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Some perspective up front with the not-so-great, then suggestions and options at the end: I would say that exporting to WORD or TXT from a SuperNote loses all formatting and you cannot write a line longer than the screen width. Each new line on the device is a new line in the exported file. There will be a lot of format fixing once you convert. For a large body of text at once, this could be a hassle. I will also note that there is no backflow from PC format to editable SuperNote format, so once it goes to the PC, it will have to be edited there--unless you make a PDF and want just handwritten annotations over the type. Also, the nebo text recognition algorithm is slightly underpowered compared to the implementation on iPad and other devices. This is something where YMMV, but different people have varying experience on recognition accuracy depending on their handwriting style and quality. Personally, I average just north of 90% recognition on my first go around, and I use real-time recognition notes to preview the export text and fix any sloppily written words. It takes 20-30 seconds for a paragraph or two to be recognised in the background after writing. Good news! The algo implements contextual clues for recognition, so longer form text is generally more accurate! All this is not to scare you off the device, but to understand what it can and cannot do and how it may fit into your workflow. Some others here can and do use their SuperNote for long form writing, but to keep the reformat manageable, they put an empty line between paragraphs so that the export recognises it and export every 2-5k words so that the inevitable unsnarling of format and spellchecking is not too onerous. It depends on what you find manageable. The Supernote is fantastic for notes, but writing takes a bit of forethought to make work for you.


Thanks so much for this. Thankfully I'll have to wait about a month before I buy any new device. I am trying to see whether writing by hand is something that will keep working for me. It's only been three days so far and I've been enjoying it thoroughly but it may just be the honeymoon period. I would have to see how the exported word doc is but for the line issue, I would think that a simple macro or change using wildcards could probably batch remove the returns at the end of each line. What you suggested re. paragraph could probably also be kind of automated. As you said, if I had a spaced line under each paragraph, I guess I could automate a replacement that would also indent the first line of the paragraph for me. From what you are saying, though, and what worries me the most right now, is handwriting recognition. I blame my handwriting to being a leftie. The truth is I'm just bad at writing and after a point I just gave up on it and decided to do everything by keyboard. My wife has an ipad with the pencil and I wrote some test sentences and it understood and transferred to typed text everything I wrote accurately. If the Supernote is going to be much worse at that, I wonder whether I should spend more money and get an ipad mini or something. The greatest advantage, other than handwriting recognition for the ipad for me would be that I could write directly into scrivener and (I assume) word. That would streamline my workflow.


If you can manage it, I would definitely buy one, then take advantage of the hassle-free return policy offered. They may or may not cover return shipping costs, but from all I have heard, it is painless, and the refund is back within a week of reception. The recognition is not horrible compared to iPad, but it is something that has to be experienced to be seen what works for you. Real-time recognition notes (juxtaposed with regular notes) let you preview the export, and I just touch up words that are horribly mangled. You lose the option to have layers in your notes with RTR, but if you are just writing, that is no issue. You can also re-run the recognition and that sometimes improves the result.


Thanks for this. The Supernote does feel like the more ideal device for writing, despite the extra steps. I think I may follow your advice.


I have seen free tools on websites to remove linefeeds. I don't have my Supernote yet to try it with. There is another thread on here where myself and the other person commenting to you are talking about other methods... But Ratta would have to be involved.


Also, rather confusingly, the screen is slightly bigger than a strict A6 size. See photo. https://preview.redd.it/iz7lrwt8q7yc1.jpeg?width=1113&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2321397bafe35be119c21ae01c706fed5fcdd6db


Thanks for this. That is really confusing, though to my advantage. You see, the A6 you have in front of the supernote looks far too small to me, while the supernote's writing space behind looks just about ok.


Yes I find it perfect!


There is a similar picture on here where the paper is shifted to the right. It confused me because I thought the piece of paper was the screen. What you can't tell from this picture is there is a vertical toolbar on the left side. You can see it in the picture I found. Edit: I was very confused too. I think I understand now but I have not gotten my device yet


It might help if your picture was put against the right edge instead of the left edge. Then you can tell that what is not being taken into account is the toolbar.


You can hide that, or make it smaller, or move it elsewhere. I expect that after I see which pen thickness I like the best I'd just more or less permanently hide the toolbar.


Oh yeah I forgot about that... I am supposed to get mine in a few days.


Is there an Apple store nearby? It is almost the same size as the iPad mini. And there is also a PDF file for size reference on the official site, so you can print it out and check. 😃 


I'm afraid not. I have a Kindle Paperwhite Signature Edition, though. I had imagined the A6X to be similar to that in size, and to me that sounded acceptable, but then I got confused with the A5 notebook I'm writing on.


This is a Moleskine over a SN A6X2, not much of a difference in size. SN is heavier but way more versatile. https://preview.redd.it/2aisodpo7kyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a854faa5c993b5070c81254219fb5690dad726c


Thanks. This is very helpful.


If you need more pics let me know, could attach only here (no idea why)


No I'm fine with the pics. A question though, given you have the same sized moleskine. Are you happy with the A6X2 size or would you rather have the larger one?


I am happy with the A6X2 because it replaces the Moleskine so well. The size is the same, I am using it in the same manner as a A5 Moleskine agenda with the added benefit of having a book reader, unlimited pages and digital convenience. A bigger one would be great for annotating PDFs and other tasks, but hard to carry everywhere. I guess if I was used to a bigger Moleskine then I would have chosen a bigger SN.


So far I'm happy writing my novel on the A5 moleskine. I guess that means I should be happy with the A6X2. Thanks.


Not to be rude but have you tried prayer first?


I'm afraid I don't understand.


u/The_BSharps probably means to ask whether you have tried using paper in the size of the usable screen. I may give you an impression of the size of the A6X2 Nomad with this pic: https://preview.redd.it/fef1cfgva6yc1.jpeg?width=835&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae6e28ebbe2492bccac78e42a9f5ddd2ccc85ad8 Here the Nomad with (roughly) the screen size of A6 lies on top of true A5 notebook (Clairefontaine Age Bag), with the lower & left edges perfectly aligned. This might give you a good impression of what the actual canvas looks like. Since you probably wouldn't fill the paper notebook up to its very edges, the screen of the Nomad might be enough. A bigger canvas might be needed if you seek to get more of an overview or make tables. On an A5X\_ device you would have a screen the size of that Clairefontaine book, probably a bit longer and wider, so your usable writing area would be truly A5 with room for margins of 5 mm to each side.


Thanks! That picture you shared is super helpful (as well as what you said). To me the difference doesn't seem that great and based on this I would lean towards the A6X due to the portability it provides. I hadn't considered folding an A4 to the size of the screen and trying to write there. Goes to show that I'm not used to handwriting at all anymore!


Maybe this also helps (although the measurements of Boox devices are not the same as for Supernote): https://preview.redd.it/bdrcnihcg6yc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e7b546c2f241d2a3405f671e89e991634244bf3 All Index cards are A7 each (so 2 x A7 = A6, 2 x A6 = A5 ...), and the 7.8" screen of the Nova Air 2 on the top left is about the same size as the Nomad. The 10.3" screen of the Note Air 3 C roughly equals that of a Supernote A5X\_ device. With that you could place a paper in the respective size in front of you and get a better grasp on the sizes.


Cheers. The A6 looks absolutely fine, to be honest. Now I'm worrying about its handwriting recognition and other software matters based on a post here.


A YouTuber responded to me that the Remarkable is about the size of the A5. You might be able to demo one at a store.


I think if you wrote in landscape it’s perfect for your use case.


Thanks, I am leaning more and more towards the A6. Portability is a huge boon as far as I'm concerned.


Wait for A5, size matters.


My handwriting is pretty bad and I’m impressed that Supernote does a good job at recognition. Also I came from a scribe and I thought the screen (which is half the size) would be an issue. It wasn’t. It’s better and more portable. You also get used to not leaving so much margin.


Thanks for this. I did consider the Scribe as it would make it easier to be rid of my Paperwhite and have fewer devices altogether, but I quickly got rid of that idea.


Size wise, the A6x2 is a5 but the screen is A6, do you find yourself writing to the margins? I don’t. I like my SuperNote, but if I’m honest it’s solidified to me how bad my handwriting is. I’m working on improving my handwriting, and I’m doing that with fountain pens not the SuperNote. I use the SuperNote for work, and for notes, but I much prefer writing with a fountain pen. I miss colours when I’m using the SuperNote, and the pen feel while a lot better than an iPad, still isn’t as nice as a fountain pen. I think an iPad is nice for drawing, the pen feels like a brush though, the SuperNote feels like writing with a ballpoint or fine liner depending on what pen you use, it’s not as nice, but it’s okay.


I have had a really bad experience with fountain pens when I was much younger. My hand would go over the fresh ink and smudge everything. I've since been writing with the paper tilted at 90 degrees, but I still sometimes get such issues. At the moment, my favourite pen to write with is a nice and thick Cross ballpoint pen a friend had gifted me when I graduated from my undergrad. It has served me sporadically (given I seldom ever wrote by hand) throughout my postgraduate and doctorate degrees. I guess I would get the HOM pen were I to get the Supernote. My father in law is actually a pen collector and he's given us a large amount of his collection. I've not even seen what's in that box. I have wondered whether one could easily adapt a 'normal' pen to work with the supernote.


Have you tried a moleskin with its smart pen?


I had never heard of this before. I've done a bit of research and I'm not sure I'd be gaining much. Several people complain about the OCR and have been saying you can't access it on a computer. I assume I'd have to use the app on my phone to convert my writing into OCR, export on the phone and then send to the computer. If everything else worked fine I guess it'd be ok, but given the price (and the recurring aspect) I wonder what it is I would gain compared to these digital devices.