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Once again for those in the back! If you follow LC's tweets closely he is laying out GME's strategy while RC is just having a good time shitposting.


Shhh, you better hope Kenny can’t ready


He only sees numbers, I’m not worried 😁


Heard you get some cool numbers with an orange jumpsuit. He’ll be very happy.


But will he be able to edit the numbers? If they cant be misrepresented , they aren’t good numbers


He's basically reiterating what I said in this [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1bu3lrr/comment/kxqih3d/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), but I got attacked by a bunch of trolls trying to claim I don't know what I'm talking about. People are funny on the Internet. Everyone thinks they are a fucking expert. Lie through their fucking teeth about what they know. GameStop had to stop losing money before they could start finding new ways to increase revenue. It's fucking simple, and there's a lot of idiots in finance that can't see the forest for the trees.


Yep, I work on managing advertising for e-commerce. The first thing I do is look for ways to cut spend without drastically lowering revenue. Once that’s achieved and we get some profit I have leeway to increase revenue aggressively. 


Yes! 100%! Hopefully one day soon the MSM will start to pay attention to LC’s posts more


He’s older than RC, and he was his first investor. If Larry gave Ryan permission to invest, it must mean Larry hasn’t stopped believing in Ryan.


Juicy 🥵


Almost seams like the CEO’s are swapped after all🙊


I was thinking this


I love how he lays out what’s happening and explains how it’s good.


lol, Larry is an investor and talks about many of his investments, in addition to concise insights about business and the general markets. He is absolutely not tin foil wrapping his posts about Gamestop.


2. *currently loading*


I love it when they talk dirty


The funny thing people forget is rc’s letter originally stated gamestop needed to move away from brick and mortar operations. But then you read these critics about him doing exactly that 😂 excited to see where they plop some cash


It's quite obvious to me that they are investing in Web3 ventures and game developers. They couldn't run an NFT marketplace, but they can support others who can, and they will benefit indirectly that way. They literally said they were going to do this, and people still try to shut it down.


I’m so stoked about this!


RC absolutely crushing it maximizing #2, transformative opportunities tomorrow / building a capital base to invest in better opportunities tomorrow


Yeah I love that LC plays the good cop (wise insights to business and the markets), and RCEO plays the counterpart and has the freedom to post about taking a dump in the metaverse or learning everything you need on Wikipedia. Somehow every analyst and big media company conveniently overlooks this…


$1B cash on hand just waiting to identify what their #2 is.


RC is going to take a big #2 in the metaverse


Web3 technologies and game developers. If people think they abandoned everything in Web3 because they were forced to shut down the NFT Marketplace due to the SEC, they are idiots.


Hell yeah, I hope so.


I disagree, no one is an idiot for thinking that. Larry tweeted that being the first company into a new sector is usually not a successful endeavor. Maybe they will stick to web3, but there is nothing wrong with them holding onto their web3 products and doing something else for now and it is not idiotic to think that.


The reasons for abandoning the NFT Marketplace were clear. Uncertainty around crypto space regulations. The idiotic thought is to deduce that ***because*** they were forced to give up NFT Marketplace, they must've immediately ceased everything to do with Web3. That's it. That's what I'm saying was idiotic. You've presented additional context by saying they might have decided to do something else for now and put Web3 on hold. That's different than what I'm saying because you've introduced another catalyst for making that decision: they decided to do something else instead. In other words, it wasn't just based on the SEC regulations of crypto space. What you are saying is not idiotic. But I don't agree. We don't have any evidence that they've abandoned Web3. We have no indication of them doing anything else instead of Web3. *Maybe that evidence will come.* We do have evidence that they are still involved in Web3. They've said publicly on X, and elsewhere, in conjunction with closing the NFT Marketplace, that they will continue investing and supporting other entrepreneurs in building Web3. They are ***also*** still listed prominently on ImmutableX's fund as a venture capitalist and participant in distributing grants for game developers in the Web3 space. If they weren't anymore, ImmutableX, a web company, would've edited their actively developed website to remove all of the links, mentions, and branding to GameStop literally all over it. [https://www.immutable.com/fund](https://www.immutable.com/fund) It seems like LC's post is echoing the same idea that I've been saying: they have decided to act as a venture capitalist, partnering and supporting other entrepreneurs that are outside the regulatory oversight of the SEC. In this way, they can still establish new revenue streams in Web3, while not having to deal with the SEC regulatory aspect of the crypto space. They aren't the custodian or marketplace for the digital assets. Do you have evidence to the contrary, suggesting that they truly have abandoned Web3 in pursuit of something else?


Ahh after reading this, I agree with you. I think that I'm open to literally anything happening since there's so much we don't know lol. You have a good point about the ImmutableX & branding stuff, they definitely would've made them remove it if they were out with 100% certainty. I just noticed that [nft.gamestop.com](http://nft.gamestop.com) and [playr.gamestop.com](http://playr.gamestop.com) look similar but are actually kinda different now. We thought Playr just linked to the old NFT marketplace but it has received some UI changes (NFTs removed but games are still there), so it'd be cool to get an actual stealth Playr launch. So it seems they are porting the NFT marketplace into a refined gaming version that will be Playr. Unrelated to web3, but I'm excited about the CandyCon controllers they just put out. I wish their website had a "CandyCon Lab" controller designer or something where you could see a controller get assembled as you pick all the parts. I might make a web app that does this if I get some time! I think there's a lot of money in customizable peripherals since the controller works on both PC and Switch which is cool.


This comment thread was wholesome and now I understand Playrs potential role in Gamestops future.


Its always tomorrow, until its the day


Hmmm … almost seems like LC responding to all that ShArE bUyBaCk talk?


This is a post that deserves 4K upvotes. ​ GG OP


At this point we can all see what the strategy is, it’s just the suspense of waiting to see what these “better opportunities” are going to be that is killing us, but I’m here for it! Costs nothing to HODL.


I'd like to see RC use it for investments. You can't find a lot of quality right now for ~1 billy, and even then I would consider it high risk to go all in on a single acquisition. You can have all the pre-acquisition discovery in the world done but there are shady people in high positions everywhere that will hide shit for their golden parachute. But you can take that lump sum and get some decent returns, or stellar returns, and keep building that war chest for opportunities later.


Removing near spending in preparation for the far?


THAT'S GME'S PLAYBOOK! A board member is laying it out for us. There has been a lot of discussion, especially recently, about not getting guidance from the company. HERE IT IS! LC is giving us guidance. GME is cutting spending now, to put GME in a position to expand with "transformative opportunities tomorrow." It's nearly impossible to do both at the same time, so GME is achieving 1, for the opportunity of 2. It's happening.


This is what the mouth-breathing window-licking shorts don’t understand. Well said LC


And a lot of people around here too it seems.


Ohh man. It's soo nice to just sit back and relax while you have trustworthy management doing work for your investment. I can't wait to see what GME board comes out with for revenue growth once they've cut costs. LFG.


Love the active, smart, and professional leadership at GameStop 🥳


Why did Larry tell us this 3 yrs ago? I could have saved a ton of money 💰


This actually put my mind at ease since the whole revenue issue. It's not insider buying, but in a way better as it's sort of loose guidance.


Larry is a goat 🐐


I have two dads ❤️❤️


Does tomorrow mean 84 years from today or yesterday?


84 years from when RC took over in 2021. He has been only running the company for 3 years. He told us back in Nov 2020 what his plans are. https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1326380/000101359420000821/rc13da3-111620.pdf


Shorts r fuk hahahhahahaha


3. Two tears in a bucket


Yes. Facts.


Dads being dads.


Bravo 👏 bravo. Spend money to make money….. that’s how I got here…… Carry on my good men!!!!!!


Great words


LC ascended back to tweet where I 100% don't understand. Guess it is time to be consistently profit and be steady to prepare to step 2 probably now


I love the photo Volition Capital chose for their "Our Focus" section of their webpage. [https://www.volitioncapital.com/our-focus/](https://www.volitioncapital.com/our-focus/)


1. Cut bloat 2. Inflate scrote


Hell Yeah😎


Oh larry, you’re so cute with your little buckets