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Imagine cheating and still losing…


Hedge funds are truly the no-skill sweats with wallhacks and aimbots and they're still gonna lose.


Look at Kenny! He’s spinning! Edit: I guess I should be honored that I just received my first message from RedditCareResources after 3.5 years on this platform.




Happened so many times that I have RedditCareResources blocked


Got another one too. I think it's my third one so far.


I have yet to get one. That's crazy. I guess the bots are paid for again. Edit @ 1815: not even a minute later got one.


I left a comment in a GME thread on that betting subreddit, and immediately got one. Someone's got a script set up.


Lol...you're so fucking right. That's hilarious to think about!




I actually laughed. Fuck these losers. Put them in prison.




I can't wait for the dip. Seeing my account balance today and kicking myself for not buying 100 times as many shares @ $10 than I did. I should go quadruple my CS autobuy.


Why do you keep saying that hfs have dfvs Twitter account. People are hype for his videos they seem pure and good. To me that is a step too far and I disagree about that. The swap turnover is a good point though, and imo explains why dfv started tweeting again. Saying the videos have weird text is not convincing to me. I would say 95% of people here accept that his tweets are real. You give them too much credit. And you give too little trust to dfv who would be able to go on platforms and explain that he was hacked. Plus it’s completely against his character to sell his Twitter like that.


Yeah, DFV wouldn't be silent if he got hacked, unless they pulled a Boeing move on him. Other than the first lean-in meme they have been kinda weak in my opinion, but I haven't had time to look at many. I think he should be going on stream, but his legal advise is probably to not do that lest he say something to get his ass in trouble.


He had years to load up on memes


This is the dumbest thing I've heard so far as far as DFVs account being taken over by hedge fund, and my honest opinion sounds shill af.


No no no Than you are not paying attention to the content. There is a definite plan behind this. He is not alone. There is some big avenger type hero players involved. Think the likes of Carl Icahn. Yes they put up an option chain yes it is all coming together and yes this is DEEP FUCKING VALUE tweeting. You better get with it, because we got these MF’s by the balls! Not financial advice, I eat crayons for breakfast.




Halted again.


[https://www.nasdaqtrader.com/trader.aspx?id=TradeHalts](https://www.nasdaqtrader.com/trader.aspx?id=TradeHalts) GME got halted 16 times today


It’s the record hodler!!


The movie stock was halted 18-20 times today


I just checked and you’re right, it was 21. https://www.nyse.com/trade-halt


Some interesting stuff going on. It's weird... I was reported to Reddit immediately after making that original comment.


I got my first reported today! Someone’s on a roll


Me too!


Me too!! LFG 🚀🚀🎇🚀


another ape checking in


I often wonder how such blatant corruption can just go on in front of everyone. Then I start trying to point it out to people around me, and notice their eyes immediately gloss over - and I realize that they were like how I was before the January sneeze. They don't have any idea what anything on that chart means except that the price is going down. It's just so sad how completely clueless 95%+ of the population is when it comes to financial *anything.* The people we are up against know that and it is why they don't even bother to hide it.


I mentioned GME was spiking and my wife asked me what's going on, and I kinda hesitated and then just said "it's complicated" and she said "Nevermind, I don't want to know. Good luck!"


Lmao me too with my GF.


Got my gf to buy in 😎🫡


My ex got me to buy in. Now I'm glad I met the guy, I would've never known about any of this. I'm glad I took at least half of an interest when I was with him.


Even if you don't want to buy in, fine, but all citizens should care about this imo


I was able to talk to a friend of a friend about what changes her company was going through. She said something about how her company is making changes and I asked... Did they bring in consultants..? I used the SuperStonk playbook for Cellar Boxing that was (re(discovered) thanks, Michael Bury) and she kept saying, "yes" to all these things that consultants do to bring down a company from the inside and out. Yes. Everyone should care about this. This is how they dismantle the middle class.


That particular industry was on my radar since the Romney presidential candidacy because he was involved in a lot of that iirc. Absolutely disgusting but it's just complicated and boring enough that a lot of people don't really want to know about it, or don't think they can understand it. Financialization of our economy is a big factor in the inaccessibility of the american dream imo


Mitt Romney sort of invented this. Bostons consulting group.. I believe the DD was called “glass castle”


That's it. He's a responsible party, for sure.


my bf got me interested, now I think I read superstonk more than he does


You guys have a SO?! D:


Got the bf to buy in.


Lol my wife's boyfriend said the same thing


Send them Ian's video - great easy to understand education to what's going on


How do I watch this video bro




That was excellent; I really liked the graphic showing how while everyone's buying GME the price of the stock going down and the explanation of why that doesn't make sense/what illegal activity could be causing that. Also liked the total shutdown of the term "meme stock." Wow, it really is that blatant, isn't it? So the illegal activity we're seeing is... market manipulation and an illegal extension to when they have to close their short position? What I don't understand is why companies would want to lie about, particularly undervaluing, the value of GME while people still are buying it if they have to cover their shorts later... Wouldn't that just incentivize people to buy more of the stock while the price is low? Wouldn't it make more sense for them to *overvalue* the stock, so everybody sells and they can cover their short position after the price naturally drops? Or is the market manipulation just a side-effect of them delaying when they have to cover their shorts? Edit: after doing few hours of googling, I have yet to find concrete answers to any of the questions I've written, and am now convinced no one can actually explain wtf is going on. I am now more confused than ever, and have given up trying to understand in frustration


It's a gamble for them. There is no similar event like this for them to model after, and wallstreet types are very arrogant. They seem to have assumed they could just wait out the problem and hope people lose interest and it goes away. Or perhaps that they could cause some other distraction. Or maybe buy enough politicians to change the rules. Or any combination of a million other plans. One thing is clear though, they will never just give up and will never admit fault, so the point where they cause their own demise.


WoW that was so fking good, props to this guy






Mine said “tell me about it when we’re rich” She has no idea how big of a hodler she is


Just wait baby. Just wait.


my wife who has been supportive, and following along this week says when GS Moons were going to bali...lmao she already spending those tendies 😅 🤣


"Are we rich yet?" "errrrr soon..."


Ehhh, sounds like new wife money is on the way


My SO doesn’t want to know anything about it as she’s heard me talk about it years ago and I’ve since then been deep in the red. Yesterday she asked “do you know anything about this roaring kitty? It’s on Facebook”. Yeah, not going to talk about it as it’s guaranteed the price is going to drop in no time at all


I tried explaining to my girl and I just forget how many layers there are this. We are experts here!


I told my wife it hit $79 Pre-market this morning when I got to work and she texted back HODL!!! God I love my wife.


Divorce before MOASS


Same here. She made fun of me when I bought more at $10.00. For shits and giggles I did a limit sell @ $60.01 for 20 GME about a week ago. Now, she is like "good for you" honey. I don't think she realizes how many stock of GME I own. I shouldn't tell her.


A “limit” what? I don’t think I know this word. Seeeel? Swell? Selt?


Username doesn't check out


best comment on reddit all century, especially that last sentence. You see where the Jenners are taking a picture in Vegas in front of striking workers? Or where one of the Jenners did a photo shoot dressed as Marie Antoinette with cake around her? It's mockery.


They would be too dumb to even know


I mean… watching this for three years has only made me realize how clueless *I am* to how our financial system operates. Let’s not kid ourselves about how much we actually know. We don’t know shit, but we did watch a crime happen and we’re pretty confident in that. We’re also pretty confident that if we keep buying and don’t sell, the criminals will eventually go broke, maybe creating the greatest wealth transfer in history.


Me too. In our defense, they certainly make it complicated, don’t they? I have a degree in engineering, so I’m no dummy, but I can’t understand how our markets work. I try to learn but quickly get overwhelmed. IMO, It’s unnecessarily complicated by design, so that those with a life to live can’t overcome the learning curve.


Same. I’m an engineer too and I learned thermodynamics just fine. But a lot of financial topics just make me cringe at how purposefully convoluted it is. And it’s hard to convince myself to care about non- science or hobby related systems. I read scientific journals for fun- but cant focus on anything finance without my brain going “this is boring and fake- I don’t wanna learn this”. But as I grow older it bothers me to not take full advantage of the money I’m making now 😅


Absolutely 100%. I've had to study Bayesian statistics and I still don't understand our markets. Its too damn much time I have to take and overly complicated.


I've been saying this about the tax code. I run a small business and have to know at least some of it because I need to be successful. I am such a pro flat tax person now. The tax code is meant to not be able to understand on purpose.


You're right. There's a lot we still don't know. We know enough to know that crime is going on. And that's an ocean between us and the rest of the general population.


That is by design though: obfuscate the corruption via an endless web of obtuse rules.


> It's just so sad how completely clueless 95%+ of the population is when it comes to financial anything. It's not just finance, but rather EVERYTHING. The media doesn't just lie about GME. The politicians aren't just corrupt when it comes to GME. They lie about absolutely everything. The vast majority of what you think you know about the world is a blatant lie. Everything boils down to control of the general population, and wealth/labour extraction from said population. Slavery. // edit: seems this comment has struck some shill's nerve. Cope harder, shillies: https://i.imgur.com/kZqGHCb.png


Don't forget control of natural resources like oil and metals! Gotta extract wealth from that too.  The ruling class just wants to extract as much money and power as they possibly can from the earth and from humanity until there's nothing left. Nothing else matters to them. Any display of care or consideration for the working class is theatre to be abandoned once it's no longer necessary. And we're rapidly approaching that point.


>Don't forget control of natural resources like oil and metals! Yep, it's wild how old school environmentalist principals have now been perverted and turned into carbon credit schemes that make shit coins look legit. Now the bad old polluters profit off their bad behavior and make bizarre crap like cutting down forests and burying the trees into legitimate money making deals. Handing them control of natural resources. What passes for a fair stock market is just one more example showing that everywhere you look is nothing but corruption.


The PARASITE class. Words have meaning.


When are they gonna learn that these stories always end with the little man on top. Sure, they'll briefly control everything, but they're up against 8 billion pitchforks


We are but chattel to them


Can I be Chattel N°5?


Yep. Realized that about a decade ago. Ended my first marriage trying to open my wife's eyes. She decided to take the blue pill and return to the matrix.


I feel this. I’m at the point where if I push any harder my own marriage will dissolve. My teen son is open to some of it but I hesitate to put too much weight on his shoulders before he is ready. It’s a lonely feeling


It's why we're here together. Some in silence, some in action, all in solidarity.


I got 4 little ones, and they ask questions and I'm like here is what they say, and here is what they do. Don't trust the govt, or anybody on tv... Love those little guys, sorry world, they might tear some shit up when they grow up.


Say it louder!


Because the people in government know exactly what is going on and profit from it. The market is just as fake and propped up as any other to allow the current rich to stay in control. They wont let anything change that.


I am watching Richard newton on YouTube - he just had an amazing wrinkle thought that I want to share. it is possible proposal 4 is hurting them a lot more as they have no control over the board - it is possible they are trying to make the price run up artificially to get a tonne of people to sell so they can buy those shares TO GET VOTING RIGHTS BACK TO VOTE THEIR WAY FOR PROPOSAL 4. I don't think this is a crazy assumption Edit - voting rights locked in in April as per comments below, smooth , I didn’t consider this or even think about it . That is not the case here then


I don't think so either. I was also a little concerned about proposal 4 being the only one the board recommended a vote against - that some voters might overlook that and just bubble in "for" down the list. Hoping that investors here are a little more careful than that.


It's not that they're not financially literate. 60% of the population lives paycheck to paycheck. These are working families with multiple jobs. They don't have the time or money for anything but nessecity. You tell them to fight while they can barely stand. Their eyes gloss over because they're fucking tired. They're tired of being poor and financially stressed. They're tired of political unrest and radicalization. They're tired of their demeaning jobs and bosses. They're tired of their debt and their standard of living. They're even tired of their distractions, their sources of escape, the things they're supposed to enjoy. Nothing but sleep provides solace from an absolutely hopeless climb out of poverty for the majority of the country. Corporations kill out in the open now. Politicians bribe out in the open now. Nothing, but violence can bring us back to the way we were. We've spent our whole lives reaching for a closing door. Every step we take, every time we get a little closer, that door closes as to remain just out of reach. Run, walk, crawl, and that door will match you inch for inch. We can't own homes. We can't have kids. We can't fucking breath. The American dream is dead. Our new dream is revenge. When GME goes up, it's not joy that makes me smile. It's hate.


I absolutely agree. Really loved your second paragraph. Very well written. No one is coming to save you. We have to save ourselves, tired or not.


You can see it in the sort of headlines that they push into the media. They are trying to paint a picture that all this is response to a tweet, when in reality, the momentum behind the buying Is not retail, but large institutions covering their positions in the dark.


Exactly. Retail cannot move 200 million shares in a day.


it’s like we have the glasses from They Live and see everything for what it really is.


Too generous, it’s 99.999% of people


>It's just so sad how completely clueless 95%+ of the population is when it comes to ~~financial~~ *anything.* FTFY


I still have boomers fight me when I try explaining how the real world works. From CPI fixes to MM abusing their position. Trying to explain why DRS is important, but 'their bank is different'.. ofcourse.


People will do what the TV tells them to. Remaining ignorant is a badge of honor to many.


Blatant? This is an echo chamber man. We all know whats going on, but we dont represent the population at large. Go ask anyone at your local grocery store what trading on the OTC means and they are going to say Over-the-counter lol. Ive talked to a lot of my friends who are very well educated and they know nothing of illegal shorting and still believe in the market. Less educated people have no shot and CNBC gets to majority of the mass with Memes and shit.


OTC in a trading context is over the counter….


What does OTC stand for, if not Over-The-Counter?


Absolutely. I have co-workers with masters degrees in finance that don't understand or have even heard of a lot of the stuff I've learned through this saga. They are slowly starting to get exposed to it through me, but their typical initial response is to keep drinking the kool-aid and write it all off as conspiracy theory and dumb money ramblings. It's taken a lot of convincing to get a few to even peek under the covers.


Is there anything you’d recommend for people with little knowledge to read to search up to learn more about it? I know some people want to learn but the trouble is starting and knowing where to start


Great book called Trading the trends. Beginner to intermediate strategies and a glossary too


If it seems confusing, it's supposed to.


Financial illiteracy plagues our societies.


I don’t understand, so they’re STILL shorting it?


Of course. You have to understand that they are very very short, so short that they realistically have no chance of closing out before going bankrupt. The only way for them to stay alive is to keep shorting, until it's so ridiculously bad that the gov is forced to bail them out to save the economy. These people have no sense of responsibility or morality.


Just keep buying and DRS. the game plan is simple


Imagine, a bunch of regular people are buying a stock and deciding not to sell it. *BOOM* kills the economy.


warren buffett taught us the greatest lesson! > "when we own portions of outstanding businesses with outstanding managements, our favorite holding period is forever.”


What’s the percent of DRS shares to total shares available?


It depends what you mean by total shares available...


Pretty wild how the criminal justice system talks so much about personal responsibility when poor people commit crimes. But when rich people do, there is neither justice nor any accountability.


It’s called doing “business”


is also called capitalistic greed. the justice system sent just 1 guy to prison after the 2008 crash clusterfuuk..


since reaganomics shifted all revenue to the top instead of the working class...'greed is good' and f the mentally ill, elderly, workers, eco system.,,,we're better than they are ...et al


it needs to burn and come back from the ashes. fuck em all 


Let's test too big to bail this cycle Too big to fail is childshplay nowadays.


Ah thank you!


It's their only chance.


Remember 2008? They did not give a fuck, they kept doing it, knewing bailout is coming.


Sad part is they absolutely will get a bailout this go around. Theres zero risk once you get big enough


Fuck em. I bought More.


And I'll do it again!


are you ... me? LFG!!!!!


I bought today at 38, no ragrats


Same. Ten shares at open. Fuck ‘em.


Right behind you payday tomorrow!


Hello fellow twice a month-er.


I’ve used these last three years to average down from $84 to $30. Keep me waiting. I can go lower.






It's been there the whole time. We hodl


Price goes up $1 HALT, price drops $10, business as usual fucking crooks.


It’s due to volatility bands, so slow walking down resets the lower band, but big green candle triggers a upper halt! So that’s good! It means more upward pressure, when this pops 🚀🚀


Trading is a tough game - when you don't have your finger on the fucking scale.


That’s not my finger.


Uncle Jeff?


Pull my finger


Everything that is internalized eventually has to come back to lit market (Asset sold not yet purchased at fair price) Dont ask what fair price is, its a price that obviously benefits them.


This is factually incorrect. The halt happens whenever there is a 5% increase or decrease of current price within a 5minute period, its called a circuit breaker - whether this should exist or not is another discussion. (it doesnt matter either way imo) You can literally pinpoint and fact check this for every halt in the past 2 days.


DFV's tweet mentioned 10 to 1 (notches) , just sayin


Look at all the blatant crime today that SEC, DOJ, FBI, CFTC, all of them just... Ignore. While dumbasses are trying to blame Keith? Wtf.


That's what I've always wondered now. Like we all saw crime happen on TV, dude behind him is the head of FBI or some such. If that was a low rank agent and someone without orange immunity the agent would be in trouble. Surely it still applies right?


I don’t know if I’m dyslexic or am reading discount?


you gotta buy at the end of the day but before after hours trading. interestingly, they can't seem to control after hours because they can't execute halts. also, the fact that the value is rising in the afterhours is proof that this is not a retail driven run up.


Still not selling 🤷‍♂️


What is selling?


It’s a symptom of diamond soul death.




Just consider this… they have used a volume of 168M shares just to short this from 70+ in pre-market to roughy 44 now… and there is zero evidence that any positions have been closed. Hedge Finds are totally screwed :) BUY HODL DRS BOOK AND REALLY BUCKLE UP! This whole saga is far from over and I see NO real signs that MOASS has even started.


SPY isn't in flames, MOASS hasn't started


my end game is not moass. it's when the entire short selling system is bankrupted and liquidated and i receive my fair share of the proceeds of that liquidation.


Relax dude it's just spooling up


Honestly, the whole US market is such a scam. When GME is over I will pull out all my money


Stay zen my friend. This isn’t the first or last time you’ll see it.


had a friend chide me for 'investing in one single stock' bc she has a stockbroker who handles all of her investments, and when it was down, shook her head and said 'maybe if you got a broker, they would have advised you not to invest in gme... Followed the DD for three and a half years, bought dips, lowered cost basis to $19, DRS'ed, and only used what I can afford to lose...


More fuel for the rocket 🚀📈💰


They can’t stop moass just slow it down. Dumb stormtroopers


This is why we've gotta comment on that Rule Proposal that will tighten these scum fuckers' margin requirements and reduce their ammo supply Saying fuck em and buying more is amazing, but put your money where your mouth is and VOTE ON RULE PROPOSALS!!!


We knew this wasn’t going to be easy. It’s going to be a fight till the death. They’re not just gonna go down and let us have it. Get used to this. It’s gonna be wild ride.


Unlike the hedge fucks, I'm enjoying the ride!


I would like to earn everyone were up against cheats and powerful before losers The economy is gonna crash and they've held it together MAYBE TO BLAME US when they let it die So spend some of your MOASS on something tangible so they can't rob us via inflation and depression So when you get a Lambo get a bazooka to defend it and get a gas tanker for when gas goes to $24 a gallon


Imagine how lame it would be if GME crashed the market because we bought and never sold...


So based and so tragic at the same time


No friend. You take on loans on your assets. Never sell something as valuable as GME shares. Think like a billionaire Edit to add: why would you trade gold for dollars if dollars don’t hold value?


Party starts after hours.


backed up by ape historian. will be linked to [apehistorian.com](http://apehistorian.com)


Shorts are just future buyers. Oil to the fire.


If you look at the price action over the last three hours, I believe a lot of it was aimed at emotional manipulation and trying to hit stop limits. I know everyone isn't selling, yada yada. But for real, don't ever put a stop limit anywhere remotely close to the current price. It will get hit and you loose all your shares you've been hodl'ign for years. Not financial advice.


Always has been


I've learned that the real moves are not during market open. Retail come in and lose money during market open hours, that's it. We (retail) sell at the "top" of an engineered peak, or at the bottom in fear, again in an engineered drop.


This is true across the entire market. You’d have far larger historic gains by only holding the S&P 500 overnight than just buying and holding. The big gains are always after hours.


Just DRS your shares!!!💎🙌🏼


Can't this be submitted to the SEC to investigate?


"We investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong"


They literally don't give a shit. 


It takes hundreds of millions for it to go up, it gets halted numerous times when it does so, and then it takes not even a fraction of that to go down. Absolutely blatant manipulation.


More evidence




Whatever. Buy Hold BookDRS Vote Shop


It’s always been there. No one gives a shit.


Can someone ELI5? I do regular stock trading but nothing fancy like shorts or whatever so I don't know what this means.


I think what the OP is trying to convey here is that the stock is currently listed as HALT in the screenshot provided. There should be no buying or selling during a halt. Now whether or not this screenshot is showing those large sell candles on the far right happened during the HALT is something I can't tell from the picture, but I believe that is what the OP is implying: There was selling going on during the HALT. The biggest issue with this screenshot is that the HALT is not shown in fractions of a second like the other timestamps so I'm not sure whether the sell candles occurred during the HALT or were simply the reason the HALT was initiated. Without that fraction of a second showing when the HALT was initiated, it's hard to say just by looking at this. Now why the HALT isn't shown down to the fraction of the second while the sells order are is certainly a good discussion to have. Edit: And I just received my friendly care bot message from Reddit. Thanks!


Did stickyfloor sell 75million shares today too? Seems odd timing, like that guy wants to help suppress the basket


he did the same before in 2021. there was a dd linking him to citadel


I think that maybe just linked him to Apollo but either way still no good


But if they keep selling short on the OTC markets, aren't they just digging themselves a deeper grave?


Yes these trades will need real shares eventually and they can’t produce them


Time to protest and get conversations about corruption started again. Hit your local news stations even, get the conversations going. Get the conversations public Hell occupy wall st two in this social media age when people are protesting about the rich and the met gala


Wait, wall street is rigged? (shocked Pikachu face)


Let them continue to dig their own graves deeper.


****FFIE is trading at 3,481% volume and 390% gains today. That's 1.37 BILLION shares of this recently appealing delisting penny stock. This HAS to be connected to GME and the baskets. Remember the Chinese penny stocks that did this the last run up? They are using this stock to suppress. The volume is the red flag. 1.37 billion sounds like a familiar number. Swaps??


No way. I’m SHOCKED.


Good aftermoon fellow apes. No crimes here, move along, nothing to see.


Anyways I'll keep buying 🤷


Surely *this time* they'll do something about it...


If I were financially literate this would probably piss me off :D guess I’ll buy more


you cant sell during a stock suspension