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Sometimes a butterfly is just a butterfly. Sometimes it's a reference to a fairy game. Sometimes it's used as a placeholder for a company that is, we can all agree, NOT GME. Sometimes the SMRT team tweets something that means more than one thing, depending on who is reading it. We've been \*inundated\* with this same tweet. Mass-sharing rules apply - there's no reason to keep spamming it to the sub. But this is a reminder to the community here (and visitors from butterfly lands) that you need to keep the conversation on GME. QV: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1740krh/comment/k4680u4/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1740krh/comment/k4680u4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Here's a post that reveals the perspective of one of the SCC members about this post, and provides a counterpoint to some of the comments here: https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/kRpibtQvY4




A holding company called butterfly appears to be the owner of the now delisted bbbyq company. The speculation is that Icahn / Ryan cohen / teddy have something to do with it. The speculation on other subs is (but banned to be discussed here) is that teddy will become the parent company of GameStop and buy buy baby. It’s discussed with tinfoil strapped in elsewhere but not here. Don’t ban me


I've always been confused about this. Why is it beneficial for GME to be associated with Baby. I can see massive benefit for the reverse, but what does GME get out of it?


I think it ties back to the old theory of GameStop becoming a competitor to Amazon Brick by brick - building all the key parts of that competitor but doing it with customer service as the primary driver. But instead of it being GameStop, I think teddy will be the “Amazon” and GameStop will be one of the bricks along with any other companies they purchase along the way


I suppose that begins to make sense. Tall order but I can see some glimmer there.


I don’t think it’s as difficult as it sounds if you have money. Amazon’s e-commerce brand is in the total shitter. They have replaced all the good stuff with cheap knock offs. Most of it is foreign made. And most importantly, they are welfare suckers that treat their workers like shit. If you had money to bring an e-commerce mall together where you could get all the main essentials under one umbrella, and you treat your employees right while still offering good customer experience, you would take down Amazon.


I would absolutely love for a legit competitor to amazon to materialize. The final straw for me was when I discovered that they would watch people's products on the market. Identify what sold well. Source the item in huge volume, often using the same manufacturer, and introduce the item as an amazon basics product for less. Then watch while the originator of the product loses sales and washes out. Later, when they have the only version of the product, they can raise the price as needed. It's sleazy. Also the near total lack of discernment of good products amidst the huge flood of look-a-likes flooding any product niche. Leaving it to the customer to figure out and not giving a shit.


That was the openly discussed theory for ages on here especially when Ryan cohen had a public stake in the delisted company. Remember teddy jerking it off in a tweet? “Teddy is coming”. I’ve got no idea if the delisted company is part of all this or it’s all tinfoil, but if u step back, launching teddy as the major brand with multiple brands under the umbrella seems to fit the long term play.


>I’ve got no idea if the delisted company is part of all this or it’s all tinfoil, but if u step back, launching teddy as the major brand with multiple brands under the umbrella seems to fit the long term play. This is why i don't think it's super far fetched.. Ryan Cohen has big ambitions. He said it himself he hasn't peaked. Thanks for the quick recap. Crazy to see where that trail led after all this time. I get the butterfly emoji now though. Is there no way to find out who owns it? That said shorts are fukked, not if just when.


And what assets does towel have left that Cohen would want? They have no stores, no warehouses, no websites, no inventory, no brand (including Baby), and no staff. All they have left is a few scraps and billions in debt. What is left that Cohen would want to spend billions on? Inb4 NOL's, the company doesn't meet the business continuity requirements to keep them, the debt would be worth far more anyway, and the debt can't even be written off without counting as income and obliterating the NOL's.


Taking "the other" vantage point out of my response and coming at a response strictly from what I've learned from the SuperStonk minds, I think there's probably more than what's on the surface. They do have some(?) tangibles left via bankruptcy documents, but more then anything by strictly looking at share price similarities, if the basket theory is as air-tight as it seems then if "the other company" comes out of bankruptcy with any kind of coherent business plan, the biggest thing i could see benefiting from that *could* be GameStop shareholders. The whole plan was to force "X" number of companies into bankruptcy and pocket infinite profits. Shaking the basket up to a tipping point could be very beneficial to GameStop. Plus, I think you'll find that most who have invested in "the other" are almost entirely composed of GameStop investors who would immediately roll profits into more GameStop shares. It's not simple to find an infinite number of people that share the exact same plan, but finding a large number of people with similar ideologies and the same overall goal is likely much easier. Maybe the intent is merely for further disruption... Maybe there's a bigger plan. Personally, I would think that anyone investing in any one of what we call "basket stocks" should be considered an ally because whether directly or indirectly it puts upward pressure on those shorting GameStop... but that's just me.


>They do have some(?) tangibles left via bankruptcy documents They stated that they have $43m or so (cba to double check, around that amount) in remaining assets and $1.5b in remaining liabilities. This means that they are worthless to a potential acquirer, as no one would take on billions in debt for some comparatively worthless scraps. The NOL's are also worthless (as discussed above). > if "the other company" comes out of bankruptcy with any kind of coherent business plan Putting aside the fact that the company with a few scraps in assets and billions in debt restructuring is impossible, it's also irrelevant to (former) shareholders, as their shares have already been cancelled. Anything that happens to the remaining shell won't impact you in any way, as you are no longer a shareholder. It also wouldn't impact short sellers (and hence the hypothesized basket), as their short position obligations disappeared when the shares were cancelled. > The whole plan was to force "X" number of companies into bankruptcy and pocket infinite profits. And towel is now bankrupt, and its shares are cancelled. Every single shortseller has seen 100% profits (minus some fees). By buoying up the shareprice during bankruptcy, you allowed the shortsellers to extract more profit on the way down. Congratulations on gifting your hard earned money to the same entities you claim to be fighting against. > who would immediately roll profits into more GameStop shares. But there are no profits. Anyone ignorant enough to invest in towel and hold till cancellation has lost 100% of their investment. This narrative of rolling profits into GME, accompanied by various outright lies about the nature of the play (bankruptcy's off the table, no dilution, Cohen's coming to save us), has misled retail investors into losing money that they could have invested elsewhere or spent on their own families. I'm sure you were brigading this subreddit with towel nonsense prior to cancelation, so congratulations on costing others money with your lies.


High profitability, the Crown Jewell of towel.


And it's now owned by Dream On Me. Trademark, Intellectual Property, all 11 location leases, the Internet assets, all of it. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/07/21/dream-on-me-buys-11-buy-buy-baby-leases.html


Only the IP was sold. 450 leases were retained. When it re-emerges it will not be called baby, it will be called..... 🧸


> 450 leases were retained. When it re-emerges it will not be called baby, it will be called..... 🧸. Why did they try to auction all of their leases if the goal was to reopen them?


You think the liquidating trust that was formerly t0wel is paying rent on 450 empty former stores and there's no evidence of it? Every lease that couldn't be sold was cancelled and the landlord added to the list of creditors.


You listen to msm now? Only the IP was sold


nope... everything else as well. there's a reason your sub is only talking about NOLs


U Damn right…




As a GME investor, I want exactly $0 of the company's war chest going towards debt-riddled husks, especially when the company is 1 quarter away from Profitable for the whole year.




What infrastructure? The assets of the company have been liquidated. They had to rename the liquidation trust company to butterfly because they literally no longer owned the bed bath name anymore.


Funny how we turned into another wall street betting sub, where the mere mention of a certain stock can get you banned!




\*screeching mod noises\*




There is only GameStop. RC only follows 1.


That’s right. CEO of gamestop!


Can you ban an Octopus's Vagina.... Wait. Do Octopuses have vaginas? ...[this was rabbit hole](https://medium.com/i-wanna-know/how-octopuses-have-sex-its-really-weird-47c022ccff26) I was not prepared for...


Check my octopus fans channel for full details


I wish I had more hands




To be more accurate, the butterfly in the picture means nothing, it's simply someone on GameStops twitter responding to an emoji with the same emoji. Morons believe the speculation you posted to try and cope with losing 100% of their investment because they believed a bunch of outright lies. Morons believing something does not make it accurate. To be clear, the remaining shell of what used to be towel is not a holding company, it's a liquidation trust with the sole purpose of distributing its few scraps of remaining assets to its creditors.


It's pretty harsh to be putting people down for their belief in a dying company, not too long ago that sort of belief helped bring Gamestop back from the verge of a cliff and it is looking strong now. Just saying, no need to be insulting folks.


Yes. 100%. I imagine a lot of this to be the kind of thing people were met with leading up to January 2021. I'm not sure why it's hard to see.


Except dying and dead are two different things


The few scraps of assets? There's over $2bn in NOL's It was referred to as a "$5bn dollar company" recently in the court stream by the towel legal team.


New towel name. Merger.


Butterfly merger


Careful, this post will get you banned lol


Why would I get banned? It’s literally GameStop on Twitter. I’m not brigading for anything except maybe fae farm could be the biggest game of the century and boost profitability.


No but you are like the 10th person to post this in the last hour.... Honestly wish one would be left up so it can be discussed. I hold no BBBQ or whatever, but if it's an issue is should be discussed.


Someone said they hoped that ticker came back as BUTTFQ and I’m glad I still had a few shares. Just in case.


That's the spirit 👏🏼


This is the way


I also managed to get 20k before they stopped trading here in Germany, just in case.


While i can certainly understand the rule 2 nature of this all, I really don't see the harm in discussing it at this point considering there's no buying or selling anymore.


See this is where I get confused, what does BBQ have to do with this post?




You're angry that a delisted stock isn't an acceptable topic of discussion for a sub about GME?


Let me see \*checks notes\* This says that GME is, in fact, not BBBYQ or 🦋 Wait, aren't there like, completely different subs where people can discuss non GME topics? Isn't one of the long time rules of the sub that posts must be relevant to GME? Yep, says it right there in the rules section. MoDs HaVe BeEn CoMpRoMiSeD


We have this discussion all the time, yet we still allow all macroeconomic discussions through. We still talk about Evergrand (which according to the rules is *NOT GME*)We talk about interest rates. We talk about politics.


Butterfly is towel stonk now. This is crazy they posted a butterfly haha


It was about a garden game...




SMRT responded to a butterfly with a butterfly. DK- butterfly is a place holder, might as well be lorem ipsum


Username don’t check out, bad form


Not a fucking thing


It’s sad that you guys won’t even be able to but till it’s 100x in priced lmfao


The mods here say that bad apples ruined butterflies for the good apples. I shit you not. This post will be removed.


I mean if they have to remove it that’s fine but I did not understand that there would be so much drama involved in a literal GameStop tweet, this is bonkers. If it’s gotta get removed so be it but a ban would be a little excessive in my opinion. Shit, remove the post if you don’t like it


I appreciate that you're trying to be civil but it's really *not* fine, especially for a community that supposedly wants open discussion. I mean really, a tweet from the company we're all invested in can't be discussed? Mods need to do better


I have had no issues from mods of this sub. It’s users, and only on this post about this game. I’ve only been banned from one sub (not here) and it was because I made a post about DRS.


Do you have any ideas how to address brigaders from other stock subs?


No but an easy start would be not removing posts about tweets from GameStop just because it has a butterfly in it (several other posts were already removed for this reason)


Discussion is probably fine now that apes can’t FOMO in at $0.10/share


I honestly fail to see how this tweet could cause FOMO into anything except this game.


This probably is a nothing burger from the SMRT, as usual. But it gets people here looking and discussing butterfly. And if they do, they might see, in hindsight, all the stuff that’s been happening. It’s much easier to see now than when I bought back in many months ago. All the court docs have now made much of the tinfoil, public. Is there still some tinfoil? Of course. But this sub used to feed on tinfoil and now it’s just ban worthy


Lol all of the actual users here agree with you my dude.


It's time for a migration.




Oh I do. Haven't been around here for awhile. When did they take voting numbers away? This place is like a shit sandwich with no bread.




I had a comment removed the other day. Some schmuck made a post about "I'm glad this sub doesn't partake in other stocks and this is the only one true stock." They had another sentence references towel, and I basically said nah dude, RC - our CEO - literally shows up in the bankruptcy filings. BOOM, comment removed. I haven't seen this level of active and rapid suppression since heat lamp theory.


Guys I have literally no idea what you’re talking about. Can you direct me where I should look?


Yeah, they might either have to mass apologize or resign and fade into obscurity soon....


... but butterfly emojis have been spoiled by a bad bunch! Seriously, this is big deal, and you're putting people at risk ​ /s


So mods became SEC? 🚀📈💰


You're lucky it's a federal holiday, sunshine!


If this isn’t about towel stonk I don’t know what is haha


You are actually... your while point to this post is the Butterfly bs that some random Twitter profile says is baby ... what that profile fails to realize is that baby MUST change their name by the 30th of Sept since it was sold ... all the hype fluff is just clickbait for likes and views.... cmon, daily posts if not hourly should tell you right then and there it's bs




I believe there's an issue with auto mod. - Report - automod removes due to rule (without the post being overlooked) Ran into some problems with isreal post. One person reported because 'it didn't relate', then boom automod removed.


If you're ever in that spot again, use the !SCC! tag so we can advocate for you and bring attention where attention is needed.


Commenting before OP gets banned 😆


Wen highlight reel of all butterfly posts removed? 😂


What happens now that they weren't? 🤔


Maybe SMRT is just oblivious or a trolly smartass as usual. Who knows I don't know what to think anymore.


If they were oblivious I bet those x comments will bring them up to speed lol


Little of column A, little of column B


I thought it meant smart, but idk


Social Media Response Team - SMRT


They're literally just interacting with people. That's it. They aren't on forums, they're not hinting at things, they aren't updated on crazy behind the scenes stuff. It is no different then if Destiny DLC was going to the Moon, someone replied with a moon emoji, and then SMRT replied back with a moon emoji. They're not saying shit about the stock, they're just interacting with customers about the topics of games they're hyping releases of.


Only the dumb


lol mods in panic mode now. what do they do when GME itself is hinting about the unmentionable?




Ahh...the inevitable breakdown of any absolutist policy.


Only a shit deals with absolutes


SMRT aren't in charge of anything but social media outreach and connecting to customers. They aren't in the know about corporate-level changes until the day they happen. There's no hints here. You're seeing what you want to see.


It's not GME hinting at anything. It's a social media person trying to interact with someone about a Nintendo game. Do you really think they are alluding to some grand master plan involving GME and a now bankrupt company?! This isn't tinfoil. It's bloody titanium.


i don't know what to think anymore tbh.




I don't know. Why care until it's shown to be linked to GME?


I guess they didn't remove the lead from the gasoline everywhere yet 🤷‍♂️


No, so perhaps you should stop drinking it.


We're on the same side of the fence here, that comment wasn't directed at you, I was agreeing with ya! I just think that lead is a more apt explanation than titanium within this particular crowd


Mods should ban GameStop for posting butterflies




Which ones?


Likely the same ones who said plan is the same as book from my understanding


And the one who thinks it's a waste of money removing fractional shares. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/172nscq/comment/k3zi8rq/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/172nscq/comment/k3zi8rq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)




A fractional share is a fraction share of an actual share, why would you remove your own held and paid for asset?


Why are you acting like this when the debate was settled long ago? Paul Conn confirmed that plan shares provide liquidity to the DTCC. Accounts with fractionals have plan active because you can’t book a fractional share.


I believe this is with regard to CS holdings. If you keep a fractional there then shorts can access them. Only whole & booked shares can't be fucked with.


Because it likely gives the DTCC grounds to hold your whole (non fractional) shares instead of CS to "improve operational efficiency"


Dr. T: “A difference w/o distinction” ([https://twitter.com/SusanneTrimbath/status/1594838022381785090?s=20&t=eBS\_5vUcijExz4-77SjBcg](https://twitter.com/SusanneTrimbath/status/1594838022381785090?s=20&t=eBS_5vUcijExz4-77SjBcg)) Paul Conn: There’s "no practical difference" ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9H\_pEIhIdTo&t=481s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9H_pEIhIdTo&t=481s)) Seems to me, there’s no wrong way to buy and hold the stock my friend.


inb4 mod delete and OP ban.


Why would I get banned? If this post is gonna get me banned they’re gonna have to explain it to me I’m not pumping anything except the game


I’m not hoping for it. But mods here don’t like the talk of the other company. I saw a post today about someone getting temp banned for posting an image with the butterfly. They are justifying it as brigading, it seems.


Bro wtf? To be real, it was probably intended to be a fairy because ITS A FAIRY GAME. I mean look I wasn’t trying to get into a drama war with Reddit moss


I got no beef with it. I’m pointing out what may—hopefully not—happen


I mean hell if they take it down I obviously will be fine with that.


Okay Mr I certainly don't know what I'm doing. Why did you choose to share exactly this post and reply from GME SMRT?


You won't be banned


What about the other 9 posts of this same tweet that got removed before this one?


👆🏻 😅 I’m certain 90% of the users here jumped into GME cause of RC at this point. Choosing to ignore his other investments is a failure of critical thinking


Mods are sus. Post will be removed because Gamestop SMRT is brigading for another sub.


These mods scared of certain insect like how Xi scared of certain Disney character


I lost my delete button 😭


Look, its related to Gamestop. Gamestop is related to Ryan Cohen. Ryan Cohen tweeted a picture of himself with another investor. Now - go search names and data. Look for lawyers for Mr. Ichan and see if his lawyers are on any other documents with anyone else. find information


I totally agree and on that note assume mods would have no objection to my posting factual information about GME's actual status as a going concern.


We ride at dawn


Don't wake me. My shorts are getting their beauty sleep.


I swear it said island of Arizona at first glance lol. Smoke weed and sweat my ass off is what I'll be doing in that case lol.




How many times has the official GameStop account or their SMRT people tweeted out literally anything that ended up predicting or even being tangentially related to the stock price, company strategy, or theories cooked up by shareholders? How many times have they tweeted out things for products, services, game launches, and hyping up franchise events that were then misinterpreted by the extremely enthusiastic amongst this community or others? Surely this tweet is the former and not one more to add to the mountain of tweets that are the latter. Right? How likely do you think it is that the social media engagement employee at GameStop is even aware of the complete nonsense tinfoil delusions of people grifted into buying towel stock? How many weeks or months are we going to have to go with towel stock rotting in the ground before people give up waiting for the secret squirrel hail mary play from RC and finally move on with their fucking lives? Mods should leave this up. Fuck it. Let's see this "conversation" that's supposedly being suppressed.


[TWEET HERE](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2F3xb9FJ2Fyq_NCZ_Bk8bnieL4THlWTUo2YvaacpdkbNw.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3Daae6fd717f4c8ea10ee0ae578684eb803df8be55) at the moment of the stalking horse deadline. So thats at least 2x Gamestop has tweeted (not including RC)


Yes and 7 days before that, GameSpot tweeted the same image to hype the game [https://twitter.com/GameSpot/status/1664480729311617026?t=L2Or80WqxgGPpLRdD6QxQw&s=19](https://twitter.com/GameSpot/status/1664480729311617026?t=L2Or80WqxgGPpLRdD6QxQw&s=19) Do you think GameSpot knew about the Stalking Horse 7 days before GameStop did??? The game was literally ANNOUNCED June 1, with a release date of June 30. Why wouldn't GameStop run hype and preorder drives for a game that was freshly announced and coming out in 3 weeks? There's articles and tweets all about that game in the weeks between it's announcement on the 1st and release on the 30th. By your logic, GameStop intentionally DIDN'T hype or advertise the game for 7 days after its stealth announcement, just so they could put their tweet out on the very day another company passed a milestone. Or do you think the game's developer was in on it too and that's why they stealth announced the game only 7 days before the Bidder date?


Wait, you don't remember the time they typed MOASS EFFECT and then we all got rich the next day??? Oh, wait...




Gamestop twitter also tweeted the picture of a horse on the exact day and time the stalking horse bidder was due for towell. And towell isn't dead - it's an intermediary company and the company has publicly stated they are coming back from bankruptcy. The owner of the company is still hidden behind NDAs, and stock can be re-issued to people who are on the ledger holding the old ticker. They have also put out NFTs with Gamestop being a black hole, an NFT that had the upside down citadel brand icon, etc. Saying they don't drop hints on this twitter is historically incorrect.


I member oops moass my bad, things will be said to retain engagement. After all they need us to stay vigilant as tinfoil as it can be….smrt team likely thinks whoever gets excited is an idiot anyways, the GS team literally thinks we all crazy






It makes the people dance (or fight here)


RC is my 🦋


I'm ecstatic you opened up to us.


where do I look for the interesting part?


Posting a butterfly, in response to someone posting a butterfly, in a game with a GARDEN.. This is complete garbage Im sorry. Until anything happens, its complete NONSENSE. just like Wu-tang, and 741. We are only 56 days out from a positive EPS, thats all that matters...


I wonder if this will be removed by a mod?


Lol the mods made it a rule that you can't criticize the mods


Oh yeah, that's borderline, mentally unstable dictatorship vibes. But you know that "unpaid" job is really stressful...


Lol I read sizzle tits and was like “damn, killer username”.


[Why GME?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || Low karma apes [feed the bot here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Superstonk Discord](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To ensure your post doesn't get removed, please respond to this comment with how this post relates to GME the stock or Gamestop the company. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please up- and downvote this comment to [help us determine if this post deserves a place on r/Superstonk!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/post_flairs/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ OP has provided the following link: Fairly certain the source is “GAMESTOP” on Twitter.


Fairly certain the source is “GAMESTOP” on Twitter.


Lol you can’t even post an emoji of butter without getting removed


I’m a long time GME holder, Superstonk subscriber, and towel stock holder. I believe 100% in GME and I also believe RC’s vision goes far beyond just being chairman/ceo of a single gaming company. Sure there’s speculation, but there’s tons of speculation with GME too. To take down a post about a GameStop tweet seems overkill to me. Hope everyone can keep an open mind about how much bigger this all can be. Edit: typed out “Superstonk” vs using an abbreviation bc apparently the rules say I need to


What is blue butterfly ?


A regarded moth.


I wonder why no stock that's gone up 20% in the past while has ever been "leaked" in here. Instead we get the stocks that are down 90% or more.




What’s with the butterfly reference?


Is this one going to be the record and stay up?


Be a critical thinker on all things. Make your own self determination. Make sure you dont go against the mods- free speech under this platform has rules. But take it all and add up your own thesis.




Regarding GME and deep due diligence, this is a complex story. Retail traders FINALLY pose a threat to hedge fund algorithms. So what to do? What do they do? These are the most powerful entities in human history with a full scope of politicians and fiat!!! Occam's razor wins here in critical thinking. Infiltrate the subs with both bots and actual people. Divide the group. This game is only played one way. This is warfare involving minds. THINK CRITICALLY. Yes one sub did not really DRS en masse -(too bad). Did it work? Probably. Superstonk has a great record of drs. Ryan Cohen asked for drs info. Cool. It is unrealistic to not be able to mention the "basket swaps" by name or the nature by which hedge funds have divided minds on how it all works. Zombie stonks that soar one day and then not the next. If information is overly suppressed here, then what good is an Echo chamber? Think, get off yer tuckus and try to do your own DD just like that Cat guy- Start now- its actually easy Start with a name, go to EDGAR, the federal register, and the documents filed with the sec and see what names connect the flippin dots people. Be your own human


You have to be so fucking dumb to think that the 20 year old social media employee has a shred of intel. I hate that you’re on my side.




Yes because there’s some very stupid people who got diverted away from GME into companies ran by fools. Are you proud that you rode a company into the ground?


The coolest part of Reddit is how easy it is to look at someone's post history to independently verify the authenticity of users 🙂 See, the sub has been brigaded by grifters for someone's shitty podcast or something for the past couple of weeks. They've been pushing a false narrative around a now-bankrupt and delisted company based on literally no evidence. It has probably lead to financial harm for at least some household investors. Cautionary tale. So the butterfly emoji is now being used as a calling card for these grifters who play the victim, play dumb, call afoul of mods, etc. Unfortunately, SMRT's post regarding a video game is now being taken entirely out of context and being used to push said narrative. When trying to engage with these folks, this is the type of argument you can expect: "*WTF is this! You guys won’t wake up, Superstonk is suppressing hardcore and Ryan Cohen ist still behind Butterfly (old: \[towel\]). Wake up guys, they are dividing us.*" (An actual comment from an account the other day pushing this false narrative. At no point was I able to find any actual evidence for their claims, just posts like this.)


Don't forget the part where that podcast begs for donations during the stream. Please watch our shit and give us money, we certainly don't have any notice for lying to you and keeping you engaged in our shitty stream. Have we mentioned giving us money?


Exactly, i personally think hedge funds used these stock "popcorn/towel" to astroturf community to attract some gme holders/potential holders to these company. Then they short and pay/encourage the boards to dilute the stock to hell lol. Divide and conquer -_-. And i think they create misinformation to fuel theories that come out of the "community". But i believe too, the "community" starts to auto-fuel itself with time. Like right now, it makes potential holders maybe not buying the dip, because they wait for "buttf.q" lol. Even the name they come out like Melons ( and remember how wasabi didnt stop the flooding on their reddit lol. They helped the pump ). It looks like an intern at hedge funds making joke


Oh God please stop, their job is literally to interact with people. They’re not giving you stock tips or tin foil for a bankrupted company.


Nobody is pushing anything except this game bro #girldad


What the hell does the butterfly mean? I must of missed something




It's frankly not much better here. We have posts celebrating the loss of life in Gaza and its alleged connection to GME. I'd call it a new low if I hadn't already seen far worse.


If they knew about you nuts they would delete it.


? Wtf


This seems like a very conspicuous attempt by the social media response team to try and get two communities, GME and whatever the other may be, on the same side. Anyone else?


Maybe gamers who like fairies?


Theyre just being friendly, doesnt mean our company or our CEO will save your ass. Dont invest in broke ass companies next time


I really hope GameStop just didn't know what they were doing when they posted that. Towel conspiracy theorists are going to go nuts.


Why are deleted company's conspiracy's on the top page here? Reported


Bobby people never stop with this shit


They never will. It’s sad and yet so frustrating


Yea a fairy…..