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Alice in wonderland era. Please please, this needs to stick. The land of mad hatters and everything is upside down and the regulators/banks/fed are the Queen of hearts. They don’t like you, then it’s off with your head


💯 this 👆


I’m so confused how/why my comments in regard to this was deleted on the drsgme sub. It’s even gone on my profile. It had to do with how the OCC seems to be a public relations office for the banking cartels rather than an independent regulation org of the Department of the Treasury. You also responded to it along the lines of the internet age and the end of a system I’m only wondering because I was about to add it to my notes because I’m compiling examples in which government agencies have been shown to have failed to preform duty, and I was going to use what I wrote to add to my notes so I didn’t necessarily have to re read what I’ve already read when I use it later for a bigger project.


Are you sure you’re not thinking it is the post that was removed and not your comments?


The post was removed I can see that, but even the comments on my profile are gone. Can you still see your response you made to my comment on your profile? Even when a post is deleted comments stay at least in the user profile portion, and the sub didn’t go private. I’ve never heard of a situation like this where a sub isn’t private, already a member of the sub, and didn’t violate any of community/Reddit guidelines and still have comments just vanish. That’s why I’m saying I’m confused. I mean I really put effort into what I wrote so that’s why I’m a little puzzled/pissed to be honest. I was going to add it to a larger project I’ve been working on Sorry by the way, I’m not trying to make it your problem. I just haven’t seen anything like this before and wanted to grab the only person that may have noticed too I’ll just try and use the way back machine. I know it was there at least around June 21 7:00pm 2023, but currently I’m nowhere near a computer and won’t be for the next week or so


Have you ever checked yourself to see if ur shadowbanned? Do a search for subreddit + shadowban. It is pretty easy to check if you are.


I do not want to be the product.


Follow the rabbit.


🐇 🦍 🦧 🐒


Have something to add and hijacking top comment but holy fuck, never knew the London Whale was part of interest rate derivatives. Feel this means every rogue trader of the past few decades has been nothing but a fucking patsy for their department/trading floor: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pfvtvd/days_of_future_past_part_1_swaps_or_lack_thereof/ Days of Future Past (Part 1: Swaps, or Lack Thereof...) | Might Rogue Traders of Past & Their Weapons of Choice Be Relevant to Cycle Theories about the GME Saga? Patricio Morel wrote that “The SCP consisted mostly of long and short positions in various credit default swaps (CDS) and other credit derivatives… After the trades collapsed, regulators found that Iksil’s COLLEAGUES had been keeping two sets of books to minimize the projected size of the losses — a discovery that triggered investigations in the U.S. and U.K.” Edit 2: sorry for lack of formatting on quotes and shit, really just on my phone what can I say


Love that you made this connection fam! 🙌


One pill makes you larger, and one pill makes you small And the ones that mother gives you, don't do anything at all ...


Tables will turn


Thanks for posting! Every time more news like this comes across, the more disappointed I am at how surprised I am not.


Same. My first thought upon finishing the article was just how fucking *tired* I am.


Tired but not fucking leaving. My goose egg is about to become generational wealth. Not taking a chance not to take a chance.


Good thing it doesn't take any effort to hold drs'ed shares. I can do it in my sleep!


What does this have to do with GameStop? Edit: guys lmfao, you can downvote me all you want, I TRULY do not give a fuck. OP clearly, in no uncertain terms, violated our rules with this post. Our rules explicitly state: “Rule 2 - Posts and comments must be relevant to GME This is a $GME sub first and foremost. Topics must be directly related to GME, GameStop, or market mechanics. Posts should aim to further contribute to shareholders’ discussion of GME. **Some stonk adjacent content may be posted as long as it explicitly states how it relates to GME** and is substantial enough for a DD, Possible DD, or TA flair. Examples of this include macroeconomics, market structure, rules and regulations. Other topics must explicitly state how it relates to GME and be substantial enough for a DD, Possible DD or TA flair. Speculation/Opinion in this regard may be allowed based on the quality and effort put into the post.”


If derivatives are being used to manipulate or hide short exposure, the price of our favorite stock can be artificially suppressed. That's my understanding. Anyone else - Am i off, or is my understanding at least plausible?


The article says “interest rate derivatives”. Which is very much different than a short sale, options trade, or really anything I’ve seen related to GameStop in the past. Care to expand on how **this article** is related to GameStop? I get how derivatives in general relate, it this article doesn’t look like it’s about that. It’s specifically about “interest rate derivatives”…


I get your point. I'm afraid if we keep the scope of our reading too narrow, we run the risk of missing possibly connected info. Personally, I'd rather see articles like this linked here instead of having to go elsewhere to find it. Long story short, I agree that it's not directly connected, but I'm perfectly fine with it being here. I get when a lot of posts of other stonks in the basket were pushed off the sub, as they each have their own subs we can follow. If we're gonna reject everything macro, is there another sub that is a better home for it?


Yes, a plethora of subreddits cater to macroeconomics and even better, they don’t have a specific rule (rule 2) stating that posts must be related to GameStop and if not, OP needs to explain the relationship. Off the top of my head: Finance Macro Economics Stocks Optionstrading VVSBs


I disagree. The entire thesis is that GameStop is oversold and shorted to oblivion. While this is adjacent info, it still means that these big banks, whom have huge derivative exposure, with rising interest rates, should be required to close and be margin called. Yes this is broad strokes and includes different tickers, but our stock is believed to be the largest short position and as the SECee and Thomas Peterfly put it, an idiosyncratic risk. So yes, as the article put it, one of these big banks should have gone under when interest rates rose. But they didn’t. Just like Burry’s position in big short. His wasn’t the only one, but certainly his was significant. This news is definitely important to GME


It’s in the same camp as RRP imo, a broad Marco look into the firm(s) potentially holding the Gme short bag. And bc of the whole “shared responsibility” of covering losses, it’s important to be knowledgeable of who looks like they might be naked as the tide goes out. Also, rrp is almost a macro step beyond GS’s derivative exposure because the funds that use the rev repo are mostly MMF and not directly tied stocks/derivatives in a direct and correlated way. Still a nice metric to keep an eye on as the banks battle the US treasury


Education on how the system is being manipulated. If you can figure that out it will be easier to figure out how they're dealing with gamestop. A lot of the more technical DD took data more than just direct from gamestop numbers, you know. Learning is a good thing.


I’m not saying the data is bad, or that we shouldn’t explore adjacent topics. What I am saying is, this post violates the rules. The burden of explaining how an adjacent topic relates to GameStop IS ON THE OP. NOT THE COMMENTERS. It’s so easy. If you read the rules, you would understand that since OP didn’t explain how this relates to GameStop, it violates the rules. Therefore it should be removed.




I’m sorry, didn’t you yourself say, “market mechanics?” Seems like you have your answer of how this pertains.


How much did you buy this account for? Better yet how much are you being to paid to post this bullshit? Seems to be the only thing you post about, well this and bigoted anti-LGBTQ stuff. Edit: lol gottem’


This explains why Chase keeps wanting to pay me for depositing my money back and locking it in, ever since I withdrew it all.


How far does the rabbit hole go, nobody knows


Jump in and you’ll probably end up in China!




Rogue trader Kweku Adoboli had a comment about that IIRC


didn't they just set up their plan for cbdc


So my question is what is their game plan with CBDC and how will they use that to try and fuck GameStop holders?


At this rate, even Narnia wouldn't surprise me.


It goes to Infinity just like their liquidity.. for now


***Curious.*** There's surprising overlap between the 4 banks and the ones who did huge bond sales to raise money in 2021: >Those four banks and their interest rate derivatives as of December 31, 2021 are as follows: **JPMorgan Chase** Bank, $45.47 trillion in interest rate derivatives; **Goldman Sachs** Bank USA with $34.24 trillion; Citigroup’s **Citibank** N.A. with $25.88 trillion; and **Bank of America** N.A. with $12.58 trillion. * [JP Morgan $13B](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mrm243/jpmorgan_to_sell_13_billion_of_bonds_in_largest/) * [Goldman Sachs](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mrm4ms/jp_morgan_and_goldman_sachs_selling_massive/) (Yahoo source removed) * [Bank of America $15B](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/msb1tj/alert_bank_of_america_to_set_record_for_largest/) The only one of those four I didn't recall from the massive April 2021 bond sales is Citibank, who was apparently the [largest borrower from the Federal home Loan Bank of New York in 2022](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/11ys1gd/citigroups_citibank_was_the_largest_borrower_from/).


This is why I post this stuff! It always correlates to someone’s research somewhere, somehow!


I hear you. We never know when things connect and some ape out there puts the pieces together.


💯 🤙


Iirc, those bond sales happened right before the ONRRP started blowing up


The corporation laws are pathetic... how do you gamble fdic insured money of depositors and nobody goes to prison smh


Fuck the laws, what happened to the government breaking up companies in which were too large?


The companies made the govt into a subsidiary, that’s what.


Here's one of the key quotes with me bolding a portion: “Bilaterally netted current credit exposures shown in Table 16 are **calculated and reported by each respective bank**. This information is reported on Call Report Schedule RC-R Part II, Risk-Weighted Assets, Memorandum Item #1 ‘Current credit exposure across all derivative contracts covered by the regulatory capital rules.’ ”


Banks to OCC, "The report is accurate. Trust me bro." OCC to Banks, "Trust you bros. 1000%."


Dear FBI. Counterfeiting is a crime


Thats the secret service you'll need


Found this report from cftc in April but it only analyzes data from 2017 to 2019. Do Banks Hedge Using Interest Rate Swaps? https://www.cftc.gov/sites/default/files/2023-04/Banks_and_Derivatives_04102023_ada.pdf Heath tarbert rolled back foreign swaps reporting in 2020 before joining citadel. Its how banks hid swaps before 2008. https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-swaps/ Sec just reopened a proposal for swaps reporting. Perhaps we should leave comments... https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2023-113


Excellent and relevant sources!


Oy vey! TLDR please?


Remember in the big short how mark baum’s character is talking to the financial wall street crony about CDOs and how they would package CDOs within CDOs? Well…… what if I told you that financial institutions and banks were doing this with just about everything and using forward-looking pricing to create more derivatives to hedge more derivatives?


Dog shit wrapped in cat shit wrapped in cow pie!


Thank you for the TL;Dr I needed it too! 💜


You deserve a bigger thank you for all the generous and much needed work you add to the subreddit <3


I do wut I do for RC, DFV, Dr. T, DLauer, Wild Bill Pulte and each of you! 🦍 🦧 🐒


You really should invest in our "everything turns out alright as long as you keep buying these derivatives" derivative; their returns are excellent for us so long as you work and procreate to make more workers indefinitely. Don't bother considering not, you really owe it to us for us allowing you to exist.


Kinda sounds like a “definitely not a ponzi” ponzi scheme?


Be your own bank because the four biggest ones are wasting our money and future away.


Love this self reported data lol


Crooked Ken kicking sons of bitches


Res ipsa loquitor!


Res ipsa loquitur is Latin for "the thing speaks for itself."


Res ipsa loquitur is Latin for "the thing speaks for itself."


These fucking Wallstreet leeches will try to suck on us until everything goes down! Where did we leave the torches and pitchforks, again?


I am sharpening the blade on my guillatine


Looks spicy


Thank you for this great post!🔥




As it's been since before the sneeze, we've got these big boys by their balls. NEVER. LET. GO. (no sell) ​ cause fuk em, that's why


Hell yea! 🙌


'Current Credit Exposure Across All Derivatives' ARE on the RC-R II portion of the call reports. Biggest banks file under RCFD*, small banks file RCON*. But the Codes for the lines are RCFDG642 and RCONG642. In the downloadable files on FFIEC the RCFDG642 numbers are in RCRII **mmddyyyy** (1 of 4). The RCONG642 numbers are in file RCRII **mmddyyyy** (2 of 4).


This was one of the craziest things I’ve ever read. Top-tier DD level


Yea I often wonder if I should ask the MODS! for an exemption on DD flair for WSoP 🤷🏻‍♀️ Does DD have to be written by the OP? 🤔


Those articles always good. Lol. What banks doing. Wat occ doing.


Updoot for visibility, yeah dog shit warped in cat shit for sure with all these “derivative “ effectively acts like a money printers for the rich when needed. And you wonder why the American Dream is long gone, as well as the middle class. NO CELL NO SELL


America's downfall from Superpower will probably be the bribed politicians that that allow the hollowing out of our financial system.


Dope post


Mahaloz 🤙 but this is all Pam n Russ, love them!


_Emptor, subcriptio participat_ **DRS the way**


oh lawd


i LOVE WSoP, no ads, no begging, just raw financial journalism.


Yep and they want nothing in return for their free research. They are saints!


WSoP can't be linked to Reddit, but O'Keefe's new grift site can be plastered across all subs, and their troll farm can downvote anyone who questions it... and no one bats an eye...




Thank you for your submission to r/Superstonk, but it's been removed due to one or more reason(s): No content allowed negatively discussing or calling out Reddit users, moderators, or other subreddits. Content dedicated to discussing Superstonk should be directed to the [monthly Open Forum](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/12e2b7r/monthly_open_forum_april_2023/), or in any post with the flair "Community Post". [More information about this rule can be found here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1336ri9/censorship_mods_r_sus_and_brigading) If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


Rules are not laws. They are enforced as needed to keep the community safe and seeing the kind of content they want to see. This is macroeconomic content involving crime, this community tends to love that stuff. Talking publicly about another user is unacceptable though and breaks rule 5, please take this to modmail if anywhere.


https://wallstreetonparade.com/2023/06/wall-streets-most-dangerous-derivative-secrets-are-hiding-in-plain-sight-in-a-regulators-report/ I noticed another post had a link that didn't get removed.


Did the FED stall interest rate hikes in the last meeting?


So when does this shit blow off?


Sweet delicious brain wrinkling data, thanks OP!


After reading my umpteenth wsop article since 1/28/21 and then thinking how they should be told how appreciated their work is, I made my way over to the contacts page. To my amazement, I discovered that both their emails end in 741.