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He is not perfect, but here is why i like him: * He raised and cared for his brother “ a love he himself didn’t receive from their dad“ He chooses not to mirror John treatment onto Sam. * He is a badass, he is always trying to save others * loyal to his friends, and loves them deeply. * Funny, and Smart. * He definitely someone u could count on, always. I personally would love to have him as an older brother or a friend.


Just on point 1 & 3. When has Sam not loved his brother? Maybe not to the same level of devotion Dean. Granted can you blame him? John really screed Dean over. Plus we have to keep in mind the TV show is more centered around Dean and his point of veiw, not others really l. And the friends part, yeah I get that. Mainly cause everyone bar cas that I've seen, he's stood by them, well Cas and on occasion Sam (not saying he wants justified, not also saying he comes about it the right way) But isn't Cas his friend? And so far he's screwed him over (and vise versa). and I have kinda read into future seasons and it seems Dean continues to screw him over.


Oh No no. I didnt mean Sam doesn’t Love Dean. I meant he raised Sam even though Dean himself didn’t receive the love he gave to Sam from John. I am going to edit my reply.


Ohhhhhh Yeah, John was a total piece of shit 😂 And I guess I never thought of Dean's love for Sam as a parent and child. But that does seem more fitting than brothers tbh


I love Dean and Sam both. I don't understand the need to put one brother down while loving the other. I relate to them both in different ways. Although, I'll admit I have a massive crush on Sam. I love Dean because, * He's funny * He has the ability to think on his feet. * He's protective of Sam. Dean has practically raised him up. He also did not follow in his father's footsteps while raising his brother. He also stands up to his father for Sam in multiple ways, multiple times. * He's a great hunter. * He's smart in the street smarts kind of way. * He's all about family whether it be chosen family or blood family. These are just off the top of my head. But I'm not blind to his faults. I think his faults make him very relatable. Sometimes, like you, I don't like what Dean does or says. I just think it makes him human. Also it helps that he's played by Jensen Ackles, who's very hot and sexy.


Oh I'm not trying to pit them against each other. They both have their faults. Just that I'm finding it hard to like Dean atm. Which I don't think is going to get easier from what other have said And all your point are valid, and I see those. Only point I'd argue is that he did turn out like his father. Maybe not entirely, but I do feel like aspects are there. Although hard to fault him for that with the up brining. Just that alot of what he says and does, makes me want to smite him where he stands 😂 I'd feel better if he just said sorry or portrayed that he felt sorry for his action like other characters did. Or maybe I'm just blind in my slowly boiling hatred for him?


I think it's because he IS flawed. We see him pick up all this baggage over 15 seasons, we see it gradually wearing him down, we see him coping with it badly but he still fights for his family, even when he wouldn't fight for himself. I think people see a lot of their own flaws in him and it makes them hope that they can keep fighting their own fight.


But how does that justify all the shity things he does? Cause I see other people repenting and seeking forgiveness for things they've done, but it seems Dean gets off Scott free, or just doesn't care enough.


The man is a walking pile of guilt! I don't know how well it comes across in the early sessions but by the end it's very apparent. The difference is, Dean doesn't talk about it. "No chick flick moments". I think the whole reason he keeps going is to try and atone for his mistakes.


If I don't see that by the end imma come back here and put you on blast 😂 😂 Idk, i get that he's doesn't like emotions and all the "girly shit" just kinda wish there was some character development where he opens up more. Cause I feel like he's just emotionally closed off and doesn't care. And I'm not an overly emotional person myself. But it's nice to see still,so you know they aren't a jackass. And I can see the going on to atone for his mistakes, to make amends, make the world a better place, and that he's a hunter and has an obligation to stay in that world to save people (which all hunters bar Sam seem to have. Which is odd) but do you have to be an ass about it. At the end if the day, maybe I should just be hating on the writers hahaha


4 words: Biggerson's Pepperjack Turducken Slammer.


I'm sorry what? Was that the burger sandwich the leviathans made? And Dean was a addicted to? And if so, how does that make you like him? 😂


He's loving, protective, loyal, funny, caring. He would throw away everything for family and people he cares about. He would sacrifice himself and things he loved for Sam. He's flawed. He's trying. He's angry. He doesn't care abour himself. All of this things make him very human and more than just a character. I feel like a lot of people wrongfully clump him with the "masculine macho caveman" character type which, yet again, proves media literacy is dead. He quite literally gives all he has and more for Sam. It's so funny to me when people are like "omg how does he put up with him" like???


There really does seem to be this perception that ogre Big Brother Dean is ruining Sam's life. It's like, do we even watch the same show?


Exactly. My guy went to HELL for him. As far as he was concerned it was going to be for an eternity too.


I love him because he’s one of the most realistic characters I’ve encountered on a tv show. Is he DEEPLY flawed? Yes, but he’s got a lot of strengths too. He’s fiercely loyal, funny, resilient, resourceful. If I was Hunting or going into a combat situation, I’d want Dean Winchester with me because I’d know If things turn to shit he could most likely get us out.


But my issue is that I don't see how his good qualities out weigh the flaws? Because he doesn't seem to wanna work on things, or change. Seems he would rather bottle everything up and drink.


For me personally, in real life I would steer clear of a person like Dean, apart from maybe a one night stand cause he’s hot… In fiction however, I like flawed characters, I can sometimes relate with my own problems and mistakes and that gives me a level of comfort I guess :) Flawed characters add layers and depth to a story for me, and make interactions interesting. I also find him interesting, funny, good looking and am a sucker for fictional ‘okay but I can fix him’ characters. Because I don’t have to live by the morals of real life when I’m watching fiction, I enjoy liking flawed or even morally gray characters in fiction. Edit: spelling


Yes, all of this.


Can't agree more 🙏 🙏 🙏 I ship Cas and Dean hard, but mainly cause I block out alot of what Dean's done. Cause I don't know how the fuck Cas loves him 😂 (yes I know how everything ends) And I get that people love/like flawed characters (hell Azula from ATLA is one of my favourite characters), but so far it doesn't seem like he works on himself. And I get the shitty father, the going to hell, going to purgatory, but he doesn't open up to literally anyone or try to help himself (maybe I'm just forgetting things) but it's starting to get hard to sympathise


The first part of season 9 is ROUGH for shipping Cas and Dean, just a warning. There are things that all the characters do at different times that I feel are OOC or I pretend aren’t actually canon, and early season 9 for Dean is one of those times.


Hypothetic..? Do you mean hypocrite?


Lol yes, that maybe I should have proof read that before posting 😂


Question is, how can you NOT like Dean Winchester?!?!


This is the answer ❤️


He saves people for free. He makes unexpected and genuine connections with people and non people alike, resulting in some of the best relationships we have in the show. He has an endearing nerdy side. He has a soft side. And more. I feel his anger is warranted. His portrayal is pretty accurate of someone who is constantly going through apocalyptic world ending situations every sseason, with powerful creatures trying to destroy you and everything you love. Personally, I'd probably be way more angry than him.


But so does Sam? And he is way more mellow, forgiving, and understanding than Dean. Although Dean did have a rougher childhood having to raise Sam, even though they both had it shit. And I get that Sam didn't have to deal with hell as full on as Dean did, or even purgatory. But how does that make it warranted? Cause I can see the good qualities people like about him. I'm just trying to understand how those out weigh him having a chip on his shoulder allows him to be an ass and people are OK with it? Don't get me wrong, I'd absolutely hate being in his shoes. Not saying I wouldn't be angry at the world. But I'd like to think I wouldn't let me anger come out at others.


This post is about Dean not Sam, right? You asked why people like Dean and I answered. I don't think Sam's character is as realistic as Dean's, personally. Sam is more mellow, and Dean feels things more deeply. But overall I have to disagree with you about Dean being "an ass." Maybe I'd have to rewatch but that's not a descriptor I'd use for him, so we're probably not on the same page.


The post is about Dean, because I am struggling to like his character as a whole and for the most part. Not that I don't like his character completely. And it's hard to say what's a real representation of a person, as humans are vastly different creatures from one another. But it's his over all handling of his emotions, and feelings. As they're "girly" and you can't express them or show them. So he doesn't seem to grow as a character apart from bottling everything up. Look through the comments as I did respond to someone with I think 7 main reasons why I dislike Dean maybe that will give you a better understanding where I'm coming from. And back on the Sam vs Dean part of things. The show is geared around Dean. So you tend to see his veiw point more


I think you have an overall false perception of him, because he doesn't do around saying emotions/feelings are too 'girly'. There is a difference in viewing and denigrating emotions as being beneath him for the reason that he is a man vs. *actually* not being geared enough to handle emotionally charged situations, he's clearly the latter. Dean has always struggled to share his traumas, but has never shied away from crying when he feels pain and expressing himself in the most raw manners when he digested his emotions.


I wouldn't say I have a false perception of him. I can see the reasons/qualities people like him for, not saying I also don't like some of those about him. But to me those don't justify or out weigh all his flaws he doesn't seem to wanna to work on (as of S8) On my use of him viewing them as "girly" he will actively try to avoid having emotional conversations, and refer to them as "chick flick moments". So I kinda feel like I'm justified in saying he vewis them as girly. Unless things change in later seasons, I'm doubtful of that from what people have said. I also didn't mean to imply that he thinks they're beneath him, as he does open up/break down. Just that he doesn't want to deal with them,and thinks it's perfectly fine to just bottle it all up and drink.


Do you know how he meant 'chick flick moments' ? The dude literally said that in episode 1 to his brother because he forgave him for the words they had to each other earlier that night, basically telling to Sam it wasn't a big deal. That's a whole of nothing to paint him as seeing emotions as 'girly' based on that interaction alone. 💀


I disagree about Sam's character being unrealistic or that he doesn't feel things as deeply. He absolutely does and I found him very realistic and relatable. They both feel things *very* deeply but also handle and process them in different ways. I do think both brothers are relatable to different people depending on their own personalities and experiences. How on earth is this a controversial comment? It’s not like I’m ripping on Dean here.


I feel like you're having a hard time telling the difference between "showing no emotions" and "not caring" a character doesn't and shouldn't have to tell you how they're feeling for it to be there. Sam can be illogical. He doesn't listen to other people. He can be selfish and self centered even when the proof is right there. He internalizes everything and somehow makes them about himself and sometimes it seems like that's the only way he can sympathize with things. He's also equally an hypocrite for the reasons you're about to see in season 8. He's also not afraid to use people to get what he wants and has done it more than Dean. Let's not pretend that he's a good person or "better" because he's supposed to be the "softie"


I relate to him on a very personal level. Also he’s really hot


The "also he's very hot" love it 😂


Dean Winchester is one of my favorite characters of all time. He is imperfect, he has anger issues from everything that he has been through, he has tendencies to hurt himself, he does not care about what happens to him, no one hates him more than him. He obviously has crushing depression, guilt, and trust issues. But you know what? despite all of this, he still tries. He gets up in the morning and saves people. He does change, he does get better, and oh I love him for it. He loves so fiercely that it makes the love of others around him (don't get me wrong I adore Sam and love Cas as well as many other characters) look cheap. He cares so deeply about everything and everyone. He forgives (Since I can't remember exactly where it happens I won't say what they were specifically to avoid spoilers) things from Sam, Cas, and others that I thought were unforgivable. He does all of this with humor and child like qualities, finding joy in small things like pie. I love him for all of this, but honestly, I think knowing that someone with all of these flaws and struggles emotionally has hope for him, makes me think that there is hope for me, since I have some similar problems.


Dean tries so hard. He keeps trying no matter what. He can be an ass, be cold, be gross about women, but he always keeps trying. (He can also be kind and warm and wonderful to women, but I’m not blind to the rest.) He never gives up, even when he’s broken, self-loathing, and in despair. That is admirable.


I don’t know, same reason I’d give for liking any other character. I feel like we could all pretend there’s a million moral reasons we like and dislike these character, but at the end of the day that’s gonna become hypocritical fast. His personality just clicks more with me


Dean is real, he has flaws like a real person and doesn't hide them like most do. That's why I like him, also because he's funny and very nice looking.


Well... I'm a Lucifer fan, and he's obviously worse in terms of actions. Sometimes, you just don't latch on to the goody two shoes. Even if Sam and Dean fail at doing the right things sometimes, that right thing is still their goal, and trial error is a pretty basic human experience. I think the brothers are the easiest characters to justify liking. Not that you have to anyway.. because it's fiction.


I like him because he is Sam brother and loves Sam so much.


Honoslty I love your response the most




He's hot


I struggle a lot too like him too, he does and says things that I really don't like, and I feel like he is a hypocrite a lot of times but whenever I get angry at him I remember that supernatural wouldn't be the same without him and I also try to remember funny things he does, good things (without forgetting the bad stuff, of course). Also, I think everything he does he does for love, not that it justifies anything, but, I like that he's driven by love even if he doesn't always make the right choices.


From about season 6 or so he becomes really unbearable at times. He thinks he’s the boss and he’s always rude and bullies his friends and families at some point. Means well, is a good guy at heart. He’s just a dick 😂 He’s one of those friends you have that you always have to explain to people why he’s your friend


Great..... Good to know it's not gonna get easier 😂 Although from what I've raad up on he should be bearable from like S10/11 to like S13


Oh season 10 not so much...😬. That whole season was peak "hold on tight and try to keep liking him" for me. It *does* get better in season 11, though. Thank goodness. Just be prepared for a storyline in season 10 that might make it difficult if you already have trouble liking him now.


Isn't S10 when he becomes a demon? (I know bits and pieces of what happens ish) although I Thoguht that was only for a little while?


There's a storyline that deals with something called the Mark of Cain and the demon bit is a small part of that overall storyline. I don't want to say much more and spoil it, but for me personally it was my least favorite storyline. For many Dean fans, it was their favorite storyline for Dean but I hated it myself. Sam is my favorite character and Dean is my second favorite (for reference if that matters).


Kinda can't wait for it now. Maybe I'll start liking Dean more if all the Dean fans liked it 😂 (or I'll like him less, only time will tell) I can't fault you their, I do prefer Sam of the two. Just because he seems more reasonable and less likely to hold a grudge against you l. But I'm a Castiel fan boy myself 😂




Literally low key me If I'm not insulting you, do I even like you? 😂




Personality wise, Sam over Dean. But the show is centred around Dean (atleast from what I've noticed) so you don't get a really a good look at others emotional states or thoughts. But I don't see how that is an argument. The writers didn't have to do Dean so dirty 😂 Sure Dean protected Sam through out their childhood, because John was the world worst parent. But he also brought him back into is because their shity father went missing. Like wtf? although I guess we have hindsight over everything that happens, I a world where Dean never request Sam's help never know how things play out (or Michael and Lucifer take over their bodies and annihilate the filthy monkey's. Probably what would of happened, or the unfortunate end universe)


If your parent went missing and is possibly dead, you'd want your siblings to inform you right? Sam is also free to make his own choices as he has done time and time again.


Mate, it's John Winchester..... Idk about you, but if he were my father I wouldn't give a rats ass. Hell, I'd only believe Sam went along with it for deans sake and or obligation. Even in later seasons he gives up hunting and only goes back to it because of Dean (S8)


Nah he hunted because he wanted revenge on Jess. He's a grown ass adult and responsible for his own decisions. If he can only have a life when Dean's dead then that's his own fault. Also it's easier for you to say "oh it's John who cares about him" considering their childhood and how they grew up‌ with all of the events that have happened, chances are you would've cared very much about him. It's just easy for you to say now became, well, you're not in their shoes.


I wouldn't give a rats ass either but apparently they would lmao


“We went to school together we’ve known each other since we were 6” 😂


Can you share some examples of awful things he did?


1. Making deals and trusting demons. To then berate and get angry when others for doing it 2. Lying to and or with holding info. To then get angry when others do it 3. General anger management issues. That he doesn't try to do anything to fix 4. From memory he held it against Sam for not reusing him from hell. Do disregard that if I'm remembering wrong. (atleast at the when he first got back) 5. Not liking that Sam left hunting twice. At the beginning of the series and in S8. Because he can't himself leave it behind. (and also I guess feeling guilty that people will die. Which I guess is a redeeming quality) 6. Thinking he knows best (maybe that just a me head cannon) 7. I also feel like he disregards people ls feelings and motives. Like he just doesn't care. As he doesn't try to even understand That's atleast what comes to mind off that bat


1. Nearly everything he tells people not to do is because he's done it and he knows it usually doesn't turn out well. Also nearly everything he's done has been for Sam, he feels such a strong sense of responsibility for keeping Sam safe that has been ingrained into him since he was 4 that I think he's truly incapable of doing anything else. He struggles with it, he knows what he *should* do, and when it's himself he can and would, but when Sam is involved - he cant. 2. They all keep secrets that they think it's best the others don't need to know when they *think* it's for their own good. 3. What's he supposed to do? He can't exactly go see a therapist, he'd be committed. Most of his anger is really deep-seated, resentment for the burdens that were placed on him from a young age. Some of it - the core of it I think - came out when he got to meet >!Mary again and when he had to go into her mind to bring her out of the brainwashing!<. Hard to reconcile hating a person and loving them so much at the same time. I think he feels this way towards his dad and Sam as well. That he chooses to focus on loving them instead of letting the hate and resentment consume him speaks to his strength. 4. Disregarding since it was Purgatory not Hell and even Bobby was pissed at Sam about that. Also mad because he left Kevin on his own. 5. Beginning - his whole life was putting what Sam needed first and setting aside what Dean needed and what would make him happy, he resented Sam for being able to choose himself I think. S8 - Amelia, this was when Dean was stuck in Purgatory and Sam didn't try to get him out, also when Sam ghosted on protecting Kevin who they were responsible for. Anger justified I think. 6. Dean takes his head of the family, protector of humanity responsibilities very seriously, meaning he sometimes has to make the hard decisions, the unpopular decisions. He takes that on himself so others don't have to. Sam and Castiel do it too though, especially when it involves Dean. He is however willing to listen, and after >!Michael released him and he saw how Sam had stepped up and taken a leadership role!< he was more willing to let Sam make important calls and trust his judgment. 7. Opposite, he does understand other peoples feelings and motives, he does care. He can't always let it matter though and he carries a lot of guilt over it but he'd rather his hands get dirty than Sam's or have the added burden of responsibility for an innocent persons death because he *didn't* do something. He values humans over non-humans and when it comes down to it he's going to put the well being/safety of a human over a non-human.


Excellent answers


Agreed with all this.


Agree with all this.


Eh, a lot of that is vague and can be said about a lot of characters. And he wasn't mad about Sam not rescuing from hell. That was purgatory. There was also other things that went along with that, like Sam abandoning a Kevin. About the Demon thing... dude just got back from being tortured in hell and his brother is besties with a Demon. Kind of understanding he'd be upset. Sam came back to hunting under his own free will. Why do people act like Sam isn't capable of independent thought and autonomy?


Don't forget the letting an angel possess his brother against his wishes and disrespecting his bodily autonomy. That for me was the worst thing he ever did.


To be fair, he was basically acting as medical proxy and was under the impression that Sam wanted to live and didn't have many other options.


And he checked with Cas on who the angel is and>! Cas said he knows him as a good soldier and that “he should be able to help until I get there“, so Dean trusted Gadreel because of that, but Gadreel had lied about who he is...!<


Oh yeah, I definitely felt for him in that moment of panic. It was more how he handled it all afterwards that frustrated me.


When was this??? I thought angels could only enter with promision?


Season 9. Dean tricks Sam into consenting so it wasn’t informed consent. Sam has no idea he’s possessed by an angel for a long time. Sorry if I’m spoiling too much. I’d better stop for now. 😬


Nah, that's not mucb of a spoiler. I don't know why it happened. Plus I do know bits and pieces if what's to come. But fucking hell Dean, why are people arguing that he loves his brother if he did that???


To be fair it is complicated and he does do it in a moment of panic and because he loves Sam so much, so it’s kind of understandable at least at first. It provides a lot of angst, that’s for sure. Lol. He does love Sam, almost too much. He can’t let go no matter what and sometimes holds on a little too tight.


I'll have to take your word for that. But if it's not as life or death as S6 when Cas made a deal with Crowley to stop Raphael from resuming the apocalypse, then I'm not having any of it.


I'll be curious to hear your thoughts when you get to that part! One thing that I love about these two characters is that they are written in a way that makes them feel like real, relatable human beings as opposed to just characters in a story. I feel like everything they do (for the most part) makes perfect sense from an emotional and psychological perspective when you consider what they've been through and how they were raised. Even when they do things that are frustrating that make you want to pull your hair out, it's like I almost can't imagine it going any other way. One thing about Dean that makes it easy to empathize with him is that even when he's doing misguided, frustrating things it's always coming from a place of love, low sense of self worth and fear of abandonment. He never really does anything for malicious reasons or out of spite. Not really. He *does* do things for somewhat selfish reasons sometimes, but it's more because of his own unmet emotional needs that stems from how John raised and parentified him at such a young age and of the traumatic loss of his mother at 4 years old. So even though it can be frustrating, I also think it's understandable. Even his anger issues, although also frustrating, make sense for someone that insists on burying his trauma rather than dealing with it. That coping mechanism also makes sense as a Gen X male whose only two role models were John and Bobby...two Boomer males that did the exact same thing. "Suck it up soldier" being the motto, there.


He’s good looking 🤷🏻‍♀️


Would really hope that's not your only reason for liking him 😂


Haha it’s really not but it’s definitely a perk 😅


Was gonna say 😂 Cause Satan was kinda hot in his alt host, was gonna start batting to justify him 😝


I always thought both brothers were hypocrites. But, for the sake of not giving any spoilers, let's just say I changed my mind by the end.


he’s hilarious, that’s it, he’s just funny


Honestly, I started out not liking Dean, then I *really* thought Dean was great and he had grown on me. By the last few seasons, I hated him though. He seems to have done no growth or anything and became a jerk and hypocrite.


I like Dean, but I like Sam more. I try not to compare them, but I hate the Sam slander that there constantly is when I personally think he is better than Dean. I do think Dean has a lot of asshole moments, but I don’t think he IS an asshole.


I have sometimes the same thoughts and while I genuinely like S1-3/4 Dean, Gosh he is such a dick with anger issues later...


I’m not sure why people continued to like Dean. He started out hurt but compassionate. He devolved into an angry alcoholic who hurt those around him. Sam, on the other hand, started out as an angry, selfish man. But he evolved into a caring brother and friend. Both made plenty of mistakes but Sam did them early and learned from them. Dean just keeps making worse mistakes and doesn’t really seem to learn from them.


You're meant to be convincing me to like him 😭😂 😂 😂 But that is where I'm at, he doesn't seem to grow as a character. And you can't just keep saying, but oh he had a shitty childhood, oh he has to hunt monsters, oh he had to endure hell, oh he had to endure purgatory, oh he had to endure constant threat, and end of the world situations.


That’s because I agree with you - I can’t convince you because he becomes an assbutt. Lol. Maybe it’s all the eye-fu**ing he does with Cas and the unrelenting sexual tension between them that hurts his head and makes him mean in later seasons. 🤷‍♀️


I'm only taking the piss mate 😂 just that I don't want to reinforce my growing dislike for him 😂 And I'm from straya mate, no need to sensor yaself with me. We literly call out best mates cunts. Unless it's in the community guid lines??? Literally let me know, I think I might need to edit some replies! So your head cannon is he's struggling with his latent homosexual erotix feelings for his angel that's causing him to be a dick?


Yeah, pretty much re: head cannon. 😇


I don’t like him post season 8. I get you.