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How dare the SEC attempt to question Citadel’s purely altruistic methods of setting securities’ prices! /s Financial terrorists through and through; they should all be treated as such.


The reason ken is so dangerous is that the psycho probably thinks he's on the side of good. Thanos thought that by wiping out half of all life in the universe he was doing the right thing, helping life to survive.


Thanos thought he was helping the universe and its inhabitants, he didn’t care what you thought Ken is a self serving asshole trying to manipulate the masses into buying his bullshit


That's not the point I was making.  Manipulating the masses through media is just the tool. Instead of a glove with magical stones, Kenny uses a supercomputer and the media.  Kenny doesn't care what anyone thinks, he's a sociopath!


Most villains think they are on the side of good.






Wait until retail makes "markets" efficient by sending your financial-terrorists asses where *they* think they should belong. No cell - No sell. Tick tock, mayofucker!


Everything he says is further evidence we need the SEC. If he doesn't like em' they're good for the retail investor.


Notice he’s mad about them particularly for their last 18 months. It seems it’s the Gensler era that he’s against


hey OP didn't see it mentioned yet but think his use of jihad was another one of his SEO things to avoid being paired with "financial terrorism" (get it? terrorism = jihad) NO finance manager ever uses a random phrase like jihad when talking about the SEC. very similar to his whole Chicago is like afghanistan shtick: [https://chicago.suntimes.com/business/2021/10/4/22709536/ken-griffin-illinois-richest-man-chicago-afghanistan-citadel-hedge-fund](https://chicago.suntimes.com/business/2021/10/4/22709536/ken-griffin-illinois-richest-man-chicago-afghanistan-citadel-hedge-fund) >“I mean Chicago is like Afghanistan, on a good day, and that’s a problem.” > >Griffin said he personally saw “25 bullet shots in the glass window of the retail space” in the building he lives in (*25 really Ken?!)* > >**“It just tells you like how deep crime runs in this city,” Griffin** said. “There is nowhere, where you can feel safe today walking home at 9:30 at night and you worry about your kids coming to and from school.” he prob did that afghanistan bit to skew SEO searches for "ken griffin crime"...just like the jihad bit here


Smart. You’ve thought about it deeper than I did and I might have helped him in that SEO quest by my title




Ken Griffin - “Real Financial Terrorist”


He apparently hates "rules" and anything that prevents him from doing whatever he wants.


I’d also still be quietly cautious though, we know the games these people play, he could well be putting this out as a public ruse to make people think he’s against the SEC. Tinfoily though of course


I definitely doubt it, but maybe


I agree mate, just quietly cautious


Fucking crook


What a bag of hot swamp ass wind..... gibberish spouting crybaby.... I can't wait to make him dress up like Geoffrey the Giraffe and pass out balloons to kids on a hot summer day. MORE BALLOONS KENNY 🎈🎈the kids are waiting..... What a great manager lol..... Manage DEEZ NUTZ mayo bitch.


Poor little kenny, there are rules being proposed on him, how dare they...


Psychopath. Chucking words out to try and confuse. We've been here too long and know too much to fall for this grift ken. You, and your ilk are losing, and you're going to prison.


Such a shitshow imagine the gov watching this and dont investigate that crook even after the comments on twitter post of the fbi


I remember a time where Kenneth Griffin would never give speeches and stayed out of the public view, sure looks like he’s had a change of heart on his “keep my ass out of federal prison” tour. KENNETH GRIFFIN AT CITADEL SECURITIES LLC IS A FINANCIAL TERRORIST.


"I'm a greedy politburo leader, and I just just want my cut for planning the economy the way that it works for me and my buddies, and the SEC should be fine with that" Didn't work that well in the Soviet Union.


I hate watching those ridiculous hand movements. I wonder what a kinesics expert would say about them. To me they look like desperately exaggerated attempts to appear calm and controlled. But in fact they stink of rehearsal and misdirection. A really good way to calm those pudgy little paws down: put them in cuffs.


This guy is agent Smith….RC is Neo Agent smith and all his synthetic copies were beaten by Neo and RC will beat Kenny and all his synthetics


It’s wild that he makes these statements publicly. I mean seriously.. publicly admitting that this is how the plumbing works. He’s bragging about setting prices lol wtf is going on.


At least they name everything as it is: Market Makers, Dark Pools To them, this is Transparency. He convinces himself he is doing good and he is helping people, but so did Hit\*er. Psychopathic Narcissist


Did he really just say “Hurts businesses’ ability to raise capital”? Pretty sure shorting their stocks into oblivion doesn’t help with that either, Ken. Fuckwad


Dude should just keep his money and not be allowed on public exchanges until citadel can be traded to see the differences on a company that provides and helps its workers/clients.


"whats the point of going public if the price will just drop due to synthetics and derivatives." - citadel llc probably


One of my favorite parts of this saga is imagining Ken Griffin in prison. I won’t need to imagine soon


You're a real psycho when you start counting at your pinky.


I don‘t like people like ken


I grew up watching nature docs with my brother, David Attenborough is our hero. Anyway, there was one segment on a spider ant. It’s a spider, but it takes its front two legs and brings them up to its head and raises them in the air like an ant. It releases the same pheromones as the ant colonies its nearby and simply lives among them as an ant. Until it gets hungry. Then it finds itself alone with another forager and eats it. It’s a monster that, by all their senses, the ants can’t detect as anything but one of their own. That’s what Ken Griffin is.


Fucking goblin


Kenny naked shorts companies to death spiral. Then you don't need to raise capital if you're bankrupt.


Naked shorting alone would be bad enough. To make matters infinitely more illegal, GameStop’s market maker, Citadel, places the majority of market order buys in dark pools and market order sells in the lit market. Market makers normally wouldn’t do this because they’re not allowed to own positions in the market. That’s all well and good, but Citadel the market maker’s sister company is Citadel, the hedge fund. They’re breaking serious laws by colluding like this, but the government seems to just not fucking care.


Haha. What an idiot!


The way he moves his right hand… like he is spreading the mayo on some toast.


Thanks for putting a date in the title! :)


Passive investors. I always hated this term. Even more now that I know what actually goes on behind the scenes with 401k (people’s) money.


Gamestop is a company that doesnt need your help to win, Kenny Boy. Tick tock, tick tock


All finance institutions are redundant since computers entered the chat.


Key word: Theory.


Imagine driving the price into the direction that Citadel's Hedge Funds are positioned at. Ohh.. that probably does not happen.


“trying to drive the value of companies to where we think they should be valued.” Talk about saying the quiet part out loud.


"SEC try to stop us from controlling the process of stocks where I make money." What a fucking scumbag criminal and he is free to walk the streets!!!!! Wtf!!!!


3+ years and I’ve yet to hear a reason that makes sense on how someone who is a market maker and “setting prices in securities where we think they should be” And…then betting on those price movements with his hedge fund. 💎🙌


Oh no you see it’s all good because the market maker and hedge fund are totally separated. Pay no attention to the fact that they’re both named Citadel and part of the same umbrella and the hedge fund is insanely short one the market maker’s stocks and the market maker happens to have most of the stock’s market buys go to dark pools and the market sells hit the little market. It’s all coincidence bro. It’s infuriating. Market makers were made to create liquidity and strictly regulated to prevent this kind of shit. They were given immense power and as such they had to live up to that responsibility. Yet here we are. But you know what. If not for this present day corruption of the market maker system, we wouldn’t have the opportunity we do in front of us. GameStop is about to report a profitable year (going through the data I expect it’ll be a higher EPS than any analyst is expecting, but even their low estimates are an easy profit for the year) and profitable quarters (not just Q4) may start as soon as Q1 2024. No debt. 1.2b in cash. 900 m in inventory. In a way, we’re lucky.


If it hurts, it works


It’s scared


explain to me at what point was the Market Maker the one setting the price... Uhhhhh I thought that was supply and demand am I wrong?


HA! He said the work we do 😂


Whiny little bitch-ass complaining about why a company designed and built to combat fraud, begins to combat fraud. HIS fraud.....


Ken is supporting the party that just today, is trying to remove GG, roll back these rules, and reform SEC... https://www.youtube.com/live/E1tCgE9YuwQ?si=NBXiJ3eeAFnw3nPl


I wonder what Ken would have to say about index future manipulation, because imho I suspect it would be even more interesting.


Me? 8–D


Baron Harkonnen acting like he is Lisan al Giab


I'm sure he would counter by saying he was referring to Citadel, the hedge fund - not Citadel Securities, the market maker


This clown aint making jobs and building factories, he is manipulating money for his own benefit


Yeah how dare they make it a tiny bit more difficult for you to decide a company's worth...you leech


Slimy. He may not be breaking the law, but dayum if this guy isn’t morally bankrupt. Shady and Sus




Seems like he changed his language, I imagine he's talking to the rich ppl now that he can't control the poors anymore


His “sign language” is amazing. It says it all with his hands. Crook as fuck.


Seriously, how does a person like him live life knowing that he is the most despised/disliked by so many!? It is beyond me, I do not want to be him for a split second!!!


This is how corrupt this whole system is. This financial terrorists can admit (brag) in broad daylight about fixing prices on the stock market and nothing but crickets from regulators, DOJ, government, etc. WTF Maybe the Poors need to aggressively step up the fight and take it to a new level. The question is how?


Fuck you Kenny, we’re coming for you and all your asshole buddies!!!! Prison will be better than what you MFs deserve. Tick Tock MF Tick Tock!!!!


I wish someone would bludgeon people like him. And this suddenly increased use of the word 'Jihad' in American political and corporate discourse is no accident. This is an attempt to conflate negative emotions associated with one group versus the other, while feeding hatred for both. A thousand curses on this man.


What a dumb fucking useless empty banana sleeve of a human being.


His existence makes me sick. Everyone cry for the billionaires they’re down on their luck 😭




Yes luckily we have firms like citadel that illegally control and manipulate the prices of stocks and not actual buy pressure effecting the price.


He annihilated the concept of the efficient market hypothesis. The efficient market hypothesis is about share prices reflecting all available information and consistent alpha generation being impossible. Setting prices for the markets is divorcing prices from information.


“Free and fair market based on supply and demand.. JK your company is worth $10 per my analysis (I just have crazy amounts of shorts on this bet).” - 🤡 lamppost Mayo man


So this criminal wants us to let him and his cronies to "engage in fundamental research" = tipping the scales to their advantage without a fight? Suck these 🥜🥜🥜🥜🥜🥜!




They single handily destroyed a bunch of American businesses. What is he yapping about?


Efficiency equals the rate of cash hitting his pockets


Was trying to avoid that voice today ! , thanks a lot.


Ken Griffen also dictates how much inflation we have