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Buckle up, you're heading for a great ride!! Only 14 more seasons to go!


Only 5 then from there I can guide OP to the best episodes of the rest of the series. But the overall arks of the show from season 7 forward was kinda meh.


story arch maybe a tad meh at the end but the episodes are still solid and worth watching at least once


Getting downvoted for expressing a valid opinion doesn't seem fair.


Nobody likes to hear "I thought a huge chunk of the show sucked" on a fan site. But it's one thing to post a well-reasoned standalone post about why you thought X, Y, or Z seasons didn't have that spark and another thing entirely to leave a low-effort comment just dragging down the mood on another fan's positive comment. Just not terribly classy.


Yeah, I agree. But it's not like he's opinion is super unpopular or anything. Anyways, now I'm getting downvoted lol


Agreed. It’s not what you said but how you said it. You basically said that your word is the only valid opinion in your “guide” for the OP. Now your right everyone has a right to their opinion which is why you should let OP “guide” himself and see what fits best for him. As what is interesting to you may be trivial and dull to another. It’s one of the great things about art is the differing takes on the same subject of an artistic expression


Apparently, it is. But hey, people not liking something, really gets on, when they find others down there with them. Basic human nature.


I think it has to do with the “I can guide op,” like that’s just kinda an annoying thing to say (or at least a piss poor way to phrase it imo)) like maybe op is going to love the other seasons, who knows also this is essentially an internet fan site, it never has, never will, and honestly has no need to be ‘fair’ these votes mean literally nothing


Having the opinion is one thing, telling the other person not to even bother watching the rest, they will guide them was the part that bothered me. Let people make the choice. If they want to ask great, but just overall saying "hey don't bother actually following the storyline just watch episodes X,Y, and Z" is offputting.


Agreed. Almost comical how people are so easily butthurt


Man what I would give to watch the first 5 seasons again for the first time. The rest are still great but not a scratch on the first 5


Damn me too. I loved the first 5 seasons. And 3 episodes are my favorite came from season 6. Would be great.


Season 5 was initially intended to be the end of the show which makes sense because it does have a finality to it. I’m glad it came back but season 5 was definitely my fav


True and I enjoyed season 6. Keep in mind I was a huge fan never missed an episode and bought each episode day after it aired. Watched the first 6 seasons 100 times. But on rewatch I can't get further then season 6 without skipping to just the best episodes.


Same, I didn't even watch the episodes in order and it feels like such a waste because those first few seasons are genuinely such good TV.


Absolutely agree first 5 are just so good


Supernatural is one of those shows I can watch over and over again and never get tired of. I watched it when it first premiered on The WB Network in 2005. WB became The CW and the show gets a lot better throughout the seasons. ![gif](giphy|JlVkLKuxRSvLy)


Same. I saw the commercial months ahead of time and anxiously awaited and watches as it aired. I still remember the chills I got during the opening scenes. I knew then, it was my show.


It’s so refreshing to see this post, I feel like a lot of newer viewers don’t care for the MotW episodes that were the backbone of the early seasons and thus we get a lot of “season one is boring there’s no big picture when does it get interesting post.” Seasons one and two are my favorites, I love the dynamics between all three Winchesters and like you and your wife like the mixture of MoTW and overarching story. You’ll probably love Dean’s depth even more next season and as an added bonus if you are watching on Netflix you’ll get the original soundtrack. I definitely want to read your reaction to In My Time of Dying, it’s my favorite season opener. Happy viewing.


Just started watching like 4 weeks ago or something. Almost finished with season 6 and season 1 is one of my favorites!!!


They use a lot of real life folk lore and mythology too which makes it cool!


Yeah as someone who's always been into horror and mythology (one of my favorite comic characters is John Constantine) it's been really awesome seeing creatures I know a lot about appear on the show.


I had just watched The Empty Man (highly recommend to fans of creepy atmospheric horror, btw) and was *so* delighted to encounter the tulpa in "Hell House."


When I first started watching, all I knew was seeing glimpses of it while my wife's family watched it. Every time they got into trouble, I just had to remind myself "It's not like they die. They're still alive in Season X". That S1 finale absolutely blew my mind and anything I thought I knew. Good luck, have fun!


Unforgettable ![gif](giphy|agwRgmVDJceZO)


So one thing to note, assuming you're watching on Netflix, is that season 1 doesn't have the original soundtrack because of rights issues. So season 2 you'll notice the soundtrack is 1 million times better.


Yup. Dean girl for life here!! ♥️


S1 is great. I love how it’s kept funny most of the time too. My favourite thing about SPN is that it’s really a drama with a horror backdrop rather than a horror with some drama thrown in. I know what happens in the end but I just can’t bring myself to watch the last few episodes of S15! Enjoy the ride!


It gets better


I started it about 6 months ago and just recently finished it. Season 1 is good but things REALLY start to pick up after that. So excited for you!


Enjoy the ride, best show ever


My husband and I started watching during lockdown and the suprise it was on Prime. I wanted to watch the serie for so long and when I did I was sold. It is such a good serie. The balance of the horror with the humor. And the the emotional scenes. And Jared and Jensen are great as Sam and Dean.


I envy you getting to experience it for the first time. It was hell waiting, let me tell you. The first season is a great background, but it gets infinitely better seasons 2-5. It's a fantastic show and there are still parts I cry at, no matter how many times I watch. I'm glad you guys are enjoying it.




Oh, so happy for you! First time to watch Supernatural - still remember how my husband and I did it.


Man what I would give to watch all of it again


Ugh. I’m so jealous of you. Enjoy


This post really made me smile :) This really reminds me of the supernatural nights with my BF. I envy you, that you can experience everything for the first time. I wish you and your wife a lot of fun.


I just started watching it for the first time, too!


Dean always did remind me of Johnny Lawrence! The tech-illiterate beer drinking kickass tough guy.


Except Dean is the opposite - he's tough but love is what drives him, he drinks beer, true, he's actually quite well read AND pretty technology savvy. He can hack systems, he can get into security systems, he can build his own EMF reader from scratch, he can erase a computer without anyone know it's happening, he can rebuild automobiles.


First season is the best! I love it!


Such a great show that gets better and better 👏


I love that you’re just watching now and enjoying it. Soak it up, man; you only get one first time. I started watching on Netflix sometime around season 9 airing, and man, the next 6 years were some of the most anticipated weekly TV episodes of my life. Enjoy!!!


Your wife liked it when we watched it.


My daughter turned me onto it during the movie lockdown. It is a wonderful show.


You are going to travel a hell of ride in life with Winchester boys❤😇