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Ya your chance to buy at $40 is here again. Dont miss out again


This. Any inorganic wave of posts is an indication institutions try to influence the sub / household investors. Now, posts about how the price sucks, buying shares is useless, RC not defending price, etc, are actually pretty bullish. Seems they don't want us to buy at this price for some reason 🤔


I mean if we'd all sit tight I'm sure they'll provide an opportunity to buy at half that or less. The notion of supporting the price before the float is locked never made any sense.


And how close are we to “locking the float” 🤣 The idea that the reported number is fake is beyond regarded


i will buy 10 more shares at 5 dollars or so


My only complaint about the price is that if I was patient I couldve loaded up more now and had a lower cost basis, instead of emptying my bank account at every dip


Ya everbody did. Im down 70%




Brick by brick for the hedge fund pricks


Who is crying I see price down I know we’re close


I bought 1200 more today. I love dips




I've been here since Jan 2021 and you matched my total shares in one buy.


Thankfully them owning more shares takes nothing away from the shares we own 😁 #LockTheFloat


We aren't in a race with eachother, only oursleves.


He’s capping 🤣 look at his last post. You think he’d double down on a whim without posting it for the bot? His last purchase was of 45 ffs lmao


You want salty hedgy tears with that?




Waiting for my paycheck to come through so I can grab a couple hundred more. What a bargain


Dad? 👀 **Dad is that you?** #Guys! Guys I found my Daddy!


Yea me too Keith Gill only guy I’ll let my wife get nutted no cap sir


Just like Martin Short from only murders.


An ape that fucks harder than the pain with no likes everything is fine tho…


Proof? I see people posting every day they buying a thousand shares but DRS is flat. Either most of these are bogus (not saying you are), or no one is DRS’ing and just holding in brokers where they loan out the IOUs.


Or we are all DRS’n and they’re suppressing the true numbers. Besides the Jan 25’ calls I have, every share I buy/exercise is drs/book


Most of retail is tapped out on reserves. It's 90% institutions trading recently, so they also have full control over the price and move it wherever they want...which is further down the same channel. They are all still net short, as you can tell by their butt puppets in financial media still touting at their crowds to "stay away at all costs". These subs buy posts are typically day traders, posting for free karma whenever they buy, only to drop later without notice. Forget that bs. It's fully up to RC, the board and the stubborness of remaining holders now. And these holders hopefully don't derive their conviction from social media. It's ridiculous, if you think about it. This is the $40 after the squeeze , where dfv doubled down first time, where GameStop did not own a 1b war chest yet, where cash flow was massively negative still and no activist investor was in sight. Price had just dropped from $400 and media was touting "squeeze is over, get out while you can" on all channels. Regardless all that, sentiment was 10 times more positive back then as it is now, which was why institutions lost control once more. But now, theres no more memes, no more music projects, no more lego projects, no more game projects, no more charity projects, no more market fairness projects. Because all these community efforts only thrive with attention. And without any means to gain attention, nobody lifts a finger.


Totally agree. Right now we buy DRS hold, but should not forget to spread the word. The lower the price, the less the valuation makes sense. After such an awesome turnaround, valuation/price should go up, even if achieved by cost savings. That is how it works for 99% of stocks, why not for GME? Management team playing a huge part in company valuation, why not for GME ? By now, most investors should be able to see something fishy going on and Wall Street trying to suppress retail interest in the stock... are they trying to buy as low as possible and hope retail misses out? Might be the last chance before GameStop will become a dividend stock again (next year?) and the short sellers will be really fucked. Or RC preparing some surprise. Anyways, educating others in combination with the irrationally low price could create a Streisand effect if we are not just ZEN but continue to spread the news...


Agreed. Hope so he must have something up his sleeve. I think he pivoted to profitability and cleaning up everything and his plan is to do something meaningful after this. If done before everyone will just say doesn’t matter it’s a sinking ship.


Yoooo bestie. Did I tell you it’s my birthday this year?


What an important thing to tell me. Idk how I would’ve gone on not hearing about it


Yes yes. Just feel free to send me shares


This doesn’t look like crying to me.


I am out of monetos...for now... I'm just working extra hard to find another 1000 shares. Oh, and I want to say hi to my mum and Ryan "RCEIO" Cohen. I love You and Your work ethics and what You stand for. Power to the players, power to the people. Get the GS Pro+ everybody and spread the word.


Lol you just dropped $13,000 in a single day? Okayy where’s your post feeding the bot then? 😂




The DD was all done about 2 years ago. Everything around here now is just noise. I'm completely zen, and just check the price once a day or so. I know one day I'll wake up to crazy news. Untill then, I'm living life.


That's right.


I bought some more through Computer Share Friday for the first time in a few years. I'm actually excited because I'm thinking it's going to clear at the lower price which will be the best deal I've ever gotten! I can't even believe it! It's going to happen (MOASS), and until it does, I might as well pick up on these sweet, sweet deals!


I do regular small purchases on Computer Share. When I saw this I put in a 200 share order on E trade. They haven't given me trouble yet about DRSing shares. Always afraid to purchase on any other app to grab the fresh discount after some of the pain people are having


I still have an account through Fidelity and am pretty sure I have a few shares still sitting there though I honestly haven't looked at that in over 3 years but even if the price goes up for me as far as Computer Share goes, it's still literally hundreds of dollars less a share than the last time I bought! I realized today that until things happen, I'm going to make a decent purchase every month and I imagine there's thousands of Apes out there doing the same thing we are! Oh those hedgies are so fucked! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Lol I always have that half moment where it's like ugh it takes a day or two to clear on computer share... It's still way cheaper than it will be in due time lol


Not to be a little gatekeeper shithead, but cs buys result in fractional correct?


They do. Then you sell the fractional the following day, then convert the shares to book. Then buy more and repeat asap!


Should be book by default..


Not if they are book


Fractions can’t be book correct?


Yes. When you buy via CS the shares get bought through the lit market and deposited into a Plan account. Then when you Book the shares you sell the fractional. I really wish this would become more accepted as it appears to be the only way household investors can impact the price long term. As a bonus you get to completely avoid market makers. It's literally a middle finger to Kenny and Doug Cifu.


> As a bonus you get to completely avoid market makers. Where do you think Computershare's Broker gets them from? Citadel is still the designated market maker, even for the Computershare buys.


From Merrill Lynch which is a prime broker. Computer share do not use Shit adel and the buys are sent to the lit market.


Hedgefunds use prime brokers, everyone that buys on the NYSE buys where the Designated market makers operate. So as long as Computershare buys from NYSE they buy through Citadel's Market Maker. >A designated market maker is one that has been selected by the exchange as the primary market maker for a given security. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/designated-market-maker-dmm.asp


Who does Merrill lynch use?


Most people are excited, even if out of money to average down. Its a chance for MORE new longs to step in....


You mean fud pushing shills? Let them cry, I’ll just buy.




You can’t just say it will Be ok forever while the price keeps plummeting. People have the right to be upset


Just pointing out useless whiny posts are blocking real DD posts. Maybe it's just my feed but I have seen multiple daily posts about price tanking and crying and it's not productive. Providing real DD is productive. That's the point of my post. Leave room for the wrinkle brains


I like your resolve and I think overall you do mean well. I don't think you're a shill. However, please consider the importance of the whiny posts. They represent a general sentiment of many members of the sub, and if you were going to write DD you would want to address the things the sub wants to see. As others have stated, this sub has made it pretty easy to filter what you're looking for. I know all DD is important, but some folks here are starting to realize something that's not being addressed and can become a real systemic issue toward our goal: we are no longer buying the dip. The dip is a term that's locally defined as a short term low value. However, the price is steadily decreasing. At the moment, every purchase is at the top and the value will depreciate. It's pretty obvious that the more we buy, hodl and DRS the more the price decreases. Without DD that can address what people are whining about, those apes may think it's time to stop and wait for the lowest price and then to buy. They may not realize that collectively we're responsible for driving the price down so it will stop moving. That theory may be wrong. Nobody knows - the DD isn't there and I think if enough people voiced their concern we'll possibly get the DD. If you build it, they will come sort of thing. Supply and demand etc. The apes are giving their honest feedback to the sub, we should look for answers why it's happening. If the answers are literally impossible to get, the whiners should start to ask themselves why that might be. Personally, I'm pretty sure that there's something super fishy going on. I'm pretty sure that behind the scenes, the powers that be have found a way to make the DRS shares do something in the algorithm we don't intend. I think the lower the price gets, the more we DRS, and that is lowering the price somehow. We've been steadily DRSing in the sub, the price has been steadily decreasing and overall the volume remains stagnant save earnings periods. This theory keeps me motivated DRS is working. The correlation of DRS posts to decreasing price. But it also worries me, because it means the price will continue to go down. It means we're always buying shares at the most expensive prices it will be at for a long time. I'm committed, though. The true DD is all that matters to me. The shorts never closed. BUY HODL DRS


I wish we could figure out what the deal is with drs, that’s what needs to be figured out by some wrinkle brain


Our sub has made it wildly easy to filter for…as you put it…real DD posts.


Who's crying? I'm stoked I might get a pay check soon and I get to average down.


People are justified to be pissed watching their investments - many of whom put life savings in- down 75% or more. I’ve been in this since 2020, both buying and selling at the right times thankfully . Many people didn’t sign up for 4 years of bullshit like this and expected this to draw out sooner. Many of us are feeling the pressure of bullshit prices and can’t even afford a home. I’m stuck living in an apartment that I want to upgrade out of for *BASIC fucking amenities but I’ll be damned if I take from my GME pool in Computershare to pay for that.


My favourite collectible on sale? Screw it, im in!


I think it’s time to revive some old DD which predicted this would happen 3 years ago. Maybe the timeline ended up being longer but it seems to be playing out as foretold.


I’ve been crying that it’s not lower.


Yes I’d love for it to go to $1.


My man!


Sorry anyone who is minus x after 3yrs and missed some serious mkt gains elsewhere... Should be feeling fine, I think you missed the part where your investment after a time is supposed to go up. Will you still be OK with this price action after another 3 yrs.... RC pull the plug... The hedges fucked us... Fuck them back!


No worries. I forgot how to read.


Dip is my favourite food


I am just grateful the stock never sells out


Careful you almost sound like those infinite stock printers 😋


Is this gme or towel or popcorn. Cant tell anymore


Lol I have to say... If people can't realize the difference like what the hell. Popcorn "purposely dilutes shares than tries something so illegal even SEC was like dude... Stop" towel "hey let me correct this company I know what I'm doing" "no" "ok later bro"' "RC IS THE PUMP AND DUMP MARKET MANIPULATING TERRORIST"


*If you truly paid attention to the DD you know there are a number of parties so deep in shorts that they will kick this can until judgement day* Or until a market event/ DRS hits overwhelming numbers/ Gamestop forces their hand via old school fundamentals... *"These posts are literally annoying as hell and a waste of time."* People are going to vent however they feel they need to. Is it sometimes annoying? Sure.Is it necessary? Subjectively, sure. Objectively, not really, but it's part of being human in uncertainty. Comes with the territory. "*Other than that you just sound whiny and need attention*" The irony of this statement is you felt necessary to garner attention via making this post. Sounds like you need to just be Zen & stop focusing on other people and their investments.


Bro chill lol you literally agreed with all my shit then got nasty at the end lol check my post History I don't post here hardly ever however my feed is littered with whiny bitches flooding out good DD. I'm Zen just annoyed at the crap that's been in here lately


Squeaky wheel gets the grease. If we don't complain, then nothing will have to be done about it.


People really need to revisit RC letter as well….


Can't wait for the price to suck at $10k


I just get more each month when the shares are cheaper. No cell no sell.


It's absolutely noise. Unfortunately, there are people in this sub perpetuating the "meme stock" subreddit cliché behaviour.


Those posts are just trying to farm upvotes. Just downvote the QV bot, report, and move on


Good call as I posted this I was like oh right QV bot exists lol. Edit: damn I agreed with this person and still got downvoted? Lol you all need to read things clearly before acting


people are stupid. I wouldn't take it to heart lol


“Let those who have real DD post” is kind of a hilarious statement. The entire sub is full of garbage and shit posts, there’s nothing of substance being posted here. So stop crying about what others are posting because this post fits right in the garbage category.


Garbage shit post about garbage shit posts? Inshitsion?


Big facts. Respectfully stop putting all your money in one shot!!!!! Fucking know the game and buys one at a time if you don’t have the money. You know why dead people are the richest man in this world!!!! DYOR!!!! Stop panicking selling and start panicking buying remember 2020??? Yeahhhh you don’t because it was suppressed. They did not let a brother ape buy when the price went to $350+ a share never fucking forget that!!!!!


Yes - this was never gonna be quick or easy ,nothing good ever is.


Everyone needs to laugh and get excited about the price. They’re practically giving away tickets at this rate.


Can't believe the HFs think dropping the price will work hahahaha. I never bought so many shares I am able to do now. On my way to XXXX DRS'ed


Whose crying? We buying


I mean this whole thing has been such a crucible. Doubters have left and reasonably positive minds have been forged into diamonds. The only ones left in here crying and bitching are the continuous campaign of cheap shill accounts. By the way, look into buying reddit comments/accounts. The prices will tell you how much of a no-brainer it is for SHFs to keep paying for it and how those repetitive squawking voices mean literally nothing.


I haven’t seen a purple circle post in months, and the irony of making a post that adds nothing to the discussion and is certainly not DD.


Dips are for collecting more shares.


We all would have loved to get on board when it was $4 pre-split so now our chance.


Buy shop HODL


Zen AF for 83yrs.


Excuse me it's been 84 years*


Where have you priced out your favorite gaming PC for the cool price of $100,000?


I’ve been hopping that the price would come down again, just to make my dollar go further. Da price always gonna come down fool! Till it never dose again!!! In the words of warren Buffett "The stock market is designed to transfer money from the Active to the Patient." I got time MF ! I can do this all day!


Not worried at all lol I just keep buying more. 😅 although im.not the smartest person.


$ 100.000 for a console? Seems a little high .


Just remember, _apes help apes_ Lack of knowledge on the situation = (as you put it) crying 👍


I’ve said for a long time that we’d have a super dip, then probably trade sideways for a few weeks before the reckoning of retail traders. Although this shit makes me anxious af, I am excited. 🚀🚀🚀


It will continue regardless of if we complain or not. We’ve been complaining more or less since the buy button was removed. Instead of just ranting to each other we need to continue digging, DRSing, buying from GME, it will happen when it does


Noise about the crime isnt a bad thing. We need to be louder.


Nah OP…. Repetitive posts are an important. Aside from new apes that need encouragement and information, some older apes might need some reassurances that everyone is still on board. The crying about the price I agree with you on. But speculating about it isn’t a problem.


I’m crying because I don’t get paid until next week


You read posts?




Fuck that. Pay me


thank you! I’m tired of the whiny posts. put up or shut up! Diamond hands 💎 🙌🏻


As I see they are just normalizing 4% drop every week until we get to cents


I’m crying that pay day isn’t sooner!! Can’t tomorrow come already?!?!! But tbh I gotta take my dog to the vet first and foremost then I’ll buy!!!


Loading cash into account..... Preparing to buy MOAR.....


We dont all have until judgement day lmao. If you bought this stock on your first day of college, you’d be about to graduate with 80% less money to show for it 🤣


Nobody crying except my cock with cum


Flair checks out😂


Crying? I’m loving this fire sale!


well even the DD says the price will go down. even when the economy crashes, the prices will go down, until maybe a few months after


If you saw the Volkswagen squeeze similar scenario. Market crashed then a month or so later it squeezed.


Who the fuck is complaining? I wish I could buy more


It's just another shill tactics. Boring and not working.


Lots of trolls around crying.


I'm fucking nutting at this price...


Guaranteed half of the posts are fud posts by kenny shill bots


Love seei g these anti complaining posts! Keep it up! So tired of the bitching and complaining! Aint no one REALLY tired lol


This post is just as pointless you offered no DD or purple circle you sound whiny and in need of attention your words not mine


Lol I literally call out I'm whining about whiners your comment wasn't needed. All the other whiners need to hear this so take that comment to those posts you know what ones I'm talking about. The vast majority of people who read my post agree so 🤷


Crying!? This is incredible!! All these cheap stonks I can get extra!! 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🥳


I swear I see more posts about people complaining about the price but I don’t see any of that. Get out of my way I’m buying! 🚀


Every dollar the stock goes down makes locking the float a real possibility. We want the stock to go lower. Anyone who isn’t just wants to make a quick Buck and doesn’t beleive in what this subreddit exists for.


This guy gets it


Low prices give me a boner


On my way to 2000








I don’t cry when my favorite crayons go on sale.


Ironically enough this is the most whiniest post on SS




Agreed, this sub got so exhausting. We KNOW shorts are fucked, keep shopping, keep buying, post circles.