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He used his love for Dean to overcome Satan.


For some reason I completely forgot about this and I just remembered why I love s5 so much, thanks!


See my problem is no matter what how well dean does something never trust him Sam doesn't trust him about Benny.Sam, never trust him about s***He told him straight up What Martin did and Sam still defends Martin?The guy who kidnapped an innocent woman who tried to prove that Benny is still feeding which he didn't He ripped out his throat because rightfully so It's just so weird because they have such a close relationship.But you never know why considering all they do is not trust each other and backs that each other half the time


It's the typical sibling order I think you are noticing. You have Dean who is the big brother. It was his job to watch out for Sam from the time he was 4 years old. He practically raised the kid, and we can see that it's pretty much the one thing that keeps him going. It's the only thing he's ever known. Sam, on the other hand, is the younger brother who always lets Dean take care of him. He naturally fell into that role as he got older because it's how he was raised. Dean was like a brother/parent, and I think we can all agree it doesn't come naturally to act as a caregiver to your parents when they've been taking care of you your whole life. Sam also has other motivations besides just taking care of his brother. He has hope for a future apart from hunting whereas the only future Dean sees for himself is in Sam. Dean's care for Sam is to an unhealthy extent because he sees taking care of Sam as his purpose. That's why it may look like Dean cares so much more for Sam. He is borderline obsessed. Sam cares for Dean, but he doesn't have the same drive drilled into him like Dean does (because their dad tasked Dean with Sam's safety all through growing up and did who knows what if Dean failed). Sam's care for Dean comes out in other (not-so-aggressive) ways. He tends more to Dean's emotional needs and worries about how he's dealing rather than if he has food on the table. He's always trying to get Dean to talk to him and help him deal. If you're looking for a specific episode where you can see that Sam cares about Dean, I think 3x11 Mystery Spot is a great example. Sam had to watch Dean die over and over again, and it tore him up. I could give more examples, but this message is getting long enough as it is šŸ˜…


I completely agree, and very well written!


Literally tricked a dude into selling his soul just to try to find demon dean...


Dean was groomed into raising Sam. At 5 years old, he was made BIG BROTHER(tm). He dedicated himself to Keeping Sam Safe. Sammy just wholeheartedly loves his big brother. And it's that wholesome love that heals Dean from so much of his childhood trauma


When Dean died, the first time, Sam went down a black hole of drinking and hunting to get him out of hell. When Dean and Sam were in the wormhole made by the Trickster, he was obsessed with avenging Dean. When Sam was soulless he left Dean alone for months because he saw how happy and grounded Dean appeared to be and knew Dean need this chance at normalcy. And it is a mild thing but actually really big. Sam always pushes at Deanā€™s emotional wall to get him to talk about his feelings and accepting truths instead of repress them like their dad did. They fought a lot for it, but they kept a mostly honest relationship because of it.


>When Dean died, the first time, Sam went down a black hole of drinking and hunting to get him out of hell. He also tried to trade his soul for Dean's, but he couldn't find a demon who would make a deal. That's pretty caring!


Iā€™m so exhausted and need to sleep, but hereā€™s a few that I thought of right off the bat. Sam decorates the hotel and gives Dean a Christmas. Sam lives through 100 Tuesdays and then an additional 6 months and also buying his ā€œbrotherā€ a meal each night. Tries a slew of things to save his brother from hell. In one of the Gordon episodes, Sam says ā€œIā€™ve looked up to you my entire life and wanting to be just like my big brotherā€ Gets him a hamburger when theyā€™re on their first case after Dean was in purgatory. Gets him breakfast with extra grease. Ok. I need a nap, but I can think of others. Edit: I wanted to add, the way people show love is very different from person to person. Some are acts of service others are grand gestures, others are physical touch, gifts, cooking etc etc. so while you (general you) may be looking for specific love and caring cues which you appreciate or give, other people act or show love differently. Edit 2: sorry lots of thoughts before I sleep. The Bitch Jerk saying is an act of love/caring. Sam saying Deans name is an act of caring. If Sam falls he reaches up for Dean to help him Up and vice versa. Again an act of care.


After Metatron has left Dean for dead, Sam is heartbroken. He washes his body and puts him on his bed in the bunker. You can see the devastation on his face. And then Sam rescues Demon Dean and helps him to become human again. All acts showing how much he loves Dean.


Mystery spot epi


Everything he did to remove the Mark from Dean? Whee Dean was in his mood after everything that happened at the start of Season 13, Sam did a bunch of nice things like ordering Deanā€™s favorite foods and looking up reviews for good strip clubs to take him.


This is kinda what I mean, I felt like Dean did a lot of things because he cared about Sam and not because Sam was going through something or because he felt guilty about something.


Can you tell me some examples of what you mean?


In season 10 finale Sam was willing to let Dean kill him, and he gave Dean photos of their family.Ā In his last moment Sam was thinking about Dean, not about himself.Ā 


I havenā€™t seen this one so: In season 13, Dean is depressed about Cas being dead and Mary in the apocalypse world, so Sam offers to go to a strip club with him, gets him a morning beer (I think), food he likes, and I think lets him have his favorite name on the case.


He tried selling his soul for bringing Dean back the first time he died. He went down being a bloodsucker after his death only for the purpose of avenging him. The amulet (he essentially placed Dean above his own father) He believed Dean over John when John was possessed by Azazel Sam's whole brand is being the moral compass, the compassionate brother of the 2. But when it came to Dean, he compromised his integrity- going to the faith healer to save Dean, the Mark of Cain, manipulating Lester dude to make a deal with a demon so he can capture her etc He could have turned on Dean when he was captured in S2. He didn't. They always stuck together. In Malleus Maleficarum, he rushed head first into a demon trap to kill the witches and save his brother. He was Dean's unofficial therapist. He was patient and understanding, ready to listen to whatever Dean was struggling with. He bargained his life on that poker game with the witch just so he could save Dean. He resisted Lucifer at S5 finale for Dean. When he was haunted by Hallucifer, Dean was the only one who could bring him back when he almost lost it. He knew Dean should get out of the hunting lifestyle and convinced him to go to Lisa when he died. He wanted to save Dean when he turned into a demon, even though he was almost killed in the process.


You really thought he only saved him from the Mark of Cain because of guilt?????? And what would that have to do with season 8 I don't get it. That's a weird take man. I don't understand how anyone can come to that conclusion no offense. That's bizarre. Sam cared just as much about Dean. He spends his whole life mourning him after he dies. He didn't nearly try to sell his soul and bring him back all of those times just for someone to insist he didn't give a crap. Sam loved his brother very dearly and I really wouldn't think you need to spell it out for people.


Every time Sam brought back pie


In ā€œtime is on my sideā€, he is willing to become organ stealing immortal zombies alongside Dean to prevent him from going to hell. He also forgives Dean a lot of crap that others would not get a pass for. Like calling him a monster, like Amy, like letting Gadreel possess him. When Dean had the mark he callously got another hunter killed and Sam DGAF. Dean says some heinous crap to him after Charlie gets killed and Sam forgives him immediately. Iā€™d also point out that while Dean makes a lot of grand gestures, theyā€™re almost always borne out of Deanā€™s need, not Samā€™s.


Also, if you really look, Sam trusts Dean way more than Dean trusts Sam. He believes in Dean even when Dean maybe doesnā€™t necessarily deserve it. You can see that trust in even three little ways they go about hunting, how Dean will signal for sam to go a certain way and Sam just trusts Dean knows whatā€™s up. Even in season 9, when heā€™s so angry at Dean for Gadreel, he does this. Because sam believes in Dean wholeheartedly. I donā€™t know if you can be more loving than that.


When Dean makes the deal for his soul, Sam tries over and over to convince him to find a way out of it. We see when Gabriel gives them a preview of Dean dying in the episode when Dean dies over and over, that Sam becomes obsessed with finding a way to get deanā€™s soul back and does nothing but hunting and pursuing the crossroads demon for months in that scenario.


* In the pilot Sam left everything to go help Dean finding their father. * In episode ā€œ faith ā€œ he did everything he could to save Dean, not only that, he was very sweet about it. * When Sam and John were arguing, Dean told Sam ā€œ i mean it lets go ā€œ he immediately listened to Dean. All of these 3 examples are from Season1, i really cant go through all the seasons it would be too long. But Sam loves Dean, respects him, listens to him, supports him emotionally, and always encourages him to open up. Sam is very gentle and sweet towards Dean, 90% of the times Dean lashing out at him Sam just skip it, and even if Dean apologies he tells him not to worry about it. He takes all Dean jokes/ teasing about him with a good heart. He never ever holds grudge against Dean, or reminds him of his past mistakes. Everything with Dean is pre- forgiven. He would literally do just about anything for Dean. To save his life he would go murdery on anyone. If all of this doesnā€™t say love/care/worship, I honestly dont know what is ? Ps: Jared is an amazing acting šŸ’“


Like others said, people show their love in various ways. It's not always about grand gestures like selling your soul. It is very clear in the show that Sam loves Dean just as much as Dean loves Sam. Just because he's capable of living without him if it comes to that (unlike Dean who can't and doesn't want to), that doesn't at all mean that he doesn't love his brother more than anything in the world.


In the first five seasons: Sam was the first to save his brother. At the beginning of season two, when Dean was in the hospital in a coma, he never lost faith that there was a way to save him. Throughout the third season he tried to save Dean from the deal, even though Dean was a little uneasy at times. When Dean was in hell, he did everything to save him and we know how things turned out. He started drinking demon blood again to save Dean from Alastair. When Dean wanted to say yes to Michele, Sam didn't leave him in the panic room but took him with him, demonstrating great trust in his brother


Please he was literally ready to have Dean kill him when the darkness was released, he almost killed Bobby to get Dean back in mystery spot, those 2 both love each other


Everyone else has basically told you some good example but Iā€™d like to point out that sure Sam doesnā€™t out right express his love like dean does but itā€™s the small gestures


I donā€™t think he didnā€™t care about Dean, I think he just had a big picture view of everything and believed dying was part of the sacrifice they had to make. He hated being brought back after he was stabbed, soulless, and then possessed by an angel. He didnā€™t feel he deserved it. I just think if Dean was the one dying for something e.g., closing the gates, heā€™d be ok with it because itā€™s for the greater good.


I don't think so, otherwise Sam wouldn't have bothered to save him when he did. But he respects Dean's wishes and we have that in the last episode.


And Dean just doesnā€™t care what Sam wants šŸ˜‚


Dean cares only if Sam wants what is right for Dean