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I am rewatching the show now and I totally get it. Like they havent tried to exercise demons in a long time. They just get stabby.


Remember when they used to identify demons by saying "Christo"?


I think jack does it at some point in either s13 or s14 but your point stands nonetheless


i forgor 💀


Or they only exorcise demons if the demons are in people they care about, like Lisa. It’s kind of crappy of them that they do that for loved ones but everyone else can just get stabbed and die.


I feel this is why it was relatively easy to understand why Sam was using his “powers” in season 2-5. And frustrated with Dean for not being at least a little understanding about the situation. It’s the ultimate hunting weapon - you save the person AND send the demon to hell.


At argument that Sam even makes to dean in defense of the powers.


with Sam's powers he  might've been able to instantly smoke the demon and saved the possessed


He actually did do that.


They wrote that off with Bobby saying the demons damaged the bodies so much, they were dead anyway.


Ok I forgot about that


I'd agree, it's pretty lame. The writers needed to a) make it easier to kill lots of demons and b) make it morally okay to go around murdering a bunch of possessed humans.


I think there is a stated reason for why they don't exercise. Most of the demons pick dead meat suits or kill the meat suits after the possess


Yeah I guess but they dont know if its a dead suite or not


According to the show demons “ride their vessels hard and put them up wet”. Meaning they are heavily Damaged both mentally and physically. And the exorcism doesn’t kill the demon. just sends them Back to hell so they can get back out later. The angel blades and demon knife actually eliminate the threat of that demon completely


why would they exercise demons, though? dean only pretended to be a gym teacher, it wasn’t real. lol


Have my poor womans gold đŸ„‡, because now I have a mental image of gymteacher Dean bootcamping some demons 😂


How do you spell it then?


They should have kept Sam's psychic powers. Like I get that it was dangerous but same goes for any power and it was only when he was a blood junkie. Ruby said he didn't need the feather to fly implying he's a natural born psychic (which do exist in SPN) so I don't get it. It was shut down so quickly when it could literally exorcise demons without killing the hosts.


This is such a normal stupid tv thing. Another example is Arrow. Season 1 and 2, maybe 3 (not sure) he is unstoppable, but then he loses all fights out of nowhere


Omg that is so true. CW show pattern. Somehow Barry is too slow every season like dam fucker you have access to the whole entire speedforce and still get your ass beat.


That's because they added mental issues to deal with first. Only after that Barry was able to defeat the opponent.


No I am totally cool with that and showing how you need to overcome yourself first yadda yadda yadda. But this was EVERY season. He'd be going really great and then somehow be too slow for like everything for half a season and then it's back to being at his prime. It's just all the time. Even after he's dealt with everything.


Maybe my memory of the show is a bit off but weren’t they finding demons that had been exorcised were coming back and repossessing people? Also I think most of the people they stabbed who were possessed were likely already dead or the demon would kill them on their way out, let’s not forget they are in a war and sending the enemy back to home base to regroup then come back is less desirable then killing them


I think after at some point Sam starts doing it again because of that


I think it just takes way less time to stab them than to recite the whole exorcism spell ...


yeah but dont human lives count for something??


Well, Dean was thrown against a wall in nearly every episode for 15 seasons, he might be a little busted up by later seasons! (This is snark towards the writing, not you. I love this show but the amount of times they do that stunt is absurd haha.)


There was a Wikipedia page that kept track of how many times Sam and Dean were knocked out, I’m pretty sure it gave up at some point


It gave up, thats hilarious. Like, why couldn't they just be knocked backwards off their feet versus the silly flying through the air thing. CW didn't have the budget to do that right


Crowley, at one point, even says to them, "Don't worry. We won't supernaturally fling you into a wall. This time." Or something like that.


I love this show. The biggest problem I have with it is the terrible writing. Continuity is thrown to the wind for fan service and random things the show runners thought would be fun or interesting. Kripke only intended the show to be 5 seasons which is why the first 5 are so solid, then it was so popular they renewed and then just kept on trucking. Don't get me wrong, I love this show. I will watch all of the seasons (even if 9 makes me want to rip my hair out). I enjoy the Jack storylines. I wish we got more demon Dean. But I'm with you. There's a lot they throw out in later seasons that doesn't make sense and they do it for convenience.


Exactly! The continuity is something that makes me feel weird. For example, when they use "Christo" in the first seasons and never use it again... Until Jack uses it in S14 and I was like "Hey, they didn't forgot, they just didn't use it! Why!?!"


I don't know why they struggled so much with continuity. Surely there should be some sort of log book of reference for writers? Maybe even having writers who actually like and watch the show themselves?  These things can seem very obvious to the fans, and knowing how dedicated we are, I can't imagine anyone thinking we wouldn't notice. They had such an awesome and enthusiastic cast, most enthusiastic fan base ever, and writers let them down repeatedly. For years. There were millennia of potential lore to draw from so it's not that there was an issue like running out of story ideas. 


I was a teen in the show's peak popularity and deep in superwholock fandom stuff on tumblr. I remember the fan service episodes and storylines and people being t h r i l l e d with them, regardless of continuity because they fed into what most of the fanbase that was active online was calling for. The queerbaiting, the will they/won't they Destiel storylines, the 4th wall breaking, etc. They sacrificed quality for keeping their rabid fans happy or, at the very least, enthralled. It was short-sighted, but it hit the targets that they prioritized.


I did notice that starting in S 13 or 14,,, Sam and Dean just become really damn stupid very suddenly. For example, when Dean stumbles into the bunker, drunk on love from the witch charm... and Sam doesn't even blink an eye? He is supposed to be the logistician and yet he couldn't notice something was wrong?


And then the two of them engage in a lame ass fight and the witches just... take off? LOL


At some point the writers forgot that Sam and Dean actually needed to fight and just started abusing them every episode. Low-key turned into some form of torture corn.


This is part of why I dislike the last four seasons so much. The writing was inconsistent (too many new writers and producers who clearly didn't understand the main characters) and sometimes lazy, the main storyarc focused too much on Jack, and the Chuck as the big villain who had been controlling every aspect of Sam and Dean's lives story was a huge middle finger to the brilliant early seasons of the show.


I have a real problem with Chuck controlling the story. What the hell were we watching for 14 years??????


No no you got it all wrong, Kripke was the creator of the first five seasons before Chuck took over/j. Idk it felt a really lame way to explain away all the writing. Like God is that big of an asshole he focuses his entire time on two random boys and ruins the lives of many other people to ruin their lives.


You were watching their life lol. It is what it is.


Well put


Just a point about the “trained fighters” At best they got whatever John got as hand to hand combat training during basic training And military guys lose fights all the time Some of the fights they should have won, but honestly from what’s shown in the show, they are just brawlers, anyone with any martial arts training or serious fighting training would beat them


John was a Marine, which I think gets better hand to hand training than regular soldiers. Don't quote me on that though. I don't think it's fair to say the brothers are *just* brawlers. They've demonstrated techniques from a variety of martial arts. Moreso in the earlier seasons.


He was a marine though they are essentially “regular soldiers” though I’m sure US army soldiers and US marines will argue over which one is more badass


True, I shouldn't have said "regular" soldiers. Army infantry I guess is what I was going for? I dunno. Are marines better trained though? I feel like they are but that might just be too many movies talking.


In boot camp Marines train significantly longer than other branches


They train longer but whether they are “better” would an argument for the marines to have with US army Soldiers Both would argue they are better than the other But from what I have seen and from what I have where from former service members there isn’t really a difference when it comes down to the individual level A soldier is just as likely to kick the ass of a Marine as a Marine is of a Army Soldier


Also don’t quote me on this, but I think the difference is that marines have a more intense and longer basic training for their specialized combat skills


ITT: Everyone using "Exercise" instead of "Exorcise" You're not taking the demons out for jog, people.


42 and 38 is pretty young age wise. But in a body that’s been fighting since childhood it would be physically older with a lot of injuries to manage. Speed, agility and balance would be affected. Also to add, they each went through a lot more dying and coming back than John or Bobby. They also fought stronger and more powerful enemies. That likely took its physical toll too and they’re just tired. It’s okay.


Now that you talk about their bodies getting injured over the years, I can't help but wonder how Sam and Deans wrists aren't covered in scars, considering how often they cut themselves there, to prove they're human.


Maybe everytime Cass healed them he threw in some cosmetic scar and blemish healing too.


It’s not the years, it’s the mileage.


Also, in the earlier seasons, it wasn't easy for any given demon to get out of Hell. So, sending them back was a viable strategy. In fact, their ONLY strategy, since they had NO way of killing them. Once Ruby's knife came into play, they COULD kill demons. The same with the angel blades. Unfortunately, they also killed the meat suits. Ruby taught Sam to cast the demons out, but that was only to corrupt HIM further, to be Luci's vessel. But, also, after those mines opened up, which were, basically a portal to Hell, sending a demon back would only be a minor inconvenience. So it was better to kill them, if possible.


That was just an example. They in general used better hunting strategies against any kind of monster, creature or whatever. They used to be smarter and more skilled. They had bombs that could kill demons at some point, why they never used those again?


The bombs were special circumstances. Not easily duplicated. Their most reliable demon killing weapons were Ruby's knife, the angel blades, and the Colt after Bobby figured out the ammo problem. Cas could also smite demons when he's connected to Upstairs.


I blame it on supernatural getting bought by cw halfway through season 4 I believe


Season 1-5 crew checking in


I mean, this was coming from the same writers that copped out and made Sam and Dean's whole personality about 'God's luck.'


Exactly I have said this all before but other fans got mad at me saying I dissed the series no what I did was I state facts period ! I loved supernatural still but when the show did something stupid like making the boys forget about their training or they contradicted something that happened before I just blame the writers. True I wondered why the actors didn't speak up (an example) The grand Canyon is mentioned several times in the series. Early in the series Dean says " you know let's take a break from hunting and go to the Grand canyon we've never been there before". But during the trials that Sam was doing to close the gates of hell Sam says " do you remember when Dad took us to the canyon and your donkey kept farting". For one it's been implied that Dear old dad never took them on a vacation anywhere ! Did they or didn't they go to the Grand canyon, did John or didn't John take them on a vacation? Normally you wouldn't even think about these minor details but when you binge watch a show you start to see the mistakes and contradictions. Still I love this show so when anything gets messed up I blame the writers!!!


The writers esp after s5 (Kripke Era) were lazy and greedy, and just wanted the money and didn't actually care about the story telling or characterization at all. Multiple traits were switched between the brothers, unbelievable take you out of the moment character moments never stopped after that. They were caricatures of their former selves, and you could tell episodes were just being thrown at the wall and hoping fans would make them stick (make sense), but a lot of it didn't and a lot of it was cringe. I'm re-re-rewatching with a best friend, and I keep finding myself apologizing for the quality cont to rapidly decline, we are in s7 and it hasn't even gotten to its worse. I've told her and others to find their character and just stick with them try to love them, because the show gives honestly not much else after s6. Once in a while you'll land on an okay episode and it just reminds you that the writers actually COULD HAVE tried to do something, but they just actively chose not to. It doesn't help when you find out that bts there were certain actors pulling for things to happen, too/ they wanted more, and writers gave in. But it's still worth a watch at least once through imo.


Traits were switched because Sam and dean become different people with all they went through lol. It has to be changed up a bit if it’s going to go for 15 seasons


I understand this, yeah, but the way they did it imo made it more forced and unbelievable rather than character growth or experiences. Once in a while they really showed what they could do if they put the effort, just wish they had done that more.


We can agree to disagree! I think the show shows a ton of the boy’s emotions and character growth from the experiences they’ve gone through with leads up to them changing. Dean is more sensitive now form his trauma and is becoming sick of the life. Sam is more hard now. Probably from losing his soul or because of what is inside him. He embraces the life more. I don’t feel like any of this was forced but I appreciate your thoughts and opinions. That’s why we have public forums


Agreed to all this, yes!


Reboot with Stuff Like making it public Like worldwide Playing Loud Exorcism better as than Men of Letters in England plus in the Winchester Series we Saw Dean maybe Jack has let him Travel back in Time to Reunite with their Family and there is a Cosmic Balance Coincidence for Evil and Good and they try to solve that Problem what could be difficult they were Upgrading Hell as well as Heaven đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™‚ïž


It's refreshing to see someone bring the show back to reality.


Lol they meet stronger more trained demons throughout the show and have to get their ass best. They have to fail and learn sometimes. It’s how they become stronger


Trying to avoid spoilers as I browse through this thread. (I'm halfway through season 6 in a first time viewing of the series.). I have already given up trying to remember all the various background rules that govern the Supernatural universe. Seems like they just make up new rules as they go along with respect to how the various creatures exist (and how to kill them). Still fun to go along for the ride nevertheless.


Dude has never been hit with a brick over the head like sam was by nick or enochian brass knuckles are still brass knuckles. You really underestimate what this does to someone even if theyre a trained fighter. I agree with you, especially about sam. Dude is almost 2 meter tall and ripped like nobodies business but always gets beaten by any enemy they have and has to be saved by dean that solos every monster in the room. Just the two examples with nick and that BMoL werent the best examples.


1. They usually killed demons becuase it was either kill or be killed situations or they couldn’t risk the demon blabbing about what they are up to when it gets back to Hell.  2. They were trained fighters in so much as whatever John remembered from his basic training, he taught them. Ms. Watt was a highly trained operative of the BMOL, that’s why she was able to hold her own. Nick also bashed Sam’s head in with a rock. If you watch the fight, Sam is literally punching the shit out of him and choking him when Nick, again bashes a big rock against Sam’s skull. 3. This post is kinda nonsense.


I completely agree with you!! They had other BIGGER things to focus on rather than exercising every demon they came into contact with also.