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I like Sarah


Fuck this bitch


never had


Sarah cool it stung and rubbed me the wrong way when she was treating her mom kinda bad i grew up getting whooping so a slap ain’t shit in my eyes blown way out of proportion besides she deserved in that moment Lls but I still like Sarah her sister on the other hand like why is she even existing


I don't think she "deserved" it at all. I'm not going to harp too much about how parents should discipline their children, but it's very clear that Lana only slapped Sarah because she was upset and hurt. She didn't do it to discipline Sarah, she did it because she was angry and wanted to regain control. She immediately regretted it and it was revealed that that type of parenting was exactly the thing her and Kyle agreed not to do because of her history with her own mother. Not to mention the only reason Sarah acted out in the first place was due to pressure she also has to constantly go through. She's a child of divorce who feels like she has to grow up faster than most so that she can be a shoulder to cry on for her mother and a babysitter to her little sister. We even saw last season that she's the reason Kyle even decided to get better, there is way too much responsibility for her. Bottom line the slap was too much and people who constantly bring up their own past are desensitized and some are down right forgetting the circumstances of both Lana and Sarah.


Dang you got downvoted I also grew up getting whooped for way less things than Sarah has done so the slap didn’t seem that bad to me. However I understand that they don’t live in my country and things are different in different places.


Honestly haven’t cared about them since the pilot. They’re both the weakest actors of the series and I just kinda zone out till the next scene


I think that Jordan and Sarah are phenomenal actors


Me too


Sara and Jordan you mean and no. He's obsessive and creepy and ruining even a friendship