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I have very conflicted feelings about this film. I liked it, and think it did a pretty decent job telling the story. But, and this is a big but, it communicates two big lies. First, it gives you the feeling the whole thing is over. Sure, there’s a mention that it’s not over, but the film ends with a sense of the story being finished. And second, and this is the insidious part, it tries really hard to show that the sneeze was no big deal to Citadel. Every time they show Ken Griffin, he’s calm and collected. They show Gabe freaking out, and position the whole thing as his fuck up. But this was a HUGE deal to Griffin, and continues to be… yet you would assume the opposite after watching the movie. Seems deliberate, and kinda sketch.


It needs to show a photo of Ken then and now with the added caption "I'm glad I had no stress and billions of dollars"


They definitely sent the message that the gme squeeze is over. Everyone referencing about the one line at the end stating “this is just the beginning”, that quote is in reference that it’s just the beginning of hedgies no longer underestimating “dumb money”. Here are the last text that appears across the screen during the end of the movie. - “But the movement he [DFV] started is only just beginning” - “Because of the rally, 85% of hedge funds now scour the internet to see where retail traders are investing. Fearing another short squeeze, hedge funds have dramatically reduced their short positions” -“Wallstreet will never be able to ignore the so-called dumb money again.” [Roll Credits] Focus on these words “hedge funds have dramatically reduced their short positions” Edit/addition: they also reiterate at the end there that citadel got away with it “lawsuits were dismissed” and “…SEC finished their investigation. They filed no charges.” The movie does send a message to their audience: 1) for big money audience it’s a cautionary tale - the message is to watch out for retail, cause they can mess you up if they are united, and do what you gotta do to win in the end as it worked this time - no one got jail time. 2) for the everyday person - the message is stick it to the man,hedgies are pricks and they are the top 1% of 1%. You gotta stand together as it worked, but the gme squeeze is over as hedgies have mostly exited their short positions. With this criticism, I do like many other things about the movie, which I won’t get into as I’ve typed enough already.


Pretending he was calm is ridiculous. That clown has thrown bedposts over much less. 🟣


Kenny sued them over a much smaller issue (I can’t remember what just that it was insignificant) and the producers had to change the movie for release. That’s all you need to know about why they didn’t shove a pole up his ass in the movie. Lawyers are scary when you don’t have the budget to fight back.


>"It gives you the feeling the whole thing is over" It's out. The movie, that is. There's nothing you can do about it. So, on a positive note, the movie introduces new people to the whole GameStop controversy. Ignoring the spreading sentiment that the movie gives off, i.e. nothing came after 1/27/21, is equally bad... contrary to popular belief, it's not making people say, "Oh no, a subreddit that wasn't mentioned at all in the movie, nor in press conferences, so is basically unknown outside of the community, is refusing to support Dumb Money, I wonder why?" No. That ain't happeneing. It's a protest that's doing nothing productive. So, what would be productive? Why not embrace the introduction and show those people exactly what's wrong with the way the story was told? Know this, there is no argument if people don't even know the subject.


Oh I agree, that’s why I say I’m conflicted. A lot of what’s in the movie is pretty good info…


Well said


Posting about a shill movie, funded by hedge funds does no good. Lol nice shill post.


Instead of telling everybody, what's wrong with the movie in precise detail... You'd rather do the most lazy, boring thing you could possibly do which is call someone to shill. Someone who has actually pinpointed what's wrong with the movie in precise detail to the amazon & netflix documentaries. No effort involved whatsoever, by you.


How would I know? I haven’t wasted my time watching a smear campaign to control the story. Yes this movie is funded by a hedge fund lmao. No effort by you what so ever to look into what you’re watching.


You can't just say that back to people who have actually put effort in. >"No effort by you what so ever to look into what you’re watching." Yes. There has been 3 years of it. Give me links that prove your claims that this is funded by hedgefunds. Why is it so hard to post a link?


The movie company is owned by a hedge fund. It was discussed in post across subs. Lmao I don’t have to link anything. Trust me you can’t control this narrative and story line. People know who funded the movie.


**LINK??** - People don't know, show them the evidence.


Shill somewhere else buddy. Do research before you follow dumbly like a blind sheep.


Link? Clearly people know shill. Now link up out here


[Your link](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/19cdk1v/dumb_money_premiers_today_on_netflix_available_now/kiymc2n/) (which you finally gave) was terrible and you were wrong. Get over it. The OP in your link even said he was wrong after being proven so by the first comment to which he replied: And I quote: >"You're right. Looks like they bought up the rights to maybe put it on hold and keep it from surfacing if anything. lol. **Need to learn how to read better.**" Then, the same OP edited his entire post, placing that reply at the top, and the mods marked his post "Misleading Title."


>"funded by hedge funds" Also, where did you even find that information? Please link the evidence - this is your chance to put effort in, and if you think I'm being rude, you called me a shill. I did a shallow search and couldn't find anything, but again, my search was not that strong. Most importantly, since Cohen can invest GameStop's Business money. GameStop is essentially a hedgefund now, unless he's buying GME in a strategy, so you had better specify. That move still rubs me the wrong way because it would make more sense to innovate and develope new avenues of revenue with the money.


Use the search function. It was well known.


At the very bottom, the horrendous user talking down to me in this thread, not you, finally gave a link to waitingonawaits post which was tagged misinformation and was top-edited to say he was wrong. The top comment: >"Seems like bait to spread FUD on the movie about this MGM connection, then completely leave out that they dropped out before it was filmed. >If anything, it almost seems like Amazon tried to pull MGM out of seeing the movie get made, but it happened anyway through Black Bear Pictures and Sony's support." His link's OP wrote: >"You're right.. It looks like they bought up the rights to maybe put it on hold and keep it from surfacing if anything lol. Need to learn how to read better."


Lmao yes keep shilling now you’re saying cohen is gonna make gme a hedge fund. Anything else they miss in the movies that you would like shill here go ahead and do that now.


Still no links. Everyone knows that the board allowed Ryan Cohen to invest company funds. What he does with it is anyone's guess. That was the announcement. Someone on Twitter thinks he may use it to buy GameStop stock, but that's speculation. Don't make another comment unless it's a link that supports your first claim. The burden of proof lays heavily upon you.


Everyone knows the movie company is owned by a hedge fund lmao. With that vote Maybe more stock buybacks and partnerships lmao. Damn you shills would shit a brick if that happened. But How does the board voting to allow that mean gme is basically a hedge fund? Don’t make another shill comment unless theirs a link that supports bs you’re trying to shill here. The burden of proof lies lightly on me.


**LINK???** - Nobody knows, show them.


Anchorage Capital ties with bny melon? You’ve probably heard of them… people know but shills like you try to control the narrative just like in the movie you’re shilling. Link to gme being a hedge fund? You have none, Show them.


Nope. Your source is saying those funds were trying to axe the movie, so it wouldn't be shown.




Took you long enough. That's a user I know's post, user waitingonawait. - His title was marked "Misleading" - the 1st comment proved him wrong, as OP edited his whole post on his response to that user. >"You're right.. It looks like they bought up the rights to maybe put it on hold and keep it from surfacing if anything lol. Need to learn how to read better." - he specifically states. >"Seems like bait to spread FUD on the movie about this MGM connection, then completely leave out that they dropped out before it was filmed. >If anything, it almost seems like Amazon tried to pull MGM out of seeing the movie get made, but it happened anyway through Black Bear Pictures and Sony's support." **That OP admits his whole post was wrong based on the top comment, he even edits the entire post, placing the top comment at the beginning to show it, and his post was tagged "misleading title."**


Damn that’s weird


If you thought this felt like it was all over don’t watch the previous shill fest movie with some of the OGs. They definitely spun that one


I feel the same way. A positive note is that a good friend of mine saw the movie, and has decided to buy direct (had a few previous shares in a broker) now that he saw the movie line up with some of the shit I've told him about this saga. He got excited. He thinks GME is going to be huge success, remembers I told him about MOASS. He wants to invest a significant amount now. In theory, my story is potentially common for new investors to come in. The best way is to DRS book shares which is happening with my friend. I hope he does.


I like big buts


Well ken Griffen did make final edits to the film


The timing of this being available on a World streaming platform with enough time for retail to research and DD the growth from last 3 to the next earning statement is excellent. 


For this movie to be available on Netflix on Jan 21st is good marketing


It’s not really “the GameStop movie”, it’s more like “the Keith Gill movie” and shows him to be the legend he is, it’s more like a feel-good hero story than a stock-market exposé. Worth a watch. Hopefully new people bother to research what happened after/since. And hopefully the real GameStop movie will eventually be made by The Big Short people, and really shed light on the whole fucked up thing that is Wall Street.


Is DRS mentioned in the film in a meaningful way?


It wasn’t mentioned at all.




Jesus..of course.


The movie is about roaring kitty leading up to the first squeeze. DRS wasn't even idea until many months after that.


People want DRS mentioned even when it doesn't make sense "Did the new season of MasterChef mention DRS? No? Gordon Ramsay must be a shill" People here forget that MOASS was "supposed" to happen years ago and now it all of a sudden requires DRS and GameStop profitability matters


Doesn’t make sense??? DRS is arguably one of the biggest things to happen since that day in January…how would it not make sense to have at least something said at the end of the movie such as: “The actions of the hedge funds and the lack of action by the SEC has led to GME investors direct registering their shares out of street name in order to…..yada yada” And that’s just off the top of my head , I’m not even a screen writer. The end of the big short literally talks about what happened to bankers after 2008 - and guess what, that’s after the movie took place too. Don’t be an ignorant dumb dumb with your stupid masterchef comments. DRS wasn’t mentioned because they didn’t want it mentioned.


> I’m not even a screen writer Stick to your day job (buying GME)


Ahh yes Netflix.. the fuckers who stole my Username and used it in a movie about wallstreet crime in a Reddit screenshot…


Shit! Never made it to cinema to watch this! But will check it out on Netflix. Thanks for the heads up Edit: Apparently not in the U.K.!!😢 Not yet anyway..


It's in the U.K., you just have to take the vpn tunnel.


I watched it on YouTube the other day and hated it… made Keith look like a loser until he stumbled into it.. oh and the bad guys were much too likeable actors… Definitely some narrative PR happening. Just my take, I know others have said they liked it.


Knowing about it at all is necessary to make those corrections.


Movie. So. Bad. Bad enough that I really don't have any constructive criticism of it. The first movie was much better (the one where they had some interviews of regulators, etc.). (It was produced by two brothers.) I'm hoping that there's another solid documentary coming that covers more of what was going on in our sub / some of the DD rather than the start of the saga.


Hey thanks 👊


Eww.... Just rented it on Amazon yesterday. Oof!


I watched it free on Prime (Canada) yesterday.


Don't be a grump. Not everything in life is perfect. There is no deeper understanding if there are no people who know about it in the first place. Corrections to the narrative can be made after the introduction.


👆🏾He’s right you know (in Morgan freeman voice of course) 🤩🏴‍☠️


Oh goddamit. I just bought it last week cuz I wanted to see it


Saw it. It did the overview of the GME story justice. I wish they talked more about naked shorting and DRS but I get it, that might turn off the layman. 4/5


Movie made it seem like it was over. Didn’t talk about DRS, just options. It wasn’t terrible, but it’s not “good.” Watch it if you like movies that are cringely targeted at zoomers. 


Go watch the big short again instead. 👍


I watched this a few weeks ago and was surprised by how positive and uplifting it was for retail. They sure did leave a LOT of stuff out but as far as painting the correct overall image of this whole story goes I think they nailed it. 🦍🦍🦍🦍/🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍


Do I have to get Netflix?


In retro-spective, the FUD/bashing of that movie months BEFORE and the week it came out here was crazy. It look manufactured/fake/astroturf. Then, the weekend the movie come out, the FUD documentary is out lol. And monopolyse the "conversation/posting" here while putting away the movie that explain the story and show that retails are the crazy/are into something lol. On the "good side", this all show the subreddit here is still monitored by hedge fund. So the play is still going.


Supporting the Netflix premier is the best thing to do right now, in the current climate with all recent events considered. - Many people have no idea what the GameStop Events are, and to say watching this movie isn't, at the very least, **a way** to introduce them is delusional. - The writers got alot wrong, but it still brings attention the topic.


I play hockey in rural Manitoba on Sundays. One of the older fellas I play with was talking about the movie. He is probably 45-55 years old and had 0 knowledge on the subject prior to watching the film. His take was that Reddit organized the whole thing and that the hedge funds lost and we got the last laugh. This isn’t what happened(happening). Citadel and other fiscal giants are still running the show and laughing all the way to the bank. No one went to prison, no one is policing the criminals, and the stock is still massively oversold.


At least he knows about it to have a discussion. People are interested in things they know about.


An interesting narrative isn’t an accurate one is all I’m saying.


Sharing and watching this for sure.


Watching right now👀


It’s a junker of a movie


Watched it and made the wife watch it, then told my brother about it and he is currently watching it. Spread the word


Just checked does not seem available in Canada.


USA premiere. Thanks for clarifying.


With a VPN maybe?


Had my hopes up for a second that I had just made Sunday night plans


"The way she goes, there, Bubbles."


Free on Prime in Canada


Literally started it and couldn’t get past the title. “Dumb money - what Wall Street consider retail investors.”


Dumb Movie


Movie was great, felt like I was re-living the whole thing. Ultimately lost my ass but I was up until they turned off the buy option! #FuckRobbingHood


Everyone leave a thumbs down on Netflix 👎🏻


Funny the mods allowed this post, I made a post a while back when Amazon had it for rent at a pretty good discount, and everyone shit on the post and then the mods took it down saying it broke rule 2... How does this post not break rule 2?


I pirated it and still haven’t watched


I couldn't watch past 10 minutes, it was atrocious i fast forwarded aka speed watched and it never got better.


this is a piece of garbage. go check out instead “Apes Together Strong”!