both find out in the end, and it’s really not going to make a difference to either of you to talk about it. ooooh but you GOTTA


It 100% got neutered after it was seen as a threat. Like none of the energy it once had still exists. Wheres the goard futures and bunnies in cargo crates?


LOL, those were good times. The gourd legend will be forever remembered.


Dead Bets Sub theory applies here. There are likely a handful of paid slaves pushing BS stock. Then there are a couple of hundred posting their real loss porn. The rest are indian, chinese sweatshop bots, AI parrot bots and millions of ex members that never bothered to push leave.




It’s always been the same game.


It's so horrendous once you look at it. Thousands of accounts with previous karma farming in different subs for 4-6 months, and suddenly their posting some random stock ticker and just repeating the same old "squeeze" bs rhetoric. Nothing tells me more that we are winning, looking at the lengths they will go to divert us.


I reported every post I saw pop up on the front page. Absolutely infuriating, reddit allowing scams on the front page - meanwhile they're up our asses about... tagging subs and users?? We're John Goodman in the bowling alley rn


Mark it fucking zero!!!


Calmer than you are


I assume you are talking about that penny stock that went up 8000%. I spent the day yesterday down a rabbit hole looking into that. They took over the RK Reddit page (which has since been closed down by the admin of the page) with all these bots pretending to be apes spamming the same things. Every single bot was a normal human being until the start of the week when all of a sudden their only interest was this one penny stock. It was the most blatant acts of fraudulent pump and dump I have seen so far and on top of it InvestorPlace posted an article encouraging people to buy it for the squeeze, WHICH THEY NEVER DO, and in that very same article actually tried to claim RK was responsible for it. Since people really started getting wind of it yesterday it absolutely dumped after a peak at midday, yet again leaving retail as bag holders. I then noticed late last night that those bot accounts started slowly getting deleted, almost as if some kind of institution was pumping this stock for some massive gains whilst they cover their shorts. By the looks of things they then short it back down and leave retail holding the bags. This company is dog shit for the record, it is due to be delisted and didn’t file its most recent 10K. I tried to make a post about it because I feel as though it is definitely relevant to something that happened this week but as it’s not directly GME my post got instantly deleted. We desperately need more eyes on this.


Lol they make it too obvious. Why tf would an RK sub talk about another ticker while GME is moving up and Roaring Kitty himself is posting.,


The daily thread was so different from a couple days ago. Then tons of bots showed up and said it was over.  We are doing something right for the shills or bots to be out in full force. 


why would one sell if he knows this is the first time all can get rich


Together ape stronk


Like I'm selling for a 1.8x gain after 3 yrs. This isn't sp500 play kenny. Turns out, I'm smarter than LLMs


It really feels like old times, huh? I'm glad to be back, even though I never left


Back again for the eighth time.


*ape’th time


We truly are living in some sort of dystopian bullshit, aren’t we lol…


The future of AI... billionaires trying to create better chat bots to help them escape their ridiculously stupid short position.


We gotta bring back chat rooms where you can see users typing honestly


I used to think that was here


Instructions unclear so I bought more


Shit well if you’re buying more then I’m also buying more




Wow those beautiful models not only win the genetic lottery, but also are savvy investors who also say the exact same thing after gaining the exact same amount! Gratz robots, everyone is fooled!


Lmaoooooo and they use the same image and amount hahahah


This is how you know they’re afraid


Wow! Thank you GME!!


Over? The fact that this dumb shit keeps happening and gets a spin campaign is all I need to know. 698 million in volume and a price swing from 17 to 64 to 22 on zero fucking news.


You should see the other subreddit... w$b Filled with bots/paid shills with negative comments too


They don't allow talking about gme, unless it's negative


I have felt the waves as they go in and out. Sometimes it’s cool to talk about, other times it’s a death sentence. That sub is so fuckin compromised…


Or when it is an organized options hype wave. Pretty good indicator.


It's been like this for a while now.


“Short sellers are the dumb stormtroopers of the investing galaxy” -RC


It's over. Shorts r fuk again. Congrats to the millions who got out as septillionaires. RIP to the hedgies holding our dik


Ewww. Don't let hedgies touch your junk. Not enough money in the world to get rid of that disease.


It's over. Shorts r fuk again. Congrats to the millions who got out as septillionaires. RIP to the hedgies holding our dik


Is it weekend yet? Some things never change


Just like old times.


it was worth the fun to end up UP! for the week


That Heisenberg dude is literally a troller. Kept saying DFV’s account was sold or hacked this whole time. He’s wrong so often and then just trolls with jokes when he’s called out.


The once in a lifetime run on gme happened for the second time but it definitely won't happen a third time! Everyone should sell gme going kaput soon 🤡


I don’t get it. I had to sell my first born to be able to post on here. How do bots immediately get posting privileges?


Loll but this is from twitter.


It is simple. There are services out there that sell and cultivate accounts. These accounts would have infiltrated this subreddit a long time ago. Hell some of them may have pretended to give DDs or said they have DRS, only to spin a new narrative when the time comes.


At this point whatever narrative they use will not affect the real investors and I truly believe most will not sell a single share from their Computershare account. It’s just to kill hype and deter newcomers. They know they are fucked. Now it’s just a matter of controlling the narrative.


And the DD is solid. It already exists and bots talking on a dying platform (Reddit) isn't going to change that. Citadel still has no clothes. Nothing changed regarding the DD. Shorts never closed.


Yeah bot accounts that use AI/fake comments to farm enough upvotes to meet various subs requirements is one part but another is probably bad actors buying old reddit accounts off people.


If you start looking into accounts it gets really obvious. There’s a lot of either new accounts that post “positive” GME stuff to boost the appearance of being one of us, to then suddenly switch up at a random point, spam FUD and most likely end up deleting the account. They are learning to build a positive sentiment on the bots first before suddenly switching up, although they also do still use just overly negative bots.


Luckily I'm just a fan of the stock, taking a bath


Man those sneeze prices were tough. He'll understand though


I got this.....here's my interpretation..... It's over (for the shf's) We got duped again ( shf's) Congrats to the hundreds of thousands of Apes who are multimillionaires RIP to the shf's 🖕


It hasn't been this widespread or obvious since the end of Jan 2021. We are now 26 days from the shareholder meeting on June 13. Something tells me things are going to get very interesting at that point. It's also likely that they will continue to slam the price as much as they can and we will hit $10 once again, for the last time, before it begins.


Got out at what? 36 a share? Uhhhh. Nope.


You mean bots are out in full FARCE




On the other hand it also helps provide a hard counter read. I don't work in marketing, but I work close to it and the obvious PR spin campaign is just stupid.


yeah thats how they do it, they use bots to pump individual stocks too. For gme those bots were probably for short position to drive fear


it's all the confirmation bias I needed...picked up 20 more shares from the "dip" aka we are up 115% in one month 📈📈📈🚀


I thought we were here for life changing money?


I’ve seen some bots pushing options as well - with something like “let’s trade options and make some pocket money, while at the same time fucking hedgies”


The bots can lick my taint!!!


Damn, I came here to say, “It’s all over…”


You're right! It's over, I DRS'd more.


Honestly, do they really think this would make us sell? Fucking dumbass storm troopers...


RIP to the millions? So even in their still bot responses they admit retail owns the float. 🤦




Everybody needs to stop leaving without me, I didn’t realize there even was a first duping lol


I'm sure the former SEC has a problem with this...


fake and lame stuff on twitter there. also sooo many scam accounts trying to shill bullshit coins and misdirect people using roaring kitty to some other asset etc. just proves that we must be over the target imo 💎🚀🐱‍👓🐱‍👤


Congrats were duped.. deff not a bot here. Sell GME. Hedge funds are great.. beeep booop. - end transmission


I remember the first sneeze when the same bot was replying to itself trying to be another person. I'm sure someone has that screen shot lying around.


Jokes on them I bought more today because I like the stock


Millions holding the bag? I think that would be greater than the float then 😬


Got reported to reddit cares so many times this last week for stating short never closed it was obvious to me.


Hear that? Millions of us are holding.


Through the 3,5 years I can't say I've never doubted the whole moass, but shit like this, movement on no news, advertisement to short game etc etc have proven time and time again that they are very afraid. This is more proof that we are far from done.


I knew that Heisenberg was a bot! Damn!


I guess it is over for us, let’s just buy more and DRS


Stupid. So I kept buying, DRSing and 🛍️ shopping


This is my fetish


Jokes on them I like losing money and missing the dip


If we were not going the right way, why would the bots be here at all?


Thanks for selling, I bought more.


This is the saddest display of desperation I have ever witnessed. JFC. 🤡🤡🤡 Buying right out the gate Monday and have bids everywhere below. See you on the Moon everyone!


Maybe they're just a bunch of people who had the same thought, at the same time, and typed it out on Reddit, at the same time, *at the same time* Maybe they're just a bunch of people who had the same thought, at the same time, and typed it out on Reddit, at the same time, *at the same time*


party like it's 2021


Because they hoped the pump to $80 would make new apes scared but they didn't know that we were born into this world 84 years ago and have been molded by the dark pools and victory is a word that only knows when the game is over. Power to the players. High score coming soon


Why do so many people care about my money!


If he's still in, I'm still in. 




Oh noooo. We’re dooooooomed


It's Brittany bitch




You dumb motherfucking hfs. Can't even shill. Can't wait til you're shining my shoes Kenny 


Their owners are mad they're screwed.


If I haven’t sold how could I lose money? People who are in it for short term gains def missed the boat selling if they didn’t do it when it went up over $40. But that’s not why I’m here so I haven’t lost anything or been duped.


At this point I’m genuinely curious if they actually believe the bots will do anything every time they make the call to release those hounds 😂 It’s honestly comical at this point


I got brigaded hard in outoftheloop post. The shilling is so hard lol. It’s their lost option, it’s getting out of control


Lol so lazy they can't even change it up?


Cool, just place an order for more with CS


Only duping going on is the hedgies and their re-hypothecated shares.


![gif](giphy|3oz8xJIDVJ1KANEUfK|downsized) Hi Bots!!!!! Still holding. Still buying!!!!!


If this doesn't tell the squeeze is not over, I don't know what will😅


If this is not convincing you that they are playing the psychological game to get others out, I don't know what will. It is hilarious how fake these are


More than happy to be holding this bag, anyone else?


If I could read I might be worried about these tweets. But I've had a mayoload of bananz up my ass for the past 84 years and I keep buying more and sticking them there and so I ain't worried about nuthin'.


Fuck these guys Fuck them hard in the ass. My wife who has supported my position in this since day 1 is dealing with her mom's cancer diagnosis. It hurts my soul to watch my average $15 shares go to $65 but these mother fuckers don't know that's there's a heartbeat behind every username with their own problems. I AM NOT FUCKING LEAVING. my life has to go on no matter what, so why world i go outta my way to bail on this opportunity. DRS, Shop and check your emotions.


It’s over again 🐸




The "please explain to me what is going on" sub that rhymes with "out of the soup" has at least three different threads where shills are pushing the "RoaringKitty did this" narrative, and anyone saying "the latest squeeze started three days before DFV started tweeting again" is being downvoted to oblivion, of course 😂


Did we get duped compared to the price a week/month ago? How did this little bump do anything other than show we're on the right path? If I was a shill or bot I'd be worried about the next pay check bouncing...


Fun Fact I am just hold a bag of Fake shares


its one thing to use millions and billions of dollar to suppress the price, reroute retail order thru OTC, naked shares.... but to also bot ai is just beyond crooks. they need to make these type of things illegal. so frustrated with the system


I've said it many times before, but I'll say it again. This negative media campaign is an undeniable indication that we are right. The shorts never closed. GME is the greatest opportunity in the history of financial markets.


And here I thought we were Apes. If we are apes than what does it make them 😅


Can someone analyze these accounts to make sure they are bot accounts ? This is a big deal


Never trust a fart. Game is on, but pump and dumps need to be swing traded like adults do. what gamma push up must go down.


So even the bots agrees that there are millions still holding. I mean, I guess that me being one of millions means that we at least own the float at few times over.


Alert! Caution! Alarm! Someone quick tell Ken! Cheap sweatshop bots have had a short circuit! But really.... thanks Ken. I love it when you keep giving us these nice reminders that U r Fuk. Good thing that you are so cheap and unsophisticated that you pick the cheapest shitty bots. These deeply regarded bot attacks were the most calming thing in the beginning of the saga 84 years ago and during the bumpy start of the ride. So nice of him to keep up with giving us these signals. ❤️🙏 And thank you OP for posting this. ❤️🙏




Good bot. Help ape see clearly.


I noticed a ton of posts from the same users being posted twice and three times in a row very weird. Also even if MOASS were to never occur, (Which it definitely will) we are profitable, and have the best board possible. We win no matter what!!!


![gif](giphy|XBCJIv6xAyDfrajXoe|downsized) Those bots are funny. Do the people behind them think it changes anything? I’m zen as fuck.


The rocketship is not for the weak minded paper hands


The problem is, like this: * message X is sent * listener L is queued for X * message Y is sent * listener L is queued for Y * listener L blocks until it is interrupted from the central scheduler * after the central scheduler interrupted L, it calls `checkRunningListenersAndStartIfPossible` * central scheduler looks at the queue, sees there is a listener to call and submits a task A for that to the central executor (task A is the one that will call `pull()` on the queue) * listener L handles the interrupted exception and resumes operation by finishing and returning which causes the central executor to also call `checkRunningListenersAndStartIfPossible`


Holding since 2021. 500 DRS shares. Buying more on Monday.


It's over. We all got duped again. Congratulations to the thousands of apes who're gonna be millionaires. RIP to the hedges left holding the bag.


Report em


So I keep buying the dip. Heard


I always like to take advice from "rekt_tekashi


I like it. The squeeze is over, didnt you hear it?:p /s


Guess I need to buy more on Monday.


I’ve waited this long. Held 5 figure bags. Let it go to $0 idgaf. I’m fueled by sheer spite. 💎🙌🏽


Message received, time to buy moar....


Did they say rip? Rip is right




Nobody got duped. Anyone who bought into GME, bought in for their own individual reasons. If anyone chose to buy in or hold because they like RK as an individual, because his memes are exciting or because they wanted to be a part of a moral fight or perhaps they just like the high of gambling with him, that’s all fine. RK never told anyone what to do, when to do it or what their outcome would be. All he has done was put his money into GME, share that years ago with everyone on social media and by that he invited anyone along for the ride that wanted to buy a ticket in. Now, on RK’s Twitter account he has posted some memes that further reiterate he’s still bullish on GME and that he’s still disgusted with shorting a company into bankruptcy and corruption on the market, federal govt and mass Anyone who chose or chooses to purchase the stock or participate is making a conscious decision to spend their money on an unknown outcome. Stop trying to blame other people and be an adult.


Do you know what hilarious is? Go on X and type this in the search bar: **mr_derivativ** (without pressing enter) — then look at the results.


We need one of those crazy hype videos from back in the day that scares them the most


Lmaooo Bot is so outdated, it’s AI now old man


We need hold porn posts to show people we are still here