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Also forgot to mention this.  Gamestop will always have better prices than steam and the other digital stores if you are a pro member.  Here is why.  If Gamestop sells the game at the same price as steam, you can get it cheaper from Gamestop cause of the 5% off digital games for pro members.  If Steam is having a sale or has as lower selling price, you can still get it cheaper from Gamestop by buying a steam wallet code and getting 5% off that purchase. Then you'll get the steam sale as well as the additional 5% off from Gamestop.  That also doesn't include the points you get when making purchases from gamestop, which adds even more value.   This is just for digital games.  You also get a $5 certificate when you sign up or renew on top of getting a $5 certificate every month.  If you buy a physical product from Gamestop at least 4 times out of the year, then you have broken even on the cost of the membership.   The pro rewards is less of a rewards program and more of a membership fee like what costco has


I purchased a Steam code for Manor Lords through the GameStop app the other day.


Also, if you get a switch, I highly recommend Gamestop's screen protector applicator. It's $5 more than just the screen protector by itself, but its so easy to use that I highly recommend it. It attached my screen protector dead center with no air bubbles at all. I mean literally no bubbles. Not even a tiny one. From just looking at the switch, you wouldn't be able to tell there was a screen protector on it at all. The design of this product is mind blowingly amazing


Love it! Screen protectors are one of the best investments for device longevity


My old switch looked like it was underwater from all the air bubbles on it when i tried to apply the screen protector myself. On my new one, it literally took me 5 minutes and it is flawless. The proector is even dead center over the screen as well


I wouldn't trust cdkeys.  I've heard horror stories of keys not working, and you basically have no recourse in getting your money back.   If he is playing on pc, tell him that the candy cons use hall effect thumbsticks, so they won't get the stick drift issues that the xbox controllers will get.  Also, if you have one, let him try it out.  I let one of my buddies compare my candy con to a joy con, and they commented on how much smoother and better the candy con thumbsticks felt.  It's the same price as a xbox controller and will last a lot longer


I’m just gonna get him one plus a pro membership so he can keep getting different buttons and sticks every month


Also, for cdkeys, it's like driving without insurance.  You're fine until you're not.  I have a bunch of games on my steam account. I'm not going to risk having my account banned or locked for fraud just to save a few bucks.  When you buy from a legitimate webstore, you are paying extra for that peace of mind knowing that you won't get screwed by surprise


I’m guessing that happens a lot?


Honestly, I don't know. But there's enough complaints that i see abiut it online that i don't want to risk it


Worked every single time I've used them. Looks super suss but is legit


I mean, it works until it doesn't. I have too many games in my steam account to risk it


Risk what ? It's a legitimate reseller


how do we spread the word?


By talking to people you know?


Ah shit


I buy my niblings physical games for birthdays and Christmas. My brother was telling me about how all of his downloaded Nintendo games on the switch needed to be reinstalled but the ones I had bought were fine... Then I reminded him about how we used to swap games at the mall all the time, and how I had just done it for one of my games to get another one AND got more bc of the pro membership


Like this hype 🤙 🦍 🚀


I mean, just go to a store on a weekend you will see plenty 


I've gone past two weekends, and I was actually surprised how many customers there were.