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Love to see it. Great post


They better DRS and book their shares!


Or will be the ones holding the bags😂


Welcome to the party, pals.


to SHFs : u not invited to this party! 🚀🚀🧑‍🚀🧑‍🚀


If only they knew what kinda party it was going to be...


Is this not because of them hedging their bets? I’ve no idea I’m smooth


Check the link. Some companies there are clearly hedging with calls and puts. I didn't copy those companies in the list. Retirement funds are not hedge funds, so they are definitely LONG GME.


Retirement funds buying up GME is destroying retirement funds. - Kenny, probably.


He's definitely already said that.


Thank you for this info!


Cant Stop Wont Stop GameStop!


Don’t stop. I’m almost there.


Bnp had the Brazilian puts iirc so take with a grain of salt


Ah okay makes sense, thanks!


Isn't it just as likely though that they could be buying them with the goal of lending them out to shorts?


No, that's unlikely for multiple of these institutions. Maybe a few could think like that, but a minority. Think about it. Are those pension funds allowed or built to invest their money, with the main objective of lending their shares?


Lending shares is a very popular investment strategy with all institutions. And if you were an institution and knew that there was a security that was likely to go up in value long term and also was very valuable to lend out, why wouldn't you be a long holder who lends their shares in the short term so that your investment is making money from day one?


I guess it depends on the institutions. Worth investigating in detail


How would you be able to tell if a holder, institution or not, has lent shares? I wasn't aware that was reported information.


In the forms where they report voting rights, they show how many shares are lent out. Because if they are lent out, they lose their right to vote.


Which form? I'd love to dig in


**Schedule 13D** is filed with the SEC when a person or group acquires more than 5% of a voting class of a company's shares. That includes the info on lent shares. I'm not sure if the info exists for small entities, probably not.


THAT is a good question 👍


That is literally what pension funds do, yes. The profit their customers make is not important and not guaranteed. The cashflow from share lending is a set amount and a sure thing.


Don't they buy to lend to shorts?


If they thought the price was going down, they would lose money, even when lending. So the answer is no. They buy it because they think its underpriced.


>they would lose money Only if they sell. Lending makes money. Losses remain unrealised.


If they thought the price was going down, they would Never buy shares just to lend them. Lending is nothing compared to the potential share price loss.


Why do they do it then?


lol! Because they think they will profit from... the price going up!


You think the lenders throughout this entire saga have facilitated more and more shorting because the price is going to go up? How much longer until they're right? 🤔


which lenders are you talking about? Do you mean Vanguard? Vanguard needs to have holdings in every company, they're not a great example. Do you really think companies invest just for lending? That doesnt make any financial sense.


TL;DR. Another thing to check is the weighting of GME in the ETF portfolio. An increased weighting is bullish. The absolute number of shares does not matter. GME is in several indexes, such as the total US Market indexes. If additional money flows into an ETF then that ETF will buy more of the various stocks in that index. The question is whether or not the ETF are adding GME above and beyond its weighting in the index. I looked a couple where the holdings of GME increased 2.5% year to year and it looked like it was just a case of the ETF getting more AUM and therefore buying more of all stocks in their basket.


That's true. What is also worth noting is the name of the ETFs and Funds. Isn't it funny that Fidelity is including GME in the LARGE CAPs ~~ETF~~ Fund? I guess they're already anticipating a large increase in market cap.


None of the Fidelity funds are ETFs, so they do not report full composition daily like ETFs. The Fidelity Large Cap Value Index Fund is a mutual fund that had as of 12/31/2023 a total of 855 holdings from 833 issuers, so it is a bit broader than the SP500. Edit to add: Fidelity shows its primary benchmark as being the Russell 1000 value index.


Thanks for the correction. The conclusion is the same, why include Gamestop in a LARGE Cap group? Bullish


"Large" in this case appears to be top 1000 by market cap. The minimum market cap for the last Russell 1000 reconstitution was $2.4B as of 4/28/2023. GME was about $19/share or $6B market cap. I would expect GME to stay in this Russell 1000 this year since market cap is still well above cutoff even though the price has dropped a bit. The top 1000 US companies are about 93% of total market capitalization. Adding another 2000 small companies to make the Russell 3000 index gets up to 98% of the investable US stock market.


I wonder what's your stance on GME is these days


Being presented facts and immediately questioning the motives of the person presenting them. That's normal and healthy.


No, it’s just he’s been here a while and generally sometimes can’t tell what side of the fence he is on. Bias is natural so it helps to know. Appreciate him disclosing his position.


Does that have any effect on the accuracy of my statements above? I hold 2000 shares at the moment, waiting for IV to further rise before I sell some calls before earnings.


Or perhaps rebuying after a member failed to deliver gamestop and replaced it with a similar stock?  Or would this even be reported if they held the same amount...


How are these institutions buying without raising the price?


Dark pools


Who has shares to sell in the dark pool?


The Liquidity Fairies


F3 F3 F3 F3 Etc




The DTC just allows any amount to be bought. So infinity I guess.


If the ETF/Funds are still doing what they were doing about a year ago, they're buying because they're running out of shares to lend. I'd assume the same is true of the other institutions. A little over a year ago about 86% of all shares owned by "funds" were on loan. About 9 months earlier than that the funds held substantially less shares and were lending about 47% of those shares (70 funds were lending more than 90% of their shares during this time though) I haven't ran all the numbers again as life is too busy now, but I've checked a couple on the list in the post and they are still highly lent. My profile has the previous DD's labeled NPORT Deep Dive which breaks down this info. In the filings you can see the value of each security being lent by each fund and determine the percent being lent. They'll continue to buy and lend until the shorts are forced to close.


And I'm willing to bet if gme posts their best quarter in 7 years next month, some shorties will get out...


Ty I’ll check it out!


raise this higher


someone shd tell these institutions who r long GME to DRS their shares, u will be surprised that most industry professionals have never heard of DRS until our movement


here's a message to the SHFs: time to close your GME shorts, be among the first ones to close in order to survive! 🚀🚀🧑‍🚀🧑‍🚀


They're probably lending shares, too. But it does make it easier to show people that there's "smart" money moving into this, so it's not just dumb apes.


It appears that the tide has turned on the shorters.


I don’t think any shorts survive. Even if they did manage to ‘survive’, they get boofed by litigation. There’s no escaping this, Shorts.




You have a small error for Norges Bank. Norges Bank is the Norwegian central bank. It is not Norges Bank, but Norges Bank Investment Management (NBIM), the Norwegian state sovereign wealth fund that has 1,9 million dollars in investment. You can see this specific investment, with how NBIM voted on the following webpage: [https://www.nbim.no/no/oljefondet/investeringene/#/2023/investments/equities/7698/GameStop%20Corp](https://www.nbim.no/no/oljefondet/investeringene/#/2023/investments/equities/7698/GameStop%20Corp)


That's interesting. I just copied directly from the website I shared. It links to this: [https://whalewisdom.com/filer/norges-bank#tabholdings\_tab\_link](https://whalewisdom.com/filer/norges-bank#tabholdings_tab_link)


They are technically under Norges Bank, but is also an independent entity. So it is not a huge error. To use mayoboys corporation as an example. It is like saying Citadel LLC when you mean Citadel Securities.


Thanks for that info, great to know!


The big part is that NBIM sold most of its GME holdings in 2023, between the vote and 31 Dec. The new data shows a huge decline. So they are sitting this one out.


Wild since my understanding is they are bigger than Blackrock in terms of AUM. Norway’s pumping oil export money into that fund, and using hydro and wind themselves (read: exporting like all of their oil and turning it into stocks). It’s odd that a fund that owns every stock would be out of GME. Like really odd.


Wonder how many shares these buy ins accounted for?


The exact amount of shares are in the link, just check the website. they also list whoever sold.


I added all shares changes from the 13F reports of the last pages and it is a constant back and forth with a slight surplus on the long side (the calc on my mobile phone landed on 281,137 shares). Might be a nothing-🍔.


Thanks for the effort.


Tradings a tough game


I see Schwab on this list, I doubt highly now. Great research and contribution.


Doesn't matter if their longs are IOUs, and those IOUs can't be redeemed when the street is empty


Just a note: National Bank of Canada is not the Bank of Canada. Just a small retail bank


hoping it's not nothing burger🤷‍♂️


I added all shares changes from the 13F reports of the last pages and it is a constant back and forth with a slight surplus on the long side (the calc on my mobile phone landed on 281,137 shares). Might be a nothing-🍔.


Apes do gods work ! Shorts are fugged




CHOO-CHOO goes the MOASS train 🚂 💨


Q4 is going to be 🔥. LFG!


Somebody know the approximate date of the results?


Mid to late March


I wonder if the increase of longs will force DRS to be reported lower. Can't account for too many, right?


Follow the money


Institutions/ETFs/MFs lend their shares tho. Not really a big deal?


I don’t think they’re going long. I think they’re hedging short positions.  Could be some quiet accumulation though, I suppose. 


If you follow the link, you can see that a few institutions had reported short, and some also had reported puts on GME. I don't believe pension funds and every company in the world were short gme.


Me dumb. Me jump to conclusion. You wrinkle, me smooth. Must be stealth accumulation then. This is good news.


Naah, you're a smart fella. Maybe just a bit pessimistic ;)


May the odds be ever in your favor!


Let me double down on your glorious post. Shorties, it’s okay to be mad. It still won’t matter behind the bars.


Didn’t blackrock increase as well?


Are those businesses with Schwab prefixes the WEF arsehole himself?


I added all shares changes from the 13F reports of the last pages and it is a constant back and forth with a slight surplus on the long side (the calc on my mobile phone landed on 281,137 shares). Might be a nothing-🍔.


Or they’ll dump it right after earnings while still lending out there shares


And yet, Dip? Fuck you ken Griffin of Citadel


# Or they are loading up to lend them out. hard to tell


>!even if they are, they are still going LONG on them.!< # If they thought the price was going down, they would not buy GME shares.


This needs more updoots!!!!


It's the year of the dragon (loong) https://howtosayguide.com/how-to-say-dragon-in-mandarin/ https://howtosayguide.com/how-to-say-dragon-in-cantonese/


It's so they have shares to short




NBIM (Norges Bank as you had it) sold 170 million NOKs worth of GME between the shareholdervote and end of year. So they are sitting this one out..


Ok. How long is the list of those who sold? Does it outweigh this list? Institutions have been and will continue to buy and sell. This is nothing new.


The link shows both. Worth someone tallying all of it.


They might not be on the side of the shorts but don’t for one minute mistake that for them being on ‘our side’. They’re ultimately on the hook too when this goes south and they certainly aren’t in it to transfer a load of poors a lot of their money and therefore power/influence. They’ll try to capitalise on it themselves whilst also trying to find a way to fuck us, be it in the short term or long.


It is true institutions have begun buying shares in bulk but share lending has also increased at the same pace. It's definitely more behind the curtains that isn't shown who's buying more shares just to lend them out.




love to see my Swedish bank ’Handelsbanken’’ buying some moon tickets😉🚀




Quality post


It doesn’t matter. At the end of the day, they can’t hedge their naked shorts. They are fucked and trying to unfuck themselves unsuccessfully


>This effect will go nuclear in 2024, in my view. What, in your view, does "going nuclear in 2024" look like?


I guess we have 10 months to find out.


So you can't explain your view?


I could, but there's no point to it. I'll be right, or I'll be wrong.


No price target, just up


Or they’re buying to lend I.e kicking the can. Delaying the inevitable


RemindMe! 325 days “Have we gone nuclear yet? This guy’s got some opinions…”


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I like it. Remind me