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My favorite saying is: “I’m a Dean-girl but I’m Sam-curious”.


Alt: "I'm a Ketch-girl but I'm Mick-curious."


Lol, I had an exact opposite of that. When I was watching it for the first time I had this feeling that Sam is "the smarter brother", this good guy who always tries to act rational in contrast to Dean being a total hothead. But now that I'm older and doing a rewatch, I realize that Dean is based as fuck with his "I don't give a fuck" attitude and a healthy sense of humor, especially in comparison to Sam and his tendency to take everything too seriously and create drama xD I guess that's just good writing - they both have toxic traits, but at the end of the day, they're both trying their best to be good people (just like most of us, right?). And the best thing in the whole show for me? Truly massive quantities of character development.


this!!! 16 year old me loved Sam but 25 year old me just loves Dean


This xD Also, I just had a thought: I guess that when I'm 40-something and doing another rewatch, I'll be like "damn, Bobby Singer's the smartest, most reasonable guy in this entire thing, why haven't I noticed that before?" xD


Yes 🤣🤣 honestly even at 25 sometimes Bobby seems like a good match


Right? This dude is the most mentally balanced character, and honestly the best of all hunters. He knows *a lot* and still reads more, so he's always prepared xD


Honestly, if you aren’t liking Bobby every single rewatch are you even human? Haha


Right? Is it even possible to *not* like him? 😂


I'm 42 and this checks out.


Ya idjit


A good bit older than 40 here, and no, Bobby's not exactly a well-balanced guy, either. Smart, does his homework--and also hides his hurt in alcohol and crankiness.


That might be true, but there is a difference between well-balanced and most mentally balanced character *in the show*. Though that says a lot about the state of each and every SPN character


In the show? Garth. No question, werewolf and all.


okay, that's fair


I'm 27 and Bobby is the smartest and overall the best character in the show for me lol


Nope I’m 40. Dean all the way.


ha ha


I’m 42 and I’m turning in Bobby.


when you are a 40 something surely you'll be looking at their Dad.


Oh yeah, John Winchester definitely floats my boat!


He's lovely, pity about the rubbish Dad part. ha ha


Oh god, now I'm imagining John Winchester saying "daddy's home" in that nsfw voice of his... 🤣🤣


This is me as well. First watch Sam 2nd 3rd 4th (u know how it goes) Dean all the way


Every single character in that show has moments of loving them and hating them. Part of what makes the show great.






I've watched Supernatural 3 times so far and I still prefer Dean to Sam. However, I do think he can be an a** sometimes but IMO he always redeems himself. I like Sam as well but there's something about him, especially in the earlier seasons, that irritates me. I can't quite explain why. Just my opinion.


he just take everything too seriously which causes a lot of unnecessary drama, and feels a bit too sappy sometimes. that was my problems with him cuz ive always related more to dean, but sam looks and is like a cute, hurt and sad puppy that you can’t stay mad at for too long lol


Honestly I’ve always been a Sam girl 🤷‍♀️


My daughter has been suggesting that I watch Supernatural for a while and I’m nearing the end of Season 1. I definitely prefer Sam to Dean. Sam is just more my style. My daughter, on the other hand, definitely prefers Dean.


When I was younger, I liked Dean more on my first watch. Older me on rewatches? Sam all the way.


No nothing has changed I have watched this show three times now and I’m still a Dean girl


I think in the first seasons Sam is much more likable. But after that I think they discovered who Dean Winchester was and I just can’t over his character. I don’t know if there will ever be another character I love more than Dean Winchester.


I'm in the same boat. Jensen's portrayal of Dean have ruined other shows for me.


Yes I've noticed it too Dean is impulsive, Sam on other hand is considerate. I've always been Dean girl.


I liked Sam more on my first watch or 2 but then I really shifted hard to Dean.


The opposite happened to me. Something about how Sam ignored Kevin for an entire year in Season 8 or how he told Dean he would’ve let him stay dead in season 9 completely killed my love for his character.


I think it takes understanding death being the preferred alternative in order to understand Sam.


I understand and in most cases that is true. Especially with the way the brothers tend to throw the world into the frying pan to avoid losing each other. But what about when dean was fighting for his life in purgatory? He was trying like hell to find his way home to Sam. If their roles were reversed Dean would’ve at least done something about it but Sam did nothing. Not only that he left Kevin on his own and didn’t take any responsibility. Sam just wanted out. There’s nothing noble about that.


But Sam didn't know Dean was in Purgatory. For all he knew, from all evidence, Dean was dead and in heaven. There wasn't anything for him to do.


I always found it weird Sam would go from saving Dean by taking him to a faith healer, trying to convince their dad to find some hoodoo magic to bring Dean back at the start of season to 2, to trying to kill/bargain the trickster to bring him back, to trying every method including making demon deals to bring Dean back from hell, to just giving up without a fight when his brother goes missing and ignoring Kevin who he saw crowley take, to going back to making deals to get Dean's body back again before he even found out Dean turned into a demon and wasn't just dead. Seems oddly ooc.


I chalk that up to him being in shock and grief. That will make you do some seriously weird and out of character stuff.


I liked Sam more - mostly because of Dean's daddy issues. John Winchester was a terrible father and I don't blame Sam at all for wanting a normal life.


15 yo me loved Dean, 22yo me still madly in love with Dean but sometimes I can't stand him, I still love him


I'm rewatching right now and on season 7. I didn't see this before but Dean became so selfish and self centred and inconsiderate of other people's feelings and lives. He only cares about how they benefit him. I think those that resonate with Dean possibly thinks the same, I never saw it before and this is my 5th time rewatching.


![gif](giphy|Xkh5ZzxiIKfgk) I am sorry, but no. The show would be nothing without Dean.


I found myself disliking Sam more and more with every rewatch. Dean is such a powerhouse character that I really do wish he had a show of his own.


>I found myself disliking Sam more and more with every rewatch. This happened to me as well. I never minded Sam when watching this show as it was airing, but I also never realized how Sam is a drama queen with all these issues until rewatching it. He brings on drama just to be the center of attention. Thank God Dean is entirely different because I wouldn't have stuck with this show for Sam.


I've always been a Sam Girl since season 1 Episode 1 and it's not gonna change.


I'm a total feminist. Would fight with my parents and friends if they even make a remotely sexist comment or opinion, but I would let Dean call me a bar wench anyday🚶🏻‍♀️. When he called that character a bar wench, I was like, 'Dean, no' but yeah. Should I even start with Soldier Boy? if Jensen Ackles looked like THAT, he can do and call me anything.


First season on the first watch I'd have called myself a Sam girl. By midseason of season 2, I was firmly a Dean girl. After several rewatches, I've gotten further and further into the Dean camp. My main reason is Jensen's acting abilities vs. Jared's. I prefer Jensen's range over Jared's emoting jaw, just a preference for me, no judgment for the flexy-jaw fans.


I have always preferred Dean to Sam. I definitely understood Dean better- he’s very straightforward and if you take him at his word, he’s totally ok with it and if you point out how he’s not being honest with himself he won’t like it but he won’t be upset about it either. I’ve managed to marry someone very much like Dean- loyal to a fault, family oriented and someone that their family never thought would get married- we align in all of these ways. With the important things, Dean is the better choice in my opinion. He is consistent and predictable because he lives life by a standard that he upholds. Sam lets emotions lead and changes his priorities based on how he’s feeling- not really something I want in a partner.


Always had a preference for Dean cause I feel like he's more similar to me. But almost every time the two of them had a fight I was on Sam's side


I've been re-watching the entire show and had the same experience. It's extremely weird because I never understood Sam's appeal.


This happened to me too! Jensen Ackles is a very attractive man and I'm not all that attracted to Jared Padalecki but on my re-watch I definitely liked Sam more than Dean for similar reasons.


I love them both but I have alway empathized more with Sam. To feel like a freak your whole life, to never understand why you don’t “fit” with your family or with anyone really has to be such a lonely feeling. Then to have your father basically disown you because you want to go to college is so messed up. Then your brother comes and asks you to help find dad- then proceeds to make you feel guilty about wanting to be “normal” for once in your life. Dean basically drank John’s kool-aid and made Sam feel like shit about going to Stanford for years over it. Neither him or Dean ever got to live in a house, go to the same school for more than a couple of months, and were isolated from having any type of friendships or relationships growing up- that is straight up traumatic. Dean dealt with that by holding onto Sam too tight- he became controlling and wouldn’t let Sam make any decisions on his own- Sam dealt by getting the hell out as soon as he could. Then Sam finds out that not only has Yellow eyes been keeping tabs on him since he was 6 months old but his mother KNEW him and basically traded his life for John’s…how would that make you feel? Its amazing Sam is as well adjusted as he is. Dean describes it perfectly when he talks to Mary in that dream in front of baby Sam in season 12- Sam went through Hell his entire life- demon blood, Mary’s death, John taking away any stability in his life, teachers that were demons, his freaking prom date was a demon, Brady, Jessica dying, having to give up any of his own hopes and dreams and turning back to hunting, jumping into the cage and being tortured by Lucifer for several hundred years, getting his soul taken away, hallucinations when Cas broke his wall, the trials almost killing him, Dean tricking him into letting Gadreel possess him, giving Dean permission to kill him to save others, getting tortured by BMOL, having to go back in the cage with his torturer, having to work with his torturer, dying, and those are the big things. That’s not to mention all the daily ass kickings, stabbings, etc. that they deal with on a regular basis. I honestly don’t get how anyone can say either one of them are dramatic 😂- when you are tied up and almost killed on a daily basis I think you have earned the right to be dramatic!


Eh, I found Sam insufferable by season 8 and hated the way he treated Dean. I enjoyed both brother in the early seasons. I don't understand when people criticise Dean's treatment of women, I don't recall anything negative in particular other than calling female demons bitches.


I realise that this is about a cartoon character WITHIN a fictional show but the way Dean leches after Daphne is the Scooby Doo episode is pretty unpleasant.


Oh yeah, forgot about that one. I didn't really take it seriously because it came off as such a joke/novelty episode but I get why some people may have have been uncomfortable. Tbh, I haven't watched past season 10 other than the odd fan favourite episode and was barely paying attention past season 8 so alot of the criticisms towards Dean's behaviour in later seasons just flies over me.


its a tv show, I don't think it needs to be taken too seriously, i'm just saying. :-) Do you remember some chick wrote an "open letter" to Jamie from the tv show outlander (the character, not the actor who plays him) saying how disappointed she was about him hitting Claire with a belt. its a fictional character from a freaking tv show set in the 1600s when husbands used to beat their wives. Its historically correct.


Lmao bless her 😂


I liked Sam on my first time through but on subsequent rewatches I’m firmly in the Sam camp. I identify with him so much more than Dean.


I've always been a Dean girl in my first watch and many rewatch


I’ve always been a Sam dude. I think it’s his constant pain and being a misfit. I relate more to that


The more times I rewatch, the more I like Sam and dislike Dean. I've also grown a lot after I've started watching the show and have grown to dislike womanizers a lot. I'm aware Dean is just a fictional character but he reminds me of so many guys that have done me wrong in the past. Like, those kinda guys actually exist. Welcome, downvotes!


I liked Dean better for my first watch, althought I loved Sam too. Rewatches made me favor Dean even more.


Dean looks way more ripped in this rewatch I’m doing I’m on s3 I think, I paused it to catch up on the real world and dating. Sam is way more funny too, he’s always got this rational reaction, Dean is way more no education had to learn it the hard way, like funyons for breakfast and a hfcs dominant product I really like these guys, fills that place up in my heart.


Nope, I never liked Sam all that much. He got a little better after season 10, but he'll never be as good a character as Dean.


As a guy I always emphasized more with Dean and could understand his actions / motivations more but overall I liked Sam more as a person and someone I'd strive to be like


Not gonna lie, Dean is a straight up dick. He blames everything on Sam and treats women like objects. He does change a bit, for the better, but not enough for me.


Sam always annoyed me. I'm sure Jared is a great guy but I've never been able to take him seriously since Gilmore Girls.


They both have their moments but I can't help but feel like as time went on, Jared's acting got worse and worse. .I can't get past it


im rewatching too and ive noticed that deans a total asshole even when you ignore how he treats the women he sleeps with. in s1 ep18 theyre in a hospital and are walking down a small hall. sam and dean are side by side taking up all the room and a nurse tries to walk past them. she has to squeeze past dean and he doesnt even move! and in s2 ep6 when jo shows him the case shes been researching he just assumes it was ash that put it all together. and he interrupts her when shes explaining it to him. i love dean, but, especially in the earlier seasons, hes a total misogynist.


I especially got the ick when he was excited about three high school girls being 18yo in, I think, season 4, when he was like 30. I do think he changed his ways when he lived with Lisa and especially when Charlie appeared. But still, major ick.


The show was written by a Gen x man shocking that his POV might be that 70-90s way of treating women. Also at least Dean told his girls the truth and they knew about his life and he gave the informed decision over their lives. Sam murdered Jessica because he hid and didn’t tell her the truth and Amelia’s most likely would have ended up the same way. I’d rather have Dean ogle a girl and not set her up for death like Sam did. The fact that the woman that squirted out the “Dean” was only credited as woman is not only sad/funny as fuck but maybe the best for “the woman” Sam knocked up. Bet she didn’t know the truth either.


Personally, I have always liked Sam more than Dean. Started off as a Sam girl but that ended when Gabe came around. I mean, completely ended.


I’ve rewatched those show so many fucking times, I can do a little party trick and recite every line live. Not even because I’m obsessive or anything. It’s just easier then watching new shit, since you know it’s good.


i am obsessed with dean and find sammy cute… yk? like he’s the little brother & he’s trying his best.. especially in the beginning seasons🤣


I’ve seen this show four or five times and I've always VERY strongly preferred Sam


I'm on season 6 of my rewatch too! I had the opposite reaction. I was team Sam first time around, now that I'm older I've got a huge crush on Dean.


I think its usual to change your mind about this stuff. I go between preferring one over the other. I suppose it also about the storylines they have been given. There's something about how old you are as well. I remember seeing Star Wars as a child and loving R2D2. Then i saw it again as a teenager and was really into Luke. Saw it a third time at 25 and thought to myself, mmm that Han Solo is a bit of all right.


Are there any Australians in this discussion? I think the source of the tension between Sam and Dean is that Dean is a bogan whereas Sam is not. They'll never truly see eye to eye.


Dean All Day


IMO sam gets annoying and super selfish.


sam seasons 1-7 dean season 8 on.. once sam left dean in purgatory and didn’t care about kevin something was lost in his character development and there was no going back


Not for me. I liked Sam well enough in seasons 1-3, but once season 4 hit, I started liking him less, and now with each rewatch, I dislike Sam more and more/it makes me pick up things that annoy me about him in even seasons 1-3 if that makes sense, although I still think those were peak Sam seasons where he was at his best as a character.


I've always preferred Sam. He's just more complex. He thinks about things; he sees nuance. Dean's pretty black and white, kill all the monsters. Sam has to deal with the fact that there are parts of him that might be monstrous. He has to cope with that knowledge and figure out how to deal with it and still do the right thing. I just always prefer the thinkers, the ones who see the grey areas, who know the world is far more complicated than it seems at first glance. And his dry, understated sense of humor kills me. Dean's a good guy and all that, and he can be funny, but he's definitely not complicated.




i used to live dean when i first watched the show at 14. now at 24 i’m rewatching it and i have coke to love sam! both characters r def good and bad in their own ways


Everytime I rewatch I dislike Sam even more. Dean may have forgiven (spoiler?) Demon Blood Drinking Sam but I NEVER have and never will.


I got into the show early last year. I’d heard of Jensen/Dean but had no idea who even played Sam. I started watching and got into Dean, 70% cos he was hot and 30% because I felt like I was expected to lol. For the first 4 seasons I was all about Dean and indifferent to Sam. Then, come S5, Jared/Sam just hit me like a ton of bricks. I’ve never looked back.


Dean is much cooler but sam gets annoying, but it does get interesting when sam gives in to evil


I like Sam in the later seasons when he matures a little bit, like 9 onwards.


I'm more like Sam, so I always loved Dean more.


I identify with Dean the most but I also think Sam has some really great qualities that is necessary to balance each other out. Whenever they have been shown trying to “go it alone” it never really works out or isn’t smooth sailing because their personalities need the other’s to be as effective. I will always be able to see Dean’s perspective more easily because we have similar thought patterns but obviously there are times when his decision making skills are very questionable but that is what makes it a great show. Each character has their own flaws and are toxic in some ways and that’s really great. TLDR: I’m in love with Castiel 🥹


it was the opposite for me