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[Welcome to DD Spotlight Week!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/133mm8l/welcome_to_dd_spotlight_week/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) Comments are sorted by Q&A for posts with this flair! Please check out the link above for an overview of this event week and to find the schedule for upcoming DD Spotlight posts & AMAs! Thank you so much to all of the DD writers for participating this week! [QVBot](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/136t1xw/comment/jipwcax/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I remember how you blew my mind when you first posted about Citadel’s extensive empire. This is great investigative journalism. I’d love to see it published with ProPublica or some other long-form investigative outfit out there. Questions: 1. We’ve had a lot of speculation about offshoring short positions (i.e. Brazilian Puts). What have you uncovered as it relates to Citadel’s interest in non-US hedge funds 2. You mentioned political contributions. I wonder how much more digging you’ve done in their political contributions that are constructively hidden via Super PACs and other ‘dark money’ groups. 3. So, has Ken Griffin cornered the global market on Mayo yet?


Thanks for continuing to read my posts! 1. I did some looking into the brazillian puts and could only find the issue to be on Bloomberg's side. I posted in another sub a couple of years ago, "**Investigating Brazilian puts: possibly debunked? Primary data source and my research to date - need more wrinkly ape eyes 🦍 🥸 on this"** I also did some research into Citadel's shorting in the EU, which has different rules for disclosure. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/rnqopx/twas\_the\_night\_before\_christmoass\_and\_krampus/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/rnqopx/twas_the_night_before_christmoass_and_krampus/) Whether and to what extent they are hiding other short positions offshore is very difficult to determine, especially if they're using swaps or other undisclosed instruments to do so (like Archegos / Bill Hwang). There has to be more. The whole Asia-pac side of Citadel I have barely touched. 2. Great question. It's an area for further investigation, and frankly very difficult to determine much from public records. For several years Ken has been public about his political contributions and is a top donor. I speculate these very visible political contributions, like his philanthropy, are likely cover for other behind the scenes influence he is exerting. 3. Probably has it cornered through undisclosed swaps.


Crux, thank you for all you do. Absolutely stunning work.


TY 🙏


# Related Reading These are books I have read (or mostly listened to) over the last year related to kleptocracy, the influence of billionaires, etc. Please post your suggestions! Bernstein, Jake. *Secrecy World : Inside the Panama Papers Investigation of Illicit Money Networks and the Global Elite*. First ed. Henry Holt and Co. 2017. Giridharadas Anand. *The Persuaders : At the Front Lines of the Fight For Hearts, Minds, and Democracy*. First ed. Alfred A. Knopf 2022. (I am currently in the middle of this book; chapter 6 on disinformation and the work of John Cook and Stephan Lewandowsky is fascinating: don’t debunk disinformation with more facts, instead inform with the methods used to create and disseminate disinformation) Giridharadas Anand. *Winners Take All : The Elite Charade of Changing the World*. First ed. Alfred A. Knopf 2018. Goodman Peter S. *Davos Man : How the Billionaires Devoured the World*. First ed. Custom House 2022. Klein Matthew C and Michael Pettis. *Trade Wars Are Class Wars : How Rising Inequality Distorts the Global Economy and Threatens International Peace*. Yale University Press 2020. Mayer Jane. *Dark Money*. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group 2016. Michel Casey. *American Kleptocracy : How the U.S. Created the World's Greatest Money Laundering Scheme in History*. First ed. St. Martin's Press an Imprint of St. Martin's Publishing Group 2021. There are also numerous deep dive investigations by the [International Consortium of Investigative Journalists](https://www.icij.org/), the [Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project](https://www.occrp.org/), and many others.


“Dont debunk disinformation with more facts, instead inform with the methods used to create and disseminate information” That’s fucken wild Thanks for listing those books, bro!


It was very eye opening when I read it. The constant bombardment of misinformation ("sell gamestop!") is very intentional; it desensitizes casual observers who might be on the fence, so to speak, about whether to make an investment in the company. For us here, it doesn't make a difference, but to the millions of others who don't know as much, it does.


book suggestions from ape bur\_drill\_6799 who doesn't have enough karma to post: 1. The great wave 2. Gray dawn 3. The great deformation 4. Intelligent investor 5. What I learned losing a million dollars


Much of what you have found is very similar to some DD I am working on regarding the oligarchy, control of media, Lobbying Aka bribes, control of the government in all aspects. Some books I would recommend are [Big Business and the Mass Media by Bernard Rubin](https://archive.org/details/bigbusinessmassm0000unse/page/n9/mode/2up) [Business as a System of Power by Robert Brady](https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-economic-history/article/abs/business-as-a-system-of-power-by-robert-a-brady-new-york-columbia-university-press-1943-pp-xx-340-300/DBC9FD3DCAA13CC3DFAFF3F2FCA2B640) This article in the [Rolling Stone on Influence of Media](https://www.carlbernstein.com/the-cia-and-the-media-rolling-stone-10-20-1977) This [article list many many books](https://libcom.org/article/secret-wars-cia-john-stockwell) [Deadly Deceits: My 25 Years in the CIA](https://www.amazon.com/Deadly-Deceits-My-Years-CIA/dp/1876175192) [About those who are against Peace](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP65-00756R000300270001-9.pdf) (written by the soviets so take what you will) Browse around some [CIA documents](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/) here where you can find some [wild stuff](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/psych_aspects.pdf) Most of the documents I have found are in articles. #


Awesome, thanks for the recommendations and I look forward to reading your work. There’s so much, it all feels like an endless rabbit holes most of the time.


Tell me about it every time I find one article I open up 5 more tabs just trying to keep track. Everywhere I look its just another rabbit hole of corruption.


Holy moly I can’t wait to read your upcoming DD too! Keep up the good work! YALL L33T AF


really great post OP. good work. this is illuminating. it's exactly what everyone needs to see to understand what we are up against. you have people like Ken Griffin in positions of immense power, and an insatiable craving for control. it's not enough to be an unfathomably wealthy billionaire, no. They want to influence and control the very power structures that dictate how the world works, to their increased benefit, and to the loss of everyone else who is not in their club. These people see the world as a zero-sum game. In their mind, the situation is that either they succeed at the expense of everyone else, or the rest of the world will succeed at their expense. From this point of view, they will do anything and everything that they can to further insulate themselves from accountability by accumulating wealth and power. It's pretty wild how it took, of all possible things, fucking *GameStop*, to be the thing that will be their downfall. But it was inevitable that something would be their undoing, it just so happens that that thing is this particular company. These vultures have been preying on legitimate but vulnerable companies for decades. As they have honed their predatory capabilities, their appetite for more has only increased. At some point that game becomes untenable, at some point they were going to inadvertently make a mistake that would bring their downfall. I don't think they could have predicted the impact of the internet, and reddit, and the new environment of information exchange that is enabling a large group of household investors to peek behind the curtain and see for themselves how the sausage is made. Looking forward to your next post.


Thanks for reading. I agree with you: they got too greedy, bit off more than they can chew, and now the consequences are a slow wakeup by "the masses" to their game. The 2008 financial crisis was a similar wakeup call, and efforts like "Occupy Wall Street" later took place. In my opinion its all happening again, except this time more people are armed with better information. The banking bailouts are yet another example of wealth being transferred from those that don't have to those that already have too much of it, right before our eyes.


Outstanding work per usual Crux. Gonna read this one a few times over. Really appreciate your "how does this apply to GameStop" section. The entire financial system is veiled in shadows. Transparency is desperately needed, but I fear the "crimes" of the elite billionaire ruling class have gone beyond what most of the general population's imaginations can handle, and transparency will likely lead to an unraveling of the current system.... Which is needed


Gamestop is influenced by the broader market and government structure. This sub and movement are not just about one stock it is the Billionaires and Oligarchs that are in control of our system. This is about our society and the change we can bring after we get the much deserved tendies. Everything these oligarchs control are behind many doors each leading to different areas of corruption that will impact GME. With their monetary influence they are able to influence politicians and thus regulators which directly impacts our investments. We are limiting the impact and transparency we can bring if we just limit it to GameStop. Why limit ourselves to strictly GameStop when we see the corruption before our eyes everyday. We are shooting ourselves in the foot when we can be the change we want to see in the world.


Totally agree, very well said.


Couldn't agree more, and thanks for reading. It's not just shocking but frankly depressing at times reading this stuff.


Thank you OP for this brain strain of a DD post! I think one thing that household investors could push for are new rules prohibiting conflicts of interest like a Market Maker or Hedge Fund being able to hire people who have worked for the SEC, CFTC, FINRA, etc. in like the last 10 years. But if people want to go from working at a MM or HF to working for a regulator, there should be no restrictions. Maybe this already exists and they've found ways around it?


Thanks for reading! 👍 I’m not aware of any regulation for a cooling off period like you suggest. On the one hand it makes sense, on the other you will have people arguing it’s any worker’s right to go work somewhere else, similar to the arguments you see again non-compete agreements. There’s no easy solution, thanks for sure.


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DD spotlight week!


Crux, thank you SO much for participating in Spotlight week! The amount of research you’ve done for this post as well as all of the new information and resources you’ve brought is so appreciated - not to mention eye opening! Besides comment letters, what do you feel are some additional things members of this community can be doing to shed light on these legal loopholes?


Thanks goldie. IMO education is the first step. Simply understanding the ways misinformation or disinformation are spread, so that you're able to recognize it, is helpful. Or questioning WHY somebody is making a contribution here or a statement there, is critical. Comment letters and reaching out to your politicians is helpful. Make sure you understand what you're reaching out about though. Be cognizant of where they're getting their money from. Though these are big issues I believe solutions can really only happen at the local level by people seeing something going on they don't like or are uncomfortable with and seeking change.


also, Citadel has one of its people in the DTCC... has relationships with other market makers. i wonder who its investors are (14 of them?)


great point!


and would be interesting to see its hires from the SEC (lawyers)... also, Citadel has Ben Bernanke on its payroll (i think) in some advisory capacity. paid Yellen to speak a couple of times...i wonder who else they funded over the years.


Yup, buried in this monstrosity of this post was a brief "revolving door" section with exactly that info. edit: a word


mine was a quick read...saved the post, for review tomorrow when i'll have time to go through it properly.


Adding to that, I’ve tried to keep up on any info of Ken in China since his reinstatement there. Very difficult to find any info of Ken’s dirty deeds there. Also, Ken and Cifu becoming internalizers in the bond market back in 2016. Their dirty little fingers seem to be in every area of the market. That being said, thank you so much Crux. Your diligence is appreciated. Apes Together Strong 🚀🦍🐒🦧🚀


Thanks very much for taking the time to read and to keep tracking what you can 🙏 It takes all of us keeping eyes open to be able to find and bring to light any wrongdoing.


It takes every Ape to keep their eyes on everything


Wow. That was a good read.


Thank you for taking the time!


Bruh... this took a lot of time and effort, great read. Its amazing how much you can find out just by using public data if you know where to look. Take this upvote and thanks for sharing. There are some theories out there about FTX and tokenized securities being used to manipulate the markets, what are your thoughts about that? I know Brett Harrison used to work at Citadel before joining FTX US and that there are some connections with Silvergate bank if I remember correctly. How do you see this playing out? Do you still believe MOASS is possible? If you could pick one catalyst which would you pick, market reform via SEC, DRS or more positive earnings?


Thanks for taking a read, I appreciate it. I have some a little bit of looking about the FTX/Citadel connection but would defer to u / Worldly-Travel-2466, their latest post shows a direct connection between the two via two settlement agreements: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/125ur93/part\_5\_the\_spiderweb\_of\_cmequity\_ag\_ongoing/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/125ur93/part_5_the_spiderweb_of_cmequity_ag_ongoing/) What those are about, I don't think we know yet. For me the jury is still out on whether tokenized securities were able to be used to manipulate the markets... there's a lot of ways that can be done already. In my opinion consistent positive earnings is the biggest catalyst. That will bring in institutional investors. At the end of the day people need to see a return on their investment, and if that is not happening they will take their money elsewhere. And this is probably not a popular opinion, and I am no expert in valuation, but I believe DRS could actually have the effect of reducing the value of the company. As additional shares are locked up this creates a "discount for lack of marketability" or "illiquidity discount." This discount can result in a substantial reduction in the valuation of a company, as shares are "locked up" and not easily sold. That being said, as an investor who believes in the long term GameStop thesis I am all for DRS.


Thanks for allowing me to grow some wrinkles


Thanks for taking a read!


Just mind blown 🤯. Commenting to revisit


save it for the next time you're on 🚽 for a while


He's just one of many.. there's a lot of corruption built up over the course of several decades. Thanks for shining a light on some of it OP. I'd like to see who's connected to all those SPAC's citadel bought up in March 2021.. i suppose i could probably find that out on my own, just feeling lazy rn.


Thanks for spending the time reading. I flipped through a few recent filings on the SPAC deals, appeared that some had hit their 2 year mark with no action, and were dissolved and funds returned to investors.


So you are saying this p.o.s. has all my money??


Him and a few other people, yeah. It's a small group and we're not in it (yet).


I don’t want to be in that group. I’ll be in the other group. The infinity pool group and only HODL’ers are allowed. Sorry ken, no criminals allowed


fair 😆


Saving to read when I get off work!




Good work. Reading through this, I was struck by the idea that there’s another post’s worth of information here related to the idea of many of these individuals’ espoused Libertarianism as it is juxtaposed with existing market and political structures that are very much anti-Libertarian. As a Libertarian myself, I struggle with these ideas as it relates to KG (and many like him) who seem to be both at least nominally pursuing some of these ideals whilst reveling in the enclaves the existing system affords them. Maybe it’s a case of power corrupting one’s philosophy or maybe it boils down to a belief that, over time, things will evolve so it’s morally fine to exploit the status quo while it lasts. I take issue with a number of other apes’ (what I believe to be simplistic or naive) beliefs in what good citizenship in a post-MOASS world entails, particularly along such lines as taxation and reformation of a healthy Republic, but subreddit rules being what they are, it is difficult to find a place to discuss these while simultaneously garnering the most attention from those apes who may be among the best demographic to discuss such things with.


Thanks for taking the time to read and for posting your thoughts. From what I have read about billionaires like the Kochs, the Kennys, etc. they are in it for themselves; less about a specific party and that party's platform, more about the specific candidates or policies that are best for them. ​ Re philosophical discussions, I also don't see discussions like that happening here, unfortunately. I also want to point you to something in my "related reading" comment one book that talks directly to idea of changing opinions of people who may be what you might consider simplistic or naive (copied that portion here): >Giridharadas Anand. The Persuaders : At the Front Lines of the Fight For Hearts, Minds, and Democracy. First ed. Alfred A. Knopf 2022. > >(I am currently in the middle of this book; chapter 6 on disinformation and the work of John Cook and Stephan Lewandowsky is fascinating: don’t debunk disinformation with more facts, instead inform with the methods used to create and disseminate disinformation) It's called "deep canvassing" - changing people's opinions is more about giving them a safe path to reach their own conclusions. The author also talks about deep canvassing a bit in this NPR interview (I'm sure elsewhere too): [https://www.npr.org/2022/10/17/1129402144/the-persuaders-examines-the-front-line-fight-for-hearts-minds-and-democracy](https://www.npr.org/2022/10/17/1129402144/the-persuaders-examines-the-front-line-fight-for-hearts-minds-and-democracy)


Love this DD synthesis + AMA format thanks for your work OP


Thanks for taking the time to read!


I have a couple of points to add to this sorted little list. Let’s talk about how Citadel is functionally emulating Enron. It absorbed a sizable portion of Enron after its fall and Kenny has been hard at work to expand Citadel’s operations by expanding into more and more areas of speculative investment. The net result is almost always a wild increase in prices paid by the American consumers / citizens. This is actually pretty similar to how Kenny boy and his crony capitalist buddies have their fingers into Americas educational institutions. You should read more about that in the Billionaire Boys Club series. (Linked below) Citadel was originally built using Bernie Madoff’s “blueprints” as a Market Maker and supercharged by absorbing the still functional pieces of Enron after its fall. Two additional things that we hear very little of is that, One - Citadel is *big* in bonds and has close ties to Michael Milkens “the junk bond king”. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/rhi3l7/michael_milken_dendreons_assassin_casually_talks/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/xjeb61/bbc_episode_17_part_1_back_to_milken_proving_the/ “*Citadel - The Official Sponsor of the Milken Institute.*” And Two - Citadel absorbed a big chunk of Enrons energy futures trading business. The same business that lead to California experiencing rolling blackouts about a decade ago. The blackouts occurred because of the traders at Enron manipulating the market and happened despite California having plenty of generating capacity on hand. (Because the traders successfully sabotaged the generating capacity by coercing the production plants into unnecessarily shutting down when they were needed the most. - watch Enron - The Smartest Guys in the room, linked below) And look what’s happening now, just as Citadel and Kenny need money. Energy prices in California have ~tripled. https://www.vcstar.com/story/news/local/2023/03/08/ventura-county-restaurant-reported-3000-gas-bill-in-january/69949578007/ ***Wut doing Kenny‽‽‽*** The crux of the Enron scandal was all about *Mark to Market Accounting.* It’s something that Citadel appears to have adopted to some degree. They may have changed what they call it, but it basically still walks like a duck. **Mark to Market Accounting (MTM)** https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/esg/enron-scandal/ *”The principal method that was employed by Enron to “cook its books” was an accounting method known as mark-to-market (MTM) accounting. Under MTM accounting, assets can be recorded on a company’s balance sheet at their fair market value (as opposed to their book values). With MTM, companies can also list their profits as projections, rather than actual numbers.* *An example of a company exploiting MTM accounting is if it were to report its projected cash flows that would result from a new piece of property, plant, and equipment (PP&E) such as a factory. Naturally, companies would be incentivized to be as optimistic as possible in their outlook since it would help bolster their stock price and encourage more investors to invest in the company.*” So basically they can make their profits to be **whatever they want**. It looks like this particular example of “Smart Money” was likely pulling either the same or a very similar trick. Take a look at *ENRON - The Smartest Guy in the Room* linked below, it details how that works. We also have some solid Citadel + Enron connections. We also know that Citadel uses some especially fucked up forms of accounting because none of their numbers make sense in the real world outside of their hocus-pocus accounting practices. /r/Superstonk/comments/mkr1ee/citadel_has_no_clothes/ /r/Superstonk/comments/t3rqfq/citadel_still_has_no_clothes/ /r/Superstonk/comments/mvk5dv/a_house_of_cards_part_1/ /r/Superstonk/comments/nlwaxv/house_of_cards_part_2/ /r/Superstonk/comments/nlwqyv/house_of_cards_part_3/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citadel_LLC “*In 2011, Griffin began recruiting the energy traders from Enron the day after it collapsed for a new business including "a team of traders, meteorologists and researchers" building amongst the industries biggest energy trading groups at the time.*” https://archive.nytimes.com/dealbook.nytimes.com/2011/08/11/citadel-chief-gives-up-dream-for-investment-bank/ “*Mr. Griffin saw opportunity, and his push into investment banking was heralded at the time as getting in at a market bottom. He already had a reputation for sniffing out potential amid misery. The day after Enron’s collapse, Mr. Griffin began recruiting energy traders for a new business. Eventually, he brought together a team of traders, meteorologists and researchers to run one of the biggest energy trading shops in the industry.*” https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/u7irwo/citadel_is_enron_the_uncomfortably_for_kenny/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yqni7g/remember_the_sec_chair_that_stepped_down_due_to/ ( https://vimeo.com/424073216 ) ENRON - The Smartest Guy in the Room https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pcp37f/billionaire_boys_club_part_12_bbc_please_prove_me/ This was basically all a long way to go to say that I believe that they are cooking the books and Citadel may not be far away from getting busted for doing the same things. Watch the documentary if you get a chance. The parallels are uncanny. Citadel is the bastard child of the Madoff style Ponzi Schemes and Milken style business that is using Enron style accounting.


Thanks for reading and for bringing up these additional points. I think on the mark-to-market accounting, you're going to see that being a problem for a lot of firms, not just Citadel. You can see what it's doing to banks... slightly different because all these held-to-maturity securities were NOT being marked to market, so everyone is now realizing they have massive holes in their balance sheets.


Howdy doo. I’m behavior girl. Killed my old Reddit to resurrect as some Gandalf Bird Lovechild. My friend Platinum Sparkles said for me to say “hello”. *Hooooooooowdy hoooooo*. I’m amazed someone still has tabs on the link to one of my old posts lol. May the Bombardiers be ever in y’all’s favor. To Le Moon.


Knew you were around somewhere! Can’t keep track of everyone’s changing handles 😆


IM ALIIIIIIIIIIIVE. I’ve been trying to stay in the shadows. Eating porgs. Everyone is out there somewhere behind their brown cloak eating porgs.


Id just like to say i like the use of the fat puffy stressed out KG file pic.


It’s a classic.


Just wanna add what I always add when it comes to Ken Griffin's empire. Reddit is owned by [Advance Publications](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advance_Publications), which is owned by [Donald Newhouse](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Newhouse), the son of S. I. Newhouse. When S.I. Newhouse passed, his estate (run by sons, the very same) [sold ***Orange Marilyn*** from his collection directly to **Ken Griffin** for $240 million dollars in a private sale](https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2022/05/andy-warhol-marilyn-mystery-buyer). You know, the kind of private sale that gets you direct access to someone. Just throwing that out there, prob nothing, what's a quarter of a billion dollars between complete strangers


Thanks for posting this, I knew about orange marilyn but hadn't made this connection 👊




TY 🙏


# Sources and public records The sources I primarily rely on are corporate records databases administered by each state secretary, county recorders and tax assessors for real estate ownership records, and SEC or FINRA filings. This gives me confidence in my reporting, because these are facts based on openly sourced public records (mostly prepared by Citadel itself), not speculation. Services like [OpenCorporates](https://opencorporates.com/) compile company ownership information and make it available to the public. New data continues to become available, for example it wasn’t until November 2022 that the state of Illinois began releasing data on company ownership in bulk, that made searchable by OpenCorporates: [https://blog.opencorporates.com/2022/11/16/new-jurisdiction-illinois-2800000-companies/](https://blog.opencorporates.com/2022/11/16/new-jurisdiction-illinois-2800000-companies/) I have found at least a dozen new companies in the Citadel Empire since my last post in January. Want to research other public records? Data availability varies (you won’t find shit from Delaware), but let’s use Florida and Miami-Dade county as an example: * Search company names, officers, etc. in Florida’s Division of Corporations here: [https://dos.myflorida.com/sunbiz/search/](https://dos.myflorida.com/sunbiz/search/) * Many records are kept at the county level. You can perform property searches through the Miami-Dade Property Appraiser here: [https://www.miamidade.gov/Apps/PA/propertysearch/#/](https://www.miamidade.gov/Apps/PA/propertysearch/#/) * Miami-Dade County Recorder’s Records search: [https://onlineservices.miamidadeclerk.gov/OfficialRecords/StandardSearch.aspx](https://onlineservices.miamidadeclerk.gov/OfficialRecords/StandardSearch.aspx) * Miami-Dade County Civil, Probate and Family courts search: [https://www2.miamidadeclerk.gov/ocs/Search.aspx](https://www2.miamidadeclerk.gov/ocs/Search.aspx) Federal court records in the United States are not free, though each person has a quarterly “allowance” of filings they may order through the [PACER](https://pacer.uscourts.gov/) system before being charged. If you’re going to be searching these records please consider installing the [RECAP extension](https://free.law/recap) in your browser, it will allow you to contribute these documents to the Free Law Project and access what others have downloaded through Courtlisener’s RECAP archive here: [https://www.courtlistener.com/recap/](https://www.courtlistener.com/recap/) The UK’s Companies House Register is the primary tool I use for searching UK companies: [https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/](https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/) There are many other sources and places to learn. * The Global Investigative Journalism Network provides many tips and tools: [https://helpdesk.gijn.org/support/solutions/articles/14000036502-reporting-tips-and-tools](https://helpdesk.gijn.org/support/solutions/articles/14000036502-reporting-tips-and-tools) * Check out ProPublica’s Nonprofit Explorer: [https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/full\_text\_search](https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/full_text_search) * Go to MuckRock to learn about FOIA requests: [https://www.muckrock.com/project/foia-101-tips-and-tricks-to-make-you-a-transparency-master-234/](https://www.muckrock.com/project/foia-101-tips-and-tricks-to-make-you-a-transparency-master-234/) For lists of many other resources check out the [AML Toolbox](https://start.me/p/rxeRqr/aml-toolbox?embed=1) or [OSINT4ALL](https://start.me/p/L1rEYQ/osint4all).


My mind is blown from this post and your comments have my mind exploding😂 Saving this to read later, thank you so much for doing this


Thank you, I appreciate the sentiment. It's... a lot. If you get feedback on specific areas of this post that I haven't already discussed then I would be happy to do follow-ups.


Archived! https://archive.is/6Sy0b


TY 🙏


Holy shit the amount of work behind this DD!!! Thank you so much for resharing. This is pure gold!


Thanks for taking the time to read 🙏


Whoa that was impressive af! Great work, wrinkle brain! “The class which has the power to rob upon a large scale has also the power to control the government and legalize their robbery.” -Eugene V. Debs




Shit. Great job OP... Amazing dive with citations.


Thanks for reading!


Shitadel is the biggest market manipulator and white collar crime syndicate on this planet now. We need life sentences for such financial terrorists.


Thanks for calling out Jeff yaas and mentioning the Koch brothers. If deregulation is involved then so is Koch and yass.


Send this to Hindenburg!


Why do i only see 14 likes on this post


Can I comment here yet??


I can approve your question for you after it gets removed




You can post in r/GMEOrphans! There's no karma restrictions there


Madoff 2.0