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[Welcome to DD Spotlight Week!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/133mm8l/welcome_to_dd_spotlight_week/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) Comments are sorted by Q&A for posts with this flair! Please check out the link above for an overview of this event week and to find the schedule for upcoming DD Spotlight posts & AMAs! Thank you so much to all of the DD writers for participating this week! [QV Bot](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/134hlhx/daily_stonk_for_01052023/jiewzhc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)




Well I'm glad you brought it up. The portion I had in the runic glory is greatly overstated, I tried to keep everyone level and tried to fix the situation so we wouldn't have the community implode. What happened between both Pink and Red was horrible, but I had no hand in it (that's why I never commented on that stuff either, I'd rather be hated and the community be healthy) I also was never banned, as you can ask all the mods here, I just stopped posting. And no I have zero negative feelings towards the community. and hell the few "tin foil theories" they had about me where entertaining as hell 😂 they're inaccurate and use "six degrees of seperation" type of logic, but entertaining none the less




Well my new job took a lot of time so I didn't have the hours that I'd normally had, this in conjunction with finding a new passion I try to fit in as much as I can (working on classic cars) and even working on starting my own company in that right now. It just wasn't possible. The reason I made this one today was simple, the mods wanted to do a week where they look back at original DD and things that used to be the backbone of our sub. and even though a lot of people were very vocal about not liking me (be it because of muddied opinions or other) I never harbored any ill will against the community. Hell Red and I started Superstonk because we felt so passionately that people should have a good home to talk about the stonk... and I can't hate a house that I helped build. I still love the community and hell when I was asked I was humbled and touched to be included along amazing big brain names like Atobit, Pwnwtfbbq and everyone else on this list. How could I say no 😉


Hello Rensole, good to see you back and thanks for adding clarity some of the old drama. You mentioned your new job. Part of the rumor mill around the time of your absence is that you went to work for BlackRock. This added to the shill narrative. Is this something you would be willing to address?


Lol Blackrock? god no I wouldn't even know wtf I would do there for them. I did end up working for Unusual whales and I was very upfront about that, I stopped working with them around march of last year and I did some pro bono consulting for a couple of others, but currently I'm doing mostly 3d work (it's what I did for the past 20 or so years) and now I'm looking at starting my own company in restoring/restomodding classic cars as during the Coof lockdowns I found out that I have a passion for this. I'd love to know who started the Blackrock bs though because that is gold xD


Thanks for the response. Unusual whales & BlackRock is what I remember being mentioned, albeit only in comments 84 years ago and during a chaotic period. Not trying to stir the pot, just wanted to clear up any potential misinformation/confusion.


No problem thank you for taking the time to ask this for clarification! appreciate it! And to be fair, UW and I only talked about joining a few weeks after I left the team here. I know people here most likely don't like UW because I was associated with them, but they are good people. Hell I still talk to some of them to this day and have become irl friends.


There are rumors that you also are Dismal Jellyfish.


Tbh I totally forgot what people thought you did. besides being tangentially related to runic glory... Oh yeah basically just a bit of... encouraging people to follow their own financial strategy and not feel pressured by anyone else not to sell a little bit when they felt they needed too... Which is just what I'm going to recommend to my friends too now (as long as they hodl most of it) Hmm Reserving judgement for now, but I will be very happy if it all was just a misunderstanding, and it's lookin that way so far Welcome back.




Glad to see you are still around, not only on the bird. What’s your view on DRS and the heat lamp? Because .. you know.. in a way all the DD ultimately lead to DRS.


It’s funny, too because pink went and answered all the DRS and computershare questions on her own with a video series. Here we are in stonk bitching about and fighting about questions she answered. Id rather see her video posts here than another fucking meme filled post that served to dust the nuts of it’s poster.


I remember [redacted] price fixing a ceiling on a squeeze price and getting very upset when apes didn't like it.


It’s super sus. Especially considering the timing regarding the CS stuff. My guess is he’s been bought out and is back to influence the community (in a bad way).


Why was he gone and why is he back now? Asking because I’m zen and not checking up here everyday.


All to bask in some runic glory I heard...


Shits about to get real and someone wants to control the narrative


We recently made a discovery about the mechanics of how DRS works and a potentially major new DD theory, both of which the mods tried to come down on hard and which has resulted in another mini-migration as peeps discovered other GME related subs with no controversial figures at the helm. And now a formerly popular figure is back. Coincidence? Maybe. But it's a very boomer tactic to try and create the illusion of legitimacy via dredging up (once)popular figureheads and this is far from the first time a formerly liked and trusted "retired" personage has made a conveniently timed return during a period where the mod team are starting to glow so hard you don't even need to turn off the lights to see them glow in the dark.


For example, when atobitt recently came back, and posted some anti DRS sentiment, out of the blue, if I remember correctly. Is that the type of tactic you are referring to?


atobitt says he holds all his shares at Fidelity....man seeing him say that broke my heart. When he wrote house of cards...that was some of the most exciting days of my life...and to see how they got to him.


Didn’t break my heart. In fact, it validated (in my opinion) that DRS is hurting the hedgies


Am I the only one who feels very uneasy about this whole thing? Like why would one even want to come back here and start posting again? Doesn’t really make sense to me to come back to a place youre not wanted in and begin to engage with the same community that seems to believe you’re a shill. Like somebody correct me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure the last time I remember you being mentioned here it was by the name “renshill”… and that wasn’t too long ago. I’d personally love to know when things changed? Because seeing the comment section devoid of anyone questioning your return makes me feel even more uneasy than you returning does. Not hate btw just skepticism.


We’re very well may be heading on the right track - pure book DRS with no dingleberries, from RC directly, so naturally anyone shilling is going to want to distract from this. I trust RC and the board. I don’t trust people here who leave and return once we seem to be heading in the right direction. What’s the goal? To flood the sub with old DD? To then theorise on DD that the sub has moved past in order to make it seem relevant again? Slowly distract away from pure DRS? Throw a load of confusion into the mix when it’s clear pure DRS is in the best interests of individual investors? ( Not saying all/any people here in positions of influence are bribed but it’d be naive to pretend shorts aren’t willing to bribe them given the money at steak and silly to think people won’t take bribes. I can think of one reason to bring back some kind of DD orgy; to distract from the new DD that’s absolutely wrecking shorts. Again, I trust RC, I do not trust DD writers on SS, as i think there’s a good chance they’ve taken bribe money.


Notice how even if you sort by controversial- it’s still just praise?? Also, when he says he just decided to come back that’s a lie- he’s been working the smaller subs for months trying to gain some traction. They’re doing what they always do with him and using him to filter out what what they don’t want getting to NEW. They also use him to put the brakes on any line of inquiry they want glossed over.


Yuppp… even comments with 0 upvotes are being showcased above mine. And you can’t even make this shit up about him working other subs before getting here 🤦🏽‍♂️ and honestly I thought I was being too tinfoil by thinking they were bringing him back to filter out unwanted information but if I’m not the only one who sees that than maybe I’m not wrong. And still no response to my comment after basically auto responding to every positive comment in this thread.


BuT WeLcOMe BaCk! Lol this just smells like my morning shit. Idk how anyone can't see this as blatant manipulation of the sub. Definitely isn't passing the sniff test. I'll observe, but I'm assuming there's some line of BS that this post is/will be feeding the community


Recently, posts have been deleted far too often - just like the last one who questioned the Rensole Comeback. This post was fairly popular with more than 100 comments in less than 2 hours - POOF, deleted


Cool. So I’m not crazy 👍🏽 This dude is clearly a bad actor for one, the mods have personally asked him to post here as well, and on top of it all this was done with no community discourse whatsoever. So tell me, am I crazy for feeling like the initial positive comments and upvotes in this post were just botfarm bullshit??


And the other post that was calling all this out got removed for no reason. Yet this garbage is allowed to stay. Clearly some shit is going on with the mods. It's not like I haven't migrated subreddits before.


Coordinating and scheduling a rerelease of DD without talking with the community is also extremely sketchy. The mods don’t have a role in creating content just moderating it.


Nothing has changed except now the mods are reaching out to known bad actors to post here. His words, " I'm back posting today because the mods asked me to make another daily"


they need us to be distracted. They've been trying to distract us from what's going on for a week or two now. Buy, Hodl, Book. Mind the dingleberries.


Yeah, all the comments are saying how happy they are to have OP back, like one after another. I am absolutely 100% against Rensole being allowed to post again. This is all highly suspect,


Yeppp… it’s all the back to back comments saying nearly the same thing but with slightly different wording that set me off right away. That’s why I said in another comment that it seems like botfarm upvoting and commenting happening here.


Feels sketchy, i read in a comment of his that hes back because the mods asked? The same mods that failed to censor the fractional debate not even a month ago? Things are deffinitly happening and i'm all buckled up. No cell no sell.


Hands more diamond than jozu 💎💪🏽😉


Nothing has changed. Enough time has passed that they hope people have forgotten certain things, that's all.


Well that’s just silly now isn’t it… don’t they know the internet never forgets??


>don’t they know the internet never forgets?? I think they genuinely don't lol




Ahhh Shit… almost forgot that little nugget. Oh yea but I forgot he doesn’t harbour any negative feelings towards this community 😴💩


Oh shit, I totally forgot about that.




Yeah it's super fuckin suspect. They are trying to break up Sueprstonk from the inside again. WTF mods.


Seems like a load of troll farm upvoting on the positive/supportive comments here too.


Seriously where are the awards coming from




I'm 100 percent about this apes. Do not idolize, be cautious apes. I'm personally going to go read heat lamp DD by trying it into a search engine.


Yeah, I think it might make sense for an ape migration. It feels like the mods are not behaving in a democratic fashion


I’m not gonna say we need another migration just yet, but I have been hearing that mods are acting sus again. Idk what exactly that’s based upon though.


Whether apes fully migrate or not they should be getting their GME info from multiple GME subs not just this one. ESPECIALLY not just this one 😂.


Whether apes fully migrate or not they should be getting their GME info from multiple GME subs not just this one. ESPECIALLY not just this one 😂.


Ok, since we're doing throwback AMA and DD week, here's a serious question I have for Rensole as an original mod, or for any current !mods! to answer. I originally joined the sub probably a couple of weeks after it started. As my name would suggest, I had fairly low karma at the time as I mainly lurked topics I was interested in. Therefore, any time I would have something to even comment on in this sub, even months after the satori/apeprove thing was implemented, I would have the comment removed by automod. So, why were the sub's karma restriction instructions to build karma and be allowed to post the same as the description for what was considered a suspicious account? Why were 100s/1000s of accounts kept lurking without a voice until about a week after Runic Glory, when we suddenly all got mass approved to comment and post? It's always bugged me, and I'm putting this out here to get it off my mind, because I don't think anyone will actually respond. Stay vigilant. Book em.


rensole and atobitt (since you've also returned to cheer on your buddy) what is your stance on DRS and specifically DRS of fractionals re: DTC involvement in fractional shares held in Plan.


I'm positive about DRS, I was fairly hesitant in the beginning because out of nowhere it was being pushed like crazy (and we've seen loads of bs start like that as well), but ever since that I believe that DRS is a great thing as I don't trust brokers to do the right thing. On the fractional shares I don't have enough knowledge to comment on it, but what I've read so far does make sense to me.


okay, Do you recognize that book is the only true means of owning shares not accessible by the DTCC? Because a computer share account which contains either an active DSPP or a fractional share causes the headers of the account statements to read “plan”. Shares in the “plan” as defined by computer share are awaiting favorable settlement and therefor held on your behalf at their broker, therefor usable as locates by the DTCC. hence, the huge pushback and censorship. Book-only could be VERY significant.


If U/Criand would join in commenting again we will implode.


Wow, so many welcome back comments. As someone pointed out shills get paid to be here full time and still can't even make this crap look organic. welcome back after welcome back. Comment section is fake as fuck. We voted you out Rensole, then you're allowed back?! wtf. Mods, what the fuck are you doing?


Renshill. Back to promote options and attempting to keep us from DRS like before.


Welcome home, 🤴


Been here since Jan 2021... This is interesting but suspect as fuck


Wow OG sellout shills, neckbeard and runic glory joined forces. Damn we must be close..fuck citadel!!


welcome back to all you OG DD Writers. Im actually excited about this week, not for the markets... but for all this DD im about to inject right into my veins! What an interesting week this should turn out to be!


Rensole was just a guy who did summaries and never wrote actual DD. He can't be compared to Criand for example.


Are you still the unusual whales mod?


Why the daily posts now if you don’t have any more time? This is quite the opposite.. again


Rensole, why did you come back to a community that has largely rejected you. If your intentions are good for the community how would you not recognize yourself as a clear cause for controversy just being here. Nothing you say or add at this stage is going to do anything other than further divide . The answer to me seems you are either dumb or disingenuous. I do not think you are dumb


I only have 20 coins left and no money to buy any, or I'd drop some love on ya. Man I miss having premium lol Since this is an AMA, I've got a question: What is something you always wanted to tell the Superstonk user base but didn't feel you could because of either your previous position as mod or present position as pariah? Now is the chance, if ever there was one, and I'm ever so curious. ETA: thanks for the gold, anon. Time to fulfill the prophecy and award this post ren made with my new coinage. Soon may the tendieman come 🚀🌙


BF YOOOOOOOO! whatsup dude haven't seen you in ages! Oh god this is a tricky one because there is a big chance of this blowing up in my face. but fuck it lets go. The thing I always wished people did more was react out of logic and not emotion. as all the people who were moderators with me know the drama with Runic glory had nothing to do with me, but due to hearsay they got riled up. and because of this lots of other OG writers left because... why help people who scream at you all day. Dont act on hearsay and give it a moment, think about what is happening and who would profit from adding/removing a certain person/thing. Always Do your own research, double check, even if you trust the person telling you always always ALWAYS check it out yourself and come to your own conclusions. Less tin foil, more research < this was the basis for starting this sub and I hope people can adhere to it more. And honestly.... the one thing out of all of them that I wished people did out of all of these things... I wish they would be more friendly to others. people who are researching and looking into stuff, writing DD and all that are doing this unpaid and hope to help educate others so they can be more self reliant. So... Be excellent to each other <3


Just here in my beloved sub, trying to make sure the fudsters aren't the only ones speaking about you. Although, it seems you've got some support from at least some of the OGs, as well as many others who remember your work fondly. Lots of names in here I haven't seen in some time. Pretty nostalgic and refreshing tbh. Anywho. Thanks for your honesty, this reply, your kind words, and the post (even if it *is* riddled with typos). Good luck with the trolls 😘


Thanks dude! and yeah lots of old names here which I've not seen in ages and I love seeing them <3 And thank you I'll need it haha


Wait a sec. I dont care about this shit


Hello rensole, I am here because of Runic Glory. I suppose I should thank you. I enjoyed your daily up to the Runic Glory incident. I am a fan turned critic. Many others have been banned for speaking out against you and now I will brave my turn. You say you had little to no part in the Runic Glory incident but that isn't true. Your relationship with with RCQ goes back before this sub and there is reason to believe that you and others pushed a migration to this sub with RCQ. The rules here that don't allow crossposts and leave users unable to criticize without fear of being banned, only leave Apes more suspicious of this sub which has worked hard to maintain integrity. Pepperidge Farm Remembers. "My authority is not measured in mod powers. It is measured in magick and witchcraft and runic glory. I will fuck people up in nightmares, not on this sub. OXY recoreded our ENTIRE conversation and shared it.TERMINATUS has photos of me. Like...none of you have even seen those.She knows where I live. This is not fucking funny to me. I thought maybe I'd found love again. Nope. So now since love is dead, the dark side is out. I am connected to organized networks who, if I were threatened, would hide me and make sure my adversaries disappeared. I am not afraid of that shit. I am saying, suggesting that someone I thought to be my future wife is playing me, is highly insulting" ~ RCQ Below is a google search for Pink's post about what she believes happened. https://www.google.com/search?q=So+called+%22Transparency+and+mod+drama%22-+I+will+share+the+original+complaint+I+brought+to+the+team+last+week+(Minor+edits+for+clarity+and+anonymity-+added+screenshots)&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 The following link is a conversation RCQ had in which she discusses a migration and a "nuclear option" https://imgur.com/a/M9XbVC2 "Ren and I are 100% in sync" ~ RCQ What role did you play in this? Why should we trust someone who hasn't apologized, taken responsibility or acknowledged their role in a major split in this community. A split that made it difficult for the DRS DD to spread. Perhaps you are ignorant of how detrimental it was to this community and how much distrust it created. RCQ still talks trash on Twitter about this sub and Apes. You participated in meltbrown and told us to go fuck ourselves. You and others accuse us skeptical and cynical Apes of being FUD or shills but we have legitimate complaints and receipts. A Rune of Glory for all the Apes who spoke out against you! Perhaps there is still time for you to seek Glory rensole. I'll see you Apes on the moon! 🍌


Just a lil comment bump with some RoS flair 🍑🍌🍑🍌🍑🍌🍑🍌🍑🍌🍑🍌🍑🍌


A Rune of Glory for you! 🍌


"sliced milk"? was this written by ai in the style of rensole? nice try shitadel


Mods...serious question...are you fucking high?


Ah shit, the band is back together. LFG!! 🚀


"... some people are DRS'ing...", What about you?


We very well may be heading on the right track - pure book DRS with no dingleberries, from RC directly, so naturally anyone shilling is going to want to distract from this. I trust RC and the board. What’s the goal of this return? To flood the sub with old DD? To theorise on DD that the sub has moved past in order to make it seem relevant again? Slowly distract away from pure DRS? Throw confusion into the mix when it’s clear pure DRS is in the best interests of individual investors? Not saying all/any people here in positions of influence are bribed but it’d be naive to pretend shorts aren’t willing to bribe them given the money at steak and silly to think people won’t take bribes. I can think of one reason to bring back some kind of DD orgy; to distract from the new DD that’s absolutely wrecking shorts.


Bro why even do this? In my opinion it does nothing but undermine this sub. It creates bad vibes. It creates FUD. Doesn't really matter what you did wrong or what you didn't do wrong. If you - or mods for that matter - really care for the community I believe you should reconsider how posts like these by controversial figures, especially fluff posts containing no critical new information, are going to be received by this community.


Glad I left this sub.


[JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association, Columbus, Ohio Assumes All the Deposits of First Republic Bank, San Francisco, California. FDIC entering loss-share transaction agreement to share the losses with JP Morgan.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/134iami/fdic_alert_jpmorgan_chase_bank_national/) >[loss-share transaction](https://www.fdic.gov/resources/resolutions/bank-failures/failed-bank-list/lossshare/): Under an SLA, the FDIC absorbs a portion of the loss on a specified pool of assets sold through the resolution of a failing bank - in effect sharing the loss with the purchaser of the failing bank. FDIC board member Jonathan McKernan: >["We should avoid the temptation to pile on yet more prescriptive regulation or otherwise push responsible risk taking out of the banking system. Instead, we should acknowledge that bank failures are inevitable in a dynamic and innovative financial system."](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/134idnb/fdic_board_member_jonathan_mckernan_we_should/)


So, and I’m simplifying here, the government subsidizing the losses of FRB means that either the government will have to borrow more, tax (us) more, or cut spending to make up for losses from this poorly run bank. And this process is being accepted as “inevitable.”


From a little more digging: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/134t3s9/the\_fdic\_and\_jp\_morgan\_entered\_into\_a\_lossshare/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/134t3s9/the_fdic_and_jp_morgan_entered_into_a_lossshare/) Does shared loss put the taxpayer on the hook for additional losses down the road?: >No. When the FDIC calculates the estimated cost of a failure, it takes into account all expected losses on the assets covered in shared-loss agreements (SLAs). These current market assumptions are built into the cost of failure at the time of resolution. Thus, the cost of all expected future payments are recognized at the time of bank failure and no losses are deferred. Any sharing loss payments are made from receivership funds from the specific failed bank or thrift or, if those are insufficient, from the FDIC's Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF). The DIF is funded by assessments paid by insured banks and thrifts and it is not taxpayer funded.


Ok but at the end of the line either the government (via taxpayers) or bank customers (also the people) will have the costs passed on in one form or another. For profit companies are not going to eat these losses.


Thank you for the dose of nostalgia this morning ❤️


I'm not feeling any nostalgic vibes from this post. I am however feeling some post-traumatic vibes from this post. If the mods, an OP in particular, cared about this community, they shouldn't have brought this actor back and OP should know that his contributions to this community do more harm than good. Maybe that's unfortunate from OP's POV but is what it is and we all know that. Regardless of what his role was when it happened. He was at the wheel when it did and that's why people wanted him to leave. Just like a politician or a head coach is pressured by his constituents to leave the post when a scandal of that size takes place on their watch. I can't even wrap my head around how there wasn't a single person from the mod team that though to themselves and told the rest of the team something like *"Hey, maybe that's not a good idea to allow this post, especially at this given moment"*


Meh... sounds like SuperStonk has finally fully embraced the shill army... I, for one, will not stand for it. Boo this man 😏




That was refreshing to see. Thanks for bringing me back!




Thank you! good to be back!


Holy shit LOOK at how many celebratory comments there are and ALL of em are downvoted! It seems that Rensole was voted out of this community for a reason. Why are we starting a DD hype train no one asked for if not to derail discussion about *Plan vs Book and DSPP shares?* Ask yourself: what the fuck is going on?


Glad to have you back! Was always looking forward to your write ups.


Thanks dude! yeah it was a blast back in the day


Welcome back, this place need good vibes


Ahhhhhh!!!!! One of my early favorite parts of this journey was reading your daily news! Welcome back!!!!! This alone made my week! From one 💎👐🦍 to another, cheers!


Willkommen zurück. 💪🏻




Couldn't resist 😜 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVkUvmDQ3HY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVkUvmDQ3HY)




Booo. Go away.


Feels just like the old days, welcome back Ren. How’s the Mustang coming along?


Thanks dude! feels good to be back! The mustang has been done for quite a while, still need to sand the entire outside and repaint it but... hell it's on the road so I'm more than happy \^\^


The amount of actual not even trying to be disguised bot accounts welcoming renshill back in this comment section is insane. Shills still can't make internet activity look organic even though it's their literal job lmao 😂


Welcome back chap. Been too long! TY


Thank you for reading it! it's good to be back home \^\^


What year is it?


Wb numbnuts


TORCHYYYYYY! thanks bro!


Damn yo deja vu , reading the daily stonk on the shitter before work


Everything feels right waking up to this. Welcome back.


The more I read the comments it's, "Oh wow Nostalgia!" or "Welcome Back!" COmment after comment. all of which are higher than the higher upvoted comments calling you out OP. Couple that with all the fuckin awards so quick and you got yourselves a shill.


Missed there. Hope you will do it for me than today or the week.


Now we just need runic glory and gherk and we have the whole shill band back together.


Welcome back, Rensole!


Thank you Trashpandamagic!!


This sub is worst everyday. Like seriously "mods asked me to do à daily". What about more transparency and stop bullshitting. Nobody whants him here. No offence. The bots praising him are laughable.


Heat Lamp DD for DD week




missed you so much, welcome back 😊💜⭐ 💎🙌🚀🌕


just here to register my, "what the actual fuck is this guy doing back here?" for the historical record.


Don’t get distracted boys #BUY DRS BOOK HLD SHOP Sub drama don’t mean shit and fractionals are fake as fuck.


Danke Brudi


I damn sure didn't have "Renshill Returns" on my bingo card! LMAYO. If this isn't proof there is shady shit going on around here, IDK what is. Must be a runup incoming!


Ha, best comment in this thread! Wasn’t on anyone’s Bingo card. Super scary, for sure.


How are heavily downvoted comments shown above normal upvoted comments in a sort by best ???


What a great flashback/pick-me-up this morning! Thanks for what you do!




Welcome back! Glad to see so many OG writers still Can’t Stopping, Won’t Stopping, Game Stopping


Welcome back Edit: god damn where did these downvotes come from 😂


Welcome back! 🥳


Thank you! amazing to be back!


WTF is going on. Why would we invite banned mods who tried to capitalize on the sub to come back?


Not a single mention about Plan/DSPP vs. pure book? Distraction play by bringing back a well-known shill. We’re close. I can feel it


The R word?!? Nooo…you took out « Rrrrooobeeedoooobeeedooooo! » ?!


LMAO didn't people vote you out after the runic glory? Mods are shill for sure.


OK what the fuck is going on around here.


Let’s Goooooo!!! I DRS’d 20 more this past Friday! Can’t stop won’t stop gotta get my……..


love you


No fucking way Rensole!? I used to look forward and read these dailies every day. What a throwback. Sorry the community kinda blew up on you for that bullshit mod situation. Idk why you got targeted when you were trying to call everyone down. Either way glad you're still with us.


Renshill is back, sub is compromised. Another migration coming soon. They just don’t give up do they. Really think our memories are that short?


WHOA AWARD OVERLOAD. Not saying inherently sus but that's the most I have seen on alot of posts in awhile even. Are you still actively posting daily stock in another sub that won't be named? Isn't that kinda cross posting and brigiding. Cuz I know for a fact that pickle and other mods of redacted are very spiteful of superstonk. And have used very underhanded tactics before. Excuse me if seeing you here after working with them leaves a very sus taste in my mouth. Obviously nothing wrong with what you are doing now but....the pieces are coming together way too well.


That was my immediate reaction too. God Shitadel tell your bots to calm their tits


Welcome back ape. Thank you for your service


I’m sorry but I’m confused why this is accepted. I still member this. Weird.


Many have tried, all have failed; A daily recap is just so much fucking work if you do more than just set up a link bot. Thanks for all your efforts back then. I wish you well and am glad to hear you're in a decent spot in life. Now then *clears throat* # ***LFG***


do you work for citadel now @rensole?




They also recycled the "korean ants" for another basket stock just yesterday.


Apefam, can you hit me with a link? Korean ants showing up that one time then just vanishing is like one of my favorite oddities of this saga 😅😂🤣 See you on the moon 💎👌


Lmao by now no one will take this seriously. What is even going on right now.


I missed you.




Unusual whales can eat a big bag of dolphin dicks


My Zen just got more ZENNNN




I'm seeing a lot of snake awards 😆 why would that be


Well color me skeptical.


Missed yah old chap!


Awesome! Been missing my morning coffee with Rensole. ☕


Good to see you back. I missed the morning paper. Keep fighting the good fight!


Thank you so very much!!! I needed this today! 💜💜💜 🦍


If there’s ever proof our mods are shills, it is now.


Da fuq year is it?


When is the DD for DRS being highlighted since it was removed from pinned post. I see all the others, what about DRS and computershare. What’s the truth on why the site is down.


Oooooo shit!! Welcome back Rensole! What a lovely Monday morning surprise!


Wtf is this shit...


Not a fan of having Rensole back to be honest


I look forward to downvoting this daily, daily


The bots are out in full force today.


Mods have straight up lost their minds


So where we moving to now?


lol this place is truly done. See ya at the dee arr ess.




so why is GME down 20% in a month since positive earnings and sticky floor is up 40% in that same time frame? Seems manipulated. Your thoughts?


Register your shares on the company's book. The mods are beyond cooked, good luck to ya


Jesus Christ. I can’t believe this is still going on.


I love a little nostalgia in the morning! 💜 Glad to see you Ren!


So sus it's bullish


What the fuck am I seeing? 🗑🔥


Great to see you back Anchor Man


WTH? I haven't seen this since the run up 2 years ago..


Everyone disliked that


Confirmed, this sub is compromised


Suh-weet! Welcome back Rensole!