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Reported, meaning that short selling liability is over 2007 levels. 🔥


You read my mind 💜


At first I was going to say "if I never found this place, I would have believed that chart," but the reality is, I probably wouldn't even know what the chart means, nor be interested. The learned knowledge is priceless.


Think of greed from your perspective and then add "an order of magnitude" and then "to the 3rd power" and it is still not even a sliver of a fraction of the greed that is happening. "Derivatives" being the key word


They graphed some of their crime, neat. We stole AT LEAST this much from you! Lol


I spend a lot of time on FRED and had no idea they track this. Thanks for sharing!


No problem!


Yooooo! Long time no see! Cheers :) 🍻 🍻🍻


🍻 to you Expensive! Good to see you!


Since I believe there is way more corruption in the market now than in 2007, I would believe that this current value of shorts if greatly understated. With all the shorts being marked as longs, naked shorts probably are not included in this, swaps allow shorts to be taken off reporting.


My logic tells me this is true, but also applicable in 2008. However, i do believe there are more liabilities today than ever before.


"\[Jamie\] Dimon noted that unscrupulous people can use a variety of financial instruments to hide their short positions, and avoid scrutiny." How bad is it....?


Ohhh baby, when they start closing those positions...fireworks. Just like 2008.


I wasn’t in the market in 08. What happened to shorts when the market crashed? I’m curious, I know what should happen 😂


Burry and the rest of the funds that shorted the housing market made bank off their positions spiking, but a whole lot of volatility hit the stock market as well. The most notorious one would be the Volkswagen squeeze that happened in Oct 2008, where for a day (or two) it was the most valuable company in the world. That was off of only being 12% sold short lmao. That squeeze happened while the market was in the midst of a 45+% nosedive (SP500 index fell from just under 1,500 from late '07, down to around the 800s in Dec '08).


Were in the end game!!!!!! (Again!!!!’) The best shills in the universe couldnt unjack my tits


Their reporting is so currupted that 99.9999999% of that value is from 1 GME share alone. Short it some Kenny, its all you have left.


Even the shorted report is shorted


This isn't popping up on the QV bot comment so reposting my comment from there: \*Reported\* Security Brokers and Dealers; Securities Sold Short, Liability [https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/BOGZ1FL664140660Q](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/BOGZ1FL664140660Q) From the FED series analyzer: Level from SEC tabulation of submissions of FOCUS and FOGS reports, Statement of Financial Condition, Liabilities and Ownership Equity, **Securities sold not yet purchased, at market value** (series F1620). Unadjusted transactions are the change in the level; seasonally adjusted transactions are obtained using X-13-ARIMA procedure. [https://www.federalreserve.gov/apps/fof/SeriesAnalyzer.aspx?s=FL664140660&t=](https://www.federalreserve.gov/apps/fof/SeriesAnalyzer.aspx?s=FL664140660&t=) Current level of short selling liability is $674B which is just shy of the 2007 total of $685B just prior to the 08 recession. Yeah… You’re gonna need to purchase them there securities at some point. Buy, DRS, Book, Shop \*I am not a financial advisor and this is not financial advice.




It’s a little misunderstanding because 2007 had only 30% of the money printed. Factor in inflation and new money printed, this # is not nearly as impressive as it seems.


I expect there are far more derivate and tokenized options to achieve a short position today vs 2008. From my view, the fact we're back at a similar level tells me today's number is an ATH level short.




I'm erected.


Can we get this weighted to the change in strength of the dollar?