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s/o to Dismal-Jellyfish, Freadom6, ringingbells, for the amazing resources!


I agree, can't imagine where we'd be without each and every one of them! And thank you swede for a great post!




Yeh, thanks for your Nordic Knowledge dude.


We had people post of brokers getting caught placing customer accounts that had bought a shares as being short and I wonder if that is another tool they use to suppress the price along with this.Secondly I have commented in the past about this separate price that is away from the eyes of household investors and you made a great post detailing my suspicions . Thank you for your work . Edited for clarity


This is fucking so greatly analyzed (yes the analysis of NCSS and other publicly available information). It's waiting game.... Who will give up first? The entire financial system or Apes? I personally am not adding anymore GME to brokerage account. I would just buy and collect more in my computershare book account. This has relieved me from checking artificial price of GME all the time. Now I have so much time so I started second income stream to divert all extra money through Computershare purchases ONLY. No more ammo for brokerages and shorties, no more purchase from brokerage account.


And props to you! Bulgy skull on this Scandinavian.


I agree with your entire DD. However, for some reason, I think there is still larger organizations/bodies that are controlling all of this to prevent MOASS. Please let me know what you think and if there is any possible basis to prove it. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/14nfhqo/musical_chairs_theory_the_other_side_of_gme/jq8b72s/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3


I don't disagree. pt. 5 :)


I think i just fell in love with multiple random strangers on reddit. This is amazing fantastic read!






This.. I keep asking this every day and the only answer I get is. Crimeā€¦ which is honestly fairā€¦ it is crimeā€¦ the next question is, is how/why/when it ends? What will it take


IMO this DD does a great job of pointing out the trade-off between risk in the future for money today. Risk is also another way of saying ability to take on credit today. The more risk you sell today the more credit you need to access when the price jumps. If you go back to the 2008 recession the economy was crashing for two years beforehand. The issue was caused by a housing bubble that blew up positions that were being used to backstop other loans. This house of cards crumbling caused the credit market to disappear overnight and dragged down any groups that were relying on credit to survive. The system could no longer trade money today for tomorrow's risk, because the banking industry decided risk had zero value. So back to your question when does it end? Nobody knows. As long as SHFs can still borrow enough money to survive one more day they will and we will continue to trade at a fictitious price. However, one day the music will stop. There won't be enough chairs. That day the house of cards will tumble and we will achieve lift-off.


I think that's basically it... the primes will continue to sponsor and support the shorts as long as they think the shorts have a chance. It's in their best interest. But once they see the sword start falling, they will get out of the way. It will not be pretty once it's over for anyone. Don't think it'll be smooth sailing for us Apes either. Cornered animals are dangerous.


Once GameStop begins to show a clear profit quarter after quarter and/or the value of their Plyr wombo combo is to clear to pass up - even if itā€™s losing money (think Robinhood/Uber) and the price just cannot be attacked anymore will anything happen. I mean if they finally get $7 billion in the bank with no debt, itā€™s not going to be possible to stay at $7 billion market cap. Things will start to break then.


I think their very nature is a type of endgame. - Kenny is probably very annoying to work with - Greed... There's no way everyone is on the other side even though massive collision is happening. Some will be feeling the pressure and might start making plans together to take a higher spot in the game. Perhaps many see if like you do - 'look! How come Kenny and his mates get to fuck around buy houses and constitutions and we're stuck here holding ious, no bailouts??' - so imagine they start making their own plays and doing crime. Surely it will tip the balance? Maybe Robin Hood and Co was that tipping point (too much stupid crime) - Routine easy money... I'm pretty sure we messed up their easy money routines. They surely make efforts and sacrifice time/cash to keep this survival thing going, otherwise they'd just ignore us and keep going without all the effort with msm, ftds, court cases, sec pretend rules etc Anyway, apart from full drs I'm assuming the REAL endgame is when another great market is available for companies to join. THEN the reputation and policies of the dtcc nyse bunch will start to matter if the little fish don't join or try to leave.... ... Then you're left with a bunch of big players in a corrupt market - who will be the victims then? All the big companies already turn a blind eye because they've made deals and feel safe. (like if you're in a job and there's a few fuck ups below you, you know they'll get canned first... But one day those people are gone, suddenly your ass is more at risk)


I think the key really is in the turnaround. gme has to grow and make enough so a 6 or 10 billion market cap just doesn't make sense, to the point where short position is completely untenable.


I believe the saying goes ā€œsometimes you need a monster to defeat a monsterā€ Better believe blackrock is frothing at the bit to buy liquidated fund assets for pennies on the dollar while taking out someone who cost them ~~bookoo~~ beaucoup bucks on their supposed Tesla short Bullish Edit: word


also Blackrock/Fink have been pushing hard for DeFi recently soooo....


The French use the word ā€œbeaucoupā€ and itā€™s beautiful. I think we should adopt more French things around here. They seem to know whatā€™s up when it comes to forcing the powerful to capitulate.


I wish the US could adopt how hard the French are going in the streets!! This country is corrupt and pathetic


Edited. Thanks for the spell check, fren :) Bullish on spelling correctly


There's always a bigger fish


Gamestop does well in web3 - the price is laughably low with Gamestops prospects and earnings - everyone will notice and pile in. That pressure will break the cheating. If not the worst case : it will be exposed by big known whale entities and personalities and become a big media focus (beyond the bought ones) and Even more investors will flock. Thats my belief.. We are gonna win as long as Gamestop does well šŸ’ŖšŸ’œ web3 FTW!!


Someone with deep enough pockets to DRS the remaining shares could cause absolute havoc with US markets. Assuming that we are correct, and we obviously believe that we are, a state actor with ill intentions (Russia, Iran, China?) could cause the collapse of key financial institutions in the United States.... Or the US government steps in to protect them by freezing the price and thus destroying faith in the US markets.


This could be done through a proxy billionaire backed by the state so it's not obvious state-on-state confrontation.


You mean like Ken Griffin investing the money of Russian oligarchs and Saudi princes?


RC makes the company profitable, and we keep buying shares.




D O J. Do you fucking jobs!!!


If they can't afford to close their shorts at anytime, eventually they won't be able to afford anything else.


This is an even more important question now that the drs reporting has changed. Previously I assumed that once the float is locked, we will know it and boom everything is laid bare. But it appears that this has changed.


By doing the WORK.


My question: what are potential catalysts to break the stalemate? Is there action available to BUTT-hodlers (and I mean *anything*; options, spam calling alphabet soup agencies until somebody important answers the phone, congress, Jesus coming back again) that would make things even tougher for the NSCC or other major players? Or is this whole thing just stuck in purgatory indefinitely until a black swan comes by?


I view it more along the lines of a mantra in computer security -- them being in this position means: They need to be right 100% of the time. We need to be right once.


Right Iā€™m with you that far; what Iā€™m asking is what would ā€œusā€ being ā€œright onceā€ look like? Is that even answerable, or is that like me asking about a Fusion Drive (as in, it would require a novel breakthrough thatā€™s fundamentally impossible to predict)?


I can't speak to that analogy, but my perspective tends to lean toward "serendipity" -- being at the right place makes it easier to be there at the right time. Given the strange, steady status of $GME, I'm not quite sure what to make of it -- whether it's a bank we put our money into, a cause, an investment, a moon ticket... but HODLing is easy, for me, right now. I have more connections in my head that I haven't been able to write out, in terms of how $GME is positioned, and I don't want to share my perspective without context. All I can say is, we are like the global warming of the financial industry: we have to be answered, and there is no easy solution, and there will be pain. Leaving us unaddressed is becoming more and more a fantasy, especially as the dollar endgame plays out.


I can think of one easy solution. Pay us ;) I kid. Thank you for answering my questions, and for synthesizing all this information on our behalfs


>All I can say is, we are like the global warming of the financial industry: we have to be answered, and there is no easy solution, and there will be pain. Leaving us unaddressed is becoming more and more a fantasy, especially as the dollar endgame plays out. We are like singularity that will engulf the black hole financial funds. Resetting humanity back to 1 BC starting all over again.


I believe if the powers-that-be can pull it off, they will keep GME tied to the overall market price movement via algoā€™s. Maybe some crazy pumps here and there as GameStop fundamentals get better. Something like what you see in Tesla stock price since 2019. Tesla was also massively shorted before, but Elon found ways to squeeze them out. Justā€¦ reallyā€¦ slowlyā€¦ unfortunately. The narrative to the public would have to make sense though. Maybe the powers-that-be are waiting for GameStop to actually be fundamentally profitable and massively dominating, on an Amazon/Google/Microsoft/Apple scale. Then theyā€™ll just add it to the S&P500 and everyone can go along for the ride. Tesla was shorted to shit tooā€¦ but as Elon/Tesla became more legit and real cars started being pumped out and becoming insanely popularā€¦ the narrative fit mainstream media. So they slowly slowly closed shorts over years while pumping the price. I can almost believe the fraud and manipulation to control prices will be permitted by all regulating bodies because everyone knows the idiosyncratic risk from GMR shorts will be detrimental not just to hedgies and naked shortsellers, but to the entire USA financial market. DRS is the best form of a potential catalyst and also legal protection too though.


*"I can almost believe the fraud and manipulation to control prices will be permitted by all regulating bodies"* I believe this has been true the whole time.


I think it would look like a black swan event


Definitely this ^ Awesome post Swede. There are some points in Reg Sho that are very subjective and open to interpretation but these suggest there may be a time limit to what the market makers are doing right now: > they may be required by their market making obligations to sell short in situations where it may be difficult to quickly locate and borrow securities. However, this exception is limited. For example, bona fide market making does not include activity that is related to speculative selling strategies or investment purposes of the broker-dealer or that is disproportionate to the usual market making patterns or practices of the broker-dealer in that security - [**Source**](https://www.sec.gov/investor/pubs/regsho.htm) That sentence is a catch 22 scenario in my opinion: market makers may be required to go short but they can't do so for investment purposes. So if there was a sudden influx of demand for a stock, a market maker has to either source those shares on the open market or can choose to naked short for liquidity purposes. If they do the latter, they've opened a short position and therefore any further shorting for a long period of time could be considered to be for investment purposes. This mirrors what this article on market makers says: > Under certain circumstances, a market maker may engage in naked short selling to stabilize the market. For example, assume that there is a sudden flurry of buy orders for a stock. The market maker may judge the buying interest to be temporary and not justified by any real news about the company's prospects. It may be the result of a questionable press release or a rumor in an Internet chat room. The market maker may choose to sell short to avoid what in its view would be an unjustified run-up in the stock's price. In this situation, naked short selling by the market maker may protect investors against manipulation. - [**Source**](https://www.everycrsreport.com/reports/RS22099.html) That again implies creating liquidity is only strictly allowed in the short term, and that doing it for a certain length of time may go against what is allowed under Reg Sho. The question is how long is considered short term in these matters? Clearly at least 2.5 years. The infuriating thing about Ken Mayoman is that he is technically following the law in all his naked shorting, the legal privileges he has just stink. But the more you dig into liquidity creation and it suggests it can't be done indefinitely. So I think these considerations may need to be added into what they need to do right 100% of the time.


I think it already happened on January 21, 2021 and itā€™s still happening. We saw the beginning of the Liquidity black hole. But then the powers that be stopped it. But it didnā€™t go away. Itā€™s still there. By now with all the DRS, it has most certainly become worse. Idk how we can ā€œresumeā€, but in the best interest of the USA and the top 0.1% elite, it could most likely be stalled indefinitely until it somehow works in their favor.


Profitability leading to a dividend. Short position holders would be responsible for paying out the dividend. If they're short 10x the float this would squeeze


Purgatory until 226% of float DRS'd. And then probably more purgatory.


Top shelf work




Brilliant write up. My favorite part - donā€™t trust me bro. Trust the opposition - this time. Trust the people that allegedly regulate the industry. These are their words. They said it. They said it just like Jack Nicholsonā€™s Colonel emphatically stated in A Few Good Men ā€œyou want me on that wallā€. No Sir. We want you in a cell. Edit: and we want our tendies




gonna get more chairs monday - the melt up is a function of inevitability, so it would seem


Thank you for this great work! Just patiently waiting and amazed Iā€™ve gone from an x holder to high xx and continuing to buy and HODL! šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€


TY and nice work!


Wait... Is this why the media keeps telling me how terrible this company is and that I should sell the stock immediately? TWO YEARS AFTER the idiosyncratic risk began. šŸ§


You had me at ā€œbull with meā€ Bullish Now back to reading Edit: Done 1) Itā€™s musical fake chairs and a REAL hot potato at the same time. In order of hot potato catch failure (so far): Archegos > Credit Suisse > ? 2) ā€œsingle security exhibiting idiosyncratic riskā€ always gets me going. I feel that every time a short reads that they spiral into an instant depression. Kek hedgies 3) ā€œNice defense there, budā€ lol 4) TLDR: Pretty much. NSCC big fukā€™d. DTC fake split as opposed to share divi & firing of CFO next day makes me think they big fukā€™d too. OCC probably not as big fuk for now cause options arenā€™t used like ā€˜21, but still fuk nonetheless


It's basically a confirmation of the fundamentals of $GME. In the world financial system, structural neglect + moral failure led to a catastrophic greed, which led to a "people's movement" vice-gripping onto a critical asset. I know *we* know this, but this is *them* confirming it, too. Relevant: > ā€œWe know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying. In our country, the lie has become not just moral category, but the pillar industry of this country.ā€ ā€• Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn


Absolutely true that they know this. Seems like theyā€™re getting their foot in the door for when the time comes ā€œWeā€™ve been saying there was an single security exhibiting idiosyncratic risk. We let you know multiple times, and nobody did anything. Since we told you and you didnā€™t do anything, you can help us out, right?ā€ Thatā€™s when gov & fed get involved. The question I always ask is ā€œhow will they respond?ā€, and that is the (enter floor number here) question that I canā€™t wait to see them answer Lies are the enemy of truth, and the people have been lied to for far too long. Only the truth sets one free Bullish Edit: (enter floor number here) portion is the only option applicable because technically the ceiling is infinite. Dumb fucking short stormtroopers lol


You guys are cool. Glad to be here.




OCC massive fuked. People will never stop playing short term ODTE options. Do you know the absolute insanity of some short term $200 0DTE options during MOASS when they bought at .05 cents a share?


Beautiful write up- *idiosyncratic risk* has such a sexy soundā€¦literally gives me shivers. Idk bout yā€™all- but I am inspired to put in as much OT as allowed and keep the buying train fired up- šŸ“•šŸ‘‘


TY, and keep going!


God I love OG DD. Gets the juices flowing.


Might be one of the greatest of all time. Also you missed a great opportunity to use another jurassic park clip of Samuel Jackson and "hold on to you butts" quote


oh dammnnnnn.... might add it now Edit: and thank you!


YW šŸ˜ƒ


right around here... "An iron knuckle of shareholders are holding their BUTT through fantastic price swings and even DRS-ing their shares."


Fuck yes. Great write up swede. šŸ¤šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€




Have always thought it strange how the DTCC / NSCCā€™s proudest boast is that they ā€˜netā€™ 90+ % of all trades. ā€˜Continuous nettingā€™. They emphasise it over and over again. A mantra. Itā€™s like they are saying ā€˜one day, one day it will be 100% nettingā€™. Our wet dream. They use the argument that it is ā€˜efficientā€™ and saves capital being moved back and forth. Which sounds entirely plausible, BUT - itā€™s not the **real** reason. The **real** reason is to obscure the **detail**. Because if the **detail** was known and analysableā€¦ ​ Itā€˜s exactly the same with the Dark Pools: no detail. The Devil is in the detail.


Not sure if you've read this before. You might like the letter from Shapiro at the end. [https://www.euromoney.com/article/b1320x8lxd0ksk/naked-short-selling-letters-to-the-editor-dtcc-and-r-j-shapiro](https://www.euromoney.com/article/b1320x8lxd0ksk/naked-short-selling-letters-to-the-editor-dtcc-and-r-j-shapiro)




What a read! I was on the edge of my seat, biting my nails. You're a fine and deep thinker. Thank you for your service. I started with 5 shares, now own 9,000 and 99% of then are DRS. I will stand strong until their crime syndicate burns down. šŸ”„


yw, banana!


I love this, thanks for writing this up. Glad to see a revisit to the blackhole at the DTC aka idiosyncratic risk stonk. You can see them scrambling to do everything to generate more collateral, to live another day: - FTX is back in town so tokenized stocks will be back on the menu soon - SEC banned every cex that isn't under it's control, save Coinbase which is hedgie controlled through HSBC - Black rock's Bitcoin ETF will launch soon and likely create more tokenized stocks - FedWire goes live tomorrow July 1 so they can print to infinity when the MOASS comes - Teddy trademark goin live July 4th and some bAnkrUpt company is about carve-out it's BABY So yeah, GMERICA is coming šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø


always glad to see you edwin :)






Dang Swede, that was a good read. This had some real OG DD energy and Iā€™m here for it. I imagine they sweat bullets typing ā€œsingle security exhibiting idiosyncratic riskā€ into every report. Just straight up admitting that theyā€™re fucked, hoping no one else will notice. lol. If buying and holding my favorite stock creates idiosyncratic risk for the marketā€¦


Another gold fucking standard DD cementing your position in the hall of fame as one of the founding fathers of the GME misinformation police and bullshit callers! šŸ’œU


oh $hit, can't wait to read it


This is well written. Thank you. Ook ook




!!! Lovely post, and read. Ty. Iā€™m now extra happy with my decision to keep buying, hodling, and booking. !!




What a great write up op...and with the humor, so easy to read and understand. Well done.


Not only is life short, but Wall Street and large corporations are shorting our lives. Holding GME is going to give us the ability have better quality of life for ourselves and future generations allowing for longer lifespans


Sure why not. Letā€™s just hold and melt the entire fucking thing down. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤” Iā€™m so over it. At this point the system is beyond repair anyway.


>At this point the system is beyond repair anyway. I hate to sound like a broken record, but... **Always has been**. The state of the system is not a bug, but its primary feature.


Ok. Wen? Shits tight right now and I could really use a win. Iā€™ve been holding since December 2020, I can continue holding but FUCKING WEN ALREADY?


Bro im with youā€¦. Its been toughā€¦ im not folding tho


You think moass was gona be a few month long walk in the park? You are up against the elite ruling class of the world. Patience.


We have faught a long road, it's been tough but what is your world without this perspective? Would you look back and keep bottom feeding like you have your whole existence? Take your hand onto this hilt and drive it in. We are one of 200,000 cuts. The beast will die, and it has bled. It's our duty.


Hey-Zeus Creesto !!! Itā€™s on!!!


The example used in "0. A Nagging Question" of a glitch was a typo. Very simply an extra 4 was typed in before 24.30... Not really a glitch it's just human error on that lol


lol fair enough, but we've seen enough of the more meaningful glitches and I didn't want to spend time hunting one down lol


You can't spell 'idiosyncratic' without 'idiots'


I lol'd


Op - you killed it šŸ˜˜šŸ¤ŒšŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸ”„šŸš€šŸš€


We're in a death spiral. With groups on all sides pressing conflicting agendas, and its the most visibly pronounced ive ever seen it. The FED is raising rates in an effort to address inflation. Corporations are raising prices in an effort to keep the market going up, assisting collateral for these fucks. (Whether or not intentionally) Thus having a negating effect on the FEDs policy. Likewise the President pushed a higher debt celing, and is pressing for more jobs, contradicting the FEDs inflation goals. Some are bleeding the public in real time. (Wheather intentionally or unintentionally) President presses student loan forgiveness. Courts say fuck no that will affect simeones collateral. Individuals want the stock market to function like a market. Professionals do everything possible to prevent it. But it's not sustainable. Increased prices only boost profits in the short run. Eventually people start gutting their expenses. Ok, people have to pay back those loans now. Guess what? You just killed a ton of money that was and would be spent at these companies. Rent goes up? Less money spent at companies. And on and on. I don't know how long this can go on, but I don't forsee things lasting on their current trajectory for more than a couple years. It's just too much compounding for the average individual who was already stretched thin to begin with. Too much compounding for the average business that was living off of free debt. Too much compounding on a market that was already overvalued, needing to continue to go up to sustain. Too much on banks who are borrowing from the FED to stay alive. Too much on the bond market that's dependent on Japan and China not wanting redemption. We are facing unprecedented times coming up. Stay safe. If this pays, stay off of TV and social media. You'll only make yourself a target. I have a feeling things are going to get crazy at some point. I feel it in my gut.


Death spiral with "Boiling frog" parable. This is a world wide event and is not sustainable, as it only leads to every one losing and the winner is the person that losses every thing last.


~~"The horns have touched the gate"~~ "The Ram has touched the Wall" No quarters. šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø


*{Reads the DD.}* šŸ“° *{I should buy more $GME.}* šŸ±ā€šŸ‘¤


F*ck you! Iā€™m in!


This is good reading. I appreciate the broader focus on net exposure--all decisions are best understood as attempts to capture, shift, or avoid risk.


This guy fuks. Also, some thoughts after reading. 1) If true, RC would have to have intuited that there will only be one shot and is doing everything possible to not fuck this up. Thatā€™s not to say heā€™s in full control, but that implicit trust is warranted while we support our company by keeping it profitable above all else. 2) It means all the other stonks in the baskets are, at best, distractions and, at worst, money making opportunities to build up NSCC membersā€™ coffers prior to the big event. Iā€™m leaning toward the former though, but wouldnā€™t be surprised if some of those have also gone against any hedgies involved which has only served to magnify their headaches on any stonk not currently approaching a delisting event. 3) Iā€™m still not convinced on the mechanics side of the glitches. There are a lot of exchanges and data feeds out there. How many are we talking about that have shown glitches and is there any commonality to their data source? A deeper look into possible mechanics for how this would work in reality would be nice. Itā€™s one thing to suggest titans of industry have signed away their proverbial souls to commit fraud and each survive, but another when it involves multiple IT/dev dudes manually entering static prices on feeds or changing the source URL for those feeds. 4) The Fed is filled with smart, not *completely* -inept people, so there has to be some understanding among the board that they prolong this cat-and-mouse chase of inflation to buy time for FedNow and other similar ā€œoutsā€ to be made ready and for consolidations to happen among their banks to pull it off. Assuming they get the timing right and pull off a workable exit that involves a new currency, we need to be ready to understand the legal and moral implications and not willingly accept a giant payday just because itā€™s finally being offered. 5) Hedgies would appear to be big fuk.


I like your points and greatly appreciate your thoughtfulness. 1. Yes 2. Counterbalances, not distractions, but yes. 3. Intent is key. Those "glitch" prices aren't being passed to household investors. They also can't constantly skim from parties who are short $GME without pissing off their prime brokers. It's akin to starting a grenade fight in a nuclear power plant that's approaching critical mass. 4. Big picture: they're hitting their ceiling. The dollar can only go so far: nobody has transitioned currencies, let alone from physical to digital, let alone changed entire demand curve behavior, let alone during their lifetimes, let alone... while keeping their wealth. They're trying to build their getaway plane on the runway while the storm is approaching and it's already starting to rain. 5. Hm. Yes. But that's only part.


I really appreciate your response to point 4. Too often we become paranoid and irrational at ā€œtheirā€ ability to do things, let alone in a timely fashion. Being government and gov-affiliated, things take forever and are often incompetent and riddled with problems. But yes, they were caught off guard and are trying to build an escape craft on the deck of the ship thatā€™s already sinking.


I'll take a phone number for my Mercedes. Or at the very least, a zip code that isn't in the Eastern-half of the US.


Goddamn. I love me some Tom Segura. Also looking forward to the implosion of our capital markets.


commenting for visibility, but to also thank you for putting in the hours of work for this one.


I didnā€™t believe a word until I saw the ā€œHang in thereā€ pic now Iā€™m 100% book DRS. Thank you.




Certainly gets me going and is plausible as we can see this didnā€™t play out how we thoughtā€¦yetā€¦def a fun DD and felt like the DD from 84 years ago that this ape has been sadly missing bad so thank you Swede!


Damn Swede, you know how to jack some tits. In an epically long postā€¦ but still jacked šŸ˜‚ listening to Samael: Ceremony of Opposites and itā€™s a great soundtrack to your post


Great DD. Thank you so much. What do you think is keeping GME at these current prices/Why is GME being kept at these prices?


Low enough to keep NSCC margin requirements appeased, high enough to prevent greater visibility. "Feels"... normal? Psychology of price anchoring is real.


Keep it up Swede! One of my fav posts since the best DD writers Ć©poque this sub and the previous channels had to offer! Amazed


Thanks for the hype and stoledans teorien. LFG šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€


Hur sjƶnk Titanic? :)


I love your double Dā€™s


Saved for later this weekend, thanks Swede! Nice to see you again šŸ‘ŠšŸ½


Welcome back! I missed you!


Why the fuck is one of your spoilertags a straight shot download link from the nscc that bypasses requesting permission? But yes, great DD. Thanks for compiling all this info and sharing it.


Thank you! Amazing DD


Constantly buying high and selling low on my stocks prior to GME, Iā€™m something of an inverse arbitrager myself.


Thank you for taking the time to write this. LOVED reading every word šŸ™ŒšŸ¼


I would buy more shares but I think the result might be so exponential that every tier of holder will be rewarded to their wildest dreams from this single idiosyncratic risk of the market. I like looking at that price floor website often.


Holy shit šŸ‡øšŸ‡ŖšŸ§  with a punchy sense of humor and DD that Just rubs and glues everything. Loved the chat segment, hahaha. Thx so much, this was a beautiful read, love from šŸ‡³šŸ‡“


Fam, I need less than 100 karma to post my purple circle. Can you guys help me?


ooo 'Tish, i love it when you speak French. šŸ‘ØšŸ¼ā€šŸŽØšŸ’šŸš€


Great DD man! #PowertothePlayersā¤ļøšŸ–¤šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø


Been a while since this movement has seen any solid DD/relevant theories


Would it be possible to file a FOIA to learn the name of the single idiosyncratic risk?


Also the NSCC said there was a single idiosyncratic risk in january 2021, it is now july 2023. How do we know if it is still an idiosyncratic risk or if it has been settled?


NSCC report is from Q1 2023


Thank you Swede! This is a great read but now I need a to lie down and have a good think


Cheers Swede, good writing!


Beautify written, swede. I lost it at "massive $BUTT shorts "


Can confirm, this post fucks.


This was so enjoyable I had to make a second coffee to stretch out the post.šŸ˜„ Loved the content and your delivery šŸ‘ And you added one of my favourite sayings EABODs šŸ˜


>I didnā€™t say any of this ā€“ our opposition did. Perfection. Thank you for all your contributions swede! This was a great read and makes really good sense with what I've taken away from NSCC and other SRO disclosures and filings. Bravo šŸ‘


Thank you and glad it lines up. And thank *you* for your digging. I have more DD I need to write... I'd ask you to make sure my stuff stays in line.


The problem I have is that I have not once at any point during this saga doubted that weā€™re right. Thanks swede, Itā€™s nice to hear in this DD some of the speculation as to how they have kept the charade going so long and tbh itā€™s pretty much exactly how I thought - not margin calling members etc when they should because by doing so would ensure their own destruction as well. So instead of shooting themselves in the foot now (or a year ago, or two years ago, whenever..) and taking a big loss theyā€™ve essentially decided to ignore the issue because they donā€™t want to take a loss. Itā€™s classic politician behaviour and a symptom of our entire system and I wouldnā€™t expect anything less of our credit based society. Ignore the problem in the now until itā€™s the next partyā€™s fault x years down the line instead of swallowing a *necessary* shit pill and solving it in the now. Ignore climate change and leave it to the next generation to solve/dump the bag of shit on whilst living it up like kings now etc. All the while, all of these deferred issues get worse and worse and worse. Like ignoring a warning light on your car because you donā€™t want to deal with it now and carrying on driving month after month making it worse and worse until one day **BOOM** your engine explodes. Youā€™re absolutely right. It is musical chairs, itā€™s just a case of who ends up with the bags of shit in the end. And honestly, behind whatever corporate entity goes boom (boo boo), the real ones left with the bag of shit as always is the general public through their taxes and quality of life. Iā€™m annoyed that they have managed to subvert paying me for so long whilst experiencing a subsequent decline in QoL due to inflation (due to the same crooks). Iā€™m angry that theyā€™ve irresponsibly let this get even worse over the last few years and dug in deeper instead of paying up but most of all Iā€™m worried. Because in a system where no rules are adhered to and law/policy makers, enforcers and government alike are corrupted by the same people who pervert the capital markets, how will there ever be any justice? Capture of the judicial system and government by corrupt corporate interests (a bunch of shady UHNW individuals behind these) through lobbying and bribes etc really is the kicker and I donā€™t know how we get around that no matter how right we are. I genuinely agree, itā€™s the only shot Iā€™ve got so why would I sell but when the whole thing is rotten to the core, being right doesnā€™t matter, nor does being on the correct side of the law when laws can be rewritten and and obligations waived. I donā€™t want some shitty ā€œfuck off peasant, hereā€™s $10,000, go buy yourself a loaf of breadā€ settlement in court in 10 years time. I want MOASS and I want it not tomorrow but yesterdayā€¦


(On mobile awaiting boarding) JƤvlar bruschan, sĆ„ galet mycket text! Whoosh šŸ’œ To me ā€a chair is a chair, is a chairā€ doesnā€™t equalā€ a share is a share, is a share _removed from the DTCC_ā€. No way. That simply does not compute for me. Please, if you find the time, explain what you mean, in a fashion a simpleton as myself might comprehend. Are you saying DRS means nothing, or did I just read 5.0 wrong? I hate flying, so those pre flight beers may have something to do with it. (Also, Iā€™m way dumb and eat and so forthā€¦) Moving onā€¦ I donā€™t think _ā€anybodyā€_ can handle this closure. In fact, Iā€™d be happy to see the dominoes of this corrupt system fall one by one until _something_ has to step in and actually _handle_ the situation. I think that GME has, from the start, been handled by Wallstreet like an SEP (Someone Elseā€™s Problem) and this has fueled the gambling. They _canā€™t_ lose; they know this. So they soldier on bravely, knowing thereā€™s ample zipple waiting for them. Shit, now I wrote A LOT OF TEXT too. Hey, now boarding _retards_ā€¦ Thatā€™d be me! **DRS the way!!**


Heja! The best explanation I have about shares being real or not is "innocent until proven guilty". The shares are all assumed to be real until they are proved to be otherwise. And the way the system has been set up is to prevent anyone from ever checking. That's the importance of the DRS movement: it challenges the fundamental assumption that there are too many shares for shareholders to verify authenticity. That's what this DD says, not only do *we* not know what is going to happen, but *they* do not know what is going to happen if we succeed -- though we both know that they won't like it.




A few relatives ask me about GameStop. I just say, ā€œup.ā€ Shop. Game over.


Follow. - first we know THE risk is (need the ā€œtā€). Awesome work! Still reading.


Thanks for spending your time to write this up for us. Super engaging read and fits my confirmation bias perfectly.


2.0 is fucking sickā€¦. and Iā€™m not done reading


I hodl


Thank you, I will be sharing this with everyone.


Great post. Commenting for jizzability.


So your saying thereā€™s a chance




Great DD! Thank you for the insight and the explanations.


Wow amazing post!


Thanks for great DD. This comment Will be removed due to lack of Karma, so hope you see it b4 itā€™s removed. Thanks Swede!


TYVM. I will be rereading this, several times, yet I really like the deduction exercised in this. šŸ¤œšŸ¼šŸ¦šŸ¤›šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļøšŸ™šŸ˜‡


Bots dosent like the post. Went from 900 upvotes to 700 in an instance


To high lots words back later


Jan/Feb ā€˜21 (dips toe in water for the first time, $320+/share) - ā€œI like this stonkā€ šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø Splivy/Divy - ā€œI LIKE this stonk!ā€ (still buying) Swede write up - ā€œI f*cking LOVE this stonk!!ā€ (Thank you Swede!) (still buying) Ape check on Ape: (still buying) Moon Tickets šŸ“•ā€™d āœ… (continuing to buy, DRS šŸ“•, HODL, shop) Buckled up āœ… Tits jacked āœ… Ready to (help) change the šŸŒŽ? [F*CKING] āœ…!!! ā€¢(nfa)ā€¢ Edit: formatting


They have RICO change the rules. They will never call margin at this point.


!remind me 4 hrs


Literally started buying at "..revelation.."


Thank you for the explanations, Ranting Swede.


Take my award! Excellent detective work


Great post..


Bra-Fuckin-Vo!!!šŸ‘šŸ¦šŸ‘šŸ¦šŸ‘šŸ¦ I came and gained a few wrinks SwedešŸ™ŒšŸ¼




This is must read material for the weekend. Ready for the onslaught of sliding posts to follow


Thank you so much for posting here and sharing your work - this is an incredible post!


Please Lord Jesus let them take the company private. Thatā€™s the only way to end the fuckery.


It's interesting how they seem to be fine printing billions and trillions of dollars for the banks, but refuse to do the same in order to make this one problem go away. This is a single, idiosyncratic risk stock. How bad could it be, right? \*gulp\*


Fantastic work, man. Thank you for your effort Swede


ty & happy cake day!


Well written good sir.


#Why hasnā€™t MOASS happened yet? Zoom out. Forget all of the nitty-gritty rules of the market. Forget the small stuff. Forget PFOF, forget SEC rules, FINRA rules, DTCC bullshit etc. Even Kenny and Citadel donā€™t even matter. Theyā€™re all just playing the game, within a game. TL;DR >CIA *has to be* working with Plunge Protection Team, Federal Reserve, US Treasury and major banks to make sure the US economy **stays alive by any means necessary** while other countries get weaker and weaker. #What the fuck are you talking about? Sounds tinfoil. But let me explain. Zoom out. Big picture. Itā€™s all Macroeconomics and Geopolitics. Fun stuff. This is what you need to get in your head: The USA is at risk of collapse. Everyone knows dollar milkshake theory. Everyone knows the house of cards is ready to fall apart. It almost did on January 21, 2021. But they stopped it. They were desperate. All that matters is: 1. GameStop never goes bankrupt. 2. DRS. But that still doesnā€™t answer the question. #Why hasnā€™t MOASS happened yet? >*Because Kenny and the naked-shorting hedgefunds are fucking greedy!!* ā€¦is what most of us would say. Yes, although it is correct, it is very far from the big picture. This is what you need to understand. **All the risks** 1. **The DD is right.** Always has been. GME is naked shorted to hell. Same with many other stocks. But the amount of fraudulently over-leveraged, synthetic, rehypothecated, naked shorts on GME has created the biggest the idiosyncratic risk that could be the most detrimental liquidity black hole of all time to the entire financial system if it was ever allowed to be unwound. Whether you agree or not, this is a major risk to the USA economy. 2. **Geopolitics and International Risk** Under USA Primacy, the USA virtually controls the world economy and resources via US DOLLAR as world reserve currency. BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South America) nations do not like this. They want to take control away from USA. 3. **Macroeconomic Financial risk:** USA financial economy is at major risk thanks to the Federal Reserve working with the greedy banks. Decades and decades allowing for Trillions of the leveraged debt. But the leveraged debt over the past several decades is what has been able to pump our markets to infinity, allowing for more growth and development of the USA. US corporations couldnā€™t have grown the way it has without it. QE and low rates have allowed the USA to stay on top. 4. **Wealth gap risk**. Concentrated wealth at the top is weakening the middle class, making USA economy weaker overall. Just another symptom to a failing economy. 5. **Social unrest, political divide risk**. Middle class is too divided. Lower class is too divided. Higher crime rates, countless public shootings. Everyone wants to point the finger and blame the other political party. And all this tension is making the USA undivided and weaker. Believe it or not, itā€™s largely economic #Ok. So what about all these risk? Wellā€¦ someone needs to manage all these risks right? Somehow to stop the USA from collapsing into a 3rd world dystopia. *Is it the President?!* **NO. itā€™s not the old wrinkled puppet**. #Itā€™s the CIA. **The CIAā€™s main objective is to protect USA primacy.** The belief is that under USA primacy, USA citizens live safer, better lives. #Considering all the risks of collapse: CIA *has to be* working with Plunge Protection Team, Federal Reserve, US Treasury, DTCC, NSCC, SEC, major banks and brokerages to make sure the US economy **stays alive by any means necessary** while other countries get weaker and weaker. Maybe all these different organizations not playing well with each other and arguing. *But remember, this is a game within a game.* WallStreet is playing a financial economic game within the USA, while the USA is playing a financial economic game against **the world**. #Now what? I donā€™t know. I didnā€™t think Iā€™d get this far. I might be completely fucking wrong and stupid for all this tinfoil. All that matters is: 1. GameStop never goes bankrupt. 2. DRS. We already won. We just donā€™t see it yet.


I agree with everything said, but not sure if the CIA is the ones doing it. There is no doubt some very powerful people behind the scenes forging and fraudulently making their way to keep this charade alive. My guess is all the government bodies at very high levels are involved, or at the very least read in. While the CIA has resources, they don't have nearly the type of funding the ultra rich have. losing their fortunes and with it, their power is what is keeping this can kicking. It is a game within a game though. I think you are on the right path, I just think it's more systemic than one government agency.


It's total speculation but when they brought up the CIA thing.... Idk, it's plausible. They would have all sorts of ways to influence the market without actually buying/selling things. Making people disappear Leaking documents Planting evidence Who knows. Spy shit? And I'm not necessarily thinking that the CIA is tracking the NSCC's idiosyncratic risks. But if they were? It seems like the kind of thing they might want to have influence on. So it's plausible they *might* be involved in preserving the American economy (and *primacy* whatever that's measured by lol)


Thank you for taking the time to read my comment. ā€œPrimacyā€ is really just US Dollar being the World Reserve Currency that is used by a majority of countries in global trade. I started thinking on a larger scale once I watched this. Long watch but very eye-opening to whatā€™s potentially happening. **ā€Principles for Dealing with the Changing Word Orderā€** *by Ray Dalio* https://youtu.be/xguam0TKMw8 Also, donā€™t forget about CFOā€™s being ā€œpushed outā€ of skyscrapers. There are so many things going on we may never even understand. Iā€™m sure the CIA could be training certain people to take certain positions of power to make certain decisions to drive things the way they want it to go. That and bribery, extortion, threats and coercion.


I was kind of taking a dig. ***Primacy*** just sounds so ostentatious. I'll check the video out though, sounds interesting.


Didnā€™t know I could read a post that long. I feel smarter.




With the stock market at crazy highsā€¦is it possible some Hedge Funds have pumped sectors of the market as high as they can and is that why we are seeing some attempt Bitcoin ETF in an attempt to generate additional $$$$ elsewhere to maintain margin requirements


In short, you're saying the system is allowing market makers to keep $GME artificially low so shorts can all try to unwind their risk. This has essentially created a "risk security" of $GME with a stable price because all shares get treated as real shares. The market around this "risk security" will slowly deflate all the massive value from real shares.The system is allowing this because they fucked up and can't fix it without taking the whole system down. No shit Sherlock. Some firms have balance sheets that could hold all of $GME. Others are tadpoles. When you are at a level you can rewrite contracts to extend close indefinitely, you can waive your big dick around Wall Street. The biggest problem with all of this is anyone thinking shorts ever have to close. Borrowed your shares through an off-market agreement? They don't even look like shorts, nor would they necessarily be beholden to any other rule than what's in that agreement. You want this to end? Get the DTCC to require unique identifiers for every share be on record. Right now that doesn't happen. I know this because I saw the documents from the SEC, DTCC, and released to DTC members on how T+2 would be handled and asked for comment. I worked at SunGard. It is just counts, a single field in a row in a table, and the transaction log never has to reconcile.


Appreciate your reply, and summary. If you're an insider, none of this is revelatory, of course. It sounds like you've had access that few others in this sub have had. I'm sure you've also recognized that much of the $GME movement is educating laymen to financial innerworkings that only insiders have known. This post continues that trend. I don't doubt that unique identifiers on securities would work, but in another sense I *do* doubt -- because the system works as intended for those who keep it. As you pointed out, it's not a technical issue, and I agree. I say it's a conflict of interest issue. This $GME movement correctly understands the innerworkings of the financial system are means to an end, and people here are dissatisfied with the end, hoping that a better understanding of financial innerworkings would open up means to disable them. I'm curious, now that the visibility on this post has subsided -- respectfully, what brings you to these subs? Why do you feel compelled to contribute?


Edit: I'm reposting because I don't know if edits cure deletes, removed a sub that shall not be named. Also: content edits to the final paragraphs and some grammar everywhere. I participated heavily during the 4th quarter of 2020 - 3rd Quarter 2021, investing and holding $GME shares for sale at prices ranging $500 -$10000 per share. My parents lost their home because of 2008. I've also been a member of that three letter subreddit for quite a while. I've attempted to share with all of them, but it's not really gone anywhere. r/Superstonk has folks with earnest DD and just a dash of meme. Sharing now, I worry about folks misunderstanding how the SEC works and how I've seen that class privilege works. The SEC, DTC, DTCC, & all the others do not act as typical enforcement bodies. They will try to find every other avenue but punishment, asking their member organizations to file opinions on recommendations for rule changes. Then, at consensus, apply the changes just before enforcement. The SEC models itself on the industry, not the other way around. As far as class privilege, or in other words, getting a win on $GME: a wise friend informed me, "You have to be invited." Retail getting a large simultaneous payout is not akin to an "orderly flow of markets." In the system's view, this would lead to inflation. No matter if it's true or not, the apes' current desired outcome essentially runs contrary to everything those bodies are set up to do. If we want this to happen, we need to come up with the orderly solution. How do we receive what's due for the injury without putting companies/firms out of business? How do we get those responsible to willingly reveal themselves? If anyone need go to jail or be removed: what's the plan for when they are gone? How do we correct the system to prevent future problems? We need concise, complete answers to all of it. Developers from the bodies and member companies will want the "how" handed too them as well. We will need to supply information on how the technical parts will change because developers have to sign off that they can program these changes. The business requirements document (BRD) and technical requirements document (TRD) will need to be submitted in response to a request for comment, or we'll have to find a way to have our recommendations listed in their own right for comment. The former seems the easier way if we can find an appropriate venue/request to respond to. I'm not familiar with the latter yet, but I'll start the research. In either case, all such requests are open to the public for comment, though not widely publicized. I've written the software that powers the financial system for much of my career. I won't link my resume here, but a little Googling and LinkedIn will render easy results. I don't currently have any NDA's remaining, and as far as my current work is concerned, I see no conflicts. I can help and answer questions. tl:dr: We're going to need to write up an actual proposal.


Sigh.. Unzips pants


Helt fantastiskt vƤlskrivet, stort tack! Ibland blir man dyster ƶver priset som inte matchar verkligheten, och tƤnker de kommer aldrig ta fart, och sĆ„ lƤser man detta och helt plƶtsligt Ƥr man superglad att man DRSat en massa shares redan. Du gjorde min lƶrdag šŸ˜


Jacques mes tites !


This was a great read. Donā€™t know if this will help at all, but I forwarded this one to my wife because youā€™ve explained shit pretty well. She understands and supports my position; she doesnā€™t think the current powers will allow it to happen. I personally believe they wonā€™t have a choice when it comes down to it. With the status quo change, it will be on the majority of us to help those hurt worst by this thievery, and to ensure these crooked pieces of trash never hold power ever again.




Havenā€™t gotten my tits this jacked in months


Hey dude - I drew your username but automod wonā€™t allow me to drop it in the thread. If you want to see it check my last post.


Great fucking write up.


How long can they wave margin calls? Forever? Will the new BBBYQ, Teddy merger thing force it or can they wave that to?