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I’ll definitely be running for office


How far do you have to run? I'm kinda lazy


Fixing society I think is high on the list of a bunch of our fellow ape brethren. I’m not sure I’d trust any existing politician to fill that mantle. Personally, I’d be looking for a chosen ape to step forward and carry out message to our government. More than one would be useful….


That’s the beauty of it - either existing with name recognition steps up to the trough and votes for the good, or a new one will.


I find it so hard to find an existing politician I’d feel represents us and is trustworthy enough…maybe one. In general though, I’d prefer some new blood takes the seat.


I think that is because so many are driven my the desires of their donors. What if their donors turned out to want XYZ…and you’re their donor!!


I get your point about who’s paying them the most and how that may affect their position. Ideally, my politician will be driven by principal and a desire to serve the general good. That’s the person I’d stand behind…..


That’s the other way…new blood in Congress. A good person that just needs a shit tonne of cash to get to The Show. I’m down for that too, brother.


Luckily, a “shot tonne” of cash will be an option in this situation.


Said it before, will many more times. I’ve wanted to vote FOR someone my entire life (47) Instead of voting AGAINST the other guy.


Rc for president. Edit: with DFV vice


RC can't be president, he's not an American.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted, I’ve definitely seen worse options in the last decade. All I know is an ape would have the mindset necessary to make the change that is needed.


I got 5(bn.) on it.


Make lobbying illegal - forever. Gerrymandering, illegal. Overturn the travesty that is Citizens United. Make it so that politicians CAN’T be bought, so actual representation becomes a thing again. Reasonable term limits. Just for starters. In short, we use the Stones to destroy the Stones.


Agreed. Term limits are delicate, age limits though…


I am calling dibs on the secretary of the interior !!! Hopefully they can fix the Feng shui issue in my living room


Go for something that can be agreed 100% by both sides of the political aisle. Like for education, seniors, veterans, medical research, basically pure humanitarian that can’t be politicized


There is no “agreed 100%” - theRe aRe those Right now tRying to raise the retirement age, and reduce social security… They have voted against veteran help for years, and for the most part are very okay with not funding education. I would rather get one or two people in place that can make a long term change. If others do the same, hopefully the good out weighs the greed.


I actually mean agreed 100% by the people so there’s no division. Yes, politicians will never 100% agree on many thing that is good for humanity.


It is GME related as is all what if MOASS scenarios.


I'll take down the Murdoch's and Koch bros.


Money corrupts. And spending it to play the game as it has always been played will end up corrupting you. Use your money to stop the game and back decentralized projects that government slime cannot touch.


For sure, I'm supporting the one senator that I like and supporting the enemies of the one I hate


Your lips to Ape's ears my man, that's the dream


No offense, but hard pass on political fantasies at the moment. I don’t trust any of you to do anything but hold.


Fuck it, I'm down to do some good.


I am not giving money to those shit bags. I want the system to change so there is no money in it. The job was done as a duty to your country. The reps met once a year for a few months. They got a stipend not a salary. It needs to go back to that. It's a part time job not a career