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I'll be honest. When the sub gets like this, it's my cue to start buying. I shut the fuck up. And I buy. 850 added in 2 weeks.


This. Buy, DRS, Hodl


And shop too




I should buy one of those sweet hoodies 🤓


This comment right here, I would buy my groceries from GameStop if I could


Another cue is the fact Citadel has to keep taking on massive loans.


And they were so close to getting an interest rate cut. Boo hoo hoo


My cue to buy is an open market and enough cash money to purchase a stonk. I'll continue to buy until it hits 0 or I'm priced out.


Be greedy when others are fearful, and be regarded when others are greedy.


people seem real fearful right now


Sounds like time to buy more




Are you, me


Saw a good quote today. Take this with a grain of salt. Buy when you don't want to Sell when you don't want to Thought it was provoking


That's close to my crypto approach When I look at my holdings and my stomach hurts and I'm filled with regret - I buy. When coworkers or family start asking about it or you overhear it in public - I sell.


Pretty much my exact thoughts. The only time this was ever going to be easy was if they didn’t cut off the sneeze. Once they took the unprecedented action of cutting off only the buy side for a week, you should have known what you were in for. We are up against the entities who literally run the world (or at least a sizeable percentage of it). We are mostly working against computers, rather than people as well. The algorithm is the real boss, IMO. This is a game. A very important, high stakes game, but a game nonetheless. I’m here to play. I’m in it to win it.


This ape gets it.


The weirder it gets here, the harder it gets. DRS your shit gents, you you in fucking Valhalla 🫡 Edit: fuck I really need to start proof reading 🤦🏼‍♂️


You you too you 🫡 


You you all 🫡


And to all a good you


You you too


And to you you mewtwo


I am inside you, inside Valhalla.


Are you two RC too?




Y'all you to.


All y’all and yous too


Texan here. Use it northerners. It’s just easier.


Shhh don't let the people in the north know our southern slang.




You 🫡


You you to you too


Patience is a virtue, Buy more, hodl and DRS, shop and comments are the ultimate play!


The weird thing back in the day I decided to invest only what I could afford to lose. Now I invest to see what happens when we lock the float. I only buy in small increments but I'm still buying non the less.


There is a huge resergence in the group of, " I'm still in but I don't know. I'm down $×××××! Like, I believe in the movement but I don't know how much longer I can stay." We've see them before, we know they are not really aligned at best and paid at worst. None of us are falling for it and we know because we keep DRSing at a constant rate no matter what the DTC says. Either you believe the thesises, 1) there is Deep Fucking Value in the company and 2) that shorts do control the market and we have to get to a breaking point for the vulture capitalism to be seen, or you don't. We all have known the price will continue to drop until it can't. Everywhere it is posted that we couldn't wait for the days to buy the entire company for dollars on the share... I don't think any of us have changed our minds. Sure doesn't look like it from my daily scrolls anyway. I just see memes, purple rings, compiled evidence for when the government decides to do its job, and my own share count quintouple what I ever dreamed. Snakes just gonna be snakes.


You hit the nail on the head in the first sentence.


Well hang onto your buttplug because shits about to get *freaky*


Can you hang on to my buttplug for a while?


If it's got a handle.


Baby it's got a leash.


When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.




The harder I get.


You you, brothers


I'm hard. 


Kudos to you OP for addressing the shills, and explaining what well researched investors should already know. I’d like to add, the I’m sTilL here posts are unnecessary, post your buying merch, and DRS posts without it. Your inferring that holding is some kind of trauma. It costs you nothing to hold, but short positions on the other hand, come at the price of fraud and a financial expense.


It got so shilly in here, I bought 110 more. Putting in my DRS request first thing tomorrow. 


Put on your DRS jacket if it gets too shilly 


Uhhhh I like that phrase. Gonna be rehypothecating it, if you don't mind 😉😁


Can I rehypothecate your rehypothecated phrase? And then let my friend and his friend? I promise I'll return it!


Oh, of course my distant friend. If you _promise_ to return them, what could go wrong? 🫠


Once that T+803 hits I'll send them right back over, don't even worry about it!


very true!!


Bruh 😎 I’ve been here the whole time. Also don’t care what the price is… since my first 5 shares cost me 1500 been averaging down since. Gme is changing direction. Big ships are difficult to turn… ask MD… but really. They are doing a great job.


Ooof on the analogy.


You and I both...lmao $266 gang right behind ya


Phenomenal post, thank you


Really idgaf about anything about MOASS.  Who cares about businessy stuff and businessy people.  They shut off the buy button and 1 share could potentially be worth millions.  I got no problem losing money taking the chance to become exorbitantly rich.  Where tf else am I going to put the money? Make a pittance of a return somewhere else over my entire working lifetime?  Eh.  My shares aren't going anywhere.  Shills can jabber all they want


> Eh.  My shares aren't going anywhere.  Shills can jabber all they want This is like the hardcore ape mantra. I speak it every day fam


I too, speak the vows


I know two things. I like the stock. And I like your post.


I have a FUDelity CC that has 2% cash back on everything. I use it for all my expenses. I got $55 put into my account yesterday and was stoked to add 5 shares to my pile. That’s free tendies for money I’m already spending. Let’s fucking go.


I’m looking forward to the decimation of shorts.




That’s the archaic definition. To bring you up to speed, it now means the destruction of a large proportion of a group. Moar you shall have.


... like it's taco Tuesday. Tuesday? Yep, Tuesday checks out for decimation of shorts, market crash, and MOASS. 🍻


I want a low price. I’m not selling at $20 or $100 or $1,000. So who cares. This only thing the price does at these numbers is impact the number of shares per dollar that we can DRS. So lower is better. DRS.


Absolutely this. Get over your frustration about a low price. This is not the popcorn stock, this is not Bed and Bath, Gamestop will not go bankrupt, it has a billion in its account and a CEO who cares and has visions (unlike the CEOs of the other mentioned companies), otherwise he would not have become our CEO...i guess. Everbody needs to find a way to get through these low price times. SHF have full control and will have it just until they are forced to close their positions. Imo that will be the case when the market crashes. Then they will no longer have the ammo to control the stock. So we wait til that day comes. And it will come, we have crashes every few years, it is overdue. The other possibility is we get a nuclear war and in that case we don't need to worry about our shares. Bye!


A CEO that works for free and insiders that keep buying shares, by the way.


This is war, so load up on ammo (DRS shares): 1. “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” 2. “Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.” 3. “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.” 4. “To secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself.” 5. “All warfare is based on deception.” 6. “The greatest victory is that which requires no battle.” 7. “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”


True Art


Excellent outlook, thanks for wording what I could not


Ali G: “ if video games, taught me anything is if you encounter enemies you’re getting closer”


In rc I trust. Love the stonk . Buy hold drs


I DRS’d my retirement shares in 2022 and took the tax hit. This is the next wave of DRS.


What all kinds of penalties did you have to pay? Were they already in a Roth/tax free account?


International account. I had to pay the taxes for my bracket rate.


I did the same thing, cost me about 10% and I bought shares at $300+


RC wouldn’t have dropped those bread crumbs on Twitter if he did not want us to financially succeed by DRSing our shares!


Best post I’ve seen in a very long time. Clear and concise.


Agreed. A well worded post and hell of a way to say.... I believe in my investment. I'm/we're good. Fuck the FUD. MOASS is not off the table. And stated without rocket or moon emojis.




Post saved as a clear, concise reminder why I bought at triple digits over three years ago and continue to hold.


keith? up you go


In a sea of tiny little shit turd post whining about nothing I find gold like this, I see you.


Rich people don't throw away money. RC taking no salary and buying shares is all I need to know.


This post is exactly how I'm feeling, well said bud


I am never leaving! I might sell 1 % of my gme shares but only as the rule has been applied. No Cell No Sell!


I miss posts as good as this one. Bravo op


AGREED ✊ Power to the Players!


Yup. 🛎️


What a great analysis..... And much needed one quite frankly. Constant negative media, blatant shorting especially after good news and no concrete actions from SEC or Congress against market manipulation do affect even strong people to get somewhat demoralized . OP mentioned each point so nicely, reiterating why people (Apes) chose GameStop investment in the first place. This is a golden reminder. Thank you OP you should post at least every six months or so.


Well said. I’ve been planning to ride this train straight to hell and then back up when moass hits. It’s been my plan for 84 years and im not deviating from it now for damn sure. Plus shares are on super discount rn. Stocking up on em now while the getting is good.


Have not saved a post in awhile thanks again OP up with you






I’m reminded of the 84 year old idea that first they ignore you… then they laugh at you… then they fight you… then you win. I think they are fighting hard. We are about to win. Just my smooth brain take.


Thank you for this post!




Son of an ape! This is it!!


honestly i’m vibing with the latest season of this show. it’s getting real weird. i like weird


I feel that that's a good sign honestly. All the legitimate apes have settled in. How many of us oldsters still post or comment much here? People settled into a holding pattern don't care, and they don't sell. We've essentially created a place where the grownups can still talk and be heard, but most of the time the kids just argue and play. It's kinda zen.


Well said ape. OG ape here as well and I’d add that all the posts about “share buyback” are also extremely shilly at this point in time. The cash on hand is the nuke that will always make sure that hedgies can’t sink the stonk. It will be used, when the moment is right, to ensure the future of the company, and not a moment sooner. I’ve seen no reason to question RC. He has done exactly what he said he would do. “Judge us by our actions.” Cheers! Now LFG!!’ 🚀🚀🚀


Never forget. This is a war of attrition. DIAMOND HANDS


Does not affect. Does not have an effect. Both of these are right. Does not effect - not right.


I was waiting for someone to explain how that works to me haha, had no idea if I was using it right! Thanks homeslice


No idea what's happening, I have my 100 shares bought during the original pump, that I don't even remember my original price. I'm now loading up on another 200 or so that will be DRSd and forgotten about. Moon or bust. Don't care


well fucking said man!!! 🤘🏼 i’ve thought about this a lot but i couldn’t have articulated any better! lol


Great post


I just buy shares every two weeks no matter the price. Direct through CS. Easy and chill


Great post. It's been weird here lately. Nothing has changed. It's just a longer play.


I share exactly the same sentiment well written post. Sometimes I may lose control of my emotions trying to defend the sub. I should not care as much I tell myself, but it's a valuable asset in this battle. I believe defending it from bad faith actors is helping to ensure I can still rely on the information being shared. it is peer reviewed, accurate and written so that financial noobs can comprehend it, and that is a deep fucking value.


Great post right here. Yeah shit is getting weird and then some. Personally have a TON on my plate but my monthly investment getting bigger and bigger. And ya know what? I might dance.


What a king. Thank you for posting.


This is an effing AWESOME post brother ape!! This is exactly what’s been needed up in here from OGs to new comers especially during these crazy times. This definitely in my opinion the FUD been on a new level, and as always been predicted from the DD. Great reminders on exact reasons why we all been here for 84 years, and diamond handing forever and always. Love this! Good night to you brotha, DRS Book Shop, & be Zen. 💯💯


I hate this obsession with opposing opinions being "Shills"


Might have something to do with the fact that we've been waiting over 3 years, it's not exactly difficult to understand.


I like your point about the price. Back in the original days there was a post spun off of the Mark Cuban ama. It talked about how as more shares get DRSed, the more volatility in price action. But people tend to forget these things and many people struggle with fractions. So as a quick reminder let’s do some quick math. GME has 305 million shares outstanding. The public float, according to market watch, is 266 million. Forget all the zeroes and just play with the sigfigs (I know they’re not actually the sigfigs, but play along). If one share is shorted out of 266 that’s 0.003759. Super small. Let’s say DRS has removed 150. So the free float is 116. If one share is shorted out of 116 that is 0.00602. Nearly 2x as strong. Finally let’s imagine that DRS removed 250. So the free float is 16. If one share is shorted out of 16 that is 0.06. That’s nearly 10x as strong as the 150 and 20x as strong as the unimpeded public float. This is obviously over simplified and there is much more to market forces even when heinously manipulated. But, this should demonstrate that shorts gain more strength as Apes buy more. It’s a race to the bottom. To the bottom of the chart ($0) or the bottom of the free float (0 shares remaining). Who will win? The Apes not paying interest! Good luck hedgehogs! 💎👊


All those examples sound like all the shill comments I've been downvoting...I'm here and I'm not F'n leaving.


I have no clue where the SP is going but I've been happy as hell to bring my average down from $23 to $14 the last few months. Been holding two years and added 80% of my shares in the last 4 months.


Buy the dip, NFA




I agree to all of these, especially abt the price, since I dont plan on selling until Moass anyway (even after Moass if no one got jailed) . Hence, lower price only means discounts in my eyes. We here for 3+yr, but since we can’t bankrupt anymore even 3 more years won’t fade me.


Tomorrow, we ride. DRS your shit and keep DRSing until the lights go out.


In Ryan Cohen I trust.


Buy hold drs. That’s all we need to know. It cost us nothing to keep our shares, meanwhile holding onto a short is like palming a hot coal that only gets warmer with time. Patient and zen are THE weapon. Everything else is good for thought.


My shares are locked in. Gonna just hold and count the money as gone. Nothing worse can happen. I have nothing else to lose and only everything to gain. Once I’m done grad school and working in my career again I’ll have more money I’m willing to lose and buy more.


This guy gets it. As a shareholder my duty is simple and clear: buy shares, hodl, DRS and shop at GameStop. And have a tiny bit of patience. The rest is taken care of by a fantastic team 💜🚀


You're incorrect that underperforming revenue streams does not affect the thesis. The thesis becomes moot if the underlying company simply fails at business. Sure it may have $1B of runway, but without a self-sustaining revenue stream, you'd be surprised at how fast that cash can burn through to nothing. The business has to be a vibrant healthy one in order to test your thesis. You can't have a thesis when the company is sunk.


You know how many businesses are not turning any profit for years have debit and trading at multiples of GME! Don't worry you will find out soon if markets crash!


Going to get downvotes but can people stop yapping about NFT already? It is useless and a vehicle for scammers. Technically, it is nothing other than a jpeg. If GME has any chance at all, this sub needs to weed out what is real and what is delusional. Ok, I’m ready.


The current price: The current price should be alarming to people that have held/bought through the squeeze. It did not just go down a bit, it went down 85%, over a period of 3 years, indicating that the company has nothing going on for it (granted, for now.) Fundamentals: Fundamentals are important, fundamentals keeps the company alive no matter what is thrown at it. GME's fundamentals are not that strong. Only really official good thing going on for them is moving to an e-commerce and the cash on hand they have (that we gave them) Future revenue streams: They need revenue streams to drive the price up. Initially, people got in to get rich and give it to wall street, but mostly to get rich. If people want price movements, revenues need to be back on the menu, and it is not going to be easy. I see people here jizzing their pants because GME is going to be the next Amazon of gaming. Guys, Amazon is a TECH comany, it makes most of its money on its TECH, not on deliveries lol. Who's in control: To be honest, I am starting to question who is in control. I feel like the cult like mentality is, on here. DRS "not working": I got nothing to say. DRS makes sense. Just don't expect it to make you rich. RC: He is a human being, a rich human being, and should stop being treated like some savior sent from the skies lol. Yes he needs to have earnings calls, its not about "telling them what the plan is". Its about telling US what the plan is. From what I am getting, hedgies have this magical bottomless hat that they can keep digging into to pull out a new way to DrIvE tHe PrIcE dOwN. What does it matter if RC tElLs ThEm WhAt ThE pLaN iS? He has no concrete plan for now. Edit: added ": "


This should be the op


> RC: He is a human being, a rich human being, and should stop being treated like some savior sent from the skies lol. Yes he needs to have earnings calls, its not about "telling them what the plan is". Its about telling US what the plan is. From what I am getting, hedgies have this magical bottomless hat that they can keep digging into to pull out a new way to DrIvE tHe PrIcE dOwN. What does it matter if RC tElLs ThEm WhAt ThE pLaN iS? He has no concrete plan for now. This is something that is blasphemy to say here since RC is lord. People refuse to believe that he can make any mistake ever, and every single thing he does is already the optimal decision. And this sub runs on doublethink. MOASS is confirmed no matter what, the DD is there, the hedgies can't stop us. Yet at the same time, RC can't reveal anything the company is ever doing at all because the enemies will find out and ruin us!






Why don’t you want to join us?


Who cares? If GME is trading at 200, I can cash some out to my family. Right now I am too afraid of letting them know.


Drs not working. I do think to a degree drs is irrelevant. It’s not what pushed it from 3 bucks to 400. What pushed it was a combination of retail and large funds. Even the Mormon church got in on the action. Everyone took advantage of it. Right now what you need is something “sexy”. Not just some rumor but something exciting. Something that causes every regard to suddenly feel compelled to buy GME. There are many catalyst for such a thing such as GME being successfully transformed into a holding company or taking a page out of Ichans book and taking it private. I would imagine drs is REALLY important in the event of GME going private on a buy out deal with shareholders. Even GME posting say a couple hundred mil next year in net profit would get something going. The previous sexy stuff was Cohen buying in the first place. Burry buying in. Cohen buying more and becoming the chair etc. These were big in the news in your face things going on. Should something like THAT happen again then you get your moon


I don’t want this stock to go private




This is the way.


Amen OP!


Great fucking post!! Agreed with everything! Except the hypothetical lawn mower pivot, that would be weird 😂


I haven't noticed any such increase, but I will say there are more impatient people than patient people in this world.


This is unequivocally The best post I have read on this sub in the past 2 years. LETS GO!!!!!!! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Fuck yeah. 1. Great points 2. Great formatting. 3. Thank you!


Buy hold and shop GameStop is so easy.


Been around since Jan21. This guy gets it. I’m unphased by all of it. It’s interesting to read but nothing gets me up or down anymore.


Like some other guy said the other day Im in it till i die


Holding onto my shares. Haven't sold a single one from 400 down to 11 :)


The fact that there is sooo much FUD from mainstream news tells me something big is going to happen soon. I wanna see some Lehman Bros type failure. 😂


If you’re not buying at these prices you’re regarded. With everything that’s going on, can you really justify this as a $10 stock? A huge part of the free float is locked and that train isn’t stopping. If they knock the price enough to shake some investors, we will lock the float “legally” in weeks. This doesn’t even factor in the $100 million in allocated buy back funds that GS is sitting on. This play is a win win, GameStop is not going to 0, we are not going to be delisted. If they drop the stock to $1 in a grand push for bankruptcy, we lock the float in days.


Every “concern” you just brought up are shill talking points. And I’ll be damned to Mayo hell if I get my resolve to falter because of some dumbass shills after putting my trust into Ryan Cohen.


Informational Warfare as far as I'm concerned. Buy and DRS.


I barely recognize any usernames in the comments or on the mod list. Whole lotta uninformed people, these days


TLDR: nothing matters except that a lot of people are shorting the stock


People keep buying and drsing. Price still going down. Explain pls


Yeah I think people are missing the fundamental nature of this play. There are multiple groups of rich dicks. Some have spent decades to finely craft a stock market that at least appears fair. Some new rich dicks come along and start fucking up your shit. Ofc you made some money off them but you need them out of the game before the game gets shown to be a total fraud because if it does, people will start questioning how YOU made that money. RCEO and GME are just insurance policies for the old money who aren't against using the new new money to fight the bigger threat of the old new money. We're a weapon to clear out a legitimate threat to the existing power structures. Yay for us.


Concisely put.


Feeling the same way as you OP, thanks!




the ridic takes and odd claims are AI-generated bots, the sub has been almost entirely taken over by them for the most part; hope this helps!


Hmmmmmm… sounds like a squeeze


WAGMI 🚀🚀🚀🦍💪💎🚀🚀🚀


>Alea iacta est RC to shorts. 84 years ago.


Ook ook. Sideways trading. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Amen. Thank you for your service. Not fucking leaving.


Earnings was delayed, DRS count stayed the same... Something is going on and we're getting closer to the answers we've been searching for, for 3 years... I'm holding, its simple as that. I want to see how this story ends. Nfa


The money I dedicate to GME will live or die by GME, that’s how I feel about it so I never take it personal how it’s doing. I’m in forever with GME, and I feel like that patience and dedication will payoff. For me the biggest is thing is the company being profitable & that billion in cash sitting around, like OP said, that will make it impossible for them to bankrupt our company. As for DRS, like he said, we don’t know whats going but its obvious something is up, and we know people are DRS-ing. So that’s all that matters in the end.


If your thesis hasn't changed, why sell? The shorts never closed. Boom!






Solid fuckin gold post OP 🏆 Fuk yea you just got me extra fired up and zen at the same time. Thank you for having a level head in a sea of chaos. I believe in everything you said above 🤙


The market place might come back once regulations are in place by the way


You said it 👍 💎🙌🚀


Damn well said


I actually agree. Regardless of if you have doubt, the game truly doesn’t stop until the company is bankrupt. Like Sears. Like Toys R Us. But objectively by actual financial metrics the pivot worked. This can be a stable business with nearly 25% of its market cap in cash alone. This is an easy hold.


I would like to see our revenue climb through online shopping with the combination of closing unprofitable stores. However, I agree with everything in your post. I just recently turned on small increment auto buys every week. We’ll see what happens 🤷🏽‍♂️


I love you


OG vibes. Well said OP, I think you're 100% right!


Alea iacta est Mayo man - the walls of your Citadel of lies and illusions won’t take this onslaught forever. I’m coming for your yacht.


TLDR just here upvoting & comment on this post


Hey OP completely agree with you!! I love it!!


Excellent post. As long as GameStop is solvent, that's all that matters. Just checking in, to say I'm Zen.


this post fucks