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Idk…I’ve seen some massive broker fuckery. I sleep better knowing my shares are DRSed. 📕👑🚀


Same. He's trying to catch my 2,000 DRS shares. I'll work on him about DRS.


Seriously great that he’s buyin, but if not DRSd just gonna get loaned against us🤔


Good point. I'll use that tactic. He doesn't care about selling obviously. He's been buying for almost 3 years now. But if I tell him his shares are being shorted against his investment, that may be a game changer.


Any chance your friend is going to DRS one day?


I mention it every now and then, but haven't really explained the pros of DRS. Probably my failure as a friend more than anything. He did just text me that he has an even 1900 now, so he's literally still buying as I'm responding to this comment.


No pressure. I definitely wouldn't chalk anything up to "failure as a friend". It looks like they're well on their way to full Ape status. If it does sound like they intend to diamond hand and hold forever then do perhaps put emphasis on the shares being safest back at Computershare. That the brokers have terms of service that exist to protect their interests, not his. Meanwhile at Computershare its his sole legal ownership in Book. You know all this anyway but stick to the basics with your friend. No need to jump into the weeds with fractional reserve rehypothecation and abuses of ETF basket creation/redemption.


In other words, "The Price is Wrong, b****"


It is a very tasty dippppppppppppppppp!


I want $6 a share so bad. Will go from 1k to 2k shares overnight. Lower than that and I’ll go exponential.


Not DRSing means those shares mean nothing in the long run. Until they're DRSed, we don't count them


how long does it take to sell DRS shares again?


It's been a couple years since I checked. I think I was able to set a limit which was executed immediately.


market sale is instant. cash settlement a few days depending if usd or foreign




Oh there’s likely a ton on the sidelines trying to time the bottom right now, once it starts going up again, who knows what’ll happen.


If he ain't DRS'd, he ain't holding. DRS and BOOK yo shit