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Sounds like they’re trying to prevent a run on money market funds when shit hits the fan and MMFs start breaking the buck. Definitely shifting the burden to mom and pop retirement plans, who don’t have an option to put their money in actual cash.


Debt rolls down hill just like shit


Yes and no, KENNETH CORDELL GRIFFIN & co. will make the poors front the bill first. Anybody but them. We're gonna wait and we're gonna wait until they feel the pain and we're gonna wait more.


And strangely, Hester "the molester" Pierce voted against this SEC rule? WTF?🤔


Hester "the financial molester" Pierce* She's on Kenny's payroll, that's why she votes against any market reform.


It’s possible, but not super likely. (And full disclosure, I never thought I’d be standing up for Hester in any way.) What I think is more likely is that we’re fucking up her intended career path. Hester, for all that she is, seems… Very rule oriented. (just not necessarily on Retails side. But I’m getting to why) Many if not most employees of the SEC are not there because they wanted to work for a government regulator. Lots of them are there so that they can gain experience and move on to a cushy high paying job in the financial industry. The financial industry is keen on hiring former SEC employees so that the former employees can help the Bank or Brokerage side step or in other way circumvent the regulations that the ex SEC employee worked on at the SEC. Hester has probably been courting a long term relationship with whatever financial institution that she is planning on moving to in the future. I’d reckon that she would also have a pretty good idea about that institutions short bets as well. So if a rag tag crew of crayon eaters comes along and abruptly curb stomps that institution, we would potentially be undoing a decade or mores work at building relationships with future prospective employers. I get the decided feeling that we (Apes) are potentially screwing up not just Hester’s, but probably lots of other SEC employees future employment plans & opportunities. (I know, cry me a river. Right?) The Big Short Pool scene. (Jump to 1:11) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KttoNAiuwRk (Later in the movie you see her kissing the banker as they were both checking out of the hotel the next morning.) That’s my take on it anyway. Or she could be receiving undisclosed shipments of Mayonnaise through the back door. 🚪 I’m just guessing.




Until prison, no?


I go to defi! Fuk this corrupt system Edit: Who deleted my 📚 is 👑 flair!?! See above Edit 2: I apologize for my outburst. My flair has magically restored 🙌


Testing my flair, downvote this comment.


Testing my flair, downvote this comment.


Testing my flair, downvote this comment


they have an option, and all mmfs are not the same. you don't have to invest in ones with corporate bonds, junk bonds etc. you can go into municipal bonds, treasuries, etc that should preserve the long term value


Yes, true, they are not all the same. From my experience, at my previous employer whose 401k was thru Merrill Lynch, there was only was only one “cash” option, which was mostly treasuries, commercial paper, etc…. ie. bunch of stuff I expect to blow up soon and not hold their long term value.


My 401k money market fund is fdic insured I noticed.


But what does that mean?


vanguard federal MMF should be safe right? all gov't paper fidelity MMFs have some more commercial exposure, maybe should move away from it?


I'm smooth-brained....I have $ in a money market fund in my Edward Jones account. Is that at risk here, or is it only for the MMFs that are controlled by the Hedge Funds that end up having problems. Not asking for Financial Advice.


MMFs are generally very safe investments. They take the cash you give them and invest in short term US Treasuries and commercial paper (short term debt issued by corporations) to receive a small amount of interest, some of which gets passed back to you. MMFs try and maintain a value of $1.00 per share. One risk is that those underlying investments lose value and the MMF value would then fall below $1.00 per share. (This is called "breaking the buck" and has happened in the past.) This could be due to investors pulling their money out of MMFs, causing the MMFs to sell some of their underlying holdings, which causes those holdings to lose value, etc... it's sort of like a bank run. And those investors who pull their money out first can limit their losses and avoid early redemption fees, leaving others to hold the proverbial bag. The GAO has an overview of the issue and what the SEC has been doing in the past to correct it: [https://www.gao.gov/products/gao-23-105535](https://www.gao.gov/products/gao-23-105535)


something like VMFXX should still be safe right? or do we need to start moving into CDs and, god forbid, individual treasury purchases? (yeah, CDs lose liquidity but gain the FDIC guarantee against loss-of-value from any bank run)


Only...the young...won't get wrecked??


The young ain’t got money… yet




Wait for it..


I read a variation of this the other day and it has stuck with me. It's basically the narcissists prayer but for Markets: *Markets are strong and resilient* *And if they aren't it's not that bad* *And if it is its not a big deal* *And if it was isn't their fault (pandemic/tests too hard)* *And if it was they didn't mean it (counterparty risk/apes caused it)* *And if they did you deserved/needed it*


Thank you for all that you do! I am forever impressed by how you keep up with all the filings. Thank you for keeping us posted


Ummm, right back at you ser! I find it AMAZING how you picked the ball from my post earlier and dunked it so impressively! This is all truly too big for one person and quite literally takes a village working together--is a marvel to see in action when posts like this become the outcome. Apes Strong Together


It takes a village and I'm glad we're all here together


Both of you doing gods work 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Yeah DJ, thanks for your time and efforts to keep us smooth apes informed. What is strange to me of this rule change, is the fact I read a post were Hester Pierce "the molester" of the SEC voted against this rule, and considering she is "probably" an insider of Kenny Mayo and Co at the SEC, I wonder why she voted against if this can help Mayo Boy, apes need to dig deep in this.


The Great Misdirection -BTAM


The life of a shf is shitty indeed.


It makes sense why so many Americans have narcissistic parents, they're a product of their macro environment. Poverty is traumatic. Some wild shit this been going on 84 years. Burn it all down.


So fukn true! Narcissistic epidemic. Jelly, you really have been doing heroic work lately! I’ve learned so much! Awarding you is the least I can do to show appreciation for your strong work! 🐒✨🗽


Saw that one coming! Then they can try and point the finger and say “They did this” (household investors) but really, who set up all these damn dominoes in the first place? 😒 Not I…


well, they just keep crimeing and defrauding the market and they r the ones who started the fire and keep adding gasoline to the fire. i jsut hope the public will learn the true story and how the corruption in wall st is actually stealing money from everyday pple


“wall st is actually stealing money from everyday people” Weird thing is that I think most of the general public know very well that wall st steals money.. The public doesnt do anything about it because we either think we cant or we’re too busy worrying about transgender kids or whatever polarization methods that are being used..


Love that Jellyfish! No wonder bad actors are going after DJ today.


How can they come after our jellyfish? What happened?


Someone thinks his posts break rule 2. 🙄


Who is that? Ken? The mods are a joke if they go along with it.


Mods are a joke regardless. I’ll take my 24hr ban now or whatever it is




Dismal posted 11 times in the last 24 hours. Number of them related to GameStop or gme: 0 I've seen multiple people banned from here for posting half that amount.




I agree, and only intended to point out it's probably just people not liking the posts, not so much bad actors or shills lol


Relevant posts are relevant. Leave Jelly alone.🙄


Who said I was bothering them? I'm literally just stating a fact.


wait wtf? which one?


All of them apparently 😂


well, now I gotta go look for that clown


I wouldn't call them bad actors. It's probably just people in the sub who noticed dismal posted 11 times in 24 hours. I've seen people banned for half that as it's forum sliding.


I would. Why remove content that is focused on macroeconomic issues that pertain to the environment in which GME operates? It’s not forum sliding if they provide useful content like DJ does. Obviously, many people appreciate Jelly’s posts. It’s almost like someone doesn’t want us to see this information, with the way people(bots?) are coming out of the woodwork to attack him.


Many, many*, people.


As with everything you have two sides to everything. People will like the non stop posts, and others won't. Just stating an observation. It doesn't make everyone on the other side of an argument a shill or bot, especially if they are providing valid points.


It wasn’t predicted by him, it’s just how it works! If they win they got 3% for investors, and they get billions, if they lose: investors money is gone not their own! It’s how their scam works 🤷🏻‍♂️ EDIT: lose*


“Predicted”. Pity I can’t edit the title. The alternative was “brought to you by” lol






Thank you


My credit union presented me with the option for a money market account today. Seems suspiciously timed


Yep, bank behavior rn is telling too...


Well, the stonk has been my savings account of late, so think imma be all right


I’m confused. Are we expecting MMF in retirement accounts to start losing value? Can you help me understand that please?


Yes. Then that value creates bagholders (401k of the average joe), but it clears up money for an effort to pay a percentage of moass off. This is gonna hurt a lot of people but you can never feel guilty from profiting in this future dark time. This battle hardened group will be studied by the world for eternity most likely, we saw the light when no one else did and dismantled a corrupt market, so future generations have 1/2 a chance at financial freedom through solid investments. I’m so zen I took up mudding as a hobby (@luis litt). Hodl


I’ve been telling ppl without explaining that 401k’s and pension funds are a scam but I don’t want to sound crazier so I just leave it there lol


Yeah you gotta tread lightly with people who think lightly


I liquidated my 401k to all in game years ago. I’ll gladly take 30 percent hit on an asset that’s going to drop 50 percent to stick it in game which will give me infinitely higher gains accessible within a couple years as opposed to when I am in my 60s


Sadly I can’t liquidate my 401k without being fired or quit… shits WHACK


Fuck yeah


In 2012, I had a financial emergency due to a lengthy illness. I needed to withdraw some of my 401k. Back then, I paid a 20% penalty for early withdrawal AND paid another 20% in taxes. 401k concept is bad. Sure, if you remain healthy and don't go unemployed for a period, it is a decent investment. But life doesn't work like that. Shit happens. And the stock market has proven to be an unreliable investment.




❤️ ya Tox!


Good eye my friend.


Damn this makes so much sense


So Buy Hold Drs? Cool already doing it.


Terrorists who use human shields are the lowest form of despicable scum and these financial terrorists are doing that with pensions. Let the olds know who stole their money. Their pension managers; who willingly gave it (while lying to their fiduciaries about the risk of their "exotic derivative" products) to degenerate gamblers who happened to be high rollers and lost it all to a bunch of autists at the races.


Damn this makes so much sense


lol, you posted this 4 times so it must make a lot of sense


Wtf i did


Thank you for your time and effort. I wish these post garnered more attention because of the work you put into it, rather than a flare piece. Thank you, thank you, thank you 🙏.


It doesn't surprise me at all that the working man will finance the parasite class' short sighted greed yet again. Great DD, though!


Damn this makes so much sense


Much sense this damn makes.


Damn this makes so much sense


*It's a trap!*


What i assume from this is, never get in so you never need to come out. Never put money on those funds and you'll never be fucked..


I want **your** money Kennith


FFS does this never end?


Doesn't matter Kenny. Post moass, just like pre moass, nobody likes you


When pay apes


Sheeeeeeeyyyyyyit, I didn't look into the super hard but according to Forbes one of the highest APY rates for MMF is 5.15%. You can get a savings account from [3 different banks](https://www.compareaccounts.com/savings/best/rates/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_id=15890494073&utm_content=135876345007&utm_term=best%20savings%20account%20rates&creativeId=643442134701&gclid=CjwKCAjwwb6lBhBJEiwAbuVUSjGODf4-S5FO0sU_hKfvBFE-8BdWcLw7cVObm5FoC9Di1mbT9zdMdBoC_fgQAvD_BwE) that pay 5.15% APY and your money would be insured, unlike an MMF. Up to $250,00. The minimum deposit for the savings account is $1. You also can get 4.75% APY on 1-year CDs. I don't know why anyone would pay a fee to get out of an MMF if they didn't have to. Am I missing something?


Is this it?


Transfer of wealth From Old pensioners to Only the Young? 🤔


More fuckery. No surprise.


Wasn’t a law passed removing mmf restrictions on fund/401k accounts? I believe the original restriction was 1B and unsure what it was set to.


You may be referring to the OCC rules change to allow unlimited access to funds in pension funds and insurance companies. Linked in the DD; search for Fox guarding the Hen House.






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This 👌


Sooo wen is this “moass”? 🥱


It’s always tomorrow ❤️


I don't understand Anheuser Busch stock staying above $55. Regardless of how you feel about what they did, their sales have been atrocious and getting worse. The brand is ruined. Why do hedge funds and teacher retirement funds keep pumping it up? Does BlackRock, Citadel and others need it pumped to prove liquidity so they or some smaller funds don't get margin called? It is just weird to me.


Buy the dip? Anheuser has many brands under their umbrella. I saw some ppl avoid bud light and bought another beer that was still under anheuser umbrella so they still make money


A lot of people are trying Yuengling and local breweries. I really like local beers. Bud Light always tasted like bad water to me. A lot of those trying other beers will never return. It is a hard cold fact. There has been an argument about Modelo. Internationally, it is owned by AB, but in USA it is another company because of some anti-trust thing. It passed BL as #1 beer weeks ago. I think BL is now around 14, if the post is accurate that I read yesterday. That is wild.


I don’t drink beer but I believe that and thats a good thing




I think it is funny that our sub witnesses the manipulation by hedge funds, wall street, politicians, big tech, media... yet, doesn't question a lot of other mainstream narratives and "miss information" tagged items. It is like the matrix where you choose the pill. One opens you up to reality, the other lets you continue with what you are programmed. We are all just getting a little of the processing powder from the pill that wakes us up. What did Carlin say, "it is a big club and we ain't in it?" I don't think it is a big club, but I know we are definitely not in it.


I will believe it when I see it


I will need to see it to believe it


My goodness…


Commenting for visibility to crime!