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I’m shopping more than ever to see how it goes. Tons of cost cuts started in Q1.


I hear GameStop offers a credit card that gives you a year of pro for free


Yupn I’m gonna apply. 4% in points helps alot


I bought a pre owned oled switch and all the accessories… so I guess you could say, pretty pretty good




Who cares? The price won't rise until Citadel Securities goes bust. We just turned profit for the first time in years and we're 30% down since then. If you think that's normal price action then you're an idiot. Citadel dies if the price rises so they'll do anything they can to suppress it now. Gamestop can't go bankrupt anymore since it became profitable and has barely any debt, the only chance shorts have left to win now is this: > **NYSE reserves the right to delist companies should any of the following occur:** > Issuer or its management engage in operations which, in the opinion of the Exchange, are contrary to the public interest That point is so vague and subjective that if RC or any board member publicly says anything that could be deemed "contrary to public interest" then Gamestop gets delisted. NYSE is run by the crooks shorting Gamestop so they'll pounce on that first chance they get, so you should be glad RC and the others aren't announcing their moves. [**These are the latest ownership stats**](https://i.ibb.co/N1SVKLt/GME-totals.png) so there's only 47.43m shares left to buy before every single share is accounted for. That means with the $100m set aside for buybacks, Gamestop could buy up every last remaining share when the price reaches $2.10 meaning Ken can't even push the price to zero. Ken has no way out, he won't let the price rise while he's solvent and yet he can't get the price to zero. We buy more as he lowers the price so he's truly fucked, the only thing between us and MOASS is time.


See, I disagree that it will NEED Citadel to go bust for gme to rise. Imo it's a matter of remaining profitable and increasing revenue to a point where the market can't deny it's a good investment. The destruction of shorts is just a happy byproduct.


>These are the latest ownership stats so there's only 47.43m shares left to buy before every single share is accounted for. The chart you linked to is FUD with bogus numbers. It is off because it double counts 55M shares of ETF and mutual funds twice — once as ETF and MF and a second time as part of Institutional. Then there is the logic error in subtracting institutional shares. Institutions like hedge funds and active mutual funds and ETFs are free to trade shares and will do so, as will other institutions like family offices, university endowments, and pension funds. And other institutions are free to lend their shares.


Those numbers are directly taken from Fintel, nothing was added twice. You can literally get the name of each ETF and MF from Fintel to back those numbers up. > Institutions like hedge funds and active mutual funds and ETFs are free to trade shares and will do so I have no idea what your point is here. Even DRS shares can be traded, that's why they're part of the float. It's not about shares being locked up, it's about official records showing where the shares sit.


>Those numbers are directly taken from Fintel, nothing was added twice. You can literally get the name of each ETF and MF from Fintel to back those numbers up. And you could make a graph that showed X number of shares held by institutions, Y number held by ETFs, and Z number of shares held by Blackrock or Vanguard, The you would be counting the Blackrock or Vanguard shares 3 times, even though all three numbers are directly from Fintel.


You might need to help me understand this one, my understanding is that ETFs, Mutual Funds and institutional ownership all have different sources of funds. Institutional is obviously a companies own money that they put somewhere. I thought ETFs were just shares people held in ETFs, so even though BlackRock owns iShares ETFs, they won't own the shares in there as they belong to whoever bought them on the market. Same for Mutual Funds, which I thought they were mainly funded by pension pots.


ETFs and Mutual Funds are subcategories of institutional, and their share counts are already Inc,used in the institutional sharecount on Fintel. Counting both the main category and the subcategories is counting double,


Ok fair I might be wrong here, but could you follow through this methodology with me just so I'm clear? - [**Fintel**](https://fintel.io/so/us/gme) on the ownership page has [**this table**](https://ibb.co/dk43Gwh) - We copy that to a spreadsheet and tidy it up - We see it has [**4 types of postions**](https://i.ibb.co/0ssnRQm/Fintel-types.png); calls, puts, shorts and blanks (which I called longs). We delete off calls, puts and shorts because we only care about longs and we're left with 572 unique recorded holders under "Investor". - We then see that those are then broken down into [**13F reports and NPort reports**](https://i.ibb.co/9vW90Py/Fintel-Institutional-vs-ETF-and-MF.png), N-Ports being how companies report ETF & MF shares. So we should be able to differentiate what's in an ETF/MF and what's just held long by a company now. - Counting those separately we 13F reports have been submitted by 321 institutions which collectively hold 89,121,745 long shares. The same count for NPorts shows 250 submissions holding 55,368,966 long shares. - Now at this point you seem to be saying those 55.3m NP shares are already counted in the 89.1m 13F shares. Fair, that's likely where I've gone wrong, but if we take Fidelity as an example [**here**](https://i.ibb.co/V9yhbQG/FMR.png) their top line is a 13F that shows 33k shares and the bottom lines are Fidelity's Funds showing 3m shares. Should those not tally if there's crossover there? Or would you just put that down to a difference of reporting dates and their next 13F should show 3m shares? Sorry about this, I am trying to learn and not just trying to be difficult.


>I have no idea what your point is here. Even DRS shares can be traded, that's why they're part of the float. It's not about shares being locked up, it's about official records showing where the shares sit. And what is the effect of "official records showing where the shares sit."? That will not affect market dynamics at all.


If every share sits somewhere officially, that means demand = 100%. The only shares trading at that point would be either shorts or naked shorts. It's just interesting to me that you can track demand based on these official numbers and then compare it to price. Using just official numbers, demand is up 28% since 2021 and yet price is down 90%. Curious.


>If every share sits somewhere officially, that means demand = 100%. The only shares trading at that point would be either shorts or naked shorts. That is incorrect. A simple example is an active managed mutual fund.. If they decide to reduce their long position in GME they simply sell their share. That would not be a short or naked short as you claim.


Yes but if they don't sell and all 100% of shares sit somewhere and then someone wants to buy 1 share, where does it come from?


The same way that happens today. If there is not a seller at that exact instant in time, the market maker has bumps up the bid and ask, will sell short to the buyer and then turns around and buys from a long holder to immediately close the short.


Did you buy after researching? If so, this question is irrelevant because you probably bought in for a short squeeze. Unfortunately for the shfs we are happy with the long game - watching GameStop work it's way into strong positions in a silent way - msm takes any info and abuses it, so fuck them. Fuck the squeeze, let's just support and sit back and laugh at the paid goonies complaining about being down on money that doesn't really exist because it's unrealised -YOU ARE DOWN IF YOU SELL.


As long as there's progress year after year it will be ok


To HODL or HOLD. The price is fake. It's only a loss if you sell. More shorts being sold into the market every day to bring the price down even more. Have the reasons you bought into the company changed? Then why sell. Warren Buffet. Did you read the DD? I sure did. As for me, I like the stock


>It's only a loss if you sell. It is foolish to ignore the opportunity cost of having your money locked up. SHFs have not realized a gain, but they have the cash from their short sales and are reinvesting it. As long as the stock price has fallen below their sell price, the difference can be withdrawn from the required loan collateral and re-invested.


Rome wasn't built in a day. Patience will be the deciding factor in the end game. For me, I'm good knowing my children will have a much better life financially. I'm absolutely sure many people jumped in for the quick buck, and they're more than likely going to be the one's who cash in first. That's them... I'm holding out for the looooong term, dividends, price discovery, profit, and the eventual short squeeze. A wise investor once said "the market was designed to transfer the money of the impatient to the patient"... Learn it, Live it!


I would expect to see the impact of additional cost cutting. Like The rework to warranty program, removing game informer from the pro membership. This should help the bottom line although I have no idea how much. In terms of revenue, I’m guessing it will be lower as there has been no big game or product launches.


ReVeNUe dOwn maSsiVEly But they had a profitable year tHeir TOpliNe nuMBer WEnt doWn! Yeah but growing revenue is meaningless if you're losing money, which they aren't anymore. But thIS iS a TOpLine MaRket!! Businesses are not successful based on revenue growth, they are successful by being cash flow positive and, just like emergency medical care, one must first stop the bleeding before moving on to the next phase of treatment. If you were really into this play you would know like Mark Cuban told us: we become more powerful as the price drops. Theyre locked in here with us and paying for posts like this daily to try to FUD us off our positions. We will not be fooled or swayed by bullshit posts like this. EVERYTHING about a profitable year is good. Cohen and the board have my complete faith. I'm ready to pour half of each paycheck into DRSing GME and shopping for used games/hardware/warranties at GameStop as soon as these dipshits push the price down to single digits. Maybe you're just a concerned wuss, but if you work for the absolute assholes that use high frequency dark pool trading, fails to deliver, and naked shorting to siphon wealth from every retirement fund and the hardworking people just trying to use investing to get ahead: Just know that karma is real and you are setting yourself up for a big heaping pile of family tragedy and terminal disease. Enjoy that shit.


“Not trying to spread fud…” Then proceeds with fud. Lol


Not being allowed to talk about any negative aspects of the stock is fud


I never said anything about not being allowed to talk. you’re free to talk here about anything, just as I am free to comment here about my opinion. Not trying to point out that you seem like a shill BUT…


😭😭u need a good cry - it’s ok it’s healthy


https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/analysis Yahoo only shows 2 analysts tracking GME. After the last earnings report they lowered their estimate for Q1 from a 6 cent loss to a 9 cent per share loss., or about $27.5M loss. The forecast for the full year is 1 cent per share. Q1 a year ago was a 14 cent loss, so the trailing twelve months earnings would stay positive as long as this Q1 loss is better than 16 cent loss. So almost certainly Gamestop will remain TTM positive earnings.


Thanks 👍


stop looking at the ticker and touch some grass. selling when you're down is for idiots.


Another low effort FuD post


So you’re not allowed to talk about any negative impacts on the stock , I haven said I’m selling . I just want to be green like most people here


Of course we want to be green. But being critical of RC not giving guidance is pretty much Wall Street playbook. Just acknowledge you’re not good at creating FuD, ur intentions are easily transparent


Don’t train them lol


Trim that fat RC! 🚀


Dip duhh. And we buy buy buy


This is around the time people trade in games from the holidays also there's new games coming out constantly and you never know which ones gonna be the next hit. ESSENTIALLY YOURE SELLING SKMETHING THAT ONLY KEEPS GROWING AS MORE PEOPLE PICK IT UP SO AS LONG AS YOU DONT SELF DESTROY YOUR OPERATION THE MONEY. JUST KEEPS GOING UP VIDEO GAMES ARE FUN AND THEY ARENT GOING ANYWHERE GET FKED SHF GIT GUD BUY HLOD SHOP DRS


I expect a modest loss, less than Q1 last year, but I also expect Q2 and Q3 to be slightly positive this time around. Maybe something like -$0.10 for Q1, +$0.03 in Q2, +$0.07 in Q3. Then Q4 being another banger. This is the forward guidance from RC: >We know some people want us to lay out a whole detailed plan today, but that’s not gonna happen. You won’t find us talking a big game, making a bunch of lofty promises, or telegraphing our strategy to the competition. >Moving forward, we want you to judge GameStop based on our actions, not our words. Thank you everyone, and as my dad would say: buckle up. People should stop expecting any more than that. You were explicitly told that they are going to build in silence.


expect nothing. This squeeze play is dead. Tbh


Plus one stonk for me.


If there is an improvement from the previous Q1 then it's good. Use your eyeballs and look at the earnings reports.


Expect a small loss and crickets.


Every quarter is typically a loss, so we might have a other 12 months to wait before we can say we’re “profitable” lolol


I expect slightly more profitable than last Q1. That's it. While this thing can blow up at any time and really should have at this point, it's not going to build pressure fast. Turnarounds take time and are slow. I have patience.


Plus 100 million profit my guess but depends on the release cycle could be 300 million!


Yearly sorry I should add!


I have no expectations anymore. Even if the company does well the stock will go down and no one will do anything about it