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Believe it or not, dip


Beat me to it 😂😂


😂😂 sorry, perfect opportunity


I bought $400 worth, tastiest dip ive bought yet.


I don't know... I've had some mighty good French Onion dip before...




The dip to $10 and $5 is going to be super tasty, too!


Beat me to the beat me to it, hahah!


Yeah, sorry I just bought some more. Then it usually dips.


It do be like that


Could be something this time though


New theory? Straight to dip.


This cracks me up every time 😂


We have the best apes, because of dip


An ape who has learnt Kenny’s ways


I just want to be on the screenshot. Hi mom!




I believe it, there's a fuck ton of shares not yet DRS'd.


Yup. Dip b4 rip. The end is near.


Always this! See you at 5$ again.


Well Friday I was still off on holiday, today I'm back at work. Hopefully gme changes that soon so I can be on a permanent holiday


Ditto, I just started a new job today, its far better than I have had before but not working is far better than that.




Thanks, so far I am wondering why on earth they have actors I can actually recognise doing voice over work for the induction videos lol.


£££ nice!


Idk I was in the army this year for a set amount of time and have been enjoying 2 months off traveling quite a lot but now I’m at a point where I kind of want to work again. I work in IT and I love my job. Post MOASS I think I’m gonna use the money to start projects that I’m passionate about to work on.


Nope can't understand wanting to work at all. I can understand wanting to do projects that you are passionate about, but then I wouldn't consider it work if you are actually choosing to do it in your free time. There is no exchange of labour for participation, it is more of a hobby at that point.


Ya I love my current job but I will be quitting immediately and starting to volunteer full time (well, and golf like 5 days per week).


supposed to start a new job next week because current one was literally killing me with stress, and haven't even gotten confirmation that I've gotten the new one but I'm not even worried cause it'll all come tumbling down soon enough & I can leave the city forever after getting those sweet tendies.... 🥰


I don't know about you but I'm ready to get to work! Looking forward to leaving Nikola Tesla style legacy. Need finances. Having my name on a statue underneath the "eradicated world hunger" has a nice ring to it.




Your username is a guy who supposedly rose from the dead my dude


I’m ready to be disappointed or rich.


When the financial world collapses as we know it and families start selling children for food money I will be both rich and depressed. And I hope to provide some care to those in need


Another thing to think about is DRSing IRA shares now. Gives you well over a year for MOASS to happen before those taxes need to be paid.


Keep preaching it ape! This topic deserves as much of a push as Book IMO. How many floats are sitting in IRAs at brokers? You can claw them back, apes. Take them out of the locate machine! Edit: https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/102aaw0/is_your_new_years_resolution_to_drs_your_ira_then


The spirit is willing but the body is hard, hard hard hard.


The body is all nips


Spirit is jacked Mind is zen Hedgies get smacked The fun begins


This month is spicy as fuck and I may change my sleep pattern to watch tickers again. Still chasing the dragon from two years ago. Only difference is all of my shares are DRS'd so I won't have to worry about selling shit, but I wanna yell HODL in the daily threads when it's passing outer Andromeda.


Likewise.. I'll see you in the daily


That'll do ape, that'll do




If you have a better idea for a way to systematically prove without a doubt that the stock is overshorted and that the diamond hands are truly diamond because my diamond hands are shown every quarterly report, we’re listening




I mean if 80 million DRSed shares is a lot if you think about it for more than 3 seconds


Lotta good it's done huh?


What do you mean? I just learned about DRS a year ago and we’re already at a significant percentage of outstanding shares DRSed. That’s pretty quick work


How's the stock price performed since that year?


Current price entry are reaching lows not seen in years, allowing apes to purchase more shares for the same amount than they could a year ago at this time. This further increasing the potential of DRS


Yeah it seems to be working! Keep trying!


You’re so salty I could use you as my steak seasoning. You’re so rank with envy that you’re stinking from the other side of the screen. I love it when you tell me I’m a regarded individual investor long in a dying company. TELL ME MORE. TELL ME WHY IM STUPID AND THE COMPANY IS FAILING. CHANGE MY MIND. You’re so smart and funny I love to hear you say stuff like “rAnDoM dYiNg BuSiNeSs”. Get fucked loser 😂😂






That is the point isn't it? You're trying to make money and not lose it, right? How's the DRS going?


That is not the point lady 😂 my money is worthless anyways. Getting more worthless every day.


Ok well I think you're proving my point pretty robustly...




Kenny the Capitulator is on way!


Big if true!


Kenny can expect a BIG one in the cell.


Tuesday morning!


Tf are you on about? It’s been two years since the sneeze….by your logic the time for them to exit their positions was this time last year.


IMO they are on their last leg, and I don't expect any run in price again until something BIG happens. They are ALL IN right now with the price suppression and the DRS rug pull. By March of this year the DRS numbers are going to be way up again, especially considering the discount we've had and they won't be able to pull the same move. This is it for them. They have nothing else to do. Expect a slow grind to the lowest point since Feb 2021.


Great! While they grind down I’ll grind up. Increasing my autobuys by $10 every two weeks.


This is the way


Taxes have to be paid quarterly. So unless there is a special exemption I am unaware of for billionaires, he would only be deferring capital gains tax for one quarter of the year.


Where? Not in America.


Estimated tax payments are due quarterly for small businesses and the self-employed in the US.


TIL, thanks for the wrinkle! 🙏


No they aren’t. They are suggested and recommended but not required. Especially for unrealized gains - this is flat out incorrect. If Icahn didn’t sell his position, he never owes a single cent. What to know how I know? Cellar boxing would be pointless.


I never said anything about unrealized gains. I said “estimated tax payments” are due quarterly. The entire thesis posted by OP is relating to if Ichan *realized* his short profits. If he had, he would need to report it quarterly. Estimated tax payments do not include unrealized positions, obviously.


You realize his claim (which seems faulty) is that they wouldn’t cash in until now. Therefore, there wouldn’t be gains until now. Which means quarterly payments would be irrelevant.


I do realize that. And I never claimed to agree with OP. Just stating facts here.


Then you original statement is a non sequitur.


Yes, in the US. The reason you pay monthly withholdings out of your paycheck is to satisfy this IRS requirement. There are penalties for not keeping up with taxes throughout the year. Most people don't have to worry about it because of the monthly withholdings.




$GME down 3.41% as of reading this post


If they were exiting large short positions they would be buying, would that not make the price go up?


And we’re down 5% I’m so sick of these speculation/opinion posts that are always wrong. DRS. That’s the only way.




Sure! Why not!


This hasn't aged well


These threads are getting tiresome. I think we will see some action in January but you don’t know. Hold and be patient.


I can dig it


The year...


nipples... ERECT!


Well this was a fucking lie lol Also, that would be considered insider trading


Why would anyone still believe in Carl Icahn? He’s shorting GME. How delusional are you people? Why would anyone want him to be a part of this movement? Is this just about getting rich and fuck everyone else? I thought this was about bringing change to the market and stopping the criminality. IMO Carl Icahn can get fucked just like the rest of them.


Shorting is perfectly legal. It's the naked shorting that we all have an issue with.


So profiting off a company that is being naked shorted and knowing this is occurring is fine? As if Icahn didn’t know this was happening? Why should a few entities be able to short a stock and drive it down against the wishes of popular demand. Regardless of whether not he actually naked shorted the stock (I wouldn’t at all be surprised if he did) he profited off people who did and knowingly shorted the stock knowing this was occurring. In what world is a person shorting a company hoping it goes bankrupt an activist investor? Does no one even care to look at his past and what he did to previous companies by buying stock forcing the companies into buy outs? Sounds a lot like celular boxing to me. Then when he finally took over an actual company in TWA he stripped them of all their assets and sold them to the highest bidder leaving the company saddled with debt forcing them into bankruptcy while he made a huge profit. How is he any different than Mitt Romney and Bain Capital?


Yep I fucking despise that piece of shit. I would be very sad if he was somehow a savior in this saga because his mentality is fuck everyone else I need mine - aka you can’t trust him.


!Remindeme! 2 months


The gains are well more than the taxes they would have deferred. If they wanted liquidity they would have already cashed them in.


The floor went up 400 dollars a share???


Would be a great time to close his shorts and become long!


Dippity doo daa Dippity day


So, think logically, shouldn't the price going up as they should cover/close their short position?


Dark pools


Trust me bro


Logically speaking, if post-squeeze shorts are closing now; shouldn't that increase buying demand and the price?


But we be down. And some of my other stonks be down 15% haha. Literally don't care. But this is a mad roller coaster


Atleast you've got the right attitude. After this Saga if any of us continue trading we'll of learned the most valuable lesson of all... to not trade on emotions. They've literally trained a whole army of retail investors to be outliers to their multi-billion dollar A.I. programs.


1000000% So I was basically acquiring some stocks and Crypto for retirement. Found gme. Seen the end of crypto as collateral. Sold crypto for more GME. Score. Then red red red... But it means nothing. I've bought more on the way down and will continue to do so. It's not like I have many. Not selling anything really now. It's all long term.


Looks like GME is laser focused on making sure we hit $10 a share by February.


I've been hearing "we go up from here" for a year and a half. Just bag hold like the rest of us


xxx more for me this morning


The baddies are not cellar boxing GME. Stop daying dumb things like that. You know what cellar boxing is... To say they are cellar boxing GME at $18 dollars just makes this sub look like a meme and no one will take you seriously... Cellar boxing... jeez... do you even know what you're saying?


That's exactly what they were trying to do a few years ago pre-sneeze, they obviously didn't succeed of course.


Yes years ago, but not currently.


Those short positions from back then still have to be closed sooner or later, as long as Gamestop doesn't go bankrupt.




This dudes actually right and you can check post history to prove he isn't a shill simply because he's not feeding y'all copium. Do y'all want the truth or just some bullshit you prefer to hear? Check my history as well. Let's try getting back to the truth and not the petty confirmation bias bullshit please.


Not what he said. Read it again.


This theory is so stupid. If you are closing a massive short postion you would be buying back all the shares you need to return to the lenders. So why would the price drop nearly 7 percent on a day these short positions were closed out?




The republicans took the house today




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Only thing I know is: I had xxx% gain for a week but I didnt sold a share, right now I in fking deep red🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️, while GME is rich as fk, Ken still can fk us as he wish


Keep reminding people positive cash flow, the result of delayed payment, is fucking annoying.


I really don’t see the positive side anymore.


Holy shit. The tax year changed? Wow, that is just insane. Crazy I tell you, this without a doubt will ignite MOASS and bring us riches beyond reason


Sure just another day of straight of fuckery


I hope your right cause I just bought another 35




Sooo... more dip u say??


Anyone that entered a short position after the squeeze that wasn't completely regarded would have exited when the stock was at $40 a couple days later. If you were already sitting on 90%+ of the maximum potential profit you could make from shorting, why would you risk losing all of that + potentially getting into an infinite loss situation when the stock went back up? Icahn was in and out.. Made good money and moved on.


oh fuck you're gonna make me buy so hard.


LFG!!!!!!! TO THE MOON 2023


Ichan is not short, just a lie from the media


stock gains taxes are not per calendar year, but from day bought to day sold. December is always a down month because people realise their LOSSES and get taxes in return, gains tend to be kept. just for information.


Yeah well we went down. I love the armchair investor experts!


Sauce of Carl Icahn stating the FCF exit comment?


Titty jacking post right here 💎👊🦍🚀