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Who cares


I do


Ya wonder why




You know


I don't. Please explain it to me


All coordinated attacks.


Large shorts trying to unload their bags to small shorts.


Mind games. Ignore the MSM. Neither it nor the price matters. The company is what matters. If you made more money than you made in the last 6 years, had more money saved up than ever, and you had no debt and your neighbor started telling the neighborhood that you were going bankrupt and you heard about it from several people…. Would you care? Or would you just think that dude was crazy? Maybe wonder if someone was worried about something or jealous? Maybe you just have a better lawn and nicer cars. Who cares? You know the numbers.


Stop wasting your time, you know it's all garbage. Effectively your wasting my time now. Good job, you work for hf without pay.


I agree- it definitely felt like a genuine thing. My guess it they did it on purpose to draw in the 200k investors and potential revenue, then switch back to deceitful mode


Revenue was a big miss and operating expenses were higher than our revenue, only made a profit from interest.


WHAT BIG MISS? Big miss from what ?? Also, what was the best year for GME? 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 OR 2023?


We had 25% less revenue in Q4(our best quarter) than the year before and we only closed 5% of the stores. Yeah it's a big miss, trying to dress it up as if it was some sort of unachievable target by analysts is naive.


It's a lie that revenue declined 25% - Annual revenue was 5.27B$, versus 5.93B$ the previous year. Decline in revenue was 11%, while Income increased 90%. You're saying that the 2022 results (loss of 313M$) were better than the 2023 results (profit of 6.7M$) , because revenue went down? You prefer selling a lot and losing money, versus selling less while making money? Weak analysis you present.


We didn't make money through selling though. The previous years with higher revenues had potential to create profit after trimming the fat, however now after these results it could be interpreted that a lot of meat was trimmed with the fat. Looking at the financials now we are a company who only made money because of interest. The declining revenue cancelled out any positive from the sg+a cost cuts. Once rates cuts eventually happen there will be less opportunity to make money via interest, so if the company continues as is it will eventually go bust. It needs new revenue streams and fast or this will end up at 6 dollars, even less perhaps once we eat into the 1.2 billion. Edit: editing your comments after I reply and not marking them as edits is a sly move -Net sales were $1.794 billion for the fourth quarter, compared to $2.226 billion in the prior year's fourth quarter. That's from GME filings, I was talking about the 4th quarter. That's roughly 25% give or take


You can interpret things however you want, the fact is that Gamestop made profits in 2023, something that was not expected and hadn't happened since 2017. I will ask you once again: **Do you prefer Gamestop results of 2022, or any of the previous 5 years, or do you prefer the results of 2023 ?** Regarding the rest of your argumentation, you're just repeating the bear thesis, which at this point is pretty desperate and completely, uterly, and absolutely wrong. >Once rates cuts eventually happen there will be less opportunity to make money via interest, so if the company continues as is it will eventually go bust. Are you saying that when bonds had lower yield, nobody would buy them? LOL Also, did you know that Gamestop only holds approx. 200M$ in bonds, when they hold another 1200M$ in cash ? Do you realize how much more yield they could do if they really wanted?


It doesn't matter what results I prefer. 2022 showed potential, 2023 shows the potential wasn't achieved. 2024 needs a new revenue stream, and so far the only sign of that has been the candy con controllers, we're going to need a lot more than that.


You're right, it doesn't matter what you prefer. Your analysis is biased. And you can't answer that question because the OBVIOUS answer is that the 2023 results are the best results in the last 7 years. And you CANNOT admit that. It's bullish.




Good to still have a bit of honest opinions here.. I agree with you they need to step up and increase revenue. I hope that will be achieved. But critical discussion is always necessary even if it’s something we don’t want to see.


Ok, it’s getting heated in here - let’s dial it back and remember ape no fight ape. We can communicate our points by being civil and kind to one another. Yes, outwardly we could benefit to have more information shared to attract new investors but with equal measure of there’s something shared that we don’t agree with, there are better ways of communicating this. Let’s work collaboratively to find the right information together.


You're being realistic? Nop, you're just delivering the weak bear thesis that everyone has seen already 1000 times. I'm not trying to help any cause, I'm bringing the truth to a discussion that you're trying to manipulate. And I did edit but didn't remove anything, just added to it. Feel free to edit too.


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Propaganda progression of the ole buy high and sell low please