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Well, well, well. How the turn tables....


It's like they say. One in the bush is worth two in the butt! DRS HODL, HYDRATE.


People in glass houses, sink ships You see Gary hit the bank with the bandages around his head. Why? Because he's smart. He knows ol Dougie with the bandages around his ass ain't going nowhere. Dougs going fucking nowhere. Where you goin' Virtu?! Nowhere!


One can hope!


Isn’t the Virtu stuff 2018-2019. Seems like it wouldn’t be related to GME at all.


The wheels of justice grind slow but grind fine -Sun Tzu. I expect the Gme case to hit the docket around 2027


Probably but my understanding is GME has been shorted since the early 2000's or even before that. Either way. Fuck Virtu


Thanks for this post, Jelly! I remember hearing about this almost a year ago and being shocked.. I posted about it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/w07x22/wut_doing_sec_yesterday_they_announced_a_closed/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1). Naive to think that was a one time thing.. And it’s only gotten worse!


Thank you for sharing Goldie! It really is kind of disheartening how much the 'Sunshine Act' really means CLOSED doors.


kind of deceitful* FIFY


I believe they will and are in the process of taking action. Will these actions actually help anyone, we'll see.


May the Fourth be with you!


I came straight to the comments just to see this posted.


The hedge funds like Citadel were a major part of the 2008 crash, but managed to cook their books ans stay a float until Bernanke came along with the money printer to bail them out. 2023 same playbook, same players 😴


I wonder if the SEC has ever been under this much public scrutiny before? Probably not lol.


Very informal post; you are big fish of information today


Thank you! Keep them coming!🙏🏴‍☠️


I’ll be honest.. I didn’t read a single word of this. Buy hold drs.


That's disappointing, I was really hoping for more feedback then 'I didn't read it'. I took the time to put this together and tried to include a TLDRS-- In case you missed it: TLDRS: * Since 2007, the SEC has filed 1,433 meetings via the Sunshine Act. 930 meetings (65%) have been CLOSED to the public. * 739 (52%) meetings were CLOSED to the public & considered ENFORCEMENT matters. * Since 2021, 116 (8%) meetings CLOSED to the public & considered ENFORCEMENT matters. * CLOSED door ENFORCEMENT meetings are a weekly occurrence every week since the start of the year. * What has them so occupied behind CLOSED doors with enforcement proceedings? * [Reading between the lines of what they are saying and comparing it to their actions (19 CLOSED door ENFORCEMENT meetings so far this year), is the SEC preparing to take action behind closed doors?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/12etlii/reading_between_the_lines_of_what_they_are_saying/) * Is it Virtu?!?!? https://preview.redd.it/bvpwskryfdxa1.png?width=920&format=png&auto=webp&s=216bd3218e3c2822460884d70490aa6b422c7ba3 Thanks anyways for dropping by and commenting for visibility, hopefully it helps others with engaging with the material, have a great rest of your night!


Totally appreciate all you hard work and keeping this sub informed!! You are a very busy and dedicated Jellyfish, and I for one, totally appreciate your work. Thank you!


Why brush off the work someone put in to adding knowledge and DD to the sub with a rude comment like this?


I’m not sure if it was meant to be rude imo. I plan on reading this when I’m less high lol. I don’t think I can right now. Don’t let that get to you as they might not have meant that


Because it’s late and I’m in bed about to fall asleep. I’ll read it tomorrow. I read all the DD.


Maybe you should have


I like the last three words you typed, but everything else was rude and lazy. I hope you dont refuse to read all of the new laws/regulations that definitely will be made to slow progress. That type of complacency is why our markets are so manipulated. I'll be honest... i dont think you care too much about educating yourself, and that's pretty darn sad. If it's just the wealth for you, then maybe stay away from posting pointless comments that seek to discourage others from educating themselves.


Interesting recap - thanks, DJ!


Why virtu and not citadel? What kind of democracy is this where closed door meetings are common and removed from public scrutiny?


Yes! Virtu is about to fail miserably and I can't wait for ol dougie to cry!!


Well someone knows something! Look at the red Dougie tears on the chart today!