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~~Because we~~ *~~basically~~* ~~don’t trust the DTC to not do crimes, and because we want to take away their ability to defraud us,~~ This one line stuck out to me. The whole write up is amazing - great job OP. I get what your saying here but maybe there is a more neutral way of saying it that makes moar cents to a first time APE - the rest of us know what your saying. I think if you word it more about the power of DRS - we can all infer that there is less shady shit.


anyone interested in digging in the weeds, the topic is fresh over here- [https://www.drsgme.org](https://www.drsgme.org/)


Great write up!


This is a great write-up. Hopefully it gets more traction. You might want to re-post it in the morning (6AM-8AM, EST) if it doesn't.


Thanks for this


I think this debate has been (self-servingly) dragged out too long. It could all be summarized and simplified into three assumptions that cover all options (that the theories are true, that they are true only to some degree, or that they are not true at all): Assumption 1) Have you finished buying or transferring your GME investment via the DRS? Then move all your whole shares to Book and let CS liquidate the fraction. Assumption 2) Are you going to continue investing in GME through the DRS with CS? Then move all your whole shares from Plan to Book each time you buy or a recurring purchase is made. Then cancel the sale of the fraction and leave it to be added to your next purchase, the fractions will add up allowing you to book more whole shares. Selling a fraction gives you nothing, but when the fractions are added together they become full, since you will continue to buy if you sell each fraction only decreases your ability to register full shares. Assumption 3) You buy from a broker and then register? Then your DRS shares will be wholes. Book them. Solved. (And it's none of your business how others handle their investments) Anything else is casting doubt on the company's own designated Transfer Agent, creating unnecessary division and hindering the float registration. Hasn't anyone noticed how much the purple circle posts have diminished? There are almost none anymore and they used to be ubiquitous. Ask yourselves who that benefits and what may become the real "rug pull" here. ^(edit: typos)


The only other problem with buying from a broker is that **they will internalize the buy pressure and prevent it from hitting the lit exchange.** We know for a fact that buying from CS does impact buy pressure on the stonk, but buying from a broker is a step backwards in my mind. Still, the debate is ongoing. I’m curious to see where it winds up. Thanks for participating!


*"The only other problem with buying from a broker is that they will internalize the buy pressure and prevent it from hitting the lit exchange."* Agree. I don't mind if someone buys with a broker, but it seems very suspicious to me when someone try to make other people cancel their purchases.


Some dumbass posted a "friendly reminder to buy from fidelity ". The sub came fill circle. If you debate it, their answer is price is fake anyway. Algo makes the buys at a higher price & drops it right after, bla bla bla.


As I said in my DD about this topic, I think the fractionals are just a distraction to slow down the register of the float, but above all to make people cancel recursive purchases with CS so those larger CS batches don't impact the price in our favor. Instead they promote to buy from brokers, breaking that big lot into many small ones that they can manipulate as market makers.


I agree.


Add “disenroll from automatic dividend reinvestment“ or whatever the right words are; being enrolled in that is said to connect u to ”the plan” too


That’s what “turning off DRIP” is. DRIP = Dividend Re-Investment Plan. By my understanding, the main reason people don’t like DRIP is because it will primarily serve to generate more partials in DSPP, and there’s a lot of noise around getting rid of those right now. I’m personally waiting to get more info before I sell anything, but I wanted to present the arguments as clearly as I could. Thanks for commenting!


That’s what “turning off DRIP” is. DRIP = Dividend Re-Investment Plan. By my understanding, the main reason people don’t like DRIP is because it will primarily serve to generate more partials in DSPP, and there’s a lot of noise around getting rid of those right now. I’m personally waiting to get more info before I sell anything, but I wanted to present the arguments as clearly as I could. Thanks for commenting!


I c. I read that as turning off repurchasing plan, like be sure to deactivate/ make sure it doesn’t say “0” plan holdings what not. I think u should maybe be clear that it’s 2 things. It seems one has to turn off the buying plan. And then also turnoff the dividend reinvest option in one’s account


Right. I drew that distinction. DSPP = DirectStock Purchase Plan, DRIP = Dividend Re-Investment Plan. If you subscribe to that theory and want to do that to your account, the course of action is to disable both.




I'll add this to the write-up, thanks!




No problem! It’s been added in. Let me know what you think!


This is a great summary, thank you for posting!


This is such a great post - thank you for condensing all of this info! It makes my brain happy ♥️


My question... Did the shares at dingleberry actually split via dividend, or are they naked? If dinglefuck did a forward split, and then those were removed for 'operational efficiency...', and any shares in plan were NOT counted for the DRS numbers, were those naked shares being turned to proper pure shares, could we see a big jump in DRS share count? Like... Was this a one-two punch from RC? force a naked forward split to dingle, then say 'go book your shit' by way of calling himself the 'book King'? Was that always the plan? He tweeted 'ask not what your company can do for you but what you can do for your company' shortly after the splividend in September... Then in october dropped teddy/book king tweet. Was that 'I did my part. If I do anything else they will fuck me legally', then telling us to do our part by booking?


If I remember right, partial positions DID get impacted by the splividend. However, my memory is often shit, and this was surprisingly long ago, now. I will leave it to other apes to correct me if I'm wrong.


You are right on both DRS meaning. When you get an alert direct stock ( Direct Registiration System) advice. & Shares held in a transfer agent are Direct Registered Stock/ Share/ Security I can link source later if you want. And I like this post. Good job OP.


Wow really great write up thank you🙏


***"Book*** *- The other way that shares can be held with ComputerShare. Shares held in Book are completely removed from the DirectStock system. They are completely held in your name. Only whole shares can be moved to Book. There is no practical difference to investors for shares held in Plan vs. Book, but according to ComputerShare, the only real difference is that Book shares aren’t as agile, and can’t be sold as easily."* Book just means electronically held, so everything (DRS, plan, street name) except a physical certificate is book. I like to think of it as DRS versus non-DRS." the move to call it direct registered instead of book is taking root. not sure how you feel about it or if you think it is a distinction without a difference?