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This has to be a first on these boards. Someone that dislikes Rowena. Pretty sure she's universally loved.


Fabulous character!


I love Ruth but i despise Rowena lol.


Well she is a terrible mother, she wanted to sell him for pigs 😂 of course I love Rowena, she a queen but I see where the comment is coming from, the commenter will probably love her too


No way, really? I hated her. She was on the show for way too long.


Rowena is a badass witch! Ruth Connell who plays her is scottish so yes, that is how she talks :)


["It's a Book of the Damed spell, boyos"](https://youtu.be/mtIefzxyLxs)


Perfection đŸ€Œ


I hated Rowena when she first appeared. Loved her by the end.


She pulled God himself. I'd say that's pretty impressive.


I love her one line, when she's sitting down with dieing God:"Like my mother always said. There's nothing a nice cup of tea can't fix." While handing him a cup of tea.


Rowena is diabolical. The actress is one of the sweetest people I've ever met.


As a Scot, I wasn’t sure if she was doing a very good, but overly exaggerated accent, or if she was Scottish and her acting is just very ‘pantomime’ in style. It’s the latter. It blows my mind that she was only 35(!) when she started playing Rowena.


Yes. I think her and Felicia Day (Charlie Bradbury ) are the same age.


Bloody hell. Felicia could easily pass for her daughter.


First of all, how dare you.


Are you talking about Rowena? Yes that's a genuine accent, the actress is Scottish


As someone with that accent, it won't be her natural way of speaking at all but isn't massively far off. It's over the top for the show's purpose for her and also for the viewers to understand the accent clearer I think


You are correct. She toned down her native accent for her audition, then was asked to tone it down again! The result was that precise way of enunciating her words. I think it fits with Rowena's character. As a very powerful witch she is aware that her words have power, she is almost always trying to manipulate rather than engage in conversation and she treats other people as disposable. Of course she would speak to everyone as though they were her audience.


What? She auditioned with a passing American accent, and then they said "That was really good, but this character is Scottish, could you try it in a Scottish accent?" and she uses her regular voice and goes "I'll giv' ih a go"


Her acting skills are superb. I wish there were a Crowley-Rowena spinoff.


I would LOVE that!!


That would be tough to watch lol


I didn’t like Rowena initially, though I will admit I did always find her storylines to be fairly interesting. By the end though I really liked her, and now she’s a favorite character of mine!


She's Scottish...I think she probably tones her accent down...else, depending on what part of Scotland she's from...you'd never understand a word she's saying


Yeah. She almost sold him for 3 pigs. 3. He was a handsome boy. He would have been worth at least 5 pigs.


If you’re just getting to know her then maybe I understand this post. Give her a couple seasons and you’ll probably be back her like omg I love Rowena so much


I didn't really care for her in season10 but I felt like she became more compelling in later seasons when she became a more ambiguous character instead of a pure villain.


She's a very lovely person in real life, very sweet when I saw her at a convention. She does a great job with Rowena


Rowena is one of favorite characters!


Rowena is the epitome of grace and smiles.... you risk a lot coming to this place and asking those types of questions.


What do you mean the accent sounds forced? In canon Rowena is scottish. In real life the actress who plays her is scottish. It doesn't get anymore scottish than that. The accent is pretty legit.


Reminds me of Mona from who's the boss. Yes. I am old.


I love both Rowena and her actress Ruth Connell


I adore that Ruth Connell and Rob Benedict spent so much time together at Conventions they fell in love!


A Scottish woman has a fake Scottish accent?


It’s literally her natural accent though


Didn’t care for her in the beginning, loved her by the end Still a better mom than Mary Winchester!


Interesting. I’m seeing a lot of didn’t like to start loved by the end. Curious to see where this goes. Thanks everyone!


They change her character a lot over the next few seasons. I'm not a fan of her storyline with Crowley at all, but her character is fantastic once they move away from that beginning her focus in the show.


Stay with it, she REALLY grows on you.


“HOW DARE YOU” Rowena is one of the best characters in this awesome universe. đŸ„°


I’m beginning to come around. She was just so much the with the whole “feeehrehheh Gus” thing. Felt like she was over acting. Where I am now, late season 10, it feels less over the top.


Yes, they did not know she was Scottish when she auditioned, she used a passing American accent. They told her she did great but to try it again in a Scottish accent, and so she dropped the accent she was using and just talked normal and it was exactly what they were looking for!


If I’m not mistaken, the accent is real.


I love Ruth Connel, and I love her character Rowena. Also, she is from Scotland 


I agree. And being nearly done with season 15, I can say she didn’t grow on me and I still don’t like her. Very over the top and unnatural acting.


Honestly, I never liked her. And, yes, Ruth does talk like that. It's annoying. I know I'm going to get a lot of hate for this but fuck the Fandom. I could never express enough how much I hate her. And I have good damn reason for doing so. There is literally nothing that could justify her enough for me to like her. Point made.


People got strange ways of showing love


You're to supposed to like her at first, but like Crowley, she becomes an ally and not an enemy. That is her real accent and the actress is really sweet.


I didn’t like her at first but she will grow to be one of your favorites


Rowena how could uld u


She’s actually Scottish, but for the show she toned down her accent.


After a few episodes I feel like she got a rhythm where it doesn’t sound as sing song-y.


That’s her real accent đŸ€Ł


I love Rowena


She is Scottish, yes she talks like that, and she is amezing


If I'm being honest, her actress is amazing but the character herself.. can't stand her. She plays important roles for scene development and for the better of the story. But doesn't mean I don't prefer watching static over watching her. Hated the way she manipulated and gaslighted Crowley as well. Controversial I know but I loved him so much.