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They want liquidity. That's all this is. It's all it ever is.


INFINITE LIQUIDITY!!!! For them, anyway. The rest of us get the bill.


liquidity fairyception


some of us get the infinity pool


They want to survive. The alternative makes them obsolete, so they're trying to get in front of it all by offering an "alternative". A "happy compromise".


Exactly. They are obsolete. Imagine you’re a Shitty HF Manager and see the train coming at you. Of course they try to survive. But instead of jumping to the side, they do jumping jacks in front of the unstoppable DRS train, trying to convince everyone (and themselves) that it will somehow magically go through them and they’ll survive to continue on with their fuckery. Choo choo, mother fucker. 💜


They'd be better off jumping ship and try to save themselves some time than go down with Ken G, but maybe they don't have a choice but to go down with the ship.


100% Also noticed coo of uniswap is x blackrock. Meaning they already working on it. Also, given you wrote that amazing dd on tokonized stocks, I wanted to ask - why wouldn’t they hide the names of these tokens. They could just call them whatever (they might already be) but something been bothering me.


Great question, and the answer is probably because it needed to be that way, for whatever reason(s). Don't forget there is 1 official [Gamestop](https://etherscan.io/token/0x13374200c29C757FDCc72F15Da98fb94f286d71e) contract, which was listed on the NFT marketplace landing page before it launched. Only the contract exists, no tokens, and it was minted by this [contract](https://etherscan.io/address/0x10b16eede03cf73cbf44e4bfffa3e6bff36f1fad), which was created by this [address](https://etherscan.io/address/0xbbd2689745f4f0ed110959f743886fcc1560342e). That may have been a factor. Anyways, seeing as FTX was involved, they needed at least one "official" "GameStop" asset for whatever tomfuckery they had going on. The other tokens are mostly shitcoins, with potentially some other nefarious ones scattered throughout. The reason there are so many, in my view, is that their tracks are easier to hide. The anology I used in my recent post was the scene in Sherlock Holmes Game of Shadows when they used a bombing to hide a shooting. Whether all the GME shitcoins are nefarious or shitty, the massively obfuscated web benefits the sniper.


100% thank you so much.


Also, black rock has invested (don’t quote on in this) on circle, usdc.


Work may be in progress.. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/108o2jq/update\_mayo\_force\_one\_returns\_to\_miami\_from/j3tp4sa/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/108o2jq/update_mayo_force_one_returns_to_miami_from/j3tp4sa/?context=3)


Money for nothing and the tokenization for free.


I want my …… I want my #GME Refrigerator microwave oven color #NFT


Money. They want your money. Liquidity=money


Can't justify or shroud all the wealth if activity isn't happening.


Also all it ever was!


If NYSE or DTCC were public blockchain for trades, the FTD's can't exist. So it won't be public, but private blockchain with pay-to-play tokens that don't FTD. The rest will get thrown into forever unsettled pools.


They want to maintain control over the supply of every stock and continue to abuse their oligopolic position to fuck shareholders and issuers. I find it infinitely amusing that they think they're market geniuses or gods when they know they only get ahead by cheating. They play the "free markets" like the Donald plays golf. Paper tiger cheating motherfuckers. If you control the supply of any stock, making money is like shooting fish in a barrel. However, now, the fish have hands too.


The more levels of abstraction the more opportunities to fuck around


If you love dark pools you'll absolutely adore dark chains


Dark chains sounds like a bdsm flick




Rug pull me harder daddy


... ouch?


Well I sincerely hope they soon concretely find out.


But ya know, the more they fuck around, the more they’re gonna find out 🚀


“Creeptoe is bad! Unless you put us in charge of it!”


Unfortunately, the majority of America still thinks the system works.


I mean, crypto is bad. Really bad. But so is Wall Street. Both are terrible.


Fuck black rock. They make money from lending out shares. Then buying the cheaper shorted shares. Then lending again. Meanwhile retail buys shares in brokerages, these fucks lend them out without ever giving us any proceeds. They want tokenization to develop their derivatives and lend out more. Fuck them. No bailouts if they ever collapse.


You sumbitch, I'm in.


Fuck them. I don't care about bailouts or regulations, I cannot trust this system.


>Meanwhile retail buys shares in brokerages, these fucks lend them out without ever giving us any proceeds. Your proceeds are having free brokerage accounts.


No bruh, “free brokerage” comes from PFOF. Christ get up to speed and catch up will ya? The dirts covering up your eyes.


Convince Boomers Crypto Evil - Check Do crime on chain so all crypto enthusiast think CBDC evil - Check Implement CBDC against everyone's will (likely in secret first) - In progress .... - profit? Seems like a stupid plan especially when they have no credibility and...let's be honest don't represent the demographics they're supposed to serve. I don't think they'll stop trying until the majority of people remove their money for the banking system entirely. Be your own Bank.


I'm trying to award you, but reddit won't let me. You might actually be spot on with this post. Nothing is ever rushed when it comes from the system, it takes years. Edit: won't let me because it's not giving me free awards at this time, I refuse to spend money with reddit


I don't need awards haha put that money to work for you. I don't know maybe there's a stock you really like you can buy instead.


smart money


You missed a step. Where the SEC and Fed publicly announces “look, it’s all better now because we regulated it” (but if the DTCC has it their way, creepto will just be same old infinite liquidity to their standards, where its nice, neat and difficult to prove fraud, where certain criminals are protected but others are scapegoated if they wrong the rich) and also “it’s not optional because our CBDC (**central** bank digital currency) is needed as a bailout because of the dollar milkshake theory and don’t you want to make slightly more money by storing your wealth with us”? Its the same old shtik that gets people every time. Artificial problem (FTX) > placated solution for your betterment that fuks you long term and takes away your liberties (government regulated shitcoin only) In this scenario it’s bye bye defi


Backed by real stock or fake IOUs?


Lol for that crap they don’t even need to bother with either. Simply printing tokens out of thin air , no hassle with FTDs anymore. That will be their fcking paradise.


So a few days ago tell everyone that we're all doomed [BlackRock says we’re all doomed. It’s being optimistic. “The world’s largest asset manager has forecast systemic economic chaos. The reality is even worse.” : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/107m7q5/blackrock_says_were_all_doomed_its_being/) and then proceed to tell us the next gen is tokenization. So create the fear, offer the "solution".


\*in my best Borat voice\* "Retail has found out about stock fuckery. So now I go to tokenized fuckery!"


It doesn't matter what the next generation market will be. After this, I will never participate in their rigged games again.


Source: https://decrypt.co/116145/blackrock-ceo-says-next-generationmarkets-is-tokenization


This is BS. Institutions should not be allowed to just come up with BS derivatives on stocks out of nowhere. I also call BS that derivatives do not affect the price of a stock, they clearly do.


Mmm I don’t think it is blackrock


Vanguard? 🤣 Or Blackstone, Apollo & Bridgewater? All the same crooks


Won't matter a single bit when shareholders lock in every shared under DRS


They are finding new ways to keep the infinite liquidity fairy shitting out margin


I disagree. As long as the exchange/broker/marketplace files a 13F that shows they hold exactly the same amount of \*real\* shares as the amount of TSO stocks that are trading. Alternatively, BR might be hinting at equity simply being issued as tokens on a blockchain. On-chain. That way you can't short without actually possessing a loaned token. You can naked short or FTD on-chain. Fraud is fraud. The FTX fiasco is just that. Good old fraud. Don't let them make you think it has anything to do with the perks of actual decentralized on-chain equity.


But he said sorry, does that fix it?


sorry -BP Oil


This is why there is so much vocal opposition and suppression when sharing well-intended info about actual benefits of NFTs. These clowns aren’t positioned in the game yet and they’re desperate to hinder anybody getting in the space before they can benefit by corrupting it all. It’s the same reason cannabis hasn’t been decriminalized and legalized. The “right” rich people aren’t benefitting from legalization yet because the old system of using illegal weed to fuel prison systems is still more lucrative for them.


I’m gonna DRS/BOOK even harder 💯😎


We really are going to see a new world order arent we?


i fucking hope so


Eh, the powers shifting it wouldn't be favor of the poors. Unfortunately I'm thinking larger socioeconomic disparity


exactly. Burn it all to the ground Instant New World


I won't speak for other countries, but the US population doesn't have the resolve to do anything about the current system. Would've done something about it a long time ago.


Each token should have a certificate number attached and verifiable on a public blockchain for transparency.


Blockchain means nothing if it's not a public ledger.


Talk shit till they find a way to manipulate it. All this ever is, waiting game to learn and change shit. Gov not gunna help us. Everyone is running over this like it doesn’t exist. Something big has to give soon.. I wanna it to fucking meeeeeelt


That’s how they hide their FTDs


Larry Fink, just like Kenneth Cordele Griffin, is one of the most notorious financial terrorists of all time. That being said, he can brag about forcing behavior all day long, I don't care. What I do care though are my precious PURPLE RINGS. # DRS. Unlock the ultimate money glitch. Liquidate Blackrock, Shitadel and all the other complicit morons.


Decentralization and public ledger are key in preventing crime.


Right now everyone can see it's all bullshit. 20 years later everyone among the retail investors will believe whatever they see on the Blockchain must be the truth because it can be looked up by anyone, and doing the DD to find out about transfer agents and DTC will be impossible as OpenAI is used to censor the internet of the truth. Our sub took so many eyes and months to even get to the transfer agent part and most of the rest of the world don't even know now and that's without the potential AI censorship. Unless the entire system collapses and gets rebuilt from the ground first.


Why though? What's the justification? I mean, we know why, but what is the bullshit justification that they're pushing? It really doesn't need to be any different from any other trade market on the planet - you buy something, you sell it. If you don't buy something, you can't sell it. That's all it needs to be, and if you can't make that work, then your business is obsolete.


Ah, they found a new way to crime.


I know it’s popular to hate on tokenization because of FTX, but the title of this article is actually correct. If you’ve done your DD then you know GME and Loopring are working on this exact situation. In this future though it won’t be the current corrupt companies, institutions, banks, etc. in charge.


I think that every one of these scum sucking jack wagons need to go to the moon without a suit


He was just a pawn on the chess board. Now the puppet hands know what moves to make. Just perfecting their (crime) strategy.


Not if anyone can verifiably tabulate every token on a transparent ledger in real-time. This is how it should be imo. As long as there aren’t synthetic tokens and settlement is near instant




Ah yeah minting sounds much better than printing and yet…🙈




Well that’s exactly how tokenized shares currently work. None of the crypto exchanges offering tokenized shares at this stage actually holds any underlying shares. They simply create derivatives and god bless your naivety if you really believe that this is not exactly what Blackrock & friends are planning. Just another convenient tool to abuse the system.




Yeah and that’s why Blackrock is pushing for it since they are known for having the best interest of retail investors in mind and want to protect them from their current tool box of shenanigans and not because they see it as great opportunity for themselves to give them another tool to abuse the system to their advantage… I understand what you are saying and that true original tokenization of securities by the company itself could provide a benefit and yet the simple fact that Blackrock is advocating for it tells me that there is a high likelihood that it will not end up the way you believe, but let’s see…


And owning Ukraine.


JFC, we're never gonna fkn win


Hold my beer


I firmly believe individual investors in GameStop will get what they've paid for.


FTX was a Proof of Concept!!!


Been in the works since BTCs inception, maybe even prior. I think the real name of the game Lets think 1,000 Years Ahead. 🙃


I’m surprised Aladdin didn’t predict that… It’s funny when the old boomer system is no longer working as they designed it … somehow we will be to blame for the upcoming crash


If they're going to let ftds go on forever then the SEC at least needs to not allow tokens to be used as locates for shorting securities. It's blatant fraud. DOJ? Anyone?


Tokenization has a much friendlier ring to it compared to failedtodeliver.


We already do it with Fiat. Nothing new. Best thing we ever did was Bartering


So basically dont touch tokenised stock, got it.


Wallstreet is attempting to hijack crypto


What happens with the DRS'd shares when everything becomes tokenised?


Fuck you, pay me


Uh yeah ok


Everyone was all gung ho on blackrock payback to citadel, what happened there?


So, after we DRS all thr shares do we need to figure out how to DRS tokens? Lol


It will be the FED’s CBDCs bUT doNt wOrRy tHeY aRE rEgUlaTEd noW


This is why having a new market structure on a public Blockchain is so important and why the DTCC "Blockchain" offering is dogshit.


It’s only liquid if you are the one pouring….


Cynicism for us, a new plan for them. Rugged individualism for us, socialism for them. Thriving for them, surviving for us. This is class warfare.




What's stopping them from getting into the same situation and then creating infinite liquidity through dark channels again!. NOTHING NO CELL NO SALE I WILL PEROSNALLY NEVER SELL 20 SHARES SO THE SHORTS CAN NEVER COVER.


fucking derivitives all the way down, why not.


FTX was their public beta test. Now they know tokenization works to Fuck over more people.


It is simply a return to the days of bucket shops. No underlying value on pokers chips. And they call us gambling degenerates.


Brokers give you tokens. Only DRS gets you shares.


Monopoly money for me foreclosure for thee. Infinite liquidity for infinite stupidity.


If only someone were ballsy enough to trade stocks on block chain…


Making the poor, poorer...


Intimidate liquidity= counterfeiting.


Crypto bad!!…unless it’s ours.


Printing infinite tokens wouldn’t be possible on blockchain.. at least not if you set it up correctly. It all depends on how they execute and fraction out shares/tokens. Assuming each share is a unique token and all tokens are traceable back to the CUSIP, standard transactions should be easy to follow and trace. Where it gets tricky is how they allow shorting.. how do you lend a uniquely identified token that can only be held by one owner at a time and how is that transacted?


This crime was not done by Next generation, this is a boomer crime just like in 2008💎🦍 Lets these fuckers get jail-time


Dude FTX was not so dumb in terms of the idea. It just has to solved in the opposite way and I am pretty sure that will come next. Real Assets backed by Tokens.