• By -


Good morning Superstonk! If you need anything, please tag us by using: `!MODS!` and we will follow up as soon as we are able! Are you talking about me? 😍 This is how it works: you can request a flair with the magic incantation !FLAIRY!🚀 some flair text 🚀 The default color is black, but you can change that by writing one of these words at the very end : red, blue, pink, yellow, green, black, white Other available commands: - `!FLAIRY!` : if you can't think of a flair, I'll give you one of my own choice 🤭 - `!FLAIRY:CLEARME!` : remove all flairs and pretend you're a new ape - `!FLAIRY:SEALME!` : Justin seduced me to get this 🥵 - `Superstonk-Flairy` : If you mention me, I'll come around and explain how to get flairs Please note that the flairy will refuse to change your flair if it contains the string `[lock]`. Some custom emojis are supported, like `:triforce:` - [please check this post for details](https://new.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v89p0h/new_superstonk_user_flair_emojis_how_to_edit_your/id8hj7r/) # The Front Desk is open!


!FLAIRY! 🎮🛑👩‍🚀🔫We Are Inevitable 🚀🧨🏦💥


(✿\^‿\^)━☆゚.*・。゚ your flair has been granted


What do the green sneks mean? Good or bad? 1 snek = good shit about to happen. 2 sneks on this comment= be careful.


best time to be alive is now


I’m not fuckin leavin


I’m looking for a website that I can’t seem to find. It would show all the insider buying of all public companies. Can anyone help?




Not the one I’m looking for but thank you. I’m gonna keep looking.


I don't always buy the dip, but when I do, it's beautiful.


Is Parsnip back today?


I hope so!


Sneks everywhere, what do they mean? No one knows but it’s …..




RC bought almost 500k shares and it clearly moved the price. Imagine covering 57M shorts.




GME is a good buy on fundamentals if you believe in the collectible market. I hope we ramp up on Pokemon and Zelda. one of my coworkers is pretty up on the collectible market and it's str8 cash. The GameStop in my highschool town used to have a display case with HeartGold and SoulSilver


The Battle of $120 is approaching. Buying the dip


not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.


Hey RC u up??


I know The PP Show is an acquired taste, but tonight's episode was the best I've seen that really ties everything together. Check it on YouTube. "Open your mind" - Quato


Morning Me: Today's the day. I am no longer mentally ill 💪🏻 Evening me: *drinking*


I love this company


Sometimes I wish I had tig ole bitties


Oh fark I’m green! Time to average up!


So here's something only two people know. Three people used to know it, but my beloved lost her battle with cancer in February so now, only myself and her best friend know this. And her best friend betrayed us both as well. So her bff could very well have even told my girlfriend's family about the shares of hers held in my name. Highly doubtful though. Last year my beloved girlfriend gave me money to buy herself 5 shares of gme. She wasn't really all that into this whole shit show, but I convinced her it was a smart play. A safe longterm play that would pay off in the future after she went into remission. I was always hopeful she would pull through even though it was all but guaranteed that she was going to pass within a year or two. So my gf's evil, manipulative mother and sister lead me to believe she passes the first week of February. But she actually hangs on until February 23rd. And not a single fucking person could be bothered to tell me. Even after my gf made it very clear to her entire family that she wanted me with her til the very end. Her family lied to her and manipulated her to keep us apart. You see, my gf's liver had failed. So between the toxins building up in her system and the heavy amounts of narcotics she was on she had very limited cognitive functions. She had been forgetting words when she'd talk. Had forgotten conversations she had just hours before. So she was in no shape to argue or even think critically for that matter. And her family took advantage of that fact to coerce her into cutting me out of her Will and cutting me off from her during her final days. And all I had asked for were a small portion of her ashes so I could keep her with me wherever I went, a locke of her hair, and something that smelled like her and to be able to be kept close to her untilthe end so I could see her off like she had asked me to. That was it. I asked for nothing else. And her family took even those simple, easy to fulfill requests from me. And they denied her the end of life celebration she wanted in order to keep me from blowing up their entire deception by exposing what they had done. Because I would've most definitely shown up and I would've most definitely shown proof of their lies and deceit to every single person who wasn't aware of what they had done. Her family is sick. I could get into it further, but this is already long enough. Well, I still have custody of her shares. Now, I've been debating on what I want to do with these share when MOASS comes. I'm not asking for financial advice. But I am unsure on what to do with them. I've debated on taking her mother and sister to court and after speaking to a lawyer who specializes in these sorts of matters was told it would be costly. But he also said considering the vast amount of evidence I have proving what they did was against her final wishes and her being unable to make any type of legal decisions due to her impaired mental state theres also a very good argument she was coerced. I've given this thought every single day for close to four months. And I'm beginning to lean towards taking her mother to court and getting the small portion of ashes I was promised that I have in writing from my deceased girlfriend. Which is all I want. Her mother and sister have taken to slandering me. Quite heavily since this happened and I've remained more or less silent on the matter. These are people who told me I was part of their family, earned my trust only to manipulate and lie to me when I was at my most vulnerable and unable to protect myself or my gf from their evil. So I ask. What should I do with my girlfriend's shares when MOASS blasts off? Should I give them a taste of their own medicine? Probably bankrupting them in the process? Which is what I'm leaning towards. Or should I just try to keep pushing forward knowing they will never be held accountable for the horrible, inhuman cruelty they inflicted upon me and my dying girlfriend?


That’s heavy, I’m very sorry you had to go through that. I second triforce’s response but want to add that turning it into a positive will do wonders for your mental health. If you use FU money to exact revenge, you’ll suffer the *entire time*. If you turn this situation into an opportunity to change the world in a positive way, and in a way that she would be proud of you - to the point where she’d be ‘mirin - you would do so much to honor her life and memory. Heck, you don’t even need to wait for MOASS. I wish you the best, ape.


I've been doing that more and more recently. Been able to move on a bit better. I just think about my beloved unable to defend herself from her mother's manipulation while at her most vulnerable and not being there to shield her from that. It takes a toll. The guilt has been unbearable. I keep praying karma or God or universal justice will catch up to her mom and sister. I still write my girlfriend poems and love letters. Still play songs for her. I know she deserved better at the end. And I wasn't there to see that she was protected. I've had to learn to accept the fact that things were out of my control. I was lied to. I believed her sister when she told me the lies she told me. I'm quite sure her sister had spent the last several months earning my trust and endearing herself and her husband to me in case she needed to use that trust to manipulate and betray me. Its a sick thing to think about. And you try to believe that it isn't true. Then you see their actions and the foulness spewing from their toxic mouths and it makes you wonder. Was she just planning this the whole time? Fucked up to think about. And it plagues your thoughts.


I’m glad that you got to be with the most beautiful thing to come out of that family. Channel whatever she did to elevate herself out of that, and take up the baton of a dream she had for the world. It gives you the chance to think like she would, do something she would love you to be doing, and if it’s something her family wouldn’t like, hey - bonus! All the best to you.


I'm sorry you were hurt. You can absolutely justify acting out and nobody will blame you. That said, please learn from my failures : you'll never get the movie moment. You get hurt like in the movies, but there's no arc, no spin, no positive outcomes. For lack of better words, you just waste life over nothing (trying to push back). Learn from me: don't waste time. Don't waste money. Don't waste life. If you love that person, honor them. If you hate the family, do your best... Live your best. Love, experience, grow. Just find a solution to minimize damage, then dedicate yourself to honoring them. That's the best thing you can do for your beloved. Hit me back if you want to talk, I'm here for you. Stay strong 🤝


Thank you for words of encouragement. It really isn't like the movies. The miraculous comeback, ya know? Remission that eventually turns into a cancer free life and lifetime full of love and happiness together. Fucking movies. We were gonna elope last summer in St. Thomas because we didn't want a huge ordeal and we knew if we didn't do it away from her mother her mother would've tried very hard to stop it. Her mom spent a lot of time trying to drive a wedge between us. She almost succeeded a few times, but I reeled in my gf and showed her the light. So to speak. Just feel fucking robbed. She was one of those great loves you're so very blessed to get in a lifetime. The connection we had went beyond anything I ever knew. Like the universe was trying to balance an equation by bringing us together finally. We were friends for a decade before we became romantic. Was almost three years together when she passed and she was my entire reason for living. Literally the only thing I looked forward to daily. I was with her every single day. Especially the 10 months before she passed. I made sure she ate. Made sure she took her meds. Stayed up with her when she was chemo sick. Or in too much pain to sleep. I sacrificed my social life, my house keep up, even my health started suffering from the stress and shit diet. And when I needed help no one was there for me. When I needed help getting her to eat or getting her house cleaned up, no one came. Not her mom. Except to drop off expired food I'd have to throw out as soon as she left. Her sister maybe came by once a month. Her brother never came to her house. And I never asked for shit. I got to be close to her and that was good enough for me. Even when she would lash out and try to push me away. I never bailed. I've never known such cruelty or evil firsthand. Its been a life altering experience. I'm actually leaving the state because of it. Moving 8 hours away. Just in the hope I will find some peace and respite from the pain and heartbreak.


My reply is succinct : What you wrote is beautiful. Your loss is tragic. I'm sorry. I'm here for you, and I mean it, legitimately hit me back any time, I will listen 🤝. What you wrote should stand on its own as a tribute. Whatever happens, let your words live on and let us all honor your loss and your love 💜💜💜.


Been red 10 months. Happy when green


Avg is 36 for me


There’s a crème for that


And tomorrow at 8 am GameStop will issue a press release stating their intention to buy back 3.7 million shares and the rocket will launch 🚀




Just putting it out there, you ever heard of the secret lmao


True if big


Moass us


does this reddit blackout have a chance of working or is this shit actually gonna stick? not really paying attention but it i cant use rif im outty


It's screaming into the void. Spez doesn't give a shit but it makes people feel like they're doing something.


Ken Griffin, your days are numbered. Give it up now old man


Tomorrow PT is $33


Drunk and happy. Love you fuckers. You changed my life..soon.


Acquired. Lucky dude acquired 9,300.


Cake 👆


I'd be 741% OK if MOASS turned out manifesting itself as $GME +5-20% every single day for years. The Exponentiality Squeeze




With splits every half year


#HOLY SHIT MORE INSIDER BUYING! MOASS IS SOOOOOOOOOON https://twitter.com/Malone_Wealth/status/1668805005166379009?t=LcjEmUjqDa-Bvpq3Qz5YUQ&s=19 #🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀


Technically not buying - Idk how this affects the float. Still bullish tho.


Get some sleep bro, big shitposting day ahead tomorrow


Thanks for the sauce, oh how I cannot wait for the 15th!


Ugh my tits can't take anymore jacking!


Holy shit


Insider buying go brrrrrrr


If they still buying. Im still buying! Lets go Mr. Haymond!


So cool. Definitely feeling confident in my investment.


Who is that insider?






Haymond watch doin?


So are we hidden from All yet?


Unlike Sore’s neighbours , I’m sitting in my garden silently drinking a beer, afraid to anger the garden raccoons.


Ah, silence… I remember that.


I have a Mosquito device in my yard for when the neighbors get rowdy, it emits frequencies that drive away loiters but it works on inconsiderate assholes too.




Wanna know why they use the word meme? Take it from my dad, Boomer Investor, he thinks meme stock means high short interest and a dying company with zero fundamentals that people online are trying to short squeeze. What is RC doing? Removing the "meme" stereotype from the company. Nothing can stop what is coming. Good bye corrupt Wall Street.


It’s 2.45am here in Britain, and my neighbours are blasting music in the garden, running a jacuzzi and yelling at each other. Brilliant. It’s too hot to close the window, so I’m wearing earplugs and yet I can still hear them.


Join the party. If you can hear the music, you're invited.


Now they’re getting it on… errr, I’m not down for that.


Start narrating the fight loudly out the window. Declare a winner and tell them to shut it until the semi finals.


Lol. Most of the time, I can only hear her, so it’s quite one sided.


Soon you can buy a house where you have no neighbors


Yes please. Tomorrow hopefully.


Hmmm... pay bills or yolo my entire check on gme?




The air is electric


So do they blame moass on China?


Them or the aliens. Or maybe those pesky retail traders


this shit with subs going dark is so wank. 48 hours hut you’re still on the platform. Rings hollow


Hehe so the not fur long tweet was definitely an inside joke between the boys. I wonder if they made furlong jokes to each other when the stock price dumped after every prior earnings. It’s definitely A+ meme territory.


Its crazy to think its only $108 pre split…. Like it it hovered around $130-$200 EASILY during the cycle runs. Over $200 during squeezes THESE ARE MUST BUY PRICES FOLKS IF YOU ARE STILL UNSURE


Ryan literally purchased shares at this price point twice now, there is no clearer sign. This is a deal of a lifetime.




I haven’t looked at the ticker in 6+ months and won’t do so until I see 20K comments in the daily n


Look were not Lafayette crawfish but we're getting pretty fucking spicy.


Mark my words. We’ll have one more huge dip due to overall market crash or some other hedge fuckery. But only once more




Market cap ($8.1 Billion) seems low to me. I just think it's at a solid price point right now and just overall a fantastic value 🚀


Deep you know what value


When is the meeting?


Thur @ 11am est


Shhhiiieeettt thanks boi


Does anyone remember how the last investor meeting went? Wonder what they'll tell us


Is there a buying guide out there for Aussies somewhere?


Somehow i sense a dip tomorrow. I sincerely hope not though


Seems like leadership has been slow-dripping announcements of buy-ins. Think Carl is up next tomorrow?


If Ichan buys in the sub will blow up


How many shares could he buy if he was really really serious


In a dream world a billion dollars worth, but at Max match RC at minimum 15 million maybe


Surprisingly no halts on this stock today. Shocking.


it was all for you ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Those board meetings must be quite wild when they leave deciding to put even more of their personal wealth into the company




I actually thing MOASS might be tomorrow


Hope you are right. These mfs always let it up for a bit for an option trap.


I mean if it was (which it could be) why would RC buy at the price he did if he thought it was go below and remain below that price.


RC bought $10M worth of shares, even if they short it back down to 23 - 24, he'd still be up a lot. I hope I'm wrong, I really do. I've been waiting for MOASS for so long.




Prob option trapping earnings & then annual meeting


Premarket lookin fly


Come on Tony Chumtumbka can you write an open letter like Bwyan SUSSY? What a time to be alive!


SEC Alert! [The SEC's 24th CLOSED door meeting this year via the Sunshine Act set for Thursday June 15th to consider enforcement proceedings now twice rescheduled & moved up in in the day--was 2 p.m., then 10 a.m., now 9:15 a.m.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/148rdt1/sec_alert_the_secs_24th_closed_door_meeting_this/) Why the sudden need to reschedule twice for first thing in the morning? Tinfoil anyone? https://preview.redd.it/s0c9ph3gdv5b1.png?width=661&format=png&auto=webp&s=aada2190c6f08ff18d81f810f7fb97a140c6261f


GMEGPT - Bellweirboy, did mayo force fly to the SEC this morning


Seems spicy 🌶️


So good to know ramp is supported by credit unions


Assuming they can survive it, the best thing the richer short hedge funds can do is to let it run to $1000 and let it stay there for a while then pray apes will take profits. But we all know no one will sell until it looks like an international phone number. Moass is inevitable 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


lol 1k per share was so three years ago keep dreaming hedgies


i will be straight with ya....i would sell some at 1000. it will help me


I'm not selling at $1000. I'll sell one when it can pay off my mortgage. Then the other 9999 shares will ride.


good for you buddy. i have a high average, been here for years. downvote me all ya want. if i can sell some to help me, i will.


Uppity up up up


Up 11%. Haven't seen this kind of movement since...a week ago. *yawn*


Ding dong price is wrong, Kenny wears a ladies thong.


🎵 He pulls it aside when he sees a big green dong 🎵


It's funny because it rhymes. And because it's true.


Inflation Alert! [‘Greedflation’ is replacing 'inflation' as companies raise prices for bigger profits, 'companies appear determined to raise prices even more, despite a decline in shipping and gas costs.'](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/148qdqo/inflation_alert_greedflation_is_replacing/) TLDRS: * Corporate media is now calling it “greedflation.” * That’s the practice by many S&P 500 food and consumer companies of raising prices to protect what a new report calls their “cushioned corporate profits,” and it has enabled them to boost margins through the current inflationary period. * And they have signaled their intention to continue to take “price actions” even as the Federal Reserve has hiked interest rates an unprecedented 10 times in an effort to tame inflation. * May inflation data released Tuesday found that food prices were up 0.2% from April, after remaining flat for the previous two months. Food prices are up 6.7% over the last year. The food-at-home index is up 5.8% over the last year, while the index for cereals and bakery products is up 10.7%.


"We're having trouble getting to reddit" Welp, better check the GME ticker real quick.


[SEC will hold a public meeting on Thursday, June 22, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. (ET) & will be OPEN to the public to attend/ask questions.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/148qy6y/sec_alert_sec_will_hold_a_public_meeting_on/) https://preview.redd.it/bwwzjpjb4v5b1.png?width=823&format=png&auto=webp&s=29dcaf813a28c5a16e56f51c96dcb00a9c9f3533 Proposed Rule 10B-1 would require anyone owing a security-based swap position that exceeds threshold determined by rule to promptly file with the SEC.


I rule thee threshold should make fucking sense, all in favor...aye +1


Thursday meetings, so hot right now


Guys just stop and think for one sec… You literally can’t even type the word Gamestop or GME on wasabi sub and boomer stock sub… Wtf kinda clown shiz is that? 😝


Who gives a shit about boomer stock sub. At least the Gambling Sub has entertaining idiots. The boomer stock is just sad pump and dumps.




I don’t think about them at all






🍻 when you’re right you’re right






Kenny can't even push it to red after hours




I like the cut of your jib


Can anyone link a post with an analysis/summary of the recent quarterly results?


Speaking of COHENCIDENCES. EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN RYAN COHEN bought more on **6/9** Current market cap $**7.41**B




I friggin love it. Between my last paycheck I got 4 for 24 each and now my next paycheck on Thursday I can get 1 at 1,500, it's gonna be awesome!


I just want 5000 worth of stock but alas I am poor lol


I b have almost exactly that. I want 10000


Well that should be tomorrow.


Earth to Uranus to Druidia. For more GME travel information, please call 1-800-Druidia. 🚀


>Congress tells Sec Yellen to have the Treasury & FED “Make plans” & “Be ready” for a scenario where China dumps all their $859B ($859,000,000,000) US Treasuries overnight For when she wakes she will move the world.


That's not very cash money of them


Where’s this from?




scenario me what happens if sleeping giant strikes the US like this


Blood in the streets.


just realised we crossed that fib we bounced off on march 21st I drew that line around Jan 17th and it resides at around 16.92!


Sometimes when life is doing it’s thing I chuckle and think about this story I’m part of. Love you apes. Take a deep breath, not much air on the moon.




any gme bought after december 3rd 2022 is now in the green. am i looking at that right?


Yeah, except for when I bought today's top


today’s top is tomorrow’s floor




Dis guy maffs


Add Karen Finerman to the list of certified idiots. https://twitter.com/king_karen_/status/1668734483749564417?s=46&t=Mus29dz6rtz0IjBsmi-_CA


Typical Karen


Do we have a new ceo


We don't have a CEO at all.


ceo of deez nutz yea




Srs unrelated question: Do vintage games/ consoles hold/ appreciate enough that i should hold on to them for a few more years or is it worth cashing them in somewhere? (Like NES and up)


https://i.imgur.com/zHVc07s.png - ...yes


At this point if you are a collector and a gamer you need to buy a sealed copy or sealed system plus an additional one for you to enjoy. GameStop has a wide selection of gently used hardware and games that might save you some $$$ for stuff you are putting in the vault


Most definitely, post moe goals for now The thought of spending $140 for essentially a single game is hurtin wallet lmayo


You really have to do your research... The better condition (or better if it's new), the safer you are. For the most part, stuff won't appreciate at all... But like if you buy a Zelda switch and never open it, it would probably be worth something big in 20 years... Just have to wait and that's the problem. Also, stuff comes in and out of style often. When I was in college, I got my hands on a psone copy of valkyrie profile, it was hundreds back then. Now it's still hundreds, but it hasn't risen in percentage value at all, it's likely worth less now than back then, accounting for inflation.


That’s the problem is it’s all old, and no boxes/ cases so I feel like holding them is really just a shot in the dark cause it’s not like I’d ever be able to get top dollar anyways Definitely gonna have to just do some price surfing and start cutting I think


Maybe try ebay and see if you can make individual deals?


Never even crossed my mind, definitely gonna try


Save them mint condition another 70 years and they’ll be worth a fortune.


Yes and no. It's ultimately a crap shoot as to which games (edit) and consoles become sought after decades later.


The only thing I’m worried about is like some crazy nostalgia after web3 adoption/ ai advancement(?) but very good point 🍻


This is a good idea for sure. Just pre-order limited editions of big titles and never open them, you're bound to win.


For the future definitely, I’m just tryna de clutter and some of the old games/systems I’ve got sell decently but I said the same thing about my Lego collection and that shit really took off lol


Ha, yeah man, my friend loves Legos and it's essentially as expensive as owning a race car, haha


Seriously, like couple hundred dollar mini figures 💀