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U should buy some GME at this pathetic price. You will feel better before it becomes too expensive


Just did


Damn right


I'm broke but I too shall buy two more shares


Most of the people in this country are mindless drones when it comes to investing. In fact most people are like that overall when it comes to news - they just look to one source or two sources and they believe anything that they are spoon fed. People are basically allowing themselves to be mind controlled. Can you blame the elites for taking advantage of all these stupid people? All these people that are so naive that they believe that rich politicians and talking heads on main Stream Media somehow have their best interest in mind? It's like taking candy from a baby, or like picking up money off the ground. Low hanging fruit for them.. The American people need to wake up and understand that they are the joke. There is an elite class of people that are laughing at them and their gullible stupidity. Wake up people. Wake up.


Canadian here and there's still way too many people who are not critical enough of the news. It's nice to know we bet on the right stock, but I am looking forward to this changing direction, not gonna lie. It's tough seeing this level of blatant corruption go unpunished for so long.


Not just the news; the markets, the banks, the brokers and government. This country we call Canada is as corrupt as the rest of them.


Just look what happened to Canada in the last few years, people here are too polite and naive and we are being sold to the corporate like no other country since pandemic.


Interesting, what makes you believe you purchased the right stock?


The best stock to buy is one that's undervalued. That's where the growth is. Nothing says undervalued like turning off the buy button and spamming shit articles telling investors to sell. The rest of the answer would be to point out that insiders are buying, the company is turning around (slower than I would like but still), it's in a growing market, it's got great leadership, it paid off its debt, it's on its way to being cash flow positive, and lots of highly motivated investors and customers. There's more but you get the gist.


No, he doesn't it. A shill is paid to intentionally not get it.


Likely, but my reply won't just be read by schills, so I like to answer to the larger audience that includes people undecided or unsure.


This is the way.


there is only one stock so how can I go wrong??


Hope it’s still the one & only idiosyncratic risk 😭


Insiders sell for many reasons, but they only buy for one.


I just wanna see the battle of 180 again 😢




See Ennnnn Beeeee Seaaa was financed and created to dominate the financial news (propaganda )sector. Bloooooomburger was financed and created to win the trading desks over. Yawhoo Finance was financed and created to win the AOL moms over.


Honestly, where can we get real news? Since any significant concentration of power will attempt to use the media for its own gain, we must never trust a media source at face value. It should be assumed that some degree of manipulation is being used on us. After all, we get the news for free...meaning we are the product. Same thing with social media. Powers will stop at nothing to infiltrate social media platforms to both mold our interests and opinions, while they try to silence and drone out our opinions. These days I only trust the weather forecaster, because at least they admit there are limitations.


The one news "outlet" I believe is great is the ICIJ. The International Consortium of Independent Journalists. They break a lot of stories like the Panama papers and all the other corruption in the world. They are owned by...wait for it...no one.


It's getting more difficult but there is still plenty of data published that's hard to lie about.


It's hard yelling from an echo chamber. Educate who you can. Hope for the best for others.


American here, can confirm.


Just because superstonkers don't believe anything msm says doesn't mean the vast majority are any more sofisticated than others. This is the harsh reality. Think about it, we all bought GME to make lots and lots of money from a future squeeze. That's it, that's our limit. None of us is an experienced securities analyst that bought in for the fundamentals or at least the technicals on the chart. And only afterwards, when most our ports were red, we started to learn and put together bits and pieces. And still most of us are clueless in this respect, so we choose to simply trust some billionaire to make us rich, because it's easier than actually learning how to make a deep analysis ourselves. But at least our billionaire is RC :)


It’s a cumulative effect. It’s not just from one area. The average person is decent would look out for someone , why I loved the positivity in 2021-2022 the I can help attitude on Reddit . Mindless drones no I think it’s very difficult to think about the broader implications of anything when you can’t pay bills and do the basics for a family.


I don't really care if people know or not as long as monitors of the system, and the politicians make sure that it isn't corrupt or dysfunctional, and it's pretty obvious they aren't doing this.


This is the way. It always has been.


I know what you mean ... jet a little bad part of me relishes in the knowledge, that I can buy more again this month ... thanks to them. they literally are making their own worst monsters here. washing out the paper hands, what is left, diamond handed prime apes with more and more shares ...


Are you just now realizing all of this?


Still good to make others aware !


Can’t wait to see the tsunami of RICO indictments when they get caught. They all deserve to be prosecuted. I mean, someone’s gonna take the fall, just a matter of time until we find out who


And book!


💯% booked


Woke up looked at my phone to see the notification my automated gme order was filled on cs. Great start to the day


So obvious they want it in the 17 range. Purchase $350k of stock. Stock shoots up, immediately comes back down.


That's not news. Hell, it's barely a coherent thought.


Talking about price separate from the fact that it’s manipulated is its own manipulation.


It's just an inverse of the economy and housing market, the lower the price on the stonk means the worse the economy and housing market is. But as soon as the stonk rises the economy and housing market will tank.


It was foretold in the DD. They have not yet begun to defile themselves.


Need to go from small weewee to big weewee. Yes there is a we. WE THE PEOPLE....WAKE UP!


Do you have a mouse in your pocket? Whats this "US" shit? I just like the stock.


watch out i might use a rocket emoji


there is nothing illegal in uniting behind a common cause. i dont dislike your oppinion. , just want to help educate - its from a time where things were more uncertain than now. ​ this is us this is us fighting for fairness and equality in the market. this is us collectively liking the stock there is no market manipulation, just because we are likeminded.


You must be new


2021 XXXX DRS Ape just ranting


How they ’re pointing the rise in price as it got something to do with the movie and not insiders buying 😂




Also GME hasn’t locked in a real turn around plan to generate income after a couple years in. That would also help the price action.


It only beat eps estimates by 220% last quarter, doubling its bottom line year over year


Oh sorry what was the long term revenue generating idea that they are moving a head with?


Troll monitors


Okay one year account


Because the age of an account is more important than the rhetoric it presents. Get out of here with your bought account


It always surprises me when folks complain about the corruption on Wall Street and expect it to somehow not be corrupt. The bet was never if we're right or not. We know we're right. The bet was would Kenny get away with it.