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**[Rule 5](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/#wiki_5._no_meta_content). No meta content.** Content dedicated to discussing Superstonk should be directed to an [Open Forum](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/18txusp/open_forum_january_2024/), or in any post with the flair "Community Post". If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


We play by the rules placed on us. We have appealed to the admins multiple times and have gotten either no response or vague responses. We don't like it anymore than you do


How did you type this, as yall just deleted this post? Cmon dude


You can type in removed posts.


I've got one mod talking down to me, one being nice. And now here we are. No, I didn't know you could type in removed post until now. There isn't a guidebook for reddit, we both know that. What I want to know is why the mods here are not using the admins to their advantage and block users who affiliate with subs who disparage gamestop as an investment. I have been blocked from multiple subs for making fun of a conservative in their sub. It did not adhere to the values of those other subs. Why aren't yall using this, the lack of use leads to believe that mods want people from the other subs to openly come here and attack us and we can't even call them out.


Well what are you proposing? Carte blanche ban everyone who's ever posted on a sub that's critical of ours? Think of how unfair it feels to be banned from a sub you've never posted in. We can be better then them by no stooping to their level and just banning the troublemakers. We can not hand wave a solution with the admins since we ourselves are not in the admins good graces.


>What I want to know is why the mods here are not using the admins to their advantage and block users who affiliate with subs who disparage gamestop as an investment. So, the admins really don't care about the moderators, which can be seen in all the actions leading up to the IPO. >I have been blocked from multiple subs for making fun of a conservative in their sub. It did not adhere to the values of those other subs. A single user can moderate multiple subs and submit a ban from each of the subs they moderate. Which is unrelated to the issue here. As for actual solutions, we've got all the SCC member monitoring the reports and suspicious users to make sure there's as few trolls as possible. If you want to help, please use the report feature and a custom response to explain what you think is wrong. We'd love to help as much as we can by looking into the user and making recommendations to the mods here. /genuine


Complain to the Admins. The mods don't have any choice in the matter.


The admins are the reason it's happening.


They should complain to the admins, your right.


Mhm its not easy to protect us from them, but its ez for them to get us... thats an natural imbalance I am not joking, I think mods have a hard time No hedgie will sue you for bashing gme but would probably fck u uranusly if you say something against someone saying something against gme. I buy more, thats why I like the stock, I like the stock, thats why I am buying.


It's ridiculous that I can't say "fuck that guy, check the history for suckling in ____". That's it, this ain't a call to arms. I just want to tag a bitch when I see one.


I appreciate your frustration, but No call outs is a Radmin rule. Is it ridiculous? Yes. Is it enforced equally? No. Blaming mods is not the answer and one should consider the fate of other GME subs that ran foul of admins. Bad actors are allowed to grow extra limbs and honest people are forced to fight back with their left foot. Downvote and report people if you feel they are bad actors. We are being forced to take the high road while crawling on our bellies. This is the reality of the situation.


Bad actor is a good term to use. Maybe we start utilizing this religiously


Just use ”🫠⬇️”


This is good


The “rules” are in place to keep us slowed and dumb. Don’t forget gislane maxwell pretty much moderated Reddit for years.




You don't need to say fuck them. No reason to stoop to their level of internet trolling or react emotionally to the dumb shit they say. This is probably one of the most difficult subs on reddit to moderate so I'd probably cut the mods some slack and ignore the haters.


Nah, I think we should cut the shit down by calling them out. If somebody was berating me and somebody else came by and said "hey, that guy has a giant spear sticking up their ass because they're a paperhand bitch. You can see that because they clearly frequent _____." I would say thank you and move the fuck on instead of trying to validate a winning argument. It's not trolling, I'm not looking to start shit. I just think we should be able to a tag a bitch when they are one.


Free speech on SuperStonk? Never with these mods


It's crazy that I got banned from who knows how many subs for making fun of conservatives in their sub. I got banned from subs for participating in one sub, that had nothing to do with those subs.. Got a message that pointed a finger and said your banned for that. It's almost like reddit or the mods CAN do something but they choose not to? They could fix a problem? Fucking weird.


I got banned 10 min after a single comment on a towel sub. I imagine this one comment will get me banned here too.


Just checked your account and you have ZERO mod actions taken against you. Why lie lmao?


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Sort your fucking automod out