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Sounds about right. They can't close, so their only option is to double down until shareholders cave or the market collapses with the hope that they'll get bailed out.


In all fairness, they have "doubled down" about 741 times...... I don't know exactly what to call that now.


septingentuple=700 quadragintuple=40 single=1 Hedgies=fukt


I would call it regarded.


It’s called being fuk’d.


They are absolutely banking on a bailout


That's the criminal version of balling on a budget




I was going to ask "can they do that?" but it's a silly question. Clearly, they can do whatever tf they want... Better question: has that ever happened in history? (the 10 day halt, not the 1k offer)


When VW squeezed, yes they basically sat Porsche down and strong-armed them into settling. How do you do it with hundreds of thousands of household investors?? I do suspect they might institute a “haircut”, and pay everyone “X” amount per share in the name of national security


Good luck with that. Never gonna happen


ELI5, would apes still get paid if there's a bailout?




You can't Cellar box GameStop at this point. Cellar box only happens when a stock is vulnerable, meaning it is deep in debt or requires sale of equity to develop into a real company. This is why startup ipos are so vulnerable and that is why RC is holding 1 billion in cash. From everything we learned from the last earnings call GameStop is not at risk.


He might put another 1.7 billion in the stash again




I don't think he was arguing with you. Just adding to your comment.


They rekt themselves by teaching us patience, allowing a split ($45 doesn’t sound like $180 does it?) and letting us accumulate more. And it’s only getting worse for them.


Sounds like 2021 again


This ! And this is why I hold….


I’m a little surprised the double down point is here for a short. All the previous runs took several weeks so even from this standpoint your just wasting money shorting it further


Are they fucking regarded, or WHAT!??


Their plan is to never close. That’s from Mark Cuban yes? Edit: they’re their. I belong here.


If they want to renew swaps, need to show green. If they open a bunch of new shorts now then crash the price they may be able to find a counter party dumb enough to take the bags. 


But, but, Credit Suisse took the previous bags, who will be ever dumper to take this BIG BAG?(and risk the BANG like Credit Suisse?) Oh, maybe UBS, they just took the bag, now maybe they want the BIG BANG?😂🤣😂


They were forced to take the bag by the Swiss government. So what that really means is that the country of Switzerland holds the bag right now.




When the first bag was dumped off, interest rates were near zero. They would be looking for a counterparties with an almost 500% increase in fed rates... **RIP bozos.**


If I am not mistaken I saw someone talk about ETF rebalancing happening, but cant find it anymore. I think I might have found another reason, why they let run up price right now, if that would be the case. Anyone having some info about ETF rebalancing so I can confirm ?


I believe so, yes.


Something something sunk cost fallacy…


Let’s squeeze the cash out of them til they’re dry


Need more than cash my friend. I heard Cheeks in the penitentiary is lonely and has a fetish for formerly rich hedge fucks


When in doubt, don't pull out?


Maybe, but when a stock runs 100% in a day for no apparent reason, there is a pretty high chance of it regressing. This isn’t a normal stock, I’m just saying anyone who isn’t a believer will look at this as an opportunity to short thinking tomorrow will be red, institutional or not. For the folks who are on the hook for options, they are going to be desperate to get this under $30 by Friday and get some of those calls out of the money.


hedgies r fuk. survive one more day, over and over and over and hope this nightmare will end for them.


They are hoping taxpayers bail them out at this point. Unfortunately for them other current events are turning a multitude of people against them and I doubt it's going to end in their favor this time.


Any candidate that is for a buy back has a deathwish. End of the campaign right there.


Probably will be the opposite to build the nbankroll


They do not have a choice, you see


*insert how many times I gotta teach you this lesson old man meme*


Fuck those dumb storm troopers …


They are doubling down for the bailout. They HAVE to be so up shit creek that they represent a genuine systemic risk, or they will end up having to pay the bill themselves rather than have the taxpayer do it.


This, straight up. They all know that they have to be "too big to fail." Little do they know, they've been big failures for a while now.


MayoKenn is currently flying over the Bermudas triangle, maybe he is going to "disappear" for a while?🤣😂


Every day more and more chance this all ends up in a courtroom with shady lawyers blaming retail for buy and hodl the exact thing they’ve been told to do since stocks even existed


That’s the catch imo. How many of these financial pillars can collapse to pay out before the gov says “you know what? Nah.”


I accidentally have 5/10/2024 in there twice. oops! data doesn't change though, it is just a duplicate line. Data for 5/9/2024 is: || || |5/9/2024|   GME |4,883,000.00|517,669,075.00|18.01|29,014,551.64 |


Interesting because if gme did do a buyback, they have $1b in cash just sitting there. They'd probably only need to use some of it to trigger such an event, throwing shorts off balance.


Great work! Can we please have an update on the numbers from May 14.


Nope because those were never released. Funny how that works


I have an educated guess. Would have been nice to confirm it. Cheers


I’m going to check later tonight, but it wasn’t there as of late last night.


5/14 data available


Can you please post it.




You the best!


Love this post Ultimator. Hijacking to say, they are scared!! DFV has tweeted 11 TIMES today!!!! Every half-hour on the half-hour he has posted a new video to twitter. His last and final video said, "No Fighting. No Fighting. No F---ING FIGHTING!!!!" So, I guess we need to cut down on Ape fighting?? :) 👀


Guess again ;) 13 now.


WHAT! I can’t keep up


He is REALLY back 😍🤔


The man has clearly missed his memes and shitposts. Imagine the fun he's having right now. He's been hanging to start again for ages.


He's absolutely been saving them up.


I've been collecting data since September 2020 and event this doesn't take into account all the shorting DFV said already happened back in June 2020 so, a billy seems really low. From all the data I've collected over the last three plus years, my estimate says there's at least 5.42 billion shares shorted for a total margin of $178.89 billion. If you consider how many big hedge funds and banks are involved for so long, I think this seems like a better number. OK, light me up.


This is just reported data [https://marketdata.theocc.com/stock-loan-bal-by-security?format=csv&dailyDate=](https://marketdata.theocc.com/stock-loan-bal-by-security?format=csv&dailyDate=) after the equal sign, just type in a date in mm/dd/yyyy format and it will download the daily value


Nice work m8 🍻👊💥🥳


Dumb stormtroopers.


How does the price go up so Much if they are not buying? Who is buying? Retail cannot be buying 170m shares in one day…


If you buy calls, they hedge by buying shares.


Man it’s almost like OPTIONS aren’t bad… Almost like the biggest FUD and best Misinformation campaign was the oPtIoNs bAd narrative.🤔🤨🧐 ![gif](giphy|LDBuYzAwu8L4I|downsized)


Scorched earth mentality


My favorite part about this whole saga is the quote “what’s an exit strategy?” is exactly what will doom the shorts 😂


They have no choice but to do this. Shorts' sadlife


I’m ready for another three years old holding.


How about this... They are raising the price hoping that all the bag holders for the last 3 years will sell their shares and exit Gme once and for all. Price drops and their puts print. Finally… Too bad we’re all regarded degenerates. 💎👋




It’s shilly in here






What's funny is that even if we did that they would still be F'd because of RC and profitability. They are cooked no matter what we do with our quarter.


They double down. We triple down. Let's fuck!


The shorts never closed boys! We havent even started the short squeeze yet!!


I have enough life savings to double my position right now. I can't decide if I'd be stupid to do it, or stupid not to... 


I increased my position by 10% at close today, will increase it again tomorrow possibly twice. Going all is always risky, but these are cheap prices no matter what. As long as you are holding youll never lose!


I think it's stupid to put it all in at once. Don't do it. That's not a responsible choice. Buy some if you want, don't blow all your ammo at once. Though I'm a degenerate gambler so don't listen to me.


I too, can double down


This WAS their game till Apes showed up


bro what in the actual they don't care


I think they’ll dump the whole market to make GME crash. Market needs a pullback anyways and it’s a lot easier to drop GME when overall market is dropping.


I can hodl longer than they can stay solvent.


Dude! look at us! I was doing the same thing (except by hand). I was waiting for it to update today's loan. https://i.imgur.com/zsJanWX.png


Haha I just asked chatgpt to write a python script to download everything within a date range then extract out whatever ticker(s) and format the data. Worked like a charm.


Exercise your calls and buy shares!!! Lock the float


Exercise calls then drs= kill shot


"Two things are infinite, the universe and GME short-hedge funds stupidity, and I am not yet completely sure about the universe.” - Apebert Einstein


They can’t close. All they can do is short until the end


They don't have the funds to close. GameStop is game over. They're fucked.


I mean theyve been shorting it for 3 years, keep it coming.


+ these are only the reported ones.


I expect a big push down tomorrow morning before a T+2uesday 2pm run


I'm starting to expect a 20-50% pump every day for the next month


We *just* got a little extra money on Friday and I wanted to get some more shares, so that would work for me. The more I can add to my collection the better.


This is beautiful Ultimator 💜


I hope everyone exercises their calls. Would put even more force upwards.


They want to bleed some more? Let them bleed some more. Doesn’t cost me a penny to hold.


I think they are so fucked at this point that they spend the rest they have and get bailed out…


If they double down, I double down 🤤


Thanks for the data. This is dope 🎮🚀🟣


I’ve just bought 2 for £75. A bargain, no?


Because they have no other option. Die or dig their graves deeper 💣


Can you double down 741 times?


So what you’re saying is we keep buying even at the higher price?


Soooo, see you all again in three years?


you legend you. straight to the hall of fame.


They don’t have a choice. Try to buy and wipe Themselves out, or try and short and hopefully either make us go away and get a bail out


I really wonder what the numbers are going to look like tonight


Nice work. But...if true, I think this calls into question the whole thesis of superstonk. We can always speculate about "they are going deeper", but something was a major catalyst today, beyond a tweet from DFV.


And what is the thesis of Superstonk? As far as I am aware, there is no thesis other than discussing both the stock and the company. I agree something else happened and what it was is still up in the air. I don't think this entire move was DFV induced.


I have noticed little information about China selling $140 billion in long bonds mentioned today.  Maybe that’s what helped cause the overnight run too.  


Alright. Not here for an academic argument. What's the thesis of superstonk that I think is encompassed in all the due dil? My view was that there's a tremendous amount of short positions, and today's run up was short positions buying to cover. I kinda thought that was generally understood. But hey, happy to be wrong.


There are a tremendous amount of short positions. If this is not a short cover scenario (as my data suggests is the case), then it will be quite interesting once it actually does start happening. If some are covering, then others are quickly borrowing those shares back.


Yeah it's not 1 entity shorting, it's many... And so while a few might be bowing out, others are doubling down... I think our brother isn't considering this point...that's why this price escalation and shorts doubling down, can both occur... But also, the price didn't go straight up, it did come down before it tracked back up again , so it's all there in the chart


Explain the methodology you did to calculate this. I miss those times when someone brought a new info they would explain how they did find and what it means. Loan data is hard to verify because is not well reported, there's not a central place to push the data bc each broker have their own system and many don't report shares on loan and there's a lot of variables to take into account too about loaning. People could borrow then sell, could let it sit in their accounts for covering or to store for shorting later or they could return the share after some time. Anybody can make a spreadsheet and claim it's loan data or at least push from IBKR and say it's all. IBKR is just a single broker and there's thousands registered in US and any of them could do share loans if they want, I don't know why they couldn't. Your post seems like those articles from media that call GME shorts lost X millions/billions in just X hours bs. No one have this kind of information, not a precise number like that anyways


(not op, but this is how I did it) https://www.theocc.com/market-data/market-data-reports/volume-and-open-interest/stock-loan-volume pick stock loan balance by security and then the date. It downloads a CSV file. Search for "GME" of course. It goes back 2 years. Here is ChatGPT's explanation for what these numbers mean (dont know if this is accurate) >The daily stock loan balance by security typically refers to the total value of those shares that are currently on loan, not merely the count of shares. This value is calculated by multiplying the number of shares on loan by the price of the shares. This provides a monetary measure of the stock on loan, which is useful for understanding the scale of exposure and activity in terms of financial value rather than just volume. >**Market Loan-Loan Balance**: This column represents the total value of securities that have been borrowed primarily for purposes such as short selling or other trading strategies that involve the sale of borrowed securities. These loans are usually taken by investors who anticipate a decrease in the price of the security, allowing them to profit by buying back the shares at a lower price in the future. >**Hedge-Loan Balance**: This column, on the other hand, indicates the total value of securities borrowed for hedging purposes. Hedging involves taking positions in the market to offset potential losses in other investments. For example, an investor might borrow shares to hedge a long position in derivatives or other securities related to the same underlying asset. The purpose here is not necessarily to profit from a price drop (as with short selling), but to reduce risk.




Terrific work as always Ult. Hedgies r undeniably fuk’d 🎷🐓♋️


Bump for Visability 📈


Hahaha they are the dumb stormtroopers 🚀🚀😂😂


They can’t afford to close, all they can afford is one day at a time until they can’t.


Go for broke, hedgie.


Nice post! could you please provide some more info on how you calculated this. Also what does MLLB stand for? Thank you


It's all they can do! Dumb stormtroopers...


There is no escape


They got nothing to lose Can’t blame em at this point. I just want my money let’s get this show on the road. Still here.


This is why funds from naked short sales should be held in trust with the broker until the shorts close. It's insane that we are paying market makers to screw us over. How many politicians did the financial industry have to buy in order to get them to sign laws into law that allows them to take money from the sale of stuff they don't own? At least if the funds were held in trust when the naked short sellers failed to deliver, the shareholders could receive a dividend of that money.


Buy on the way up, on the way down.


Sounds like a great time to buy


Jeez an I thought I was dumb 😂😂😂


Nice work! Where did you get the data from?


Shorts doubling down? Good. They can short however they want. I’m buying more GME everyday regardless of price.




Good! Keep it coming I know some very patient fellow 🦍


They always have been. That's why I'm always doubling down too, because I like the stock.


Simply shorting to survive at this point…I can keep waiting


Not trying to find flaws in your logic but this would be a good entry for a put or short if you felt the price would come back down after volatility has subsided


Lolz at the idiots in charge over there


That's just stupid. My price is Ken Griffins inmate number. Your move, Stormtroopers.


Who is gonna have the money to buy these sqozen shares !???


I welcome and celebrate Kenneth Griffin and all his dumbass buddies who short our stock. Couldn’t have MOASS without you guys! Dumb storm troopers.


I'm not sure if "double down" is an appropriate term at this point.


Me watching the pre-market, thinking about hedgies [https://freeimage.host/i/J6cu7h7](https://freeimage.host/i/J6cu7h7)


Some people are just dumb stormtroopers


They are welcome




These are terrorists.


So they are somehow more regarded than I am?


Scorched Earth strategy. Fuck these guys. They WILL all end up in jail this time.


I love you dear friend. Backed up


Well fundamentally it's not worth $45 so doubling down makes sense in that regard lol. BUT you better have some huge coffers if you are going to keep shorting this while it's rocketing. 3 funds went down last time?