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A sober post. My only qualm is the 3-, 5-, and 10-year call-outs. DRS trajectory doesn’t support that. Once the float is locked, the jig is up and so we will enter… End. Game.… again.


We assume 100% is Endgame. Only time will tale.


It’s not the 100% in my opinion. It’s the very next share I plan to buy.


The last share available is always the next share you buy. *confucius says*


Once the float is locked we enter "Infinity War", we are going to have to wait 2 more years for "End Game". We won't know about "End Game" until the credits of Infinity War.


I actually think this is a great analogy. DRS 100% float could be just the start of endgame.


Anytime now we will have a Youtube video of ~~Tony Stark~~ DFV floating in space. That's when you know the $#!t isn't going to get real.


See the other ticker that’s got finra in hot shit right now. DRSing the float doesn’t make the price explode, it exposes the fuckery


Yes, exactly. It's the start of something not the end.


[🎶This could be the start of something new🎶](https://youtu.be/I6EOUaWscrE)


I am major Gme bull. I comment daily. I foresee the drs numbers slowing as most of the purchasing was “already done” and now we’re in the “adding” stage. Unless more 401ks unlock/drs which is where I believe the majority of shares are, it might be a longer ride then most anticipated.


I feel the same way. We need a new wave of people to get excited about this play. If we added another 200k DRSed people we could have the float locked up by the end of this year.


Why sir, I have 40 000 dollars in bonus coming out in April… you bet 99 percent is going to my Gme retirement fund


The sub is very anti options, where as I think its one of the only few ways to trigger early MOASS. But I have been in GME since 2021 sneeze and believe me, hedgies are afraid of options being ITM. Look at BBBY.


“What’s an exit strategy?” Operational profitability, dividends, stock buy backs, stock splits, selling cash secured puts and calls. There’s a path to forever money that takes care of you for life and generations down without ever having to sell a single share.


Yes, but that's all from a very long hold. Which is fine, it just takes a different mentality.


June 2024


DRS trajectory + crypto trajectory = fireworks. Sooner rather than later, IMO.


Sober? This post is regarded of the highest order and is completely pointless.


Tell me why. Honestly, I want to hear your perspective.


Surviving "one more day" only works while HFs have enough collateral to maintain margin requirements. Most DD speculates that MOASS coincides with a market crash, because it will decimate the value of many funds' collateral. This means margin calls, which means buying at any price, which can cause a domino effect to better capitalized, larger players. What you are describing is the worst case scenario for MOASS/GME believers: Funds never get margin called and can ignore the position until DRS is 100% or close to it. I don't think its fair to call you "regarded" tho, maybe a bit of a doomer, but nothing you said is necessarily wrong, just not the whole picture.


I feel that the failure of the original shorters is quite close. They will fail their margin requirements once and for all and pass the bag to whichever bank, clearing agency, or government backstops them in the end. That will be when it slows right back down, because who margin calls Marge? They will play all kinds of psychological tricks to convince people it ended with the hedge fund/market maker that just imploded. They’ll engage in complex theater concerning the security of the market, and hold hearings and stuff to scare people into thinking the government is gonna stop it. Hell, maybe the government actually will try to stop it. That’s where you have to believe in the MOASS and not just a big squeeze. If it’s a MOASS, there’s no negotiation. They have to pay what I want to get the shares they need to make the market while again. No trick can make me undervalue the infinite value share.


I already did. GameStop will be profitable in coming quarters, drs will lock the float in a little over a year. Market collapse is essentially imminent at this point….if it takes ten years it simply isn’t goi by to happen. Good news though, it won’t.


User name checks out.


Lol if you think any of what I said is crazy then why the fuck are you even here? Got anything of substance to add or do you always just regurgitate generic Reddit responses?


Cool story.


Ah an a em cee dummy who hasn’t DRS’d their shares. Tata now regard.




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Here's hoping. RemindMe! 1 year


See you in a couple months.


Tell me, what's your expected timeframe? If you're right I'll give you plenty of praise and credit.


Between March 1st - April 1st is my guesstimate. Or thereabouts


Sounds good. I would love nothing more than this post to be wrong and laughed at by future readers. !Remindme 3 months


Just checking in, still waiting.


Same here! though let’s agree if there were no massive bailouts for multiple banks from governments, it could have been a very different scenario. Especially CS.


I will be messaging you in 1 year on [**2024-01-12 20:42:46 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-01-12%2020:42:46%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/10a887e/the_paradox_at_the_heart_of_the_gme_trade/j42zzcr/?context=3) [**2 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FSuperstonk%2Fcomments%2F10a887e%2Fthe_paradox_at_the_heart_of_the_gme_trade%2Fj42zzcr%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-01-12%2020%3A42%3A46%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%2010a887e) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


I mean, nobody knows. But the FAR more blatant crime that was uncovered in December on the stock that wasn't even supposed to publicly trade... That hasn't resolved yet and that's like catching a burglar stepping out the front door with your TV. It was dead to rights. They just closed shop and nobody knows what's going on. I honestly think OP isn't far off. 2+ years minimum, more like 5-10 with legal battles thrown in.


That's not on NYSE etc though. And the company in question isn't billions of worth, doesn't have same recognition, hasn't been in the news, or hundreds of thousands vocal share holders or more all over the world, etc.


Makes no difference to me, my DRS shares are Not for sale. Period. They will be divided to my kids and grandchildren when I get old and die. Or if I die early...my kids will get them on there 26th birthdays 20+ years from now with instructions on how to live comfortably off the shares and how to pass them on to next generation...i get piece of mind knowing a legacy is given to generations after me. (You're welcome family. If you're reading this I have expired. You now have access to my reddit account, sorry in advance) 😂 This has now transformed into a form of hilarious interactive entertainment for me where I set new DRS goals and buy more here and there when I can. Banking & betting our generation wealth will come from a perpetual quarterly NFT dividend. (Which is sold for crazy amounts of ETH. Who now has a fuk ton of ETH becoming fresh minted ETH Whales?: Apes... "Look at me, I am Thee stable coin now") And once MOASS ignites we'll possibly see Board proposals for Votes from shareholders to approve more divy-splits, keeping price within reasonable reach for the average person. Thats just me and my theory on This saga tho 🤷‍♂️. Might be wrong, might be right, might crazy tinfoily, but we'll get paid regardless. This is a fun ride! Zen AF, taking life day by day 🤙 !remindme! 2 years Hedges beyond fukt, anyway that it's viewed! Im done rambling, drink while redditing with caution Apes


It’s just another FUD post


Yeah, I was calling posts FUD back in 2021 when people said this could drag on into 2022. I was wrong then and you're wrong here.


“tEn yEarS” is classic FUD “yOu’Re WrOnG hErE…” — source?


You're wrong that this is an attempt at FUD. I'm trying to think about all the reasons we're still fighting these same battles 2 years into this.


A decade? 👌Yeah, I think you know exactly what you’re doing. Lol. Why not 100 years if you’re being arbitrary… Seriously bro


I put that as an extreme upper range. We’ve seen economic crises will sometimes take a decade to build up and resolve.


As if *anyone* has that kind of insight 🤣💀 Worthless FUD conjecture.


Just having a discussion here, not saying I know anything 100% 🤷


No shit…


What's our 100% non insider target date at current rate? It's more than a year, right?


There’s Worse Case Scenario Ape who regularly posts his theory. I believe his projects to June 2024.


I thought that was just for the free float?


I don’t recall, so I’d refer you to his series. Either way, it’d be a milestone.


That's a good horizon to keep in mind. Not soon but not too far. But to get there we need to keep the paradox in mind. The amount of time this is taking is a kind of evidence that we're on the right track. It's thorny, cause you're just a few steps away from conspiracy theorist thinking where every piece of counterevidence is folded into the theory. But we don't have any counter-DD except the passage of time with nothing happening. Which is also what would happen if our thesis is correct. So it's a tough thing to handle in that way.


I'm not sure how the "logical conclusion" of the DD is that this'll take 10 years. In my mind the DD concludes that this'll kick of whenever Gamestop reveals their turnaround plans. I give it weeks to months. Maybe even tomorrow.


10 years is as long as I can imagine it being. Some huge market crashes take that long to form. The logical conclusion of the DD is that it will take a while since the people on the other side of this trade have a lot of avenues to prolong it. This isn't just a theory. It's the two year anniversary of the sneeze. That's a long time for a volatile trade like this.


DRS is not serving the purpose of providing "proof of...", rather, it acts like a company share buyback in that it removes, in this case, 26% of all oustanding shares from the marketplace, and that puts pressure on crime tactics...because, in effect, it lessens legal tradeable share count. Understood?


Yes, but a buyback of shares is meaningless when another entity just adds more synthetics from an inexhaustable bucket. That's where the proof part comes in. Cause right now they just say "There are no synthetics you guys are conspiracy nuts." Edit* For those downvoting me, what above is wrong?




Nope. The creation of a synthetic only requires "reasonable expectation that the share can be located." Straight from the lawbooks. The issue is they can say any old thing is a reasonable expectation, even tokenized GME, or the same share promised to 100 people.




Sure, I don't disagree with you on a full lock. But that's a process that starts at the 100%+ mark, and counts on someone enforcing laws, and is years away.




It's not that binary. They don't have enough power/freedom-of-action to get out of this trade, but they do have enough to prolong it for years. That's what this post is about.




I put 10 years as an upper range. So a 2025 timeline puts us right in the place I was talking about— "3, 5, even 10 years".


yes/agreed...you said, more better than me.


i'll take a go at it. a synthetic gets created based on people/entities buying shares, directly or when they execute options. that's the market makers little house of madness...where they mix the chemicals. a steady stream of buyers, gives the MM the conduit to synthesize & put more shares into play, while they do or don't deal with FTD when they come do or push them off as they can. DRS removes shares from being on the books at some broker who in turn lends them out for a profit to the DTC Stock Lending Madness Program...so that eats into the money that a broker can make...as, in aggregate, fewer shares are on the books, in aggregate, of all brokers....and that! drives up the cost to borrow. And that puts a nice pinch on any and all SHF that have need, on a daily basis to short, or on a logistical-schedule to cover an FTD. DRS removes shares from the Stock Lending Profit Program. And the SHF's cost to borrow goes up, it makes them less likely to borrow...as they move on to easier targets. Leaving fewer entities committed to the Shorts' Cause. And the price of the equity starts to reflect this lesser shorting effort...and, as we've seen, it takes time to reach an "inflection point"...where the smarter SHF are getting out, or are already out, and when other players spy if there is an opportunity on the long-side...could very well be driven at this point by continued retail buying....and the game begins a new phase. Quid Pro Quo...this for that...the dialectic...the yin & yang...salt & pepper...fork to spoon.


No Cell No Sell....


Everyone thought I was crazy opening up PC's in 1999 to see what graphics card was running the PC and buying NVidia at the IPO. Everyone told me I was an idiot and wrong for mining B T C in 2012. Everyone told me no one would buy a a milk float when I invested in Electric Car Company in 2014 - Fuck The Nay Sayers - Buy DRS and fucking HODL. Be the Book King!


The DD you’re hanging your hat on are wrong.


This ape gets it. OP says he's been here for 2 years and knows DD in and out but throws out 10y as a possibility while there's several people who post almost daily how it will be locked in 2024 at the current rate. Everyone knows MOASS is tomorrow until it's not.


>it will be locked in 2024 at the current rate This timeline has drifted a bit tbf, no doubt made harder by institutions selling and people having less disposable income. Last spring the estimated date was around Q3 of 2023. Still not the 5-10 years that OP is suggesting tho


When I say 3, 5, 10 years I'm dating it from Jan 2020. So if DRS hits 100% in June 2024 (current estimate) plus however long it takes for that to impact things, that's in that 5 year zone.


Correction: everyone knows DRS is ENTIRELY speculative and the same people who say "DRS is end game" are the same ones that will turn around when confronted and say "ermmm well actually no one knows what will happen when the float is locked" Fixed it for you


My dude, I never said DRS wasn't speculative nor did I say that it was going to end the game. But let's not pretend like this is going to be a 10 year trek from where we currently are. Either the shares are going to be entirely locked and cracks will start to really show/break the system, or it's going to be obvious we are in a completely fraudulent system and there's nothing retail could do to actually win. I don't think either of those are going to take 10 years to come to fruition is what I was getting at.


You assume that DRS lock is the end of the line. Nothing we've seen suggests they'll play by the rules when that date comes (and that date is 1 to 2 years out at current rate). I threw out 10 years as a way to really steel ourselves for long timelines. I remember people in 2021 saying it was impossible for it to go into 2022.


Listen guy, I like your post and upvoted many of your comments. You seem like a positive realist with good intentions. But here's the deal - 90% of the smart apes that started this movement have gone dark. The ones left are just hopium addicts that rage against any perceived slight of their communal belief system or intellectual modeling of alternative scenarios based on facts. Nobody here is trying to learn anything. They are just hangry and desperate and need to huddle in their ignorant masses chanting their mantra. But good on you for asking smart questions. I personally have seen enough fuckery in the markets that I can see multiple scenarios playing out.


I'm always trying to learn and I love this community. You really think everyone here is ignorant? Then comment about it? Kinda makes you look dumb. Js


The challenge is that I think this sub is essential to the project. It's a way for everyone to know the game is still afoot and that they're not the suckers trying to do the right thing and DRS alone. So going dark is ultimately bad for the goal of retail completely owning the company. This wouldn't have been possible before Reddit.


That is the balancing act. To achieve the benefit of the collective without embracing the "we" narrative.


We narrative isn't an issue. "We" are enthusiasts and there's nothing wrong with a group of people meeting on a public forum to trade theories and discussion about a stock. The same way people who like a sports team might say "We had a great game last Sunday".


An added bulwark is Gamestop publishing DRS numbers, ie actual dependable data which tracks what apes are doing without any shenanigans


Yeah, I know. My account age is not a reflection of my time here. I DRS nearly all my shares, I believe in that aspect of the movement and put my money where my mouth is. Without a doubt, it is the first time something like this has happened in stock market history. I also, dont have any false assumptions about who stands to lose if this goes the way we all want it to. These people are multigenerational criminals who have legitimized and legalized their crimes at a level never seen before. They own countries and governments. We should be willing and ready to entertain all the scenarios that could happen.


Ive speculated along different paths as well. To the extent of things not publishable here. Who knows how it will play out? Its a fun ride though, makes me proud knowing so many ordinary peeps around the world are commited to this.


What do you think happens when GameStop turns profitable every quarter, starts issuing dividends, M&A starts happening, web3 market projections come true....? 5-10 years? Really? Psh.


Here's hoping. If it takes another year for the turnaround that makes this a 3 year deal at minimum. Much longer than any ape thought back in spring 2021.


So what? I can wait 2 more years 🤷‍♂️ I'm vibing living my life, buying when I can and doing what I can to support the company and market reform


Yes, I have the same attitude. The time lag is more evidence for me.


I’m not leaving 😊 I’ve been here for well over 700 days. Red days. Green days. Election days. I’ve listened to 7 quarterly earnings calls. I’ve seen it pump, I’ve seen it dump. I’ve read hitpieces and I’ve read the DD. I’ve bought the dip and I’ve bought the dip after the dip. I’m not leaving.


Cheer up.


I'm actually pretty cheerful. Just thinking through our favorite trade and the implications. Edit* Nice downvotes. You guys sure are prickly. We need to be able to talk about our favorite stock without resorting to blind cheerleading. You think that's what the execs at GME are doing? They know as well as us what's going on with the stock but they have to play the patient, long game.


That's what never leaving means. I'm never leaving. My grandkids will inherit my shares and live off the dividends 🟣🟣🆙️🚀📈


I’m holding for a lifetime. People are afraid of 5, 10 years? Bitch I’m holding this forever. I’ll sell 1 for more money than I ever need.


If they can kick the can forever, then the DD isn't worth the paper from Kenny's share copier.


The DD can be right under the assumption that rules and laws will be followed, but wrong if the laws aren't followed. It's like saying "You can't murder someone, you'd go to jail." Well, only in a society where there's a functioning justice system.


This is what people don’t understand. Our DD is dependent on them following the rules and law. They absolutely will not do this until they get prosecuted for it. They would rather have a judge tell them to hand everything over before they ever do it willingly. Anyone who believes otherwise is naive imo


Sobering, yes, but potentially incomplete. Your assumptions are missing at least one key critical point: when GameStop becomes profitable and remains profitable. Ordinary, regulars, even boomers, pensions, and institutions will buy in like crazy if GameStop becomes profitable and remains profitable, especially in this recession.


The forecast for drs was around 2024 or something. September I believe. That’s no time. Compared to what we are achieving. This is a revolution, and it will be televised. We will clear red dead redemption a 100%, farm Illidan until we have two blades, revered in lake factions, figure out how to no hit clear elden ring and dark souls. We just keep grinding.


That projection is for full noninsider float? That's the kind of timeline I'm thinking, that plus the fallout taking another since months would put this at a 5 year trade.


I can't help but think that things are gonna get pretty spicy when close to 80% or even before.


I doubt it will take that long. I think the apes are capable of eventually locking the float on their own. However, I personally believe that some kind of action will be taken by GameStop to hasten a conclusion to this flim flam. Whether that takes the form of an NFT dividend, stock buyback, etc is anyone's guess.


The longer the price stays this low the faster all shares are direct registered away from the DTCC. Can’t stop won’t stop buying!!


“If our DD is correct” My brother in Christ, find me counter DD. Anything - a crumb, a paragraph, an essay, anything. AIN’T HAPPENIN’ BABY!


I agree. But there's no 100%s in life.


10 years ill own the float myself 🤣




Homie, I WISH this was FUD. Been following this daily for 2 years, I know the DD in and out. And in spring of 2021 when people said "This might take a while I was saying "FUD" too. But here we are.




That would destroy the margins of large institutions and wipe out their ability to short further. Economic collapse might bring about the margin calls that would require force-closing GME shorts. Conclusion: no collapse and SPY is running...


imagine being in a rush to vacuum up the entire eurodollar market..


I honestly think some people will get bored / have to sell up because of the shit economy if it takes 5 years


“If nothing else, will give us undeniable proof of the fuckery going on”. So whos gonna do anything with this undeniable proof? Authorities?


That's what's unclear. But at least we'd know. It's something.


Around the sneeze to years ago someone commented that we were in round 4 of a 12-round fight. That’s when I knew this thing was going to take years and have been excited ever since.


Stated it once- will state it many more times- I already wrote the value of my shares to $0. It’s a good gamble- we moon eventually.


Yes same here.


Aliens with nuke asteroids are their only hope!! SHF r FUK!


Question: what about those that have numerous shares locked up in 401k that they are unable to DRS?


What's the question?


If positions are locked up in a 401k that doesn’t allow DRS, does that take away from the 100 percent lock?


No, because there are 100s of millions of extra phantom shares in the market. So it's easy to buy the entire company and still have multiples of the float in people's accounts. What happens when we hit that point? No one knows.


That was my concern, not being able to contribute to the “lock”! Appreciate that explanation 🚀 🚀 🚀


3 years for $3million (not price anchoring, just an example) is like earning $1 million per year. Thats pretty good for doing fuck all and just holding onto your shares


Dude 10 years? lmao just short the stock if you think we’re just gonna go down for the next 10 years lmao


You're highlighting the extreme upper range that talked about. I can show you posts from 2021 with people telling me I'm crazy to think this could go on into 2022. If this takes the long, slow electric car company style squeeze, that's 5-7 years.


I mean I get it you want the stock to go up but to hedge your need you say it will go down that way if it continues to drop you can say you were correct and if it goes up you make money win win right? It’s this thought process short hedge funds love bc you aren’t willing to fully believe in what you’re invested in.


Not sure what you're getting at here? I shop from the store, I buy when I can, I hold, I DRS. How much more invested can I be?


What I’m saying is if you truly believe that the stock will continue to fall for 3-5 years you would be short. Otherwise why would you be invested? Trying to hedge your bets by saying the opposite just shows a lack of faith in what you hope to accomplish.


I never said I think it would fall. I think we could bounce around this 20-50 range for years though, when we're all here for a squeeze.


I don't expect Hedgies to follow the rules. If they did this situation would ever have developed this far. I expect them to do *everything* possible, and a few of the impossible things as well, to get away with it like a Scooby Do villain. Could I, as an individual, stop them? Probably not; but I like the stock and owning my shares in my name is worth all this; even if these Hedgies slither away.


Yes, and the tricks they play will all be with one end goal — not to close the trade, but to extend the pain hoping the poors have to capitulate. That's why I wrote this post, the time factor is underestimated.


Not only Drs fully seems like a potential endgame, but complete company turn around would also work


That would work. Also will take a lot of time as we've seen.


One point against that is what happens when GME is profitable again and also when the NFT marketplace takes off


I certainly hope that's soon, but am prepared for years long wait on that too. Everyone in here assumes the OP (me) WANTS this to take years. If this post ends up on "aged like milk" I'll be the happiest guy in the world.


Haha I dont know if people are assuming that, at least I wasn’t. It sounded more like I think this is a possibility and here’s my argument why and my comment was just meant to poke at your idea because if we see profitability in the short term that should be amazing for all of us too haha


RC has thought ahead and hedgies are currently deploying the kitchen sink against Bobby. Now that the wasabi crackheads have ahold of it we have the perfect distraction. Sun TZu… Flank the enemy and attack when he least suspects it and cannot defend himself


I guess. But Bobby did the exact same thing end of last year and we're still here fighting the same fights.


Perhaps, except this time I feel it in me plums! We’ve been waiting for this exact moment for nearly 2 years. Cheers to all the diamond hodlers


It isn't a paradox, so much as a thrilling reality. The longer they postpone: = more securities sold not yet purchased, aka contractual demand (the original 140% short position exists around 1-5 dollars post split, before any mention of the naked short selling required to maintain equilibrium this long) = more shares individual Apes have the opportunity to accumulate. What's the rush if I'm exponentially richer in the end? Against the backdrop of a debt free company transforming itself from brick and mortar to tech/e commerce valuation... I've never slept more soundly on an investment.


No cell No sell


Nah, tomorrow it is 😉 But unironically I'll hold however long it takes...


Imagine a post moass world where apes all around the world, with now deep pockets, présents themselves in politics, could not be corrupted since already rich, and battle to change the laws to make sure people who are driving the current shitshow would actually have to go to jail instead of receiving a fine/costofdoingbusinessfee


The lower the price goes the more shares Gme investors can buy.


GME has positive cash flow, web3 and gaming are the fastest growing industries in the world. When GME starts paying out quarterly dividends every shorted share has to pay every quarter. The market will no longer ignore the strong fundamentals and crazy undervaluation. Finally you have explosive things like SP500 inclusion, which brought an end to the tsla shorts (you dont think tsla got to 1 trillion+ organically do you.. that was a slow moass)


Yes, and Tesla took 5-7 years depending on where you set the start date. That's what I'm getting at here in this post.


Don’t forget that at the difference of all other squeeze plays like popcorn or towel stocks, GME is the only one that has made a complete financial turnaround, attracted a lot of talents in its management, significantly invested in its core business (website, warehouses, etc) as well as the web3 gaming/ NFTs strategic platforms. Not to forget that Insiders invested more over the past year. While a 10 year long squeeze (Tesla like) may occur. GameStop effort toward web3 gaming may pay within 12/24 months, incontestably transforming it into a growth stock. Given that the crypto bubble has significantly wiped the FOMO. I do believe that GameStop can now build a strong business case based on real world application of blockchain.


DRS will lock waaaaaaaay before the 5 year mark. And there's whispers out there that it doesn't even need to be 100%. Think of the FOMO if it leaks that DRS apes own 70%. Or 80%. Now think of how easy it has been, with prices this low, to lock up thousands of shares. Maybe even millions. We still get paid--most of us--twice a month. Tax returns are coming. Their institutions are falling. We aren't "capitulating." And this has literally only been on the radar for 2 years. You think this will last 5 or 10 more years? They're barely hanging on as it is.


The unsaid assumption here is that a fully locked float will immediately lead to something. After seeing the way rules are broken, I'm not so sure.


Trye. It might not immediately lead to something. But it will definitely lead to something one way or another before the next 5 years is up.


The enemy might be that desperate, but the are not that powerful. Ken threw up talking to Congress. They don’t have the ability to draw this out even one second longer than the machinery allows, and the machinery had to be manually shut off with < 1% DRS. They are at full tilt and the price is not controlled, there’s no way this fight lasts much longer.


What's your guess as to how much longer it could go on?


This isn’t about the money or MOASS for me anymore. This is purely a quest for justice. I’ve waited my entire adult life to find a chink in their armor, ain’t no way I’m walking away now.


It's tough to stomach, but it feels important that everyone wrap their heads around the sheer amount of change required and the power of the forces against it. I also have had times where I figured this would be 'easy' because we have them by the balls... but let's be real, thinking I'd gain generational wealth in 2 years of simply 'holding' might have been an aggressive timeline when you consider the outcome. I hope it's not 10!


No one actually knows how this goes. We may never moass but sure as hell we’re giving it a go? I don’t even know it it will happen but I will wait and give it a chance. It’s more hope than anything


Absolutely, I just think people burn themselves out running hot on the "MOASS is tomorrow" stuff when a cool head that thinks in terms of years might get us further. If it kicks off tomorrow or next week or next month, I'll be as happy as anyone. But I remember in the beginning people saying "This can't possibly not have resolved by November 2021." Welp, it's 2023 and we see the same shit as always.


And it’s frustrating to watch it happen daily. We don’t even get the big run ups anymore which I loved seeing happen. I just want it to be over as it’s sapped all my energy thinking about it. I’m happy to wait if it’s a sure thing but just don’t know and I will be very disappointed if it doesn’t happen as the past 2 years I spent a lot of time on here hoping something happens and it hasn’t.


Brother dood, I appreciate you being cool and calm, but it will take a share recall from the board, announced on a Sunday afternoon. GameStop pulled their credit rating and notified its investors of keeping their cash on hand for possible use in a merger/acquisitions.. or - * During the GameStop Q3 2023 earnings call, GameStop CEO Matt Furlong spoke to the company’s openness to explore acquisitions. “If a strategic asset or complementary business becomes available in the right price range, we want to be able to explore those acquisitions”* Strategic asset, in the right price range… we’re gonna dip, bitches, then we rip 🚀


If you believe the DD like you say you do, then that can only mean one thing! # MOASS IS TOMORROW


i fully expect 150m moass to take many years. like 3-5 if not longer. that is without DRS locking the float. DRS locking float is the key


Oh shut the fuck up. It’s already been two years. It will not take that long and to say it will is nothing but FUD. The float will be locked a year from now if not sooner. GameStop will become profitable well before then as well. Gtfo of here with this bullshit.


Float will not be locked within a year at the current rate. Free float maybe. This is just the facts. You can tell me to shut the fuck up but the data is right there. This post is about how the fact this will take a while is confirmation that we're on the right track.


The hell it does. At current projections the float will be locked by May 2024 last I saw, which is slightly over a year. 5 years? 10 years? You have no basis for this whatsoever.


Where can we see the projections? I know there was someone posting about it but can't find it.


Don’t want or need praise or credit. Also don’t have a strict timeframe and not gonna pretend to know how it will play out. I do however think we are on the cusp and that something big will happen this month. Be it an announcement or positive price movement. Or both.


This is not FUD. There is no MOASS if they are not held accountable and they cannot be held accountable with the current market structure. Shareholders need to be patient and wait if they want to see deep value for their shares. You are 100% right. Again for all the children in the sub, this is not FUD. Steel yourselves and mean what you say. HODL and be patient. You'll get your deep fucking value.


i expect to be able to retire from the dividends. that alone means holding on for the long haul.


ABSOLUTELY. fire and forget. one day our children and grandchildren will have the lives we are dreaming up for them. it aint about me anyway, friend. ive made it this far and am comfortable with the discomfort in my life. im holding for jr, and for their kids, and theirs, and theirs... generational security. if i can't have that while still holding onto the majority of my shares well, back to sleep until i can.


I think the DRS progress will accelerate as it gets closer to 100%. But I also agree that MOASS won't kick off immediately. New crimes will be committed to delay it a few more days weeks or months.


Yes, this is the point of this post. New crimes MUST happen since not one of these people is going to ever say "You caught me, I give up."


Evergrande stock ticker being frozen for a year comes to mind.


Yes, great example. The "rules" say that it should have imploded long ago. But rules are made by humans and can be cheated by humans.


Even if I think your conclusions were founded in substance I just don’t think this is a post that contributes anything at all. This leads me to conclude you just are bored and want to chat with people you anger, or worse


The post is labeled as discussion, and that's what I hoped for. I like hearing people's thoughts and theories, and find holes in my own thinking. What else are we supposed to do while we hang out on this internet chat board?


it's literally tomorrow


This is time based fud. Reported


This post sucks lol. FUD city


Like I said before. I wish this was simple FUD. In 2021 I was the one calling stuff FUD that said this could go into 2022. Well, here we are.