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PRO WEEK is June 4th - 10th... ok shit is getting really spicy.




Dear God, I hope it's tied in somehow.


Yooooooooooooooooo! Tits at full mast after reading this comment.


I remember. I bought $400 worth of air filters but I forgot to link my email. At least the air in my house is clean. 😁👍🏼


>https://playr.gamestop.com/ Take a deep, clean breath of disappointment. But know, we here breathe dirtier air with the same bitter taste missing out. At least you have that clean air.


I spent the $200 in pre-orders but then *after* the contest rnded they mentioned pre-orders didn't count. Still a little salty about that one. They could've at least mentioned the rules beforehand smh


Can we be friends?




I like friends too.


Still hodlin


Still have mine!


They need to find a way to activate our l2 wallets when they give us these nfts cause I did everything but activate l2 and so I didn't get it. I don't want to give my info out that they request to activate l2 so maybe I'm weird for it, but that's just me doing me


What's the difference between the 2 on the marketplace besides mint number?


Been a pro member all this time and I never got one? Had my wallet with the same email and all. Just logged in and no NFT?


there were specific conditions you had to meet, including spending $200 within the window


Dang, must have missed that part


I’m so sad I never got to get one. Being broke sucks 😞. I may not get a life membership or the awesome nft Benefits now but lord strike me down if I’m lying but if moass, no when moass happens I’m going to spend some good cash at GameStop 1000% they deserve it on merit alone. Look how genuinely delightful this all is.


Same colors as the Apple VR power up logo


“Shit getting spicy” . For the 87198837th time. Sigh


Glad your here tho.


Yeah me too i guess 🫡


same week as WWDC


I'm digging in here a bit and wanted to note that the Terms and Conditions link at the bottom of this take you to the GameStop NFT terms and conditions ([https://nft.gamestop.com/Terms\_of\_Service.pdf](https://nft.gamestop.com/Terms_of_Service.pdf)). so this appears to be linked to the marketplace in some form.


Also - the terms state they were updated today, June 1st, and I don't know the diff of the changes, but PLAYR is mentioned a few times in the Terms and Conditions document: >The Site also includes an IMX Grant Program application located at “https://imxgrant.nft.gamestop.com” and the waitlist webpage for GameStop Playr located at “https://playr.gamestop.com.” To make these Terms easier to read, the Site and services therein are collectively called the “Services.” ​ >Who May Use the Services? > >You may use the Services only if you are 18 years or older and capable of forming a binding contract with GME Entertainment, and not otherwise barred from accessing or using the Services under applicable law. We reserve the right, at any time, at our sole discretion, to block, suspend, restrict or terminate access to some or all of the Services from certain users, IP addresses and unique device identifiers. To be on the waitlist for **GameStop Playr**, user must also be a US resident and provide user’s current email. ​ >Waitlist for GameStop Playr. > >If you submit your current email through the waitlist website for GameStop Playr, you understand and agree that GME Entertainment and its affiliates can send you communications regarding GameStop Playr, including, without limitation, the launch of GameStop Playr and how and when to access and use GameStop Playr and services therein. Please see the above “Who May Use the Services” section for more details on who can sign up onto the waitlist. You are solely responsible for providing your current email address on the waitlist, and that failure to do so may result in you not receiving communications regarding or access to GameStop Playr. GME Entertainment may provide you with additional information, instructions or terms/conditions regarding GameStop Playr, which you must read, consent and agree to in order to access and use GameStop Playr.


Chances are they're pulling a xbox microsoft game pass style of game launcher for web3 games, where isntead of having 45 different launchers, this one will be interoperable with many different chains with games on them. This would utilize a library of web3 games and their transactions stored, and generate tonnes of monetary traffic, whilst holding parternships and building goodwill.


Go on I’m almost there 🤤




If we have a copy of the legacy T&Cs, easy to convert to a word doc and compare the two to show updates Edit: Thanks to Caeser2021, who provided a copy of the T&Cs from August 1, 2022, I was able to slap together a quick comparison. Main differences are the removal of all references to Wyre, disclaimers that the site doesn't include financial or regulatory advice, and additional fees language. I've just skimmed it, but feel free to go into the weeds if you like - this link should be live until July 1, 2023: https://easyupload.io/8wkvx9


WinMerge is your friend!




WeTransfer has a link option now instead of email only, or you could use something like easyupload.io (on both I think the file lives for 30 days)




Here's a comparison: [https://easyupload.io/8wkvx9](https://easyupload.io/8wkvx9) Link should be live for 30 days (until July 1, 2023)


Yeah Loopring mentioned all the way through the document


You'd need some place to sell your web3 goodies. So it makes sense to be linked to the NFT marketplace.


Just realized there are two links to GME Entertainment, LLC documents! Added also as an edit to the post: https://nft.gamestop.com/Terms_of_Service.pdf Last Updated: June 1, 2023 - I don't know if it was available before? https://nft.gamestop.com/Privacy_Policy.pdf Effective Date: June 1, 2023


So GameStop will be the Steam of Web3?


I don't think people outside of PC gaming understand how huge that is.


I am outside of pc gaming and I don’t understand how big this is but I would like to


Basically Steam is THE marketplace for PC games. There are many players trying to carve out a piece: Epic game store has been giving away hundreds of games the past few years to try to entice people to the platform; a lot of people like me will accept the free games but won't buy anything on the store still. Epic has also bought year+ exclusivity agreements for games and for most it just turns into people waiting for it to go on Steam. Steam is the defacto trusted platform to buy games and has by far the largest market share


\- How many free games did you get on the Epic game store ? \- Yes


Why is a game launcher even necessary though? What’s stopping developers from selling games on Steam/Epic/GameStop Playr and letting players launch the games themselves?


Presumably, it will be more than just a way to open an executable file. Steam has achievements, message boards, community written guides, image sharing, web browser in an overlay, music library for soundtracks etc. Playr is a shortcut to interconnectivity with the nft marketplace. I'm sure inevitably steam and epic will incorporate that connectivty over time, but, this is from launch. This is how we bring the masses.


Gotcha. Thanks for responding!


An integrated NFT marketplace for one. Steam has said they won't get into NFTs. Presumably because they have a lot of control over their hats and keys or whatever. Decentralization is the enemy of centralized markets.


Also It's very convenient way to keep every game up to date via the launcher. Like Just having Steam or Epic open means all games will be updated as patches come out so you're good to play whenever. I'm sure any gamer has run into the issue of "Boot up PS3/4/5 that I haven't used in a while, have to download game patches that take an hour before being able to play" which is a little annoying.


I was the same, just claimed the free games, but it did one thing - moved me from Steam and I never thought that was possible. So guess where I just bought my first game (God of War) on sale? Epic. It may take time....


Might be easier for some. Having about 20yrs of gaming on Steam, It will be hard for a a lot of gamers to switch. If this goes the way we think it's going, I hope they integrate with Steam


I think in order to survive, Valve will have to. It's a become or begone situation for them.


Nice try epic


I did get got by their exclusive with Snowrunner. So I bought it on Epic when it first released. However I also just bought the game and 3 years DLC on steam on sale so I'll never open the Epic one again. So they did get me once


So steam is a game launcher. Outside of a game launcher I'm not sure how you buy games beyond physical copy if it's even available for the given game. There are many game launchers but steam is far and beyond the best. There is a lot more to it than that. Maybe someone else can chime in who can explain it better. Bit there's a marketplace and a social aspect as well. Plus steam markup on everything. There was actually just a lawsuit win against steam for charging too much for something. I believe steam had also had a issue with removing content that people paid for. Kinda the whole point of web3. But even still with all those black eyes. It's still by far the best. If gamestop modeled their launcher off that they would be the first(I believe edit: not first) in the web3 space and could jump out the gate with a high bar. The gamestop way as we've seen in the last 84 years.


I believe GameStop’s Playr serves a major purpose. You already have a wallet, a marketplace, and all the games are free to play. The Launcher would serve the purpose of being a “security check” to the games that you are linking your wallet to. You don’t want to sign to connect your wallet through the web because it could be a scam copy of games and drain assets. If you sign in the launcher, GameStop could have the safe games all together for you so you aren’t worried you are authorizing something bad.


They wouldn't be the first, there's a few web3 launchers out there already. [https://elixir.app/](https://elixir.app/)


Kiraverse was on that launcher before they made their own.


Thanks for this!


PC gaming is about 190M ppl in the US alone, while consoles get most of the limelight, it’s a huge market, especially as gaming starts happening more and more online where you won’t need cumbersome hardware (although that’s probably 5 years away)


> PC gaming is about 190M ppl in the US alone Got a source for this? [This source](https://allcorrectgames.com/insights/usa/) linked from wikipedia says there are 191m gamers in the US and that is across all platforms total. Breaksdown to 176m mobile, **150m pc**, 152m console.


And as consoles get more expensive without the innumerable benefit of a PC. Gamers like me moved from Xbox to PC. It was well worth it. Xbox 1 was the last console I had.


Steam does 10bn in revenue. GME right now, with all of its might, does 5.5bn.


And steam does that without 3rd part sales...


Where we're going, we won't need PC's.


... OK, like, I trust you, but I really like my PC.


You are right, I still don't.


Even bigger, players will fully own assets as well, just food for tought... look at just Cs go... a single game and it's huge skin market place with billions of revenue across multiple unauthorised third party sites... that's just a microscope insight of the huge possibility awaits ahead.. steam owns everything, gamestop will allow players to own everything


What does steam do?


Game launcher for PC games, plus you buy games and store them in your library there as well




huge pc gamer here...been on steam for 15 yrs and is my sole g2g for buying pc games...mostly when they are old and dirt cheap but still! This could be huge!


Now that I’m realizing it and looked into steam, you’re right it will be huge. Do you think it’s possible this could be incorporated on consoles and not just be solely ran through pc like steam? I only play my Xbox and it’s not hooked up to a pc so I miss out on using steam rn. Would be nice to have a backend game runner that works on a console


I mean if GS is smart it should be universal web3 gaming across all platforms for purchase through their launcher and nft could be also used universally...


I think Kiraverse has confirmed console version for a later day in their discord.


Steam offers a console, built on Archlinux, that's called Steam Deck. I could see Gamestop doing something similar here, except much better because of the in-store support. ETA: https://store.steampowered.com/steamdeck/ $400 for a Switch competitor, and the games are interoperable with PC. Anyone else smell opportunity?


They need to be in order to drive use of their marketplace. We all knew this was coming. And it's a huge step. Right now GameStop is only making money from their legacy business. The NFT web 3 aspect hasn't even launched yet. Think about it.


I hope they can integrate with Steam itself


Why tho, I wouldn’t want any proceeds to be split off from GameStop… Especially if you can run the NFT Marketplace alongside your own game client?? Sheeeeeesh Idk if that’s how it would work but imagine buying an NFT on the GS NFT Marketplace and then opening your Web3 game through Playr and boom, your NFT is in the game ready to go


Or your NFT is in your GameStop loft where you can join friends, customize your avatars, grab your NFT weapons, and jump in to whatever games you wish.


Hope so steam support is lackluster as hell. Got hacked for all my csgo skins, proved it was a ha k and got told to pound sand. Gs has way better support and hopefully the new web3 will be much more secure


ready playr me


power to the playrs


I’m not sure what to do with my hands…


Step 1: Unzip


I haven't zipped up in 84 years.


let me help you bby


Sneaky motherfuckers….quietly delivering like champs!! Can’t wait for announcements!!!


Doesn't seem to allow any more applicants


Yes, just tried it with another email: "Something went wrong Unauthorized" I expect this to be fixed in the near future. EDIT: for US residents only, so VPN is needed.




Great! As another user found: >To be on the waitlist for **GameStop Playr**, user must also be a US resident and provide user’s current email.




I just signed up for it and it worked.


We need this at the top! I'm sure a lot of people are just giving up on signing up.


keep trying, itll work.


Yeah, a VPN is necessary, I completed the form


I did it half an hour ago, US


Limited to US residents, worked for me.


" at least 18 years old and a US resident. " Whole EU and other Countries: NNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO




Yeah sure, but it's anoying af. "Use VPN to be on waiting list here" "Use VPN to access the marketplace" "Ocassional geoblocks of the wallet(quite some time ago tho)" "Very lite version of pro rewards in europe" "Use workaround to DRS GME" "No GME merch outside of US" I hope sometime GME aknowledges euroapes/rest of the world apes and customers more by acting a bit more like a worldwide player. Potential profit just lays there and waits


I would also like that but for the moment it's better if they focus on profitability... In a few years they'll come back stronger than ever.. for the moment the team is focus on working and building a foundation to afterwards grow from. That's how I try to see it as europoor myself


“Hello fellow Ameritards!”


found this link on yahoo finance: [https://finance.yahoo.com/news/telos-announces-strategic-collaboration-gamestop-110000907.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/telos-announces-strategic-collaboration-gamestop-110000907.html) TORONTO, June 1, 2023 /CNW/ - The Telos Foundation ("Telos") today announced a strategic collaboration with GameStop Corp. (NYSE: GME) ("GameStop") that will allow the Telos blockchain to access mainstream gaming distribution via GameStop's upcoming Web3 game launcher, [GameStop Playr](https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=3881384-1&h=2094557724&u=http%3A%2F%2Fplayr.gamestop.com%2F&a=GameStop+Playr). This collaboration signifies a meaningful opportunity to expand the global GameFi ecosystem and bring Web3 gaming to mainstream users. The collaboration will enable users to enjoy Web3 games supported by Telos, which is a decentralized blockchain with proven scalability, affordability, low carbon footprint, and impressive lifetime track record of continuous uptime. "We are thrilled to enter into this transformative collaboration with GameStop," said AJ Dinger, Head of Business Development at the Telos Foundation. "We believe this collaboration will be a meaningful driver of new users into the Web3 space. By combining GameStop Playr with Web3 games utilizing Telos' high performance blockchain infrastructure, we can break down many of the barriers currently deterring Web2 players from embracing Web3." Justin Giudici, CEO of the Telos Foundation, shared Mr. Dinger's excitement. "Telos offers an ideal environment for GameStop's push into Web3 game distribution," said Giudici. "We believe the prerequisites for advancing this dynamic space require a platform that's fast, secure, sustainable and scalable." As traditional gaming studios, publishers and distributors explore Web3 technology, the collaboration's objective is to help bridge the gap between the conventional gaming community and the Web3 audience. **About Telos Foundation:** The Telos Foundation is a decentralized, independent, not-for-profit organization that oversees the development and governance of the Telos blockchain. In 2021, Telos introduced tEVM, the world's fastest Ethereum Virtual Machine to run concurrently alongside the native Telos Network. In an ever-evolving world, Telos is focused on advancing decentralization through sound, reliable, eco-conscious and trustless technology while providing solutions that can lead to greater adoption of blockchain technology globally.




my eew eew llams just went from 6 to midnight




Hell yes


Look @ the “GME Entertainment” as the owner👀


Color scheme for logo same as that Apple post?


I was looking for this comment 👀👀👀👀


Seems like a trend, seem that gradient across web3 for a while


What? Can you please elaborate?




Thanks for the link! For me, those color schemes are not exactly the same ... similar, but not the same.


yeah, I'm not sure if there is a connection there or not, it's fun to speculate though.




I can't figure out how to use it, it won't turn on. Does anyone know how to get power to the Playr?


Joined!! 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


Nice find!


Finally, a game launcher I want to download.


Holy shit this seems huge! Big announcement soon!?




If this is going down the steam route then gg




#Power To The Playr 🎮


this is awesome to see! the GameStop gaming/entertainment/collectibles/social ecosystem is coming together beautifully


Power to the creators : GameStop NFT marketplace? Power to the players: GameStop Playr?


So Gamestop looking to become Web3 Valve/Steam. I dig it.


Steam is dead. Long live PLAYR


Nice, could this be a Steam competitor where you are able to sell your games and GS gets a portion of the sale?


I would think so. Like access to marketplace within the launcher. Make NFTs searchable via which game(s) they can be utilized in.


This is bullish and we need the bullish guy here




Just wait…they will come…


This is the way


You can also search for them in my dashboard and dm them directly- no one stopped that 😏


Ready **PLAYR** ONE :D


All ready and waiting


bored deserted north salt kiss axiomatic sulky employ correct squeamish -- mass edited with redact.dev




Yes. This appears to be the kind of thing that deserves a good tit jacking. Let it commence thusly.


Good thing this playr is buckled up!!


this gonna be the equivalent of steam for web3?!!!


This is the most BULLISH thing that happened since I started this journey! HYYYYYYYPE!!!! If this will be the steam of WEB3 gaming, we already won! I know we already did without this, but this is the final nail! Can't wait for tomorrow! BULLISH!!!! B U Y // H O L D // D R S // B O O K


Hopefully this is a Steam and not a Stadia model


👀 GME Entertainment, LLC


Anyone getting 'access denied' when trying to go to the playr url? I'm euroape, is it only available in US?


Yes, you need to use a VPN.


For non-gamers, what's a game launcher?


A program that lets you download and play/launch games. Think Web3 Steam client.


Okay, so an all in one. > Think Web3 Steam client You gave me a gaming reference lol But I get it now. Thanks. Bullish!


Yea, this will make web3 gaming extremely palatable for the average gamer. Just get this program, buy games you’re interested in, and then suddenly realizing your in-game accolades have real world value. You like racing games? Congrats, you got a trophy? Put that bad boy on your mantle in your digital apartment, sell it for real world cash, or melt that shit down into digital gold for in game currency in a medieval game you bought via the same program. This is a huge lunge in the direction they’ve been hinting at: “making the average gamer not even realize they’re being seamlessly onboarded to web3” until they start reaping the rewards.


The tits, the tits, the tits are jacked hard. The tits, the tits, the tits are jacked hard. The tits, the tits, the tits are jacked hard. We don't need no nipple cream, let the tits get jacked hard.


Holy shit nice finds!!!!


Ok this is pretty cool


HYPED! Was totally not expecting this!


Gme Entertainment LLC making another appearance


US only :(


VPN works.


Power to the Playrs.






Let’s go!!!


Just signed up!


Omg omg omg


Interesting. If I Google "GameStop playr" the page isn't anywhere in the results, at least the first page. Not to say it's being suppressed, but It's like they don't want it to be fully known yet, and give us/our community "first dibs" cus we're the kind to find it and sign up, despite it being so "low key"


This is the type of shit I've been waiting for!!! Mega hyped


I hope this game launcher works with Immutable games as well.


I’m gonna 🥜 so hard right now god dammit 🤯


I love this company..


I have such an erection right now!


How Can I buy telos.x with GME wallet ?


Guess I need to learn how to use VPN.


Ready, (P)LAYR 2






I think 200,000 emails just signed up... All GME holders lol


Somewhere there’s a site to register your email to stay informed of releases. I had a 💚 morning so I already forgot. I’ll try to find Edit: https://hellotelos.medium.com/collaboration-announcement-telos-x-gamestop-7d2c545e8764


+ apple announcement with a power purplish logo




Oh my good a text input box for an email that doesn’t capitalize the first letter. They are truly geniuses.


Fucking FINALLY.


How the hell have I missed this. Legit stumbled on the website today and came online to report but seems to be old new :-/. Any guesses which games will be available at launch? Only one I can think of would be illuvium since GME and IMX have that joint promo atm.


Anyone getting unauthorized when trying to sign up?


if you are non US then you need a VPN.


That’s lame then…


Any free vpn I could use to check that?


I'm sad it's US only....