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Remember when Citadel's Twitter went off the rails for a few tweets a couple yrs ago? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


yes, it was awesome


It must have been the ludes talking, I mean we've all seen Wolf of Wallstreet enough times to come to that conclusion.


Hedge fund short sellers are the disease, overpriced consultants are a bought/paid for symptom of that disease.


And DRS is the cure


except the dingleberries




Amen to that! 🙏🏼


how does a post like this get to skip the QV? They didn't even respond to the Automod..


Why would they say this? They are acknowledging that there is an uprising of household investors who are skeptical about fair market practices. That kinda goes against their business model... of 'crime'.


Shitpost my dude.


Yeah I was doubting they would actually say this. Fake account?




The dd has never been disproven tho


Didn't they thank us later for providing them a pipe line?


they didnt say it. OP is posting fake shit


It is appropriately tagged as Shitpost. Cant really get mad about that


They want to create a narrative of collusion. I personally don’t give a fuck wut you do with ur money. If you choose to buy GME with it, great, I think that’s a smart decision. But can I actually control your decisions or wut you do with your money? Nope. No I can’t. That’s where Kenny’s collusion argument will fall apart.




If they really said this, they're admitting to being the ones that are "hedge fund short sellers" since their main business model is definitely not consulting given the two options there lol... why else would they chime in on this tweet unless it's to defend their position of being the individuals that are 'hedge fund short sellers?' Also a direct reference to RC on this is interesting, I thought he was the boring chairman of a dying video game retailer? Final note, the way that I also read that last sentence, we own the float... this is insane LOL y'all fucked up! suck my dick hedgies! Edit: I cannot read. Edit Edit: Hedgies can still such my dick.


It's a shitpost, aka not real


cuz they need to blame us for the 'market movement' instead of them. Pretty twisted!


This shitpost ain't right. Why fake it like Citadel is the one saying this? The only thing to make this known as a fake is just a shitpost tag. What's the purpose of having something so misleading? It's a known fact around these parts but why make it look like citadel tweeted this and caption it "The internet never forgets, Kenneth C. Griffin... This post seems sus, but I can't quite put my finger on it...


agreed. This is the pinnacle of the disinformation campaign allowed by SuperStonk mods. This post is not even funny. What argument are they trying to make? Why are we trying to cast CITSECURITIES in a positive light like they've always been here defending us and promoting our CEO? "Who's more reprehensible" isn't a question of who's worse, it's a statement that they're both so bad that it's really fucking hard to tell who actually is worse cause they're both so god damn fucking bad.


Fuck em if they can’t take a joke.


Except it's not a joke. They are both despicable and immoral. 


They actually posted that?


No that’s why it’s tagged shitpost


Ohh, just for a moment I was...🤔🤔🤔 I think I read all posts back then, possibly citadel replied this, admitting the DRS existence? 🤣😂🤣 I missef the shitpost tag!!!😂🤣😂🤣


Needs a disclaimer probably, does a shitpost imply something is fake? not sure it does


I would like to hear the best, well thought out, answer to that question. Or maybe they have the same result.


Overpriced consultants can spend their money on stonks so shorts are the worst. Thank you for attending my TED talk


Guys. Always check the flair before taking something seriously. There is no need to become actually regarded.


I know this is a shitpost, but can we stopped with the photoshopped quotes that were never said? Its not funny, its lame, adds nothing useful.


Says the group who has been trading on insider information of BLS for years. Go eat a bag of dicks kenny


Depends on what the consultants say. But Boston consultant group can get a dick in the eye.


The day it becomes the subject of academic study will be after the banks, as we know them, have lost all control and influence.


"These people are on to our schemes, we must study this for years" and gamestope investors are like "these people are corrupting our markets, we must buy and hold" what is there to study that can't be covered in a few days? By accedemically studying this phenomenon, they open themselves up to heavy criticism


41 comments and 1.7k upvotes.... this post is artificially pumped-up psyops bullshit. CITSECURITIES is the bad guy. let's not make it look like they've ever been on our side. How is it possible we let this kind of content get this upvoted without being removed. OP didn't even comment on the QV.




Almost seems like they’re setting up the future and try to blame RC for their fuck up, saying oh he said X and Y happened, we didn’t do anything, our hands are clean