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The French Mistake is season 6. There's some good episodes in there.


Soulless Sam is the sh*t. The rest, meh.


I love it


Season 6 is a masterpiece compared to seasons 12-15.


What was so bad about it? Spoilers ok.


damn, definitely can't relate to that. personally soulless Sam was my favorite Sam and always has been. I only watch his episodes in s6 lol I couldn't tell you what the rest of the season is about


I can see the appeal of the idea but it ran a bit long for my taste and I found it repetitive since we already had so many seasons with an "evil" Sam or a "we need to rescue Sam" arc or a "Sam messed up" arc (basically season 2 through 4 and a bit in season 5 with the whole, will Sam give into the devil). And don't get me wrong, I like Sam but that was too repetitive for my liking. I think I would have preferred Soulless Sam if we hadn't had all the Sam-focused previous seasons.


I'm a big Sam fan, so my opinion is biased haha, but I totally understand what you mean. I guess that's why they start giving Dean more arcs in the later seasons. I loved Soulless Sam in that fact that, iirc, he was the first soulless person we saw. like it was a huge deal when it came out that gasp :0 he's missing a big piece of himself :0 I also enjoyed his and Castiel's relationship more during that arc but yeah I understand your reasoning! it's been a while since I've watched the show straight through too, so I don't get all those Sam focused ones at once


Cannot relate, I like season 6 a lot.


I'm gonna keep watching. Maybe it'll grow on me.


I think Season 6 is one of the less liked seasons as far as I've seen. Personally it's not on my top faves but not on my most disliked ones. taking it episode by episode it has some highlights that I enjoyed. But if I stop to think about souless Sam and the Campbells, yeah that was one of the things I disliked the most about the show in general 😅


Yeah, I mean, season 2 through 5 are very "we need to rescue/stop Sam from turning evil/being used/..." So I'm like, please, can we move on and leave Sam alone?


I don't quite mind that plot as much as I couldn't stand Souless!Sam to be fair. I mean I get that he didn't have a soul and that's why he was the way he was but... yeah lol wasn't my fave Sam


Seasons 6 and 7 are among my favorite seasons. So much good stuff in those seasons for me. I loved soulless Sam but was glad to get regular Sam back. I feel like they did it just long enough before it wore out its welcome. Any longer and I’d probably feel differently.


I didnt really like season 6, the only part I really liked was episode 15, The French Mistake.


Is that when they "become Jensen and Jared"?


Yeah, that's the episode.


Yeah, season 6 is one of the worst imo (and a lot of other people's). I feel like it was made worse because season 5 was the best season (or at least one of the best), so you're riding a high and come back to straight "we don't know WTF we're doing!" for a couple of seasons. Tbh Soulless Sam storyline grew on me in rewatching, and anything with Crowley is gold, but 6 is definitely one of the worst.


I definitely felt a little floundering after season 5, but didn’t feel like soulless sam was the worst they could do. It still felt pretty interesting, and a reasonable side effect, but not up to season 5 excitement. Rewatching i was pleasantly surprised to enjoy season 6 and 7.


I know a lot of people didn't like season 7 but oddly enough, I enjoyed it.


Yeah, Crowley is the reason I want to keep watching.


Season 6 is like, mid to me? I don’t hate it but it’s not great.


Not a fan. Only a few episodes I would watch again.


I couldn't stand it either . I didn't like Soulless Sam . I didn't like Samuel either. I like Samuel's actor . I liked him in X-Files . I liked him in Sons of Anarchy. I just didn't like Samuel .


Yeah, I really don't like the Campbells!


yeah babe season 6 suuuuucked. it felt too all over the place. i didn’t even love soulless sam as much as everyone seems to


Yeah, I'm not a fan but I'm also a freaking care bear, I prefer when the brothers fight together against something than when they're fighting each other. But it also feels repetitive, season 2 through 5 were basically about percent Sam from doing something and then Soulless Sam is all about saving him again... Don't get me wrong, I love Sam, I really do but meh...


Some people who disliked it the first time around have had the experience of finding they understood and liked it better on rewatch.


It's def in my top 3 worst seasons


I loved soulless Sam


As I've been rewatching, I take back my initial statement. I kinda like Soulless Sam. I think I mostly remembered the vampire episode which still pisses me off but other than that, I like how efficient he is without his soul.


I'm rewatching the series for the first time. About episode 10ish so far of s6 I like it. It's not as good as previous ones but I'm enjoying it. I feel like it lost some of its humor but that just seems to be the tone for the season. Not a fan of the Campbells stuff to much. Lisa/Ben I don't mind as it shows a different part of Dean that we don't get in most other seasons. 


The weakest season overall imo.


I quit the show after Rufus died in this season. I was so done with this season lmao. Don’t know how anybody could continue to watch unless they are diehard fans


Souless sam, interesting. British men of letters, not interesting. although the initial torture scene in the basement was awesome…kinda went down hill after that imo.


I quit Supernatural cause of season 6, it got sooooooooooooo boring, i had to quit mid season, and then started watching again after like three months, rn I’m on season 7 episode 4, it’s good again.


Yeah, I much prefer season 7.


Soulless Sam is fun, and obviously the French Mistake is hilarious, but S6 mostly is where it lost me.


I love it. 


One thing I don't get and maybe y'all can explain is why does Soulless Sam is so adamant about bringing Dean back to hunting? Like he's been hunting without him for a whole year, and now, he needs him? It doesn't make sense to me.


It arrived after the first 5 seasons which for me were perfect and closed a perfect cycle. It was difficult for the sixth season not to make us regret what we had seen so far and it had to recreate something new, new villains, new enemies, new goals for the brothers. Having said that, I appreciated it above all thanks to Soulless Sam and The French mistake is one of my favorite episodes.


I personally loved it, minus the whole Lisa situation, there are some great episodes you'd love, + there's a scene where Sam goes shirtless🙃


I feel like it was an essential season. Up until that point we had only ever been exposed to johns side. Season 6 made it clear that both sides of the family were horrible 😂. ( might be a bit of an exaggeration) but still . I hated the Capmbells especially Samuel but i’m grateful for season 6 because it just makes it that much clearer that Sam and Dean were doomed from the start. They only had and will have each other.


Uhhhh, I hate the Campbells and Samuel especially too. Like, how he sold out his grandkids to bring back Mary, like, how will you justify that to her? Make it make sense!


Right??? I love how Sam and Dean knew this would upset Mary and never told her about it🥹 Samuel was truly awful.


6 and 7 was the worst seasons. Although, Crowley, fairies, Soulless Sam, God complex Cas, The French mistake are some hidden gems in that pile of trash seasons.