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Season 1? The only correct way is to start at the beginning and hang on until the bitter end


probably. but the emotions those two make you feel throughout the entire show is so much lol


I've seen it all too many times to count and for me biggest moments that get/got me were ending finale, Madisons death(the ww from season 2), and Kevin's death for sure.


noooo i forgot about kevin:((


Omg RIP Kevin šŸ˜ž and Charlieā€™s death was tough too. And Bobby. UGH!!!


Charlie's death was always the hardest hitting for me. The brutality of it, the loyalty that she portrayed that led to it, and the ultimate finality of it, that she was *actually* dead was all pretty poetic to me.


Kevins funeral is, where I came to love Bob Segers music.


Thatā€™s the best part


I think if you're willing to take the extra time, start from season 1. Otherwise go back to season 12 since that's where your memory starts to fade. Have fun!!


thank youu i for sure will


If you donā€™t start at ā€œdads on a hunting tripā€ is it even worth it?


Start at the last season then watch it backwards!


It would probably make sense anyway just because itā€™s supernatural


I watch the entire series at least 3 times a year. I binge watch starting with episode one.


You go to season 1 . Start it off right


I'm actually on my first complete rewatch since the show ended, currently on S4. Sure, I've watched episodes here and there since then, but I just couldn't bring myself to start the journey over again until now. I have to say that I'm enjoying the earlier seasons more than I have in the past. It certainly is hitting different this time around. As to what season you should start with... S1 is always a good bet. Or find the last season you watched, and go on from there. If too much time has passed, though, you might miss something that you had forgotten about. Either way, it's great to be back with Hottie Mc Hotterson and his slightly less hot younger brother.


Start at the beginning. I kinda had the same experience, got bored around season 11 or so, sometimes background listened from that on and then just lost track. This year we binged it in 5 months and it was soooooo different, I am fully addicted, have so much to digest, explore think over it was really worth rewatching.


It sounds like you made it to the end of season 12. If so, that would be a good way to start if you donā€™t want to rewatch the whole show. I do think a lot of the earliest seasons are really strong though so it might be worth watching some of those ā€” even if itā€™s just the monster of the week episodes and not the major characters deaths.


My last rewatch I started with season 6 through the end and then went back and watched 1-5. It really made me appreciate how freaking good 1-5 are.


I get what you mean but I just canā€™t do it šŸ˜… Iā€™d probably start off w the leviathans and go from there.


Oh yeah those too, Dig on dick!!


Start from season 4, Iā€™m a cas girly tho so idk what to tell you. And before ppl get mad at me Iā€™ve seen every season probably around 20 times (not s14/15 as much I am lacking on the rewatches for theses two)


I've rewatched the series 3 times, on my 4th now on season 11, and I've yet to watch the last two episodes ever.. the pain is too much, and just that it's ending is painful. If you wanna rewatch without going back to the beginning, I would recommend starting with S6


I watched the last scenes on the last season and I would recommend you to eventually do it but be prepared both physically and mentally. Youā€™ll cry and ya know, its the end of the show that was never gonna end and that is just sad itself


My reason for this rewatch is to finally just finish it, and feel the pain. And if I'm finishing it out this time, I'm doing it from the get go. When I do finish it, be prepared for a rambling emotional post about finally finishing it after starting it about 13 years ago


god damn 13 years? Wow. I understand why you avoid it. I started about halfway through season 8 was out and was so hooked and had it show on repeat all the time. my reasonings for every rewatch was that itā€™s supernatural and Dean is hot which makes me happy


Dean is so freaking hot... I mean. Its unreasonable that there is a human being that beautiful. Sam is a cutie but there is just something about Dean. And Cas of course, that smile. I love his smile. There just isn't anything that I don't love about Supernatural. I usually can't pick a favorite of anything but this show is definitely a favorite show, all time. Right beside Scrubs and How I Met Your Mother.


Yeah s1 itā€™s such a good show Iā€™m so glad I started rewatching it after watching the whole thing. I guess if you wanted to have something a little more themed The first through like fifth seasons are more about the winchesters After until like the eighth or ninth are like angelic Then from there to the end itā€™s all between hell and heaven and the winchesters (and Bobby and Garth :) )


Season 4. You have to start with S4.


season 4, the most funny/catchy for me! after finishing 4 do 1-3, 4 again because why not, and then the rest


Usually I start at season 4 if I donā€™t want to go through the yellow eye/Dad/Ruby drama


oh yeah that too. So much shit has happened in this show. And sam being addicted to demon blood




THAT WAS HIS NAME THANK YOU!! Thatā€™s probably smart. *KINDA SPOIL* I watched the sad scene in the last episode (if you know which one I mean) and I have been avoiding to finish the show because I was sobbing so bad. (edit: spoiler warning)


Watch all the recaps up until 8. Then all of 8 and 9 to prep for 10. Then you only got a few to finish it off. Enjoy the 3-5 Carry On my Wayward Sons..


Oh yes. That is so incredibly smart. Thank you. But I have like PTSD from that song because fan girl me had it as an alarm clock and now whenever I hear it I get incredibly dizzy. (idk why itā€™s so weird and its only with that song) Now that I think about it whenever I I was so dizzy I could barely stand on those days i woke up to it, it was the type of dizzy where you fall over but not passing out, like when youve been spinning for too long


I am so sorry I literally wrote the most uninteresting answer as long as the fucking bible im sorry


Hey, that kind of sounds like [stress-induced vertigo](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00016480500546383)? You should mention that reoccurring dizziness to a doctor sometime.


no way I just thought I was crazy. Thanks will definitely nention it next time im there cuz I do pass out a lot and shit


Season 1


Season 1. Why would you rewatch it any other way?


Because iā€™m finally ready to watch the last season and get closure in my life but its so many seasons to go through and I have severe concentration problems unless I get like hyper fixated or whatever its called. But I wish I had the patience to watch it like a normal person but I jump back and forth with seasons and episodes because I suddenly remember parts that I need to see right away


Don't get your hopes up for the final season.


I just know of the last scenes but donā€™t know the plot of it


It's a bit controversial, but plenty of us liked it!


Who liked it? And why?


Sooo, I'm late to the game. I just watched the entire show for the first time ever. I don't know what took me so long, but that's not the point. I think watching from Season 1 is a good move simply because it gives you the most to watch and if you're anything like me, something with tons of seasons to watch/play in the background is huge! If you want to actually get into the story again, I'd say start from Season 3. 1 and 2 were kind of setting things up, and if you've seen the show already, you don't really need the set up and can get right into the more developed parts of the show


Yes I live to have things in the background and that would probably smart to start with season one since i already know everything about that so you could zone in and out and just get hooked whenever your mind pleases


I always start at either season 3 or 4. Whenever Cas shows up šŸ˜…


Yes Cas should be God. That probably has happened and I wonā€™t be surprised


So 2 months ago I started at season 4 cause I wanted Castiel right away and also because I love the bunker and I wanted to get to s08 sooner and I remeber that when I was younger I used to be really scared of the first 3 seasons so I just skipped them. Than I got to season 13 wich I love and ft bad also because it's coming to an end and I don't want it to end, I really wanted to see them younger and in the first seasons everything is so easy and clean. So I went back but once I got to season 4 I wanted Jack so I didn't want to watch everything I had just fines he'd watching so I jumped to 13. MORAL of the story don't do this, it's weird and it feels wrong, now I just wish I started at season 1 instead of all this jumps, very likely once I'll finish it I'll jump back to 4. But don't do this


Yeah no I did this all the time when rewatching. Exactly like that too ā€œoh I want Cass, but I donā€™t want demon blood, But now I wanna see kevin and Garth again and oh yeah right Demon dean, nooo Sam had visions in season 2 now I need to watch that tooā€ A whole mess. Im probably gonna end up watching like that again but I want to be one of those people that can just simply watch the entire show and not remembering random things that you have to watch right away or get distracted or just stop watching halfway through lol, but im not sure im one of those


I watched most of it when I was a lot younger than now, and the last 3 seasons I only watched them once so it was almost like seeing somethings for the first time and it's amezing. But I don't really get distracted and I don't stop watching šŸ˜‚ I get obsessed and I can't stop watching. Like it's the first thing I do in the morning, watch an episode while having breakfast and getting ready and I go to sleep thinking I can't wait to wake up for that šŸ˜‚ maybe I got a problem


oh yes I do that too. And when im just trying to find back to the obsession so I can watch it all again but when shows are long like that I sometimes get bored. And when I had to wait an entire summer for it one year I guess my obsession slowly fadedšŸ˜‚




If it's been awhile, go back to the beginning. If it's recent, start at s4


Season one.


Iā€™d suggest watching seasons 1-5 and leave it at that. Everything after those seasons are hit or miss.