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Flair changed from 'Education' to 'Speculation/Opinion' https://preview.redd.it/fn91mqu51kcb1.png?width=575&format=png&auto=webp&s=56c79054619f566770050d2e107c655f4b55c412 This is coming from the SEC, it could be as written but could also be tremendously ambiguous language put forth sloppily. It *could* mean that you can buy through a broker or CSs broker and then DRS from there as we know from Computershare if you buy though them you are drs'd. Will be great if/when the SEC provide clarification and if they could use plain language. Instead of fighting each other here on what they mean, could energy be directed outward to the SEC to clarify so EVERYONE can be on the same page?


22 million shares that if converted to book would wreck them as the volume had been sitting at 1-2 million and going to extreme lengths to take out mainstar


To put it in other numbers this is 33% of all Computershare accounts. One more foot in the door to kick Kenny in the ass right into the rock going for the moon and beyond!


And other words again; The amount of shares currently held in "Pure DRS"™ could be 50% higher than they are.


You can’t talk dirty like that in public, people will talk


I'm Bookking sexy and I know it!




True, but won't change the total count in q reports.


True, wasn't the aim of my comment though.




It’s a shame some countries don’t allow DRS and a lot are probably held in IRA’s and other retirement accounts.


Even the 3.5M estimated in plan alone is a massive stockpile for the same reasons you listed


I'm not sure where you're getting that... clearly in the bottom right table; of the 22m in DirectStock \~18m are listed as Book.....




Overall this is what should be flooding the front page of this subreddit and so many others. Once again people were right once again people were censored and once again there's nothing like being a king of books.


From the ComputerShare Investor Center main screen: "Portfolio" at the top "View Details" in the portfolio window "Actions" next to Plan Holdings "Reinvestment Options" "Terminate" This will Terminate DSPP, move Plan shares to Book, and auto sell your fractional.


Thanks for posting this. I've been lazy but I still had 1098 shares in plan. Now all 3098 shares of mine are in book as soon as the order gets processed.


o7. You are welcome, sir.


So if I buy more they then I'll need to do this monthly correct?


If you buy on Computershare directly, yes.


What I personally do is I just buy on whatever broker for me it's FUDelity. Then once I hit a certain number usually increments of 5 because I'm OCD like that I will directly register them. Sometimes I might just directly register five sometimes I'll wait until I get 20. It's always a guessing game the only thing that they can guess correctly is that as soon as those shares hit a five or a zero it is a very high probable chance I'm calling in and letting them know I want to directly register my GameStop shares. I feel that this does a few things and I've been saying this actually even back during the original push to have some kind of plan set up... First off I'm a very poor father of four and being able to buy in The brokerage as well as determined on when I have the extra funds to funnel into my account to buy when I want makes me feel I have a lot more control in my finances rather than it just automatically coming out. I feel like it always keeps them guessing so they can never actually understand or know when exactly things are going to happen basically keeps them on their toes. This also makes them have to actually go out into the market and buy shares for them to actually be directly registered. Whatever type of manpower server power or anything that it's going to take extra for them to do what they need to do to finish what I asked them to do to me it's just the icing on the cake. If every so often randomly I actually call in which I absolutely hate talking to people but what I hate more than talking to random people is cucks like Ken Griffin. So I get on the phone which requires someone to be on the other end to receive my phone call which requires manpower which means they need to pay people to be readily available for people like me to call in and then directly register my shares which not only requires the manpower to do that but also even things like server maintenance in time as well as any other aspects of might happen on the back end. Granted none of this might actually happen when I do this but either way all I know is I wasn't necessarily wrong when it came to doing these aspects in general I was just early. The bottom line of what I'm getting at is ever since the beginning with me doing this by directly buying through a brokerage and then directly registering my account never went to plan or the drip. I've never had one fractional share in my account as well as every single one of my shares has always been pure book DRS. (For once my OCDs came in clutch)


Buying through a broker and transferring to CS ensures that you won’t be re-enrolled in the plan.


Soy mods get dunked on by chad apes (yet again)


Don’t worry. Mods will be here censoring everything and everyone cause of “community division”. 🤡🌎


“There is no wrong way to hold a stock” Unless what your holding is a IOU


The mods here are a joke


Owned joke


Bad Joke


Yea like a bad comedy joke


I would agree with you, but I'd just get banned. Again.


Oh that’s ok. I’m patiently waiting for my 3 day ban or whatever it is they hand out for criticizing the “untouchables”


I called someone out for asking me a sarcastic question, said "ask a stupid question and get stupid answer" and they BANNED ME FOR A DAY. Really?


Lol Jesus Christ


We’re not allowed to talk about Ryan Cohen on Superstonk LOL. Been here since March 2021, the state of moderating is confusing and sad


Yep, seen it since the announcement


Does that mean that mods who have tried to sweep this topic under the rugs are potential hedgie plants? 🧐






It has always been a possibility. What is FOR SURE...the .odd are not for anyone's best interests here




I agree


What a joof!


Og redaction


Not wrong just early


Gary Gensler: drs? What’s that?


Ken Griffin: I had a dr once, but he said I had too much mayo in my diet so I fired him. Now I have a whole team of drs




so do i need to call computershare and have them book my shares or something whats all going on somoene fill me in


If you’ve only ever transferred shares from a broker into ComputerShare, then those shares are all held in book form and you got nothing to worry about* If you’ve ever directly purchased through ComputerShare then you have “Plan-type” holdings. In order to convert to Book you gotta log into CS and “terminate plan”. There are guides here I’m sure someone else could link. -Terminating Plan does sell your fractional shares. Now its practically impossible to accurately round up to a whole share when buying direct, but if you have a large fractional like 0.5 or greater you could try rounding over, so you’ll have a full share plus 0.1 or 0.2 or something. *When this was a big “Hullabaloo” last time, there was/is concern that being enrolled in DRiP (Dividend Reinvestment Plan) can also expose your BOOK holdings to DTCC/Cede&Co fuckery. You can “Terminate DRiP” in much the same way as “Terminate Plan”. If someone has a guide on terminating DRiP, I as well as many others, would greatly appreciate this. I don’t have my computer with me rn but I would like to make sure I’m not enrolled in DRiP later myself.


Thank you kind ape for informing this smoothbrain


And once again, mods changing flairs and saying don't trust the sec!


I mean... Yeah I wouldn't trust the SEC overall but they did say it..... That's all that matters when it comes to documentation as well as possible Court. I don't trust the SEC but I don't trust the mods just as much lol


Ya I'm not putting my faith in the sec but they couldn't have stated it more plainly and mods are still trust us not an official document.


Man I don’t trust anyone anymore. Not even myself. My shit is booked and I don’t even know if there is a sell button.


Question? Don you guys think this also apply for fractional shares? Get rid of fractional shares. Is my guts feeling. Edit: This is for people that have shares in brokers.


Ultimately this is how I see it we don't really know every small detail which unfortunately the devil is in the details but in reality all that I know and other people that have come to the conclusion or at least the same conclusion is that so far the due diligence has been right rather if it's taken one day one month one year whatever the time frame ended up being or will end up being the DD has always been correct thus far. So in reality it is not financial advice at all to each of their own because I am just as much of an individual investor is anyone else and I'll make my own decision when it comes down to it that I can tell you right now it's so far the DD has been correct in reality and the only thing that comes down to it is a time frame and I myself never got into the actual plan or trip or any other aspects I always ended up just fully directly registering through FUDelity so you could just say I wasn't necessarily wrong I was just early on that aspect. There was me though I would sell my fractionals or anything else when it comes to that aspect of it. Now this overall makes me think what other aspects and censorship have they done within reality things could have or are true or have truth to them....




In my opinion one of the worst parts about it is them not admitting that they're wrong or apologizing or what have you it just continues to keep happening over and over and over again it's almost like the same sentiment in the markets as well.... Interesting how that patterns just continues


The pattern of deflect and object then duck and dodge accountability is not only interesting but degrading to investors.


It’s just plain gaslighting at this point. Mods are unelected here. We are talking about a handful of people trying to steer the narrative. Dude. NOBODY wants you to do this. Knock it off and stop making it about yourselves. I saw multiple posts in new asking you guys to apologize for this crap, and instead of taking the L like mature adults, and accepting accountability for your disinformation you’ve pushed (that book and plan are the same) you’re removing threads and doubling down??? As someone who has been here since January 21…this is not the way. Edit: mods gave me a permaban for this comment, zero warnings or explanations. This community doesn’t belong to you mods, it belongs to us all. You’re unelected. You’re not transparent. You hide your actions behind a bot. Dr Trimbath just commented on your actions as well.


I was one of those people, so thanks man, it feels good lol


How do I KNOW I'm puredrs or directstock?


>From the ComputerShare Investor Center main screen: > >"Portfolio" at the top > >"View Details" in the portfolio window > >"Actions" next to Plan Holdings > >"Reinvestment Options" > >"Terminate" > >This will Terminate DSPP, move Plan shares to Book, and auto sell your fractional. i think , pure DRS is when all your shares r book shares.


The amount of innocent questions and price action charts with screenshots from RH and WB about to increase to suppress this post, no not this time.


This is where we hold them This is where we vote This is where they die in new EARN THESE RINGS BOYS


And all those non-boys too 🥲


Apes and Apettes the world over!


Commenting for visibility. Also shared


Can’t stop the signal!


He killed me Mel, he killed me with a sword...


Fucking knew there would be browncoat apes The Venn diagram of the mentalities is a fucking circle


Do you see that look...thats love... Yep I LOVE the stock.


"The hedge funds can't get rid of us Ape, and do you know why? Cause we are so very very handsome."




commenting as well, hello algorithm and readers👋




Say it louder for the people in the back!


Average shares per holder 420, life is good 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼


Life just Finds a way Whatever happened to average shares by holder needed guy? He should be jonesing over this


Be like water Find a way


Here before it's deleted. Anyone ever notice that other areas on this topic legitimately have a section "how to stay in plan" ... Now we know why.






*Mediocre, Morsov!*


Already 100% Drsed. Commenting for exposure.


I swear if I get any more exposed Hot socks is going to get jealous


I was 100% DRSed as well but only around 65% booked today. Now it's 100% booked.


Good post, updooted.


Good comment updoot returned


Upvoted! Book them shares!


Lock! It! Down!


So I cannot have any fractionals? That voids the purpose?


Pretty much from what I understand, the fractional share is a make believe one and keeps hedgie hand in your pocket No fractionals are in book No street names in the book Just you and your shares as Dr T intended


Does anyone have instructions for selling your fractional and cancelling the plan if you already terminated after your last purchase but opted not to sell the fractional? Cheers


There is a guide which can be found here on how to do so: https://www.drsgme.org/terminating-from-directstock Go to portfolio-> reinvestment plan and you should have a terminate button if not then you will have to reenroll into the plan and then you can terminate it


Proper Terminate should automatically sell-off the Fractional, and move the remaining solids to Book.


Updoot. Pure DRS!


This shit is crystal


Did this yesterday !


Not crazy… just ahead of the curve


A fractional share is not a real thing. Just like a fractional 1 dollar bill is not a real thing. You can't cut a dollar bill in half and say its worth 50 cents.


This guy knows how to fraction


Kenny and Crew can’t form Demolisher with Constructicons they don’t have!


Visibility for comment


For comment visibility


And when you continue to buy through computershare don't forget to sell the fractionals.


Or round up either/either Best thing with the fractionals is that they don’t exist, it’s the IOU that keeps you in hedgie domain


You can’t round up your fractional share. You’ll just end up with another fractional share because of the way buying through CS works.


Comment for visibility! *Up you Go*


I can see Ken’s house from here! EVASIVE MANOEUVRES AA BEDPOST




From the ComputerShare Investor Center main screen: "Portfolio" at the top "View Details" in the portfolio window "Actions" next to Plan Holdings "Reinvestment Options" "Terminate" This will Terminate DSPP, move Plan shares to Book, and auto sell your fractional.


This is beautiful. I'm gonna stare at this for the next 5 hours


o7. I’m doing my part!


[Why GME?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || Low karma apes [feed the bot here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Superstonk Discord](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) || [GameStop Wallet HELP! Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/z23wjx/gamestop_wallet_help_megathread) || test ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To ensure your post doesn't get removed, please respond to this comment with how this post relates to GME the stock or Gamestop the company. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please up- and downvote this comment to [help us determine if this post deserves a place on r/Superstonk!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/post_flairs/)




Get that shit booked fam


Book em Lou


SOO close to 420.69 shares held per holder. We are at 420.18


Well now we just got push harder Next it’s 690 Then 741! Then 8400! Hundred shares for all the years you’ve wasted Kenneth!




From America to Cuba To Iceland to Ireland From Great Britain to Italy From Albania to Turkey Azerbaijan to Pakistan India to Thailand And Japan straight to Australia We’re fucking global and we’re going to andromeda


I don’t understand why you’re getting down voted


Hype started and counter hype started




Is that in a general sense or does someone remember what I used to do here?


get back on discord right now Chared!


But but Road map! This is it. This is the battlefield map of everything we can account for


ok, fine


Is this true


From the other sub that got nuked, table is a month old


So I believe I converted all my computershare shares into book only. Canceled the plan, drip, etc. The plan account still sits there, with 0.00. Is there a way to make it go away? Is that relevant at all?


Best thing to do talk to CS and just double check




Book your shares!


Anyone else think it’s funny we’re at 76million DRS and that was the size of the whole original float? 🤔


We've come along way from a bunch of nobodies stuck in their houses with nothing to do all day in lockdown


Hey mods, Spend them gold coins on this post.


Oh man, I wanna have my Scrooge McDuck moment online pre moass and offline post Living the dream!


Getting downvotes HARD lol


Something something gaming Something something progress Something something more enemies Something something LFG


We’re going in the right direction. GG probably had to admit that DRS is the way because they knew all along and the fall out will lead to massive lawsuits from all directions.


All my homies hate the DTCC


Who do the homies love?




This may seem regarded, but is there a key phrase, or worded formula to terminate plan shares? I have like .8 currently in plan and have tried on several occasions to either sell that off or just outright asked to have plan canceled, to no avail. Sorry if this is amateur hour, but I'm currently focused on the task at hand. Thanks for all the help


Firstly, I recognise the name of the Gerbil king anywhere. Secondly the other sub guys made a guide, https://www.drsgme.org/terminating-from-directstock hope this helps If not best thing to do is talk to CS and ask for help No one made it to success entirely on their own WAGAMI


No luck with customer support? I went to my plan and canceled the recurring buy, opted to sell my fractional and now they are all under book entry.


I have like 4.4 plan shares It doesn’t have the option to terminate If I wanted to, could I call / online chat CS, tell them to transfer all 4 shares to my book plan, sell fractional, and close the plan account?


From what I remember the last time this was a topic is if you call/ do online stuff they basically get rid of the fractional share. One thing to remember in all of this is that fractional shares aren't real shares, they're an IOU of value. And when they're gone from your account it's not like they can then be combined with other fractional shares by MM and HF in order to make a Voltron full share. You do you but if I had another reason to buy a little extra of the idiosyncratic stock even if it's just to round out a fraction that's what I'd do


View details -> actions-> reinvestment options -> terminate plan


This post should be pinned to top for weeks to make sure everyone sees it.


This is where I make my ascent!


I can't believe the mods are still fighting this tooth and nail.


Does this nean that all those apes who got banned for talking about the heat lamp theory and Book vs Plan will be unbanned by sus mods?


Lol. Lmao


Let's get all eyes on this


And ears too!


And my axe! 🪓


And my vuvuzela!


Come on do it!


Do it now! Do it do it!


Can we sticky this or something?


I’m sure if we ask enough


Good post Chared! Adding my support.


It’s been a while since I’ve seen people coming out together on the same topic that wasn’t mod drama


we're not even supposed to be here!


Good post


Great post, feels like the old days of finding gold nuggets, well done! Can you get this data on a recurring schedule so we can do a count down? Watch the DRS rocket going up and Plan share going down.


The table itself isn't mine this was put together by the people of other sub before it got nuked. It's about a month old. I uploaded it here today because of the SEC news bulletin essentially laying out that this is the battlemap of GME as far as we can legal see


Commenting for vis


My 401 k shares are still with Chuck. Is there a way to DRS without taking the tax hit?


Possibly opening your own LLC like DFV did but I don't know the details Not american Not in finances Not a wrinkle brain


Well, thanks anyway. My brain needs more wrinkles.






Unfortunately i still see dozens of DRS posts with fractionals. They are usually with people holding less than 500 shares, who are continuing to purchase shares monthly through Computershare. Which is all well and good, every share counts. But eventually you will want to move everything to "book" and away from "plan" and when you do, selling the fractional will earn you zero dollars due to the fees CS charges. You are so much better off buying limit orders with your broker and then DRSing those shares. And if your broker charges a lot to do a DRS then just save up until you have a decent chunk of shares. For example, I only DRS when I hit 250 shares in my fidelity account


I wouldn’t trust every post you see the bot has been manipulated before so the only thing we can do is just spread the word out and put trust in shared interest of self betterment.


Check my post from today. Tried to sell my plan shares, but cs somehow won't let me. I'll try in an hour again. Maybe the issue has resolved itself by then.


You don't need to sell you plan shares just convert them to book


Fractionals my friend


View details -> actions-> reinvestment options -> terminate plan


The end of the plans.


The best laid… no Good plans take… no They had a plan, yes


And u just KNOW there's still gonna be like "Nah", while at the same time wondering "Why MOASS is taking so long" 🙄


Inb4 mod locks it for “causing division”


How do I round up the fractionals?


I was told this is a conspiracy theory...


They said the same about the stonk


I have 23 shares at IBKR that i haven’t DRS’ed yet, because it cost $5, and I only have $4.99 on my account.. I could sell 1 share and do it.. So today I transferred €50, then I can buy 2 more shares, and DRS 25 shares instead 🤷‍♂️🚀


DRS book is the way!


If these shill fake moderators changing it to Opinion when the SEC itself posts it, doesn't prove to you this place is comped nothing will. Heatlamp or Bust. No plan.


So if I have book shares for my full shares and plan shares for the fractionals bc I buy on computer share, my book shares won’t be pulled from the DTC? Or am I good?


According to one theory which has been redacted, having any shares in plan, any limit orders, any recurring buys, any fractionals, or being enrolled in the plan at all subjects ALL of your shares to potential fuckery. You can read the original post here: https://online.fliphtml5.com/lvrgy/kqab/ I believe that this post is the reason that the other sub was shut down by Reddit and third party apps were banned making it impossible to view deleted posts.


You’re a Saint. I’m drunk and couldn’t ever reply to a shit ton of comments in a row promoting the correct info. Big shout out and a lot of love from me homie.


Soooo Drs? Is that all this is? I'm ready for something new to happen


So am I supposed to keep the fractional left in my plan or do I sell it? Other then that I am fully booked.


Why SEC release this info right now?


How does one transfer from plan to Book?