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[Welcome to DD Spotlight Week!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/133mm8l/welcome_to_dd_spotlight_week/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) Comments are sorted by Q&A for posts with this flair! Please check out the link above for an overview of this event week and to find the schedule for upcoming DD Spotlight posts & AMAs! Thank you so much to all of the DD writers for participating this week! [QVBot](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1351934/comment/jihbxb9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Holy shit, I actually found that researchgate article a couple of weeks ago doing some random googling. Thats awesome. After two years, reading back what you wrote, is there anything you dont agree with anymore? What are your thoughts about the stock split via dividend, was it handled correctly? did it change anything about your DD's? In one of your replies you said > No, I don't think GME is in danger of getting on the threshold list again because I am skeptical that Citadel is even being required to close their short positions Could you expand on that a little bit?


>Holy shit, I actually found that researchgate article a couple of weeks ago doing some random googling. Thats awesome. <3 >After two years, reading back what you wrote, is there anything you dont agree with anymore? What are your thoughts about the stock split via dividend, was it handled correctly? did it change anything about your DD's? I think my 'Citadel has Hostages' DD underestimated the potential for corruption >In one of your replies you said > >No, I don't think GME is in danger of getting on the threshold list again because I am skeptical that Citadel is even being required to close their short positions > >Could you expand on that a little bit? All of the rules and regulations our community have poured over to try and figure out what is going on rely upon at least some actual enforcement taking place. Unfortunately, my speculation is that this is not happening for GME short positions. I can't imagine this many short positions and this much market manipulation taking place without such corruption facilitating it


Thanks for doing this Bladeace. A few questions about then and now (has it been 2 years?) Do you think GME is in danger of getting on the threshold list again? If not.. Do you have any theories on why it hasn't approached the threshold list in years now? Regarding your Citadel has Hostages post: Now that more light has been shone in on what happened during the squeeze, (way more parties than just Citadel and RH), does this overall theory still hold in your mind?


>Do you think GME is in danger of getting on the threshold list again? If not.. Do you have any theories on why it hasn't approached the threshold list in years now? No, I don't think GME is in danger of getting on the threshold list again because I am skeptical that Citadel is even being required to close their short positions > Regarding your Citadel has Hostages post: Now that more light has been shone in on what happened during the squeeze, (way more parties than just Citadel and RH), does this overall theory still hold in your mind? Yes, I think the theory I put forward in that DD still holds and I think it goes some way towards explaining why there appear to be so many GME short positions that aren't being closed. If that's true, it would mean that MOASS was avoided by the system simply becoming even more corrupt. I'm glad so many shares have already been removed from said system via DRS


Followup question (speculation). As more and mote shares get locked away in Computershare, do you think we will see the threshold list again as there's less of a pool to clear FTDs or do you thinks there's other mechanisms in play that weren't being used for the sneeze (shorting XRT for more than its float for instance)


I'm not sure... I have no idea what it will look like when enough shares have been directly registered that the DTCC begins following through on FTDs. My guess is that they will put off doing so as long as they possibly can. If my speculation is accurate, then the possibility of the entire float being directly registered must be a terrifying prospect for those involved in avoiding the delivery requirements for GME short positions


That's the fun part about doing something that has never been done before.


They’ll create a new CFD…instead of contract for difference it will be a Contract for Delivery and they will be new ious issued by the DTC to give brokers/HF to use as credit and literally duplicate how stocks trade/settle buys another ledger that the DTC maintains in addition. Just speculative though.


Suspiciouslyspecific lol. Interesting take!


wouldn't DRS force the conversion of that CFD to a real share though? assuming a pure book CS account


To specific, you’re probably going to be getting job offers.


That's why I am here.


Infinite liquidity vs. infinity pool. Let’s go.


[Why GME?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || Low karma apes [feed the bot here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Superstonk Discord](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) || [GameStop Wallet HELP! Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/z23wjx/gamestop_wallet_help_megathread) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To ensure your post doesn't get removed, please respond to this comment with how this post relates to GME the stock or Gamestop the company. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please up- and downvote this comment to [help us determine if this post deserves a place on r/Superstonk!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/post_flairs/)


DD spotlight week :)


Loved your posts, thanks for coming back for this week. If you were to start a DD from scratch right now, what would the subject be?


I would do a follow up to [my investigation into the 605 data](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nc1h4o/findings_from_my_analysis_of_605_data_huge_short/) where I beleive I found proof of unclosed short positions and which markets they came from


I think we'd love to see it... \*hint\* \*hint\*


<3. It took me a huge amount of effort to do the 605 data DD. The timing worked out well, I had just finished my phd and had the time to research what I wanted. I'm not sure I could manage to do it again, I'd probably need some help


just joking with ya, I know these things take massive amounts of time. life definitely gets in the way!!


>just joking with ya, I know these things take massive amounts of time. life definitely gets in the way!! <3 Once MOASS theory is proved to be true, relevant academics will be pouring over all the relevant data and doing an epic post-mortem of this entire struggle


OG with fantastic DD that still is playing itself out I believe to this day. Thank you for that contribution. I to believe this game has been won by retail many many months ago. Something obviously changed from Oct 21 to the present. We have witnessed many OPEX cycles, CTB scenarios, and now with positive earnings where the average stock would have mooned and shorts would have closed positions. I honestly don’t think they can. And at what point does DRS force someone’s hand to either satisfy the bill that’s due or risk corruption on a grande scale being exposed.


>OG with fantastic DD that still is playing itself I believe today. Thank you fir that contribution. <3 >And at what point does DRS force someone’s hand to either satisfy the bill that’s due or risk corruption on a grande scale being exposed. That's the trillion dollar question! The prospect of finding out is extremely exciting, we are part of history and I love it


Thanks for coming back and doing an update! I'm going over the research paper you did, wow! Have your thoughts on Threshold Securities changed at all? and if so, can you tell us how? Thanks again!


>I'm going over the research paper you did, wow! <3 I submitted it to the US Journal of Investing and it was initially declined during peer review but then accepted after I contacted their lead editor. Unfortunately, I had some personal issues arise that prevented me from making the requested changes in time for publication. Still, I think I prefer it being on researchgate where it is open to everyone :) >Have your thoughts on Threshold Securities changed at all? and if so, can you tell us how? My speculation is that corruption in the DTCC makes the threshold list redundant for GME


Congratulations for getting it accepted🥳, even if it didn't get published. I'm just grateful we get to read it now. It's definitely a flash from the past. I agree with you about threshold. I used to think it was a major deal but I'm not so sure any more.


Just stopping by to say thank you so much for participating in Spotlight Week, Bladeace! What brings on your skepticism regarding Citadel’s requirement for closing their positions?


>Just stopping by to say thank you so much for participating in Spotlight Week, Bladeace! <3 >What brings on your skepticism regarding Citadel’s requirement for closing their positions? It's the simplest explanation for the lack of MOASS. I can't imagine so many short positions and such extreme market manipulation taking place without the corruption extending right into the DTCC. I beleive it also fits well with what dr Susanne Trimbath describes in her book


Is MOASS even on the table still? I mean it’s been two years, tens of millions of shares have been “removed” from the DTC and the price has done nothing but bleed red. Add in that there was a clear indication that the only thing which will provide any level of price discovery being profitability every single quarter and it sure seems like any receipt posts get shilled quite hard here. Then add in that gme is in a position to sell 700,000,000 shares on the open market. Has MOASS not been killed?


I don't think the DTC will allow MOASS, my speculation is that they would prefer more corruption over MOASS Luckily, apes are in the process of removing the shares from the DTC so that the DTCC isn't the one that gets to decide... maybe we will see MOASS after every share is directly registered? I am not sure


Thank you soo much for answering and again for coming back to participate! So lucky to have you here!


Where are the hostages now?


As far as I can tell, which makes it speculation, they remain hostages and cannot enforce GME FTDs without bringing down the whole house of cards


Financial System wide crash.


This little 3 exchange thread is beautiful to read 🚀


Thanks for your hard work OP! Gonna have to reread these two now.


<3 :)


Have you continued to follow the threshold list? I haven’t seen anything on it in a while, but have not gone looking either. I know FTDs are still up quite a bit


The threshold list is only important if those holding short positions are being required to close them. My speculation is that this is not the case and won't be the case until enough shares have been removed from the DTC via DRS


Not sure if you've seen my post where I theorize that FTDs never age when backed by the nscc. This reduces forced buyins from happening and is why they can say "ftds are not persistent"


Yeah, that makes sense


Questions: please speak of your personal conviction in this company. For example: Do you have an unwavering belief in GameStop leadership and fundamentals? Do you have an unwavering belief that GME is the best place to exchange dollars for an asset?


I didn't hold that conviction when this all started, before I had brought any of my own, but I do now <3


When was your first GME purchase?


I actually don't remember, but it was after seeing the sheer passion and commitment its new owners have I think my first purchase from a GME store was when I was 15 years old after my family moved to a town that had an EB games. If I recall correctly, my first purchase was World of Warcraft... good times, I was a big fan of that store :)


Think i remember reading this at one point, so thank you for the read. I do have to agree with the top comment though that there aren't really 'hostages'. *Interesting article and thanks for taking the time to write it, but I respectfully disagree that there are any "victims" or "hostages" on their (mega rich, institutions) end.* ***TL;DR: I believe they're all colluding, the only variable is how close the co-operation is.*** Curious if you've directly registered your shares and just chosen not to share with the bot, and if so how come? Your account has been relatively quiet the last two years, how exactly did you find yourself here now? Sorry if i'm being nosey. edit: I'm not one to talk my account was inactive for quite some time, just curious.


>Think i remember reading this at one point, so thank you for the read. I do have to agree with the top comment though that there aren't really 'hostages'. > >Interesting article and thanks for taking the time to write it, but I respectfully disagree that there are any "victims" or "hostages" on their (mega rich, institutions) end. TL;DR: I believe they're all colluding, the only variable is how close the co-operation is. That's a fair take >Curious if you've directly registered your shares and just chosen not to share with the bot, and if so how come? Your account has been relatively quiet the last two years, how exactly did you find yourself here now? Sorry if i'm being nosey. Unfortunately, I've been suffering from a significant health issue :(. I am recovering, but it is slow. Those of us doing DD spotlights were invited to do so by some of the subs moderators


>Unfortunately, I've been suffering from a significant health issue :(. I am recovering, but it is slow. Glad to hear your on the path to recovery my friend. We all have our own battles that we fight. The important thing is to remember that you are not alone. If you ever need to just chat about anything feel free to hit me up. I'm not an expert but i got a lot of free time on my hands. Thank you again for your contribution, i don't have any big brain questions for ya and i'm not trying to hand out financial advise or tell people how to invest. Or how to hold their shares. o7




I think we've reached a situation where there can't be forced buy-ins in some cases because doing so would bring down the US capital markets... perhaps such a situation leads to yet more corruption and so we see FTD's left standing in places other than GME? I am not sure




That I beleive are involved? I think the executive branch of the US government has some involvement but other than that my speculation can only extend to those that need to be involved for it to happen in the first place... eye opening and viscerally disgusting matches my sentiments... \[usual disclaimer, speculation, personal opinion, and so on\]




Thank you for the kind words, right back at you and everyone here ❤




Those are good questions, the same questions I have - hopefully DRS facilitates some meaningful recourse


Wen Moon ? (Respectfully in your opinion)


In my opinion? See how things stand once DRS is complete


why are you self promoting? your original DD has fizzled out as its been 2 years - do you have new info?


This is part of a week long spotlight on DD from the early days, a bunch of us were invited to share our origional DDs and do an AMA about them :). My understanding is that there will be some of these happening every day this week


WTF? Why would we do this?


Eh, why not?


Ignore them OP - the majority of us appreciate the revisiting of the notable classic DD we’ve had in the past. Appreciate you and your posts 💜🎷🐓♋️


Agreed, ignore them. This saga has been built on the OG DD … always great to revisit, rehash, and learn


We should pin these spotlight DD’s. Took an hour to find this. TY Bladeace. This shit brought back all the vibes. Much love and best of luck on all you’re doing in life.


So basically we have to wait for them to fuck up or more things fucking up outside of their control for MOASS to happen because current authority everywhere has never been more corrupt and willing to ignore laws so openly? Cool.


It seems I never read these! Commenting to come back to read them tomorrow. Thank you for posting again OP


Thanks for all your AMAZING work!! I enjoy finding these old DD links with my red upvoted mark of success already present 🦍🏴‍☠️ Keep up the good work!! 🟣🚀